The Boxer's Doll |Taekookff|

By taewithkookies69

61.2K 4.5K 986

"Can't you listen? I'm talking to you, SPEAK UP." "He is mute, he can't speak jungkook." A short taekook sto... More



9.4K 410 89
By taewithkookies69

The camera slowly pans across the massive arena, capturing the electric atmosphere as the crowd roars with excitement, the cheers growing louder by the second. In the center of the ring, the spotlight shines on the two fighters, Jeon Jungkook and his opponent Kim Kai , as they stand ready for the epic showdown.

Jeon, tall and commanding, with a sharp jawline, tattoos adorning his muscular frame, exudes confidence and authority.

Kai, taunts with a smirk "You thought you could take me down, Huh? Not today, buddy."

Jeon smirked back, Challenging.

The referee signals the start of the match, and the two fighters engage in a fierce battle of strength and skill.

As the fight unfolds, Jeon's agility and strategic moves start to overpower Kai. With a swift combination of punches and dodges, Jeon showcases his prowess in the ring. The crowd erupts as Jeon lands a powerful knockout blow, sending Kai to the canvas.

The crowd goes wild, chanting Jeon's name as he dominates the ring. With a gleam in his eye, He looks at Kai and says, "You're in my world now, and in my world, I'm the king." With one final punch, Jeon knocks him out cold, securing his victory in spectacular fashion.

Looking straight into the camera, Jeon delivers a line with a sassy grin, "You mess with the bull, you get the horns!"

He raised his arm in triumph his eyes closed in satisfaction listening to the loud cheers for himself.

The moment he opened his eyes his dark orbs met with a familiar soft brown orbs which raised the heartbeat of the World's No 1 Boxing Champion Jeon Jungkook.

The ethereal boy, with his delicate features and long, fluttering lashes casting shadows on his rosy cheeks, stole a glance at the boxer. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, sending a rush of emotions through the boy's heart, making it beat faster with each passing second.

After a brief staring at the ethereal boy, the boxer gracefully descended from the ring, as just he walked past the ethereal boy. The boy stood frozen in place, captivated by the boxer's proximity, his heart still racing from their brief connection.

As the boxer continued on his way, the ethereal boy's expression shifted to one of sadness, his pout reflecting his disappointment as he watched his crush just walked away without a second glance on him, joining his group of friends.

"Tae bear." A voice called out which made the boy to come back to his senses. It was Kai.

Kai's lips were bleeding which made the little boy's heart clenched he hurriedly made him sit down and started looking for his wounds, tears welding up in his eyes.

Kai noticed, he smiled at the care of his baby brother and took his small hands on his and spoke before kissing them softly.

"Hyung is all right baby, nothing happened." Kai assures with a gentle smile.

The boy looked at his hyung with angry puppy eyes.

"Sorry baby forgive hyungie." Kai held his ears.

The boy chucked with tears rolling down his cheeks. Kai hurriedly wiped his tears and hug the little fluff ball near to his chest.

Taetae snuggled more into his hyungs embrace while his eyes never leaving a particular person.

Maybe that person was also secretly glancing at him.

"Jungkook isn't Kai's younger brother so cute?" Jhope teased.

"Ethereal and Beautiful too." Jimin added fuel in fire.

"No doubt more than half of the audience came just to admire that boy instead of watching you fighting." Yoongi said smirking.

"Yeahh because eveyone knows like always you will win nothing new and special but his beauty is something which is always very attractive." Jin said dreamingly looking at the boy who was giggling with his hyung.

"WWH jin also agreed then dude this boy is really something." Jhope replied wrapping his arm around jungkook who rolled his eyes.

"Done? He is my Enemy's brother how can you praise him infront of me?" He asked in deep voice, poking his inner cheeks.

"Come on Jungkook just look at him so pure and innocent." Jimin said.

"Kim Kai's brother can't be pure and innocent." Jungkook said with a last intense glance at taehyung and left from there others and went behind him.


Tae sat on Kai's lap hugging him, Kai softly caressed his soft hairs smiling he sometimes glared at those who looked at his baby brother with dirty eyes.

"Bear go home with Su-hoon uncle I have to attent the party." He spoke softly.

Taetae hurriedly backed away looking at him with panic in his eyes.

"No no don't go there, they will make fun of you." He said with Sign language. Yes he is mute.

Kai chucked and softly pecked his forehead.

"No baby I only lose one match today from that bastard Jeon, I'm a runner up anyway and I'm not a pussy cat that I will hide somewhere just because of a little defeat." He explained.

Taetae made an O shaped lips and hugged him again snuggling.

"I would've win from that bastard Jeon too but then I remember how much my bear is crazy for that bastard so I couldn't win otherwise I would punch his ugly face so hard---Ouchh."

Taetae hit him with his tiny fist glaring with puppy eyes.

"Aww someone get mad I called his crush bast---."

Before he could completed taetae bite his finger he can't tolerate any word against his kookie, yeah he gave him a nickname too.

"Ahhh... you!! naughty bear." Kai showed his fake anger and squished his fluffly bread cheeks.

Taetae giggled.

"Ok enough now go home." Kai said strictly.

"Can I come with you too pleasee?" He asked with sign showing cute puppy eyes.

"No way that place is not for the little baby's like you, go home and watch cartoons." Kai denied shooking his head.

Taetae looked at him in disbelief and huffed cutely.

That's when Kai's phone rang.

"Hello? Ohh ok no problem go to your wife." Kai hang up.

Looking at his bear.

"You are God's favourite no doubt, again your wish got granted uncle can't pick you he have some emergency in home are coming with me." Kai sighed.

Taetae's mood lit up he hurriedly stood up from his lap and did happy dance.

Kai shooked his head laughing at his cute silly actions.

But suddenly he got serious which made tae's excitement down too.

"You are angel and he is devil he don't deserve you, he will hurt you only." Kai said with a big painful sigh.

"If my Love is true than he will be mine soon one day." Taetae thought  smiling with hope.

The club throbbed with pulsating music, the bass reverberating through the air as colorful lights danced across the crowded dance floor. People moved in rhythm to the beat, their energy infectious as they let loose and embraced the night.

Bartenders expertly mixed drinks, their hands a blur of activity as they served up cocktails and shots to the eager partygoers. Laughter and cheers filled the club, blending with the music to create an electrifying atmosphere of excitement and fun.

Kai and Taehyung entered taetae was clinging to his arm, maybe now he was regretting his decision of coming along seeing people's dirty and lusty stares on him. Suddenly his attention diverted to.

"Daddy congratulations, try this its so good." She said forwarding cocktail to his lips.

"Nope try mine you will love it."
Many girls were surrounding the hottest boxer Jeon. Who was flirting back with them. Maybe just to show someone.

Taetae looked down fiddling his fingers, Kai's grip got tight on his hand as a source of comfort.

Jungkook smirked when he noticed Kai and walked closer to them.

"Ohh Welcome Welcome...looser." he whispered the last word while hugging him.

Kai fake smiled and pulled away from the hug.

"It was your luck." Kai glared.

Jungkook chuckled rolling his eyes. He then finally looked at the ethreal beauty beside him who was looking at him already.

"Thanks for coming." He said looking at taehyung his voice changed to deep also his gaze.

Taehyung's heart beat fasten he felt so weak infront of him.

"Will you not congratulate me?" Jungkook asked him huskily.

Taehyung gulped his lips trembled but he didn't spoke anything HOW could he?

"Would not say anything? Attitude like your brother huh?" He spoke his gaze was boring holes in Taehyung's soul.

"Excuse us." Kai glared holding taehyung from his waist who got tears at the corner of his eyes and walked away with him.

But Jeon's eyes didn't leave the sight of that ethereal boy not even for a sec, he kept staring at him with strange emotions in his eyes while sipping his wine.

"A Doll."

To be continue....


Wattpad removed my oneshots book because of so called mature scenes *sigh* anyways.

It's ok.

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