Nathan Noris 2

By OsheenKhate

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Maison Experiment. Will turn around life for Nathan and Norise. Hello my lovely friends This is a Fan Fictio... More

1. The experiment
2. Phase two ๐Ÿ”ž
3. The Great Escape
4. A New Life
5. The Truth
7. A Ray of Hope
8. Finally I found you
9. Working out Things
10. Please atleast let me stay
11. Confused Pregnant Person
12. Like a dream
13. A Hot Night ๐Ÿ”ž
14. Finally found him
15. Twins
16. The preparation
17. A Sudden Visit
18. The Proposal
Astro Olivia
19. The Risk
20. Maison
21. Life saver
22. Mood Swings
23. Stressed Day
24. Life with kids
25. The final call [End]
Author Notice
Author Notice
Special Chapter

6. Loneliness

247 7 4
By OsheenKhate

Noris entred his room.

"Am I gonna be a father, but" Nathan said.

Read the files again this is the tenth time he is reading this file. Looking at sonography pictures.

'Is this my baby' he said to himself.

But he has lost everything now. Nathan sat on the end of bed confused and misses Nathan. All he wanted was to earn money so that he could retire in few years and live a piece full life but in that process he unintentionally ignored Nathan quit a lot as a result he is gone now.

He went outside brought two bottles of wiskey to his room.

Sat and watched all pictures of him and Nathan together happy. While drinking.

I miss you please come back baby.

Next morning

Roman and his three bodyguard are in the office. Roman is doing briefing. But Noris seems distracted.

Norise hand me over 'The 28th contract' Roman said.

Norise turned around to find the file but couldn't figure out where it was.

"Norise file" Roman said again.

Noris was still searching, one of the assistance got up and saw the file right on the frount table. But Noris was searching in the shelf.

"Sir file" other man handed over.

They continued there work.

Noris is been distracted. He sometimes shows up late in morning meeting but Roman understands his situation.

He can't sleep at night because of the fact Nathan is missing.

Calling obi again and again can't be helped either. They can't find him anywhere.

After one week

Keith and Roman are having breakfast.

Norise appears.

"Sir work is done, I have informed the clints about the changes. They will do deliver by tomorrow" Norise said.

"Tomorrow??" Roman said looking at Noris.

"I meanby day after tomorrow" Noris corrected.

"Did you talk to right clints this time, did you Doble check the product" Roman asked.

"I did sir there will be no problem this time" Noris said.

"Sir I am free at the moment can I take Kevin's and Godies work too" Noris asked.

"Norise go rest" Roman said.

"But Sir I can do it" Noris said. Being stubborn.

"Please Noris you don't mess up other people works atleast, you hardly do your properly. Don't ruin my system" Roman scolded.

Keith never saw Roman yelling at Noris before this.

"Sorry sir" Noris said and left.

"Sir calm down, he is just distracted" Keith said.

"You know Keith 3 days ago, Noris messed up my million dollar clints product record just one hour before delivery but I still manage to sort in in time, if it would be someone else I would have been someone else he would be a ice block by now in north pole" Roman said frustratedly.

"Clam down, he is just stressed obi is still not able to find Nathan right" Keith asked.

"But I don't get it where can he be that obi can't find him" Roman said he was to proud of his system.

"Did you forgot that Nathan use to work with you he knew how to escape you better than anyone" Keith said.

After one week

Roman is sitting in the office.

"Noris" Roman questioned.

"He is still in his room boss" subordinates replied.

Roman was waiting for Noris for last two hours.

Roman got up decided to go there look for him.

"You guys go on with the work I'll be back soon" Roman said.

He went to Noris room. First he thought about knocking but then entred.

"Shhh, such smelly room" Roman said.

All he could smell was alcohol cigarette whole room was full of alcohol beer bottles, everywhere there were cigarette buts.

But astray on bed side was clean.

Noris was on the floor his head was on the bed corner.

"Noris" Roman said tapped on his shoulder.

Norise opened his eyes he saw faded images.

"Roman, I lost him he is no where to be found I lost him completely, due to my stupidity" Noris cried.

This was the first time Roman saw Noris crying like broken person.

"He is gone he doesn't pic up his call, he is gone. He doesn't want me I should not ge living I want to die Roman please allow me to die please please. I want Nathan back please. I can't live without him. I want my child I want my love please please help me or I'll die" Nathan said while snobbing like a baby. He wasn't even sure it was dream or reality.

"Noris....... Noris........" Roman called

"uhhhaaaa...... uhhhh...... please please" Noris continued to cry.

"I'll help you, just get up go get shower I'll help you" Roman said. Pulled Noris up and send him to washroom.

He walked out told housekeeper to clean his room and one of his subordinates to bring Noris to him as soon as he is sober.

After some time.

Roman is in the office working.

Knock knock

Noris enters.

"I am sorry Sir for today" Noris said.

"We will resume work for now" Roman said to other subordinates.

"Noris sit down" Roman said.

Notise sat down.

"Tell me how are you?" Roman asked, Noris was a little silent.

"Do you need a therapists" Roman asked, Noris didn't answer.

"Okay let's do one think I'll give you leave untill you sort all your difference with Nathan and bring him back safe and sound. I believe if you put your mind and heart to it you can do it. Just go find him I am sure he would be dieing to be found by you too. Just pack your bags and find him and that's an order" Roman said.

"Thankyou boss" Noris said as he walked out. He is not an expressive man but he know that Roman care about him like a family member and all he needs is to find his boyfriend at the moment.

Noris contact ObI to decide his next plan.

*to be continued*

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