By Kavyamritha

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Under the K-Pop spotlight, Jimin, a superstar with a secret melody in his heart, meets Y/N, an Indian girl wh... More

Chapter 1: The Delightful Encounter
Chapter 2: The Assistant Designer
Chapter 3: The Revelation
Chapter 4: You are mine!!!!
Chapter 5: Doubts and Suspicions
Chapter 6: The Heartbreak
Chapter 7: Echoes of Heartbreak
Chapter 8: The Transformation
Chapter 9:Reunion and Revelation
Chapter 10: The Butterfly Effect

Chapter 12: V3!!!

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By Kavyamritha

As V3, the Indian group consisting of Agni, Rudra, and the mysterious AK, arrived at Big Hit for their collaboration with BTS, excitement buzzed through the air. Both groups were fans of each other, and the anticipation for their joint project was palpable.

Jimin, in particular, was beside himself with excitement. As the biggest fan of AK among the BTS members, he couldn't wait to meet the enigmatic figure behind the mask. Yet, amidst the bustling energy of the collaboration preparations, he found himself stealing glances at AK, trying to decipher the mystery behind the mask. Every time their eyes met, a rush of emotions flooded him, reminding him of the forbidden encounter with Y/n.

As the members of BTS and V3 gathered in the studio, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. BTS approached the members of V3 with a warm smile, Jimin's eyes flitting towards the enigmatic AK who stood slightly detached from the group.

"I've always been a fan of your work, Agni," RM said, extending his hand towards V3's leader. "It's an honor to work with you."

Agni smiled, shaking RM's hand. "The honor is all mine. I've been looking forward to this collaboration for a long time."

Jimin: "Welcome to Big Hit, guys! We've been looking forward to this collab for ages. Huge fans of your work!" He extended a fist bump to Agni, who returned it with a grin.

Agni: "Thanks a lot, Jimin! We're honored to be here. Your music's basically the soundtrack to our lives." A hint of playful reverence colored his voice.

Rudra: "Yeah, seriously. It's surreal to be working with you all." A nervous energy crackled around him, a stark contrast to his earlier bravado.

AK remained silent, a statue amidst the animated greetings. Jimin couldn't help but steal another glance, his curiosity warring with a strange sense of familiarity that sent a shiver down his spine.

RM: "We've been brainstorming some killer ideas for the track," he said, unfurling a notebook filled with scribbled notes. "Can't wait to hear what you guys think."

Jungkook: "And the choreography is gonna be fire! We've been cooking up some moves that'll blow your minds." He bounced on the balls of his feet, barely containing his excitement.

A flicker of something akin to amusement crossed AK's features before he finally spoke, his voice a smooth baritone that sent shivers down Jimin's spine – a voice that felt strangely familiar.

AK: "Let's keep the focus on the music, shall we? We need to ensure a seamless blend of our styles." His gaze swept over the room, lingering for a beat on each member before settling back on his bandmates.

V: "Totally agree! This fusion's gonna be a whole new experience for the fans." A mischievous glint lit up his eyes.

J-Hope: "And let's not forget the fun factor, right? Music's all about expressing joy and connecting with people!" His infectious grin filled the room, momentarily breaking the ice.

A ripple of laughter went around the room, except for AK, who offered a curt nod in acknowledgement. The playful atmosphere dampened slightly, but the creative energy remained palpable. As the groups delved into discussions, Jimin found himself captivated by AK's quiet intensity. He offered insightful comments during discussions about V3's musical influences, his voice betraying a deep understanding of their genre. There was a hidden fire in his eyes, a passion for music that mirrored Jimin's own. Despite the mask, Jimin couldn't shake the feeling there was more to AK than met the eye.

Jimin: (trying to include AK) "What do you think about our ideas so far, AK? Any suggestions?"

AK: (smiling slightly) "I think we're on the right track. Let's explore the fusion of our sounds further and see where it takes us."

Later, AK excused herself to take a call. The room felt noticeably different without her presence, and the members of BTS couldn't help but notice her absence.

Jungkook: (playfully) "Yoongi hyung, taking notes on how to be mysterious over there? Maybe you can borrow AK's mask for inspiration."

A wave of laughter rippled through the room, even eliciting a small smile from Suga, who feigned annoyance.

Suga: (deadpan) "Very funny, Jungkook. Next time, try some material that isn't about my napping habits or resting face." He shot a playful glare in Jungkook's direction before turning back to the discussion, a hint of a smile still lingering on his lips.

Jimin: (teasingly) "Looks like we've got a mystery on our hands, guys. Where did AK disappear to?"

V: (laughing) "Probably off to save the world or something. That's just how she rolls."

RM: (smiling) "Well, we can't wait to see what she brings to the table. Let's keep brainstorming and make this collab 

After a while  Y/n returned from the call. The groups then moved on to discussing their project, with AK contributing when it concerned V3's perspective, always professional and focused on the task at hand. 

Jimin couldn't help but admire AK's dedication, even as he wondered about the person behind the mask. The session continued with creative energy flowing, as both groups shared their passion for music and performance.

Meanwhile, BTS members, especially the Maknae line - Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung - couldn't help but notice the uncanny familiarity of AK. There were subtle mannerisms, a glint in the eyes, or perhaps the way AK carried themselves that triggered a sense of déjà vu.

During a water break, the three maknaes huddled together, their voices hushed with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Jimin: (leaning in, voice low) "You guys feeling it too, right? The way AK moves... it's almost like—"

Jungkook cut him off, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Yeah, there's something about them. It's like watching a reflection in a funhouse mirror – familiar, but distorted."

Taehyung chimed in, his voice barely a whisper. "And it's not just the moves. Even the little expressions, the way they hold themselves... they remind me of—"

A pregnant pause hung in the air before the three of them blurted out in unison, their voices barely above a gasp, "Someone we all know..."

They exchanged glances, a silent agreement hanging in the air. The familiarity was undeniable, a puzzle they were all too eager to solve.

As the collaboration between BTS and V3 kicked off, AK made her enigmatic appearance, but only for the first three days. During this time, the intricacies of the choreography were finalized, leaving an indelible mark on the performance to come. Y/n, however, was conspicuously absent from Big Hit, citing a business trip as her excuse, which left Jimin feeling uneasy.

       (Just image there are 9 boys)

As rehearsals and brainstorming sessions progressed, Jimin found himself increasingly distracted by Y/n's interactions with Agni and Rudra. Her easy laughter and comfortable body language stirred up a whirlwind of emotions within him. He wanted to confront her, to lay his heart bare before Y/n, but the image of her with the masked stranger acted as a barrier, masking his feelings as hatred for her.

Whenever he saw Y/n close to Agni, memories of their breakup resurfaced, and the images of Y/n oddly close to the masked stranger from the past kept flashing in front of him, adding salt to his wound.

Meanwhile, during Y/n's absence, Agni and Rudra's interactions with AK seemed oddly familiar . This only fueled Jimin's unease as he struggled to come to terms with his own conflicted feelings.

As the days passed and the collaboration reached its climax, Jimin found himself grappling with his emotions more intensely than ever before. He wanted to seize the moment, to lay his heart bare before Y/n, but the sight of her easy rapport with Agni and Rudra gnawed at him.




The tension reached its peak during the on-stage performance, as BTS and V3 prepared to captivate audiences with their collaboration.

It was now the time for AK's solo performance. A dimly lit stage was filled with pulsating music and vibrant colors. A solitary figure stood in the center, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. She wore a mask, adding to the allure and enigma of her presence. She gracefully danced with the music, her every move in sync with the beat, not even missing a single one.

(imagine she's dancing with backup dancers)  

As the beat dropped, she began to move. Her body swayed and twirled, every motion a testament to her passion and skill. The mask remained, a constant reminder of the distance between her and the audience. But then, something changed. In a moment of pure abandon, she threw off the mask, revealing her face to the world. Her features were radiant, glowing with the intensity of her dance and the power of her music.

 It was Y/n Malhotra, the ex-assistant designer of BTS, the current Designer of BTS, and the owner of RudrAgniKorp, aka     AK.

Her eyes were bright, her lips curved in a smile that spoke volumes. She was no longer a mystery, but a woman who had found her voice and her place in the world. The crowd erupted in cheers, their admiration and appreciation for her talent and bravery ringing out in the air.

The revelation echoed through the auditorium, a palpable wave of astonishment that even the BTS members could not escape. Jimin's eyes were wide, his heart a symphony of rapid beats, as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Y/n, the enigma that was AK, stood before them, a bridge between two worlds that they had never imagined connected.

As the truth sank in, Jimin's heart pounded with a mixture of disbelief and joy. The connection between Y/n and AK suddenly made sense, filling him with a sense of wonder and awe. He watched as she took to the stage, her interactions with Agni and Rudra no longer a source of his jealousy but a reminder of the strong bond they shared.

The audience, still reeling from the shock, watched as BTS composed themselves with the professionalism that had become their hallmark. They were, after all, no strangers to the unexpected twists of a performance narrative. The show continued, but the air was different now, charged with the energy of a secret unveiled and a new story unfolding.

Together, BTS and V3 delivered a performance for the ages, their collaboration transcending boundaries and uniting fans around the world. For Jimin and Y/n, the revelation of AK's true identity marked a new beginning, one filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a love that defied all odds.

And as the music faded, Y/n stood tall, a symbol of strength and resilience. She had revealed her true self, and in doing so, had found her place in the world of music and dance.


Sorry guys, I think the next episodes might be late as my Internship started...... I will try to post the next episode as early as possible

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