One Shots

Por SamGunderson27

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Just some random one shots that I thought up. Más

South Park Reader x Stan
Creepypasta Reader x BEN
South Park Reader X Michael
One Piece Reader X Zoro
Harry Potter Weasley Twins X OC
Homestuck Dave X reader
Naruto Reader x Shikamaru
One Piece Reader X Ace
Harry Potter Reader x Draco
My Hero Academia Reader X Katsuki
Haikyuu!! Reader x Kuro
Haikyuu!! Asahi x Reader
Haikyuu!! Daichi x Reader x Sugawara
Haikyuu!! Ushijima x Reader
South Park Reader x Craig
One Piece Reader x Kidd
RWBY Schnee siblings x Reader
RWBY Reader X Sun
Not a chapter
Stranger Things Steve Harrington X Reader
Stranger Things Billy Hargrove X Reader
IT Reader x Henry (Sorta)
IT Reader x Bowers Gang
IT Henry Bowers X Reader
My Hero Acadamia Reader X Bakugo Katsuki
My Hero Academia Hitoshi Shinso X OC
Haikyuu Reader X Iwazumi

Criminal Minds Reid X Reader

5 0 0
Por SamGunderson27

So this is probably gonna be everyone OOC lol. Been reading a lot of criminal minds one shots decided to put my hat in the ring. A song fic lol

Reader is in a band. Kinda of a cover band cause I don't want to pass other peoples work at my own lol. Except for the last song on the list, just for the plot Y/n wrote that one. Just pretend I also don't know anything about being in a band lmao.

All of these songs are bangers if you never heard them lmao listen to them.

Song played by the band:
Yankee Rose - David Lee Roth
The Boys Are Back In Town- Thin Lizzy
Long Gone Darlings- The Ephinjis
A Song To End It All- Jawny


The team was utterly exhausted after this last case. So much so that the bullpen was relatively quiet for once. The end of the work day quietly approaches and the teams awaits it impatiently. Whispers of going out after work pass around Y/n's head. Garcia with a pep in her step approaches Y/n's desk and leans on the edge.

"So what is the word lady? Are you coming out tonight or not? And before you answer its a new bar none of us have ever been to and there will be live music tonight!" She explained with her happy tone. Y/n moved her hands from her keyboard and under the desk to wring her hands. Spencer looked up from his work as well awaiting the answer.

"I- Um I can't I have plans already." You explain, trying not to get further into it.

"It's my sisters and cousins. We don't get together often cause of work so I can't cancel." You look between the two. Trying to keep the sadness out of their eyes you toss in a quick next time. Spencer slowly goes back to his work and Garcia gives a small puppy dog eye look before going off to her work as well.

"You must be excited you were very distracted on the flight home." Spencer tossed in, turning his eyes away from your face. You nod vigorously, remembering restraining yourself from kicking your feet like as kid on the plane.

Everyone had left by now to get ready to gather at the bar except for you and Spencer. He had clearly finished his work and was taking his time to pack up. He leaned back in his chair and you felt his gaze settle on you. His gaze lining your face. You withhold a reaction making its way to your face. He had been looking at you more recently and you truly wondered why. Shifting slightly you let your hair fall in your face to hide the heat creeping up your cheeks. You finally start your own packing up.

"So what are you getting up to with your family?" Spencer finally spoke up. He zipped up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He stood next to your desk, waiting. You debate the answer in your head before you felt a hand lift your chin to look up. Spencer's hand fell as you met his eyes. Noticing the way his pupils look you want to rattle off the statistic about how much the pupil dilates when it sees something it likes.

"Uh...It's girls n-night. You know.." You dash the pupil fact from your head deciding that Reid wouldn't even think about you in that way. He nods solemnly and turns to head to the elevators. You follow.


The Tangled Vine was almost bundling full of people. Most in the lounge listening to the current band playing. The team was huddled around a table by the bar laughing waiting for their drinks. Garcia and Hotch came back to the table and handed out the drinks. Emily, Garcia and Morgan took off sauntering into the crowd to check out the band that was playing.

"Shame Y/n couldn't come. This seems like her vibe exactly. Rowdy crowd. Live music." JJ started off the chatter of the night. Spencer nodded along his eyes scanning the crowd to keep an eye on the trio dancing together in the crowd to the band playing happy pop music.

"Folks at the bar said the main band tonight is a crowd favorite and don't perform often. That's why it's so packed." Hotch leaned on the corner of the table.

Soon enough after drinks had started their course and some music had been danced to, the team was finally starting to relax. Spencer wasn't really getting into his drink as his mind was really stuck on how flustered Y/n was when explaining her plans for the night. He really wished his co-worker was here with the team to unwind. He knew seeing family was more important especially in their line of work, but the selfishness in his veins wouldn't go away without a fight.

After the second band of the night had finished and the in-between sets music turned up did Hotch and JJ return with the next round of drinks and waters. Spencer tuned back into the conversation of JJ and Hotch laughing about how their kids will be drinking in bars before they know it. Rossi also chuckled at the notion. It was sudden when the trio came back to the team.

"YOU GUYS HAVE TO SEE THIS!" Garcia all but screamed. Spencer flinched away from his co-worker.

"What? What? Where's the fire?" Rossi had his hands up as the trio roused the rest of the team from the table.

"You'll see. Just come on y'all." Morgan grabbed the back of Spencer's shirt pulling him to the side of the bar where the bands have been performing. The crowd had done nothing but get fuller. Garcia and Emily didn't let that stop them from forming a spot for the team to occupy.

Looking up on stage Spencer saw four people tuning their instruments. He squinted as the woman behind the microphone, something about her seemed all too familiar. His eyes scanned her body seeing tattoos lining her arms and shoulders in decorated half sleeves. She wore a cropped sleeveless skin tight shirt. Her black ripped skinny jeans clung to her skin, underneath the holes in thee jeans Spencer saw the diamonds of fishnets.

Soon the music faded away and the woman turned around. The trio hushed the team as they muttered back and forth about why they were on this side of the bar. The muttering of the team stopped as they all recognized Y/n on the stage.

"Holy shit." Rossi spoke for the rest of the team. They all stared in awe at the agent on stage.

"She's so badass." Garcia swooned. Y/n smiled from behind the light that shined on stage. Her smile possibly outshining the lights on her.

"Hello! Hello everyone! Long time no see I know!" Y/n smiled even bigger as the crowd screamed louder," I've missed this stage!" She laughed and whipped the hair out of her face. Her hands settled on the microphone, like it was natural for her.

"I'm sure you know the name by now, but for you new folks in the building we are Modern Heart Cult." Y/n introduced the band. The other three members of the band smiled to the cheering crowd. The other guitar player hit an immediate strum and the drummer started to play the opening to the song. (Yankee rose is the opener) Y/n was about to say another line, but she sunk into the music immediately. Y/n and the guitar having a fun conversation as Y/n walked the stage and "scanned" the crowd. Pretending like she could see even thought the lights truly blinded the faces past the first row.

"Whoa she's beautiful." She smirked almost like she could read the minds of her team that watched her.

The crowd cheered and bumped to the music. Y/n stomped her boots on stage to the same beat the drummer made. Emily and Garcia were the first ones to dance to the music getting out of the trance that seeing their teammate put them in. Y/n danced and shared the mic with the bass player as they sang back up. Soon she was bumping hips with the guitar player. Spencer felt his clothes vibrating with the sounds the band and woman in front of him made. Talent they didn't know she had fully on display for him and the team.

"Some girls night for her huh?" Morgan joked in Spencer's ear, obviously having heard the excuse Y/n made earlier. Rossi 'danced' with the girls as Hotch and Spencer hung back a few steps away from them. Morgan charming his way with a couple ladies near them. Spencer couldn't take his eyes off of her. Why hide this from them? His eyes ran along her skin like he had done so many time in the office, but the tattoos were never made visible to the team. He took in the artwork that was permanently displayed on her. Even under the diamonds of fishnets her saw more decorating her legs. Spencer now realized that she always dressed modestly around them, so he never picked up on the idea that she could look this way.

Without missing a beat as Yankee Rose came to an end, Y/n picked up another electric guitar that was sitting on the sideline and immediately started playing the opening to The Boys Are Back In Town. The team once again stopped in awe of Y/n picking up the instrument like it was nothing and running head first into another song.

"Guess who just got back today!" She sang into the mic she placed back on the stand and immediately gestured to herself, which made people cheer and jump. She didn't miss a beat in keeping up with the song. Spencer watched as the band kept up with each other flawlessly. The drummer, bass player, and guitar player all easily played and sang back-up for you. He wondered if this is how easily the teams runs for you as well. Did you naturally work this well with others or was this years of built trust to be able to perform to this level.

Y/n and the other guitarist went back to back as they played the same tune in perfect sync. They shared a smile and Y/n danced away back to the microphone. It's like the lyrics came easily to you as you pushed some paddles on the floor of the stage that must have done something to help you play. Y/n suddenly backed off as the other guitar player came forward and played a long power solo for a little bit. The crowd going wild for the young lady as well. All four of the band players were so talented that it was really quite a sight to see in such a small bar. Spencer was sure the windows had to be shaking.

Spencer inspected all his team members as they cheered and sang along if they knew the lyrics. JJ had dragged Hotch to bump along to the music. Morgan was with the ladies he charmed. Garcia, Emily, and Rossi were in their own world as they danced and sang as well.

Soon the song came to an end and the crowd clapped, cheered, and whistled. The team screamed their love as well as if Y/n could hear them personally. The band breathed heavily, rejoicing in the success of two songs. Their chests heaving. Spencer watched as a man approached the stage with four small glasses with limes in each in his hands. The music played softly as Y/n took the shots out of the mans hands, winking at him. Y/n handed the shots off to each member.

"We love you all. Our blood, sweat, and tears are for all of you." The band hits the glasses together before taking the shots and cheersing to the crowd. The girls laughed and cheered to Y/n. Hotch and Rossi shook their heads like fathers would. The cheering didn't die down as Y/n slowly started another song.

"This song is from another band that we are dear friends with. If you know you know baby. Hope you guys like it." (Long gone darlings starts. I also know this band irl and they are good imo) Spencer smiled softly at the girl as she closed her eyes the start the song. Her mates following along. Spencer took his chance to make his way through the crowd to the front. Garcia squealed and followed after the boy genius, holding on to his sleeve. Spencer was sure the team was following as well. At the front of the crowd the team took up the front row and waited for Y/n to open her eyes. She sang effortlessly.

"How loud do I need to scream to get your attention?" She sang as the music softened and revolved around her and the lyrics. When Y/n finally opened her eyes she immediately spotted Spencer. Her eyes did the quick sweep of the front row and she saw her team smiling and staring up at her. Not letting it show in her performance she keep strumming her guitar and singing. Y/n clapped her hands together with the beat of the song and the crowd followed suit as did her teammates.

"When did I get here and where could I have been if I had never left." She moved out the way for the crowd to see the drummer hit an amazing quick solo and compose herself," I'm starting over again. Over again.." She played her guitar and continued to sing.

The song ended and the band let the crowd cheer as Y/n backed away from the front line. She shared glances with all of her bandmates and the team felt three pairs of eyes glide over them. They all nodded to each other in practiced silent communication. Y/n approached the mic again, holding it softly with her hands.

"I'm sure you guys want us to play forever," The crowd scream with love," but alas this is our last song of the night. It a bit of a old one for, but it's homemade from the heart. We've played since the beginning." Her eyes flickered down to Spencer.

The lights on the stage dimmed and Y/n nodded to the sound/light guy in the booth. Y/n switched her electric guitar for an acoustic one. The bandmates rolled their shoulders and stretched, relaxing after almost rocking the building down. (A song to end it all starts playing)

Y/n relaxed her shoulders and took a deep breath. The other electric guitar was also swapped for an acoustic and followed after Y/n. The song was indeed much softer than the other ones they had played tonight.

You don't reciprocate my love because you
Don't know whether my love exists you
Don't know that we're more than friends cuz
I don't have the guts to tell you
How I feel about that smile you hide
And all those pretty things inside

Spencer was almost shocked at how soft the song was compared to the rest of the set they played. With the stage lighting how it was the band ultimately looked like angels, putting the team into another state of shock.

I know that I-
I'm lost in the light
I could walk the streets of gold with only you in mind

Y/n shifted her eyes from the rest of the crowd to each one of her teammates faces. Love and embarrassment lined her face. The embarrassment only really shone to the team as they knew her mannerisms. Her hands move delicately over the strings. Finally her eyes landed on Spencer as she sang the last bit of the lyric. A look shined her eyes that Spencer had never seen in her eyes and for moment he felt his palms get hot and his collar tighten.

I'm sorry
I'm, I'm sorry
I'm, I'm sorry
I'm, I'm sorry

Y/n eyes moved to her Team Leader's eyes as she sang these lines. Hotch smiled and nodded at his subordinate, honestly blown away that she was able to hide the secret from the team for this long. Especially from Garcia who always knows everything about the team. Y/n reached out the Garcia and laced their fingers together. The team analyst looked star struck at the gesture. The team heard how the crowd sang with Y/n softly, really proving that they have played this song from the beginning. Her hands slowed on the guitar making them think that the song might be over, but Y/n's smile said other wise.

Standing up straighter and smiling over her shoulder she nodded and the other two mates joined on the song, helping pick up the tune. Y/n strummed as if this was her last performance.

You don't reciprocate my love because you
Don't know whether my love exists you
Don't know that we're more than friends cuz
I don't have the guts to tell you
How I feel about that smile you hide
And all those pretty things inside

I know that I-
I'm lost in the light
But I would walk the streets of gold with only you in mind

This entire verse Y/n never took her eyes away from Spencer, making the whole team watch again in shock as they understood truly what she was trying to convey to the young doctor. Spencer on the other hand, just this once, was slow on the take up. Once he put the pieces together though, boy he could have lit the stage with how brightly red his face was. Morgan laughed at the so claimed 'pretty boy', slapping his shoulder.

I'm sorry
I'm, I'm sorry
I'm, I'm sorry
I'm, I'm sorry

Y/n's voice echoed from the mic as she stopped singing, stepping away from the mic with her chest heaving. For the last time that night the crowd screamed and clapped. The band bowed and smiled amongst each other.

Soon the bar emptied... well more or less was emptier, but the team stuck around. As the band finished cleaning up they approached the leader singer.

"How can you keep such badassery from us?" Garcia hissed holding Y/n's face. She then circled the young lady inspecting her.

"You played well kid, Very unexpected." Rossi smiled and ruffled the young ladies hair. She smiled to her team.

"I-I'm sorry guys." She shuffled on her feet," Anyway this is my family. Angie, Whit, and Molly." She pointed to the three girls separately. The man from earlier came over with a whole tray of shots.

"My sister, two cousins. This is my other cousin, Damien. This is his bar." Damien kissed Y/n's forehead and put a shot in her hand. He continued the same process for the rest of the band.

"Great job as always cousin." He put a hand on his hip and examined the team.

"So this is your other a-team?" His eyes shifted from all their faces. He smiled with the rest of the band. Y/n's four family members started to shake their hands.

"Thanks for taking care of her!" They all said happily. The team shocked by the sudden friendliness. Damien handed out the rest of the shots. Everyone held it up and cheered to family. Soon smaller conversation were erupting amongst the group. Spencer saw as Y/n slipped into the back of the stage and quietly followed. Her found her in a small backroom putting her guitar into cases.

"You-uh You played really well tonight." Spencer announced himself. Y/n froze and whipped on her heels.

"Thank you Spence." You smiled," I didn't know this was the new place Pen was talking about coming to tonight. A bit embarrassing for you to find out this way. If I have to sa-' Spencer closed the space between the two of you, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his lips on yours. Immediately relaxing your hands on his shoulders you gently kiss him back, smiling into his lips.

"Omg, now she can shut up about how cute he is!!!"

You laughed as your bandmates must have walked in. Not letting it stop you, you plant another kiss on Spencer's lips freely.

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