Inferno | Bbangsaz

By evelyn_caramel

44.4K 3.4K 974

❝I've loved you until death. But in the end I didn't die.❞ Hanni's world shatters when her husband is killed... More

1 | Armless Wolf
2 | Marriage of Death
3 | Outrunning Car
4 | Overturning Events
5 | Hug my neck
6 | Practice
7 | Black Lion
8 | Kissing in the Rain
9 | Secret Lovers
10 | Dine in Heaven
11 | Under the Moonlight
12 | Silken Bonds
14 | Chaos in Chicago
15 | After the Storm
16 | Show me Your Scars
17 | Shadow of Past
18 | Fingerprints on My Memories
19 | The Yakuza
20 | Haerin's Past [ 1 ]
21 | Haerin's Past [ 2 ]
22 | Back Home
23 | Stockholm Syndrome
24 | If only I'd known earlier
25 | Beneath the Mask
26 | That's My Girl
27 | Are you ready, Sugar?
28 | Avenge
29 | Inferno
30 | Under the Northern Lights

13 | Morning Pills

1.7K 123 29
By evelyn_caramel

𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢 𝐏𝐎𝐕

The world around us dissolves into a vast expanse of white, an empty canvas stretching endlessly before us. There are no skies, no trees, no signs of life—just the two of us on this desolate road, heading towards an unknown destination.

"Are you still mad at me?" His voice, so familiar yet haunting, breaks the eerie silence.

It's a voice I never thought I'd hear again, a voice that ignites a whirlwind of emotions within me.

I refuse to meet his gaze, keeping my eyes fixed ahead. Then, I feel his eyes boring into me through the rearview mirror. Despite my efforts to ignore him, his laughter, soft and melodious, fills the void around us. A painful reminder of what once was.

"Of course, I am. You left me." My voice dripping with bitterness and hurt.

His laughter persists, a gentle melody in the silence. The weight of his apology hangs in the air like a heavy fog.

"I'm so sorry, Hanni," he whispers, his words like a soft caress against my soul.

"For what?" My voice trembles. "For leaving me? For breaking your promises? For shattering our dreams?" Every word spills out of me, raw and unfiltered, a torrent of pain and anger.

His smile softens. "For all of it," he admits, heavy with regret. "For everything I couldn't give you, everything I couldn't be."

Tears blur my vision, threatening to overflow, but I refuse to let them fall. I steel myself, drawing strength from the memories of our past, from the love that still lingers between us like a fragile thread.

"Where are you going?" I finally ask something, my voice barely above a whisper.

He shrugs, his gaze fixed on the endless road ahead. "I don't know. Wherever this road takes me."

My heart aches at the thought of him drifting aimlessly, lost in a world without direction or purpose. "The day they took you, I wished it was me instead."

He reaches out, his hand brushing against mine. A fleeting touch that sends sparks dancing along my skin.

"Hanni, can you promise me one thing?" His eyes search mine for answers.

Just when I'm about to say something, a shadow looms on the horizon. My heart seizes in my chest as I realize the danger that lurks just beyond our reach.

"Carl, watch out!" I cry out.

The black car hurtles towards us with terrifying speed.

The sound of screeching tires reverberates. Carl swerves to the right, narrowly avoiding a catastrophic collision. My heart pounds in my chest as we veer away from the brink of disaster. The adrenaline coursing through my veins like fire.

His gaze meets mine. I see the reflection of my own tears mirrored in his eyes.

I know what's going to happen next. And I don't want to experience it ever again. Even in a dream.

"Promise me," he pleads, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Promise me that you'll move on, that you'll find happiness even without me."


My eyes snap open. A sharp gasp escapes my lips as I bolt upright. My face drenched in tears. The weight of sorrow pressing down on me, suffocating and relentless.

With trembling hands, I wipe away the evidence of my anguish. My fingers trembling against the soft fabric of the duvet. The tears have become a nightly ritual, a reminder of the pain that refuses to loosen its grip on my heart.

It's been a week since I've attempted to take Minji's life. A week of haunted dreams, each one a cruel replay of the memories I wish to forget.

And in every dream, Carl is there, his presence a bittersweet torment.

Sometimes we're on a beach, the waves crashing against the shore like a mournful lament. Other times, we wander through unfamiliar gardens, the scent of flowers mingling with the ache of loss.

But tonight, it's the car—the scene of our last moments together. Haunting me again and again.


Minji's voice breaks through the haze of my thoughts, pulling me back to the present.

She stands before me, impeccably dressed in a luxurious black suit as she meticulously adjusts her arresting crimson tie.

Ever since our first time, I couldn't get enough of her every night. I always tell myself it was purely for the sake of quelling my sexual desires, but deep down, I can't lie that I was just using her to forget him.

I was just using her.

She takes a seat beside me on the bed. Her gaze on me weighs the weight of my tears. She reaches out, brushing my hair back with gentle strokes. Her touch is soothing enough to calm the storm raging inside me.

I can't stop staring into her eyes and wondering, how can someone be this perfect? Especially up close.

It's sinful to be this perfect, Kim Minji.

"You alright?"

I nod, then wipe my cheeks. "Yeah," I mutter.

Minji's concern only deepens with my response. "You've been having nightmares for days now. You sure about that? Wanna talk about it?"

She thinks they're just nightmares. Oh, how I wish they were.

Slowly, I shake my head. I know Minji won't push me to talk if I'm not ready. She's always considerate of my feelings.

"It's alright." She pulls me close and envelopes me in her warmth.

"It's going to be alright, tesoro," she murmurs against my hair, planting a comforting kiss on my head.

I close my eyes, feeling calm in her embrace and the soothing gesture of her kiss.

Maybe, just maybe, I've been lying to myself.

I wasn't using Minji to forget him.

Instead, I've truly fallen in love with her.

As she pulls away, I furrow my brows and ask, "Where are you going?"

She freezes for a while, caught off guard by my question. Of course, I notice. She's never dressed up so formally since the dinner with her parents. Normally, she's all about t-shirts, jeans, and leather jackets.

"I got erm..." She clears her throat, her voice faltering slightly. "Work stuff."

"Work stuff?" I raise an eyebrow, shooting her a skeptical look.

She nods quickly, as if only to assure me of her sincerity. "Y-yeah. My brother usually takes care of these things, but this time my father wants me to actually learn how to manage the business. He doesn't want me to be solely involved in... crimes."

"Will you be long?" I trace my thumb delicately along the line of her jaw before pausing at her bottom lips.

She gazes at me intently, then shakes her head. "I won't be long, Hanni."


"Promise," she responds promptly, though I can sense a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

She wants me to believe her, to trust that she'll be back soon, though deep down she's hesitant, she doesn't know if it'll be long or not.

"Don't make promises if you can't keep them, amore mio," I tease with a smirk.

She chuckles. "You really like calling me that, huh?"

"You have too many nicknames for me, I can't keep up. Gotta give you one," I roll my eyes playfully.

She chuckles again before leaning in, pressing a sweet, soft kiss to my lips. Resting her forehead against mine, she cups my cheek with her hand, her thumb stroking my skin with tender caresses.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, tesoro," she whispers against my lips.

I hum in agreement.


I descend the stairs, dressed in Minji's dark blue t-shirt with a bear print, its fabric hanging loosely around my frame. The absence of Minji's presence makes the house feel strangely different.

Usually, she'd be the one preparing breakfast, bringing a tray to my room when I was sick, and even when I wasn't. But now, without her, everything feels different. Her consideration for me, her gestures of love—I miss all of them.

Entering the kitchen, I find someone brewing tea. From her side profile, I catch glimpses of captivating, cat-like eyes. Among Minji's friends, she's the quietest, rarely appearing but always exuding an air of determination and focus.

Sensing my gaze, she turns to me with a curious expression. Her tall figure towered over me. I manage a smile, albeit awkwardly.

"H-hi. Good morning," I stammer.

She's silent for a moment before speaking. "Hanni, right?"

Should've said good morning back but anyway.

I nod shyly. "Yeah. Um, I'm not sure what to have for breakfast."

"Oh," she muses, then pauses. "Do you want to have green tea like me? It's good for the skin."

"Um—oh, yeah! Sure!" I nod my head eagerly.

Haerin steams milk for her tea, explaining, "I always have my tea with milk. It tastes better."

"Sounds good." I keep the conversation up.

Suddenly, another woman appears out of nowhere and embraces her tightly. "Good morning, babe!" she chirps, peppering her with kisses on the lips.

My eyes widen, taken aback by the unexpected reveal. I had absolutely no idea they were a thing. They always seemed distant to me.

Haerin gently stops Danielle by holding her face with both hands, appearing just as surprised as I am. Danielle frowns, still embracing Haerin tightly.

"Babe, what's wrong? You don't like me anymore?" Danielle pouts.

Haerin glances at me before turning back to Danielle. "Sunshine, why don't you take a look around?"

Danielle averts her gaze and startles the second she notices me. She retracts her hands and quickly fixes her hair, clearing her throat like it can undo anything.

Approaching me slowly, she takes both of my hands and looks me in the eyes. "Unnie, about what happened earlier. Can you please... erase that from your memory?"

"Um... yeah, sure," I reply awkwardly.

So they're secretly together. Cute.

"Thank you so much, unnie! You're the best!" she exclaims, squeezing me tightly.

"Sure, small matters." Hesitantly, I return the hug.

I'm not really fond of physical touch. But somehow, her warmth puts me at ease.

Kim siblings are really something.

I glance at Haerin, she's focusing back on making tea. I take the chance to move Danielle to a quieter spot.

"Danielle, do you have any morning pills?" With the quietest tone, I request.

Danielle's initial surprise fades, replaced by a realization, yet she tries to stay innocent. "Morning pills?" she mutters.

"Don't play innocent. You know what I mean." I shoot her a demanding gaze.

She gasps out loud, "Does this mean that you have been..."

I stay quiet, letting my silence do the work. Danielle quickly catches on and leads me to where she keeps her morning pills. She hands me a glass of water, her face showing both concern and curiosity.

Taking the pills, I whisper a sincere "thank you" to her. I swallow them down slowly. My mind drifts into contemplation.

I know damn well that Minji will take care of me if I ever become pregnant. But still, I'm unprepared. My life is complicated enough to bring another living being into it.


The first day without Minji?


I spent the whole day doing meaningless things. Though I'm grateful for Haerin making tea for me and Danielle giving me her morning pills, we're also engaged in rounds of rapid chess in the morning. 

I was so fucking frustrated because I played ten times with Haerin and lost them all. While Danielle is only busy cuddling close with Haerin, for... I don't know. Maybe give her lover mental support or something.

And then they're gone for whatever reason. Doing missions and going places that only God knows.

I'm all alone all over again. Without Minji. Without her family. Without her friends.

Thankfully, Hyein was with me during midday. She accompanies me while having lunch, watching television, and that's when I told her the stories. About me and Minji, almost everything.

I know it's kind of foolish to trust someone that easily, but it's just different with Hyein. She always has an aura of being trustworthy—someone who is friendly but can keep my secret safely. That's also the exact time when she accidentally slips a very crucial piece of information out of her mouth.

Minji is in Chicago.

She's on a mission to track Lupo, her enemy, whom she believes is responsible for my husband's death and my hit-and-run.

During the night... I don't even want to mention it. It's so lonely and strange to not be wrapped in her arms while I'm sleeping.


Am I that in love with her now?

Second day, I don't know where the fuck everyone has gone and spent the whole time alone. I almost lost my mind. I took in the air outside and appreciated the luxurious view of the pool's mansion, but I couldn't get Minji out of my mind.

Is she safe?

Is she doing well? Eat enough?

What if something terrible happened to her? What if she's dead?

What if I'm not going to see her ever again?

Just the mere thought of every single bad possibility makes me almost have an anxiety attack. I roam around the house, pacing back and forth as if she's battling for her life inside the surgery room or something.

I can't do this. I can't stay like this.

I want to see her.

I want my Minji back.

"H-Hanni. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Hyein's shock is evident in her rigid stance, resembling a statue in disbelief.

"I need to see Minji!" I cry out, tears welling in my eyes. "Please, Hyein. I have to see her."

"Woah, woah. Take it easy. You're not allowed to go anywhere," she says, attempting to soothe me by placing her hands on my shoulders.

"WHAT!?" I scream, shoving Hyein away, causing her to stumble back.

"Calm down, Hanni."

"Why can't I leave?" I demand.

"It's for your own safety. You're not safe outside, someone is planning to kill you."

"My safety?" I scoff. "Fuck that." 

Without another word, I rush to the kitchen, Hyein trailing closely behind, apprehensive about my next move.

Grabbing a knife, I point it threateningly at my neck.

Hyein's eyes widened in panic. "Hanni! What the fuck!? Put that knife down!"

"Now, what about my safety?" I press the blade lightly against my skin, enough to cause no harm but to convey my point.

"Okay, okay, fine!" Hyein exhales heavily, muttering a string of curses. "I'll do as you say, Hanni. Just put the fucking knife down."

"Fine, what?"

"We're going to Chicago, right now."

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