Transformers 2007 - Preda-Que...

By zakirahana

169 6 4

Preda-Queen along with Optimus, Jazz, Ironhide, and Ratchet is going to Earth, having detected Bumblebee's si... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

66 2 0
By zakirahana

Preda-Queen POV:

Me, Optimus, Jazz, Ratchet, and Ironhide are in our protoforms, heading towards a planet. We just received a message from Bumblebee, calling to tell us Earth is ready for us to come. After flying aimlessly in space for years, just trying to avoid the Decepticons, we finally have a real mission.

We sent scouts to different planets, trying to find the Allspark. That was until we sensed the signal coming from a planet called Earth. We sent Bumblebee there to check on the planet. And yes, he has been spying on this one human for us, because he holds the key for finding the Allspark.

We were in galaxy Maffei 1 when we received Bumblebee's signal, 11 million light years away from where we are. But it won't take long for us to head to Earth, thanks to our advanced technology, it would take us only a few days. Which we hope Bumblebee would be able to bring the human to the meeting point by that time. And let's hope it's not too late before the Decepticons find out about the Allspark...

My com link buzzed as Jazz went in the line. "How much longer until we arrive? I really want to see this new planet..." He said in a slightly childish tone. I sighed. This was the I don't know how many-ieth time he asked this... I don't know why he keeps choosing to contact me instead of Optimus. But then again, Optimus is a bit on the intimidating side... Even though I am too, but I guess being a femme makes me at least a little bit softer. "Just a little longer, Jazz." I replied to him with a sigh.

"We should be there in a few hours." Optimus's voice was heard through the main link. We're slowing down a bit, because we were nearing the big planets of the Milky Way. There are lots of asteroids, comets, and other little debris floating in space. Especially in this galaxy. We must avoid getting unnecessary injuries before we even face the real battle. Well... Still a long way to Earth... I'll just do you a favour and skip our trip.

- time skip : Earth's atmosphere -

The Earth is right in front of us. Bumblebee recently sent another signal of the meeting point in L.A. We were slowly entering the Earth's atmosphere, preparing to land soon. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect from this planet. The inhabitants of the Earth somehow seems... Weaker than others... But who am I to judge? Although they may be weak in body, their sparks could be stronger than some, even ours...

Our outer shell was starting to burn up as we enter the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere is thicker here than many other planets we visited. I can see why many species can't get to Earth. Humans and Cybertronians seems to be one of the few that's able to go through the atmosphere safely.

We were speeding up as we start to get pulled by the Earth's strong gravitational pull. Our body was starting to burn... Luckily, the protoforms will protect us from the pressure and heat. We set our main landing coordinates by a few mile radius from the meeting point, setting each of our landing coordinates slightly different, to avoid landing too close to each other, because it will bring a lot of damage. And we do not want to harm the inhabitants of Earth.

We come closer to land, as the small city in L.A was getting clearer. We started seperating, going to our own landing coordinates. I was luckily, heading towards an abandoned building. At least I hope it is...

I felt a huge bang with the impact of my body and the ground. My flaming hot body took some time to cool down, before I can transform. It doesn't take too long though. Soon I started to transform into my humanoid protoform mode. My metal plates shifted around my transforming body as it rearranges itself onto my humanoid frame.

I looked around and started to run towards an old, but still working gas station. I needed to scan a vehicle to be in disguise. But all the cars here were old and too small... It wouldn't do me well... I know we can mass displace, but that's just a bit too much for me to shrink to while still being metal...

Just then, I saw headlights coming this way... Big headlights.... I ducked behind the main gas station building. Luckily it was too dark for them to see me properly.

As it comes closer, I noticed that it was a big vehicle... A 'truck' as Earthlings would call it. And it seems to be the perfect one... I started scanning the vehicle as it passes, remaking the blueprint of the vehicle in my head, and merging it with my robot mode.
There are many things going on in our heads when we scan something, but to others, it seems like all we do is scan, and we turn into them. Please.... It's not that easy....

My body changes as new parts started to appear, and I transform into the Volvo VNL 670 semi-truck. Slightly customised with a few spikes and extra pieces.

I drove out to the road, going into the city that was in slight chaos due to our arrival. But nothing too bad... I drove to the abandoned side of the city, where we were supposed to meet up in an alleyway.

Just then, a silver Pontiac Solstice hardtop drove towards me. My com-link buzzed. I know that signal anywhere....

"Hey, Preda-Queen! That you? You look sick!" Jazz said through the com-link. Why is it always me in charge of the little ones? Give me a break from babysitting... Why not Optimus who actually has an adopted son?!

"Yes, Jazz...." I replied with a sigh. As much as I do seem annoyed with him, I do kind of perceive him as my son. With how playful he is at times...

Me and Jazz saw a yellow Camaro drive towards an alleyway. That's Bumblebee... We followed them into the dark alleyway as Bumblebee stopped in front of us, and two Earthling walked out. One seemingly to be a boy, and the other one's a woman...

There were 2 others already here. A yellowish green hummer which I suppose is Ratchet.. And a grey GMC C4500 Crew Cab Topkick which is Ironhide. And then, the last one to drive in. A 1994 Peterbilt 379 semi-trailer truck with red and blue fire markings... No other than the legendary Optimus Prime. Or to me, my best friend.

Optimus started transforming, the metal around his body shifted as it becomes the frame and armour for his robot mode. Ratchet and Ironhide followed too. Then Jazz and Bumblebee. And then me, having slightly similar transformations with Optimus, due to us both having semi-trucks.

When we all finished transforming, our heights were clearer. Jazz being the shortest one here. Bumblebee a little bit taller than him. A few feet taller is Ironhide, then Ratchet. After that, Optimus who goes as high as 28 feet. And the tallest, me. 35 feet tall. Impressing for a femme? Probably. But I am a Predacon femme. I am still considered average for Predacons.

Optimus knelt down to eye level with the humans, going straight to asking his question. "Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent of Archibald Witwicky?" Optimus asked the boy specifically. He seemed a little nervous, but not all that scared.

"They know your name..." I heard the woman whisper to the boy. He nervously answered, "yeah?". Optimus gave a subtle smile, to show that we mean no harm. "My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron."

"But you can call us Autobots for short." Ratchet butted in. "Autobots?.." I heard Sam repeat it to himself. And of course, Jazz had to comment. "What's crackin', little bitches?".

"My first lieutenant. Designation Jazz." Optimus introduced Jazz as he spins and jumps on a car. "This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jazz said.

"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?" Sam asked in surprise and confusion at hearing Jazz talk like a human. "We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web." Optimus explains, before moving to Ironhide. "My weapons specialist, Ironhide."

Ironhide activated his cannons and pointed it at Sam and the other woman. "You feeling lucky, punk?" He asked in a slightly threatening tone. "Easy, Ironhide" both me and Optimus reminded him together. "Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons." Ironhide shrugs, as Sam also shrugs in relief. But I caught the woman giving me and Optimus a slightly weird look... What is that supposed to mean?

Optimus then introduces Ratchet. "Our medical officer, Ratchet." Ratchet sniffs the air, analysing it, before commenting, "Mmm. The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female." The woman and Sam gave a nervous, awkward exchange as Sam makes an awkward whistle. Hmm... So apparently here, mating is something they do normally... I mean... Okay, some Cybertronians mate, but they create new Cybertronians in factories, so we don't technically need to mate. Except Predacons, because we are the first species to live on Cybertron, before most of the Primes were even created. Predacons are still half biological, meaning that we can't just be produced in factories, and we actually need to mate to reproduce. Sadly to our species, femmes are rare... And I am escaping.

Optimus then turned to introduce me. "Our combat specialist, Preda-Queen." Optimus said. I just gave a small nod at the humans. Again, receiving the same look from the woman as she looks back and forth at me and Optimus...

"You already know your guardian, Bumblebee." Optimus introduces Bumblebee. "Bumblebee, right?" Sam asked again, just to make sure. "Check out the rep, yep, second to none-" Bumblebee played in the radio.

"So you're my guardian, huh?" Sam asked again. Bumblebee made a cute, electronic squeal. While Ratchet sends a laser beam at Bumblebee's neck... Just kidding. It's just his scanners. "His vocal processors were damaged in battle." Ratchet explains as Bumblebee coughs. "I'm still working on it."

The woman then turned towards Optimus. "Why are you here?" She asks. Optimus stands up and take a few steps back. "We are here looking for the AllSpark. And we must find it before Megatron." Optimus explains.

"Megawhat?" Sam asked, confused.

Optimus knelt down again and tapped the side of his head, before his eyes starts projecting a hologram of Cybertron. "Our planet was once a powerful empire. Peaceful and just. Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars." Optimus explains patiently.

"Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him." Optimus explains as the scene changes to Antarctica. "Oh- My grandfather." Sam said.

"It was an accident that intertwined our fates... Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube. And he accidentally activated his navigation system.The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses." Optimus explains as the hologram fizzled away, and he stands up again.

"How'd you know about his glasses?" Sam asked, seeming surprised we'd know something like that. Well... The answer is simple. "eBay" Optimus said.

"eBay" Sam repeated with a small scoff, as if trying to hold back a laugh. I don't know why it's funny... Maybe because I'm an alien I don't understand?

"If the Decepticons find the All Spark..." Ratchet started. "... They will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army." I continued.

"And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival." Optimus said in a tone as if he's asking him if he has the glasses. All the Autobots, except me and Optimus bent down towards them anxiously waiting for a reply. It seemed to intimidate the woman a bit. "Please tell me that you have those glasses..."

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