Cittaja || Indian Historical...

By SparkleTopaz

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Part 1 in Kalika Empire Series Shakrajit, the Crown Prince of Kalika Empire is infamous for his battle prowes... More

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Book 2
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By SparkleTopaz

Shakra had spent the whole day with Shatrujit and Abhijit about the political ascension plans in Rayapuram. Mayurakshi sat in the study, focusing on her administration work.

The fluttering of wings caught her attention, and she noticed a black raven. "Raven? What happened to the hawk??" Mayurakshi tried to reach out to the raven with a piece of meat, but it kept flying away. "Arrey!!!" She tried again by offering meat. The raven was enticed with meat but still didn't actually reach up to Mayurakshi. A little paper was tied to its foot.

"What is-" Suddenly, it began to get into her mind. The raven was an obvious sign of Maukali. That's why the raven refused to let her hold it. The raven only recognized Shakra as the one allowed to hold it. She assumed that it was a message from Maukali.

Mayurakshi put the piece of meat down and moved away from it, hoping the bird would take it. As expected, the raven came and picked up the meat. She knew the raven wouldn't ever be willing to let her take the paper tied to its foot. She was sure about it. So, she sat down on her chair, trying to think of how to get to the bird. Ravens have always been cleverer than most birds. Shakra's hawk was used to her; this raven wasn't. His hawk liked her petting it.

She tapped her finger on the armrest, trying to think about how to get the bird to come to her.

Can't you just let it be, Mayura? Isn't it just good for us not to know? Her brain tried to convince her. She needed to know what her husband was up to. His and Maukali's actions were never up to par. Maukali has a habit of leaving chaos in his wake.

Maukali was never a good sign. Ravens were seen as a symbol of death. That was why Maukali was a raven mask. She remembered the dangerous aura that surrounded her when she met him. Maukali was definitely someone close to Shakra. She could trace him back to her husband. There are too many loose ends. Maukali's usual victims were never people loyal to or close to Shakra. They were all those who could be traced as traitors. Too many loose ends and untraceable tracks were an obvious sign of Shakra's involvement. The loose ends were due to Shakra making too many purposeful tracks that would lead to 100 different conclusions. They would definitely find one end to him, but it was only one out of many. It was always impossible to prove Shakra's actual involvement.

Even in Krishneri. Shakra had come to meet her, and very conveniently, Maukali also arrived there on short notice. It couldn't be possible without Shakra bringing along Maukali. That is what made Mayurakshi instantly change her mind about putting Maukali against Shakra. She was already doubting Maukali's attachment to Shakra. It was an unusual manner in which Maukali was killed.

He was technically a mercenary hirer. He hired mercenaries, but on some occasions, Maukali himself was also killed. He had his own brand of mercenaries. They were all called Mauli. Unlike Maukali, Mauli were all crows. Noticeable with their masks. Just like the tail feathers in crows and ravens, Maukali has a more wedge-shaped feather distribution, while Mauli has a fan-like distribution. Maukali was larger than Mauli. Mauli was at least seen by some survivors, but Maukali leaves behind no survivors when he kills.

Mayurakshi saw the raven jumping upon a trunk.

"Do you realize that he is in the fort itself? Go find him. What are you doing here?" Mayurakshi sighed at the bird, disturbing her peace of mind. She was a little uneasy as she thought about Maukali and Shakra. It was still on the trunk but didn't move away.

She walked over to the trunk it was standing on. "Why are you jumping on this after eating?" She noticed a black, feathery coat just peeking out of the trunk. A family black feathery coat. The raven suddenly flew at her to push her away from the trunk. "Hey!!! Be nice..." She tried to shove it away from her.

"Why is Maukali's feathery coat here?" She asked herself, confused.

The raven was trying to push her away from the trunk. "Listen, stop attacking me."

It was odd. The raven wasn't trying to attack her before. It was pretty calm and relaxed, even though she tried to catch it. Now, suddenly, when she's trying to investigate the chest, it's trying to disturb her. A little part of her brain was signaling that this was something else. If, as per her hunch, the raven belongs to Maukali, then it would probably be trying to keep her away from the trunk. That was why the raven suddenly jumped on the trunk, seeing her in the room.

"Come on, you're not really helping your friend's case. You're making me more suspicious. Why does my husband have Maukali's feather coat?"

Then, does it mean that our initial doubt about Shakra being Maukali is right? Both of them have a dangerous aura when they're close to a kill. Is it just unusual that both of them have an almost similar height? Mayurakshi sighed, thinking about it. Then it didn't make sense how the killings happened in Kanakotika Kingdom while Shakra was before her. But it also didn't make sense as to why Maukali would leave their disguise with Shakra.

It would seem right if Maukali were currently hiding in the fort. Maukali and Shakra are friends, so if Shakra wants to keep his identity hidden, he is hiding Maukali's disguise to keep him safe in case the rooms are searched for. No one would look in his room for Maukali.

Something kept tinkering in her brain. Shakra isn't that easy. Even if Shakra was hiding Maukali's things, it didn't make sense that Maukali would send his raven instead of meeting in person. The raven could be traced, but the person was unknown, so an in-person meeting can be made to look less doubtful. Especially dressed as a soldier. It wouldn't be hard for Maukali to hide as a soldier. He had the build in her form to easily disguise as a soldier.

"Yuvraj Shakrajit of the Kalika Empire." Mayurakshi sat aside and tapped her finger, trying to decode his intentions. It didn't help the fact that these days, the first thought that touches her brain when she thinks about him is his lips all over her. His lips on her neck were a temptation that could make the room hotter by a few numbers. "Of course!!! That man is a walking distraction."

Since that fated night in Veenapuram, Mayurakshi had no control over her body when he neared her. Before that, no matter how close he stood to her or even touched her skin, she could control her reaction, but since then, it has been almost impossible not to react to him. Her brain had figured out a specific temptation within him that was hard to resist.

Sparrow, if Maukali and Shakra are actually friends, then Maukali trying to flirt with you that day was completely out of place. Shakra will choke a man to death if he tries to flirt with you. Remember what happened to the two ministers in Krishneri who offered Raashi to marry you? Shakra didn't even try to deny his involvement in their murder when she accused him. He shrugged his shoulders and claimed that you belonged to him. So, Maukali flirting with you and going untouched by Shakra is impossible. A man as possessive as him wouldn't be friends with Maukali if he knew about the flirtatious offers he made.

That made a lot of sense. Shakra wouldn't let any man touch her; then how could this one occur? The only option to think of was that Maukali never told Shakra about it. But then Maukali disappeared all of a sudden from the scene since that day. No one could catch a hold of him. Shakra and Mayura got married to each other, and Maukali was missing. Especially after making a silly offer of running away with him. Either Maukali was jesting with her or Maukali wasn't really a close friend of Shakra, as she was doubting.

Again, that heated gaze is familiar. He was staring at you that day as if you were prey, and he was the predator. That's almost similar to how Shakra's eyes light up in lust. He's caught his prey and is going to enjoy eating it raw. In my opinion, things are different. Shakra could be Maukali. Think about their killing patterns. The two murders of the ministers couldn't be traced back to Shakra at all. He was even accused after being quickly proven otherwise. No amount of proof could withstand court scrutiny. Shakra admitted to you that he did murder them because he didn't lie to you. Then think about how no murders can actually be traced back to Maukali. The killing style is familiar but untraceable to him.

Her brain was bursting with possibilities.

"Maybe it isn't Maukali's coat, and I'm being ridiculously doubtful."

Mayurakshi exited the study and went to Karma. "Karma, go tell Yuvraj that a stupid raven is here for him and refuses to go away," Mayurakshi said. If she wanted to be sure, she needed to get rid of the bird first.

Karma instantly went to find the bird. Surprisingly, the bird didn't attack Karma. Karma was first and foremost loyal to Shakra. She retrieved the letter from the bird and sent it away. "How come Maukali is suddenly sending him letters?" Mayurakshi asked. Anything that Shakra knew would be known to Karma. So, Karma would know that she had found the connection between Shakra and Maukali.

"I suppose it is paramount then. I'll give this to him."

Karma left the study. Mayurakshi quickly went over to the trunk, only to find it locked. She picked out a hairpin from her hair and tried to pry it open. After a while of struggle, the lock came undone. She opened the trunk and saw Maukali's coat, gloves, and mask. The same raven mask. She picked up the mask and stood before the mirror in the study. She put the mask on and looked into the mirror. The meshed cloth was almost see-through from the other side. It wasn't difficult to see through them if you were trained properly. Someone as trained as Shakra wouldn't find it hard to see through it.

"Hmmm... what secrets are you hiding, dear husband?" Mayurakshi wondered and put the mask back. The black leather coat was a perfect work of tailoring.

Now, too many things are pointing to the idea that it could be Shakra. Why would Maukali's disguise be with Shakra? If Maukali was here, how come he didn't come to see you?

Why would Maukali run the risk of Shakra finding out about his attraction to her? If he did, then Shakra would definitely kill him.

But then so much of Maukali matched with Shakra that day. We even thought that Maukali was Shakra.

Mayurakshi kept having doubts that Maukali was Shakra, but it was difficult to understand how Shakra could have managed to kill someone while being before her at the same time.

It would make a lot of sense if there was another person who disguised himself as Maukali for Shakra. It is a disguise. Anyone can wear it.

In that case, doubt could also arise that Shakra wasn't Maukali and was a different person. Mayurakshi took a deep breath. The only other way she could find out was by trying to trap Maukali. Mayurakshi thought about it. What could she do to check if Maukali was Shakra or someone else?

Mayurakshi went into her room and looked for her box of medicines. She smiled at the tiny little bottle of perfume. A beautiful perfume mix of Kasturi kamal, neelakurinji, and karavi. Neelakurinji only blooms once every 12 years, while Karavi blooms once every eight years. Kasturi Kamal only blooms far away in the Himalayas. The perfume was made by her after she received the essence of these flowers.

Mayurakshi smiled, remembering that Shakra had taken him to see the Neelakurinji flowers bloom. The mountain filled with Neelakurinji was one of the most beautiful sights she had seen. The beautiful purple flowers bloomed all over the mountainside. Mayurakshi excitedly picked some of the flowers.

"Now, let's see how you fool me this time, Yuvraj."

After some time, Shakra entered the room. "You're here..." Shakra looked at her.

"Umhmm..." Mayurakshi had changed into clothes to sleep in. Shakra sighed softly, seeing her. a soft cotton sleeveless blouse around her chest and a cotton skirt tied to the side. It was meant to make her extremely comfortable while sleeping. Shakra found it extremely comfortable to take off as well. The mangalsutra around her neck is the only piece of jewelry around her neck. Her usual thin gold chain around her waist. Then her anklets and toe rings. She would choose to wear just three bangles on each wrist while she sleeps.

"Someone seems ready to sleep." He teased her.

"I made you an offer a few days ago to sleep with you but decided on a no."

Shakra grinned at her attempt to flirt. He walked over to her and stood behind her as she was standing before the mirror. He touched her waist chain. "I suppose your waist chain is luckier than me, which gets to always be around your waist." The perfume reached him and pushed his head against her neck. He breathed in the scent. "Isn't it an odd time to apply perfume?"

"No. It is exactly the right time for a perfume."

Shakra raised an eyebrow at her interjection. She winked at him, and he sighed. "Seeing how its aim is to drag you along, it seems to be doing the exact thing I put it for."

Shakra teased his fingers over the edge of her skirt over her waist where it was tied. "You seem to be in a mood." Mayurakshi turned around to face him.

"Umhmmm, you were drunk post-Ameya's wedding, and I offered to remind you of that night in Veenapuram. But again, you were drunk and didn't even remember half of the offer. So, I thought, maybe let us try when you're sober."

Shakra grinned at it. He took off his sword satchel from his waist and let it fall.

"Brilliant idea, Bangaram." He took a seat and invited her to sit on his lap. Mayurakshi sat on his lap. Shakra held her waist. Her little peacock-feather tattoo was clearly visible. The sparrow is hidden by her hair.

"Like I said, I was just thinking. I didn't say I was going to do it." She commented. Shakra looked at her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "You were pretty decided on the fact that you weren't too fond of actually doing anything about it. So, what is the point?"

"It is definitely worth a try. Who knows, I may give in." He suggested.

"Hmm... that is a fair point, but I know you so well to know that you will a hundred percent not actually go through with you. You enjoy torture a little too much. I'm not too fond of it."

She stood up and tried to walk away, but Shakra tugged at her arm, and she fell on his lap. She looked into his eyes, and there was a certain intensity. "You can always try playing the game with me, can't you? Torture is a part of pleasure. What's the point of pleasure that is available at the flick of a finger? Where's the test for the bearing limit? Isn't pleasure a part of seeing how far you can push me until I lose it and push you against a wall? Isn't it a pleasure to know how much you can take before you push me over the bed and climb on top of me?"

"How will you find the edge before you find the beginning? At least start at the beginning and see how far deep it could go. You're just standing at the shore and calculating how far you need to jump so that you can drown instantly. Start walking ahead of the shore, and you'll soon find out."

Shakra kissed her neck. Her clothes oddly provoked his fingers to take them off. Her long hair reached her hips. It had become wavy with how she tied it in a braid and then into a bun. He ran his fingers through her hair and tugged on it. "Trust me, sparrow; I've walked way past the shore. I'm too far in to find my way out anymore. I'm just testing myself."

"Shouldn't 8 years teach you?"

Shakra pushed his head back and laughed. "Surely not. The first six years, I didn't really get past your personal space. Though I must say, till today, no sight has come close to that first one at the lake in Krishneri."

"I was 15 years old. There has been quite a change since then, Yuvraj. I'm sure that I've grown in places that look more pleasant."

Shakra grinned. "Oh, don't get me wrong, it is extremely pleasing to feel too. Especially because you have an odd habit of holding me like I'm a life-sized doll while you sleep. I can feel you as you sleep. But that one moment is a completely different sight. Probably the one that I might never forget."

Mayurakshi rolled her eyes. "Don't you think you're a bit sentimental right now?"

"Not sentimental, just that I suddenly noticed you in a whole different light."

"I suppose puberty does some changes in every woman. I wasn't as pretty as Akka, so I decided to focus on what I had instead of what I didn't. Intelligence. That's one of the reasons why I am Gurudev's favorite."

"Don't bring others into our conversation here right now. I definitely don't want to think about Gurudev's favorite student right now. I want to think about my wife. Srimati Mayurakshi Shakrajit."

Mayurakshi scoffed and gave him a look, "May gods help you, husband. Because apparently a marriage isn't considered complete until it is consummated. Here I am, just as much of a virgin as I was born."

Shakra laughed boisterously. "You're more eager to sleep with me than I am. I would like to argue that you lost half of the virginity that you were born with when you were sitting on my lap that day and letting me kiss you."

"I'm so irritated with trying to pretend among all the maids in the fort that I know what it feels like to sleep with you. Especially when there is this woman who lives in the fort and goes on about how you slept with her once."

Shakra groaned in complaint. "Again!! Stop bringing other people into our interesting conversation, Mayura."

"Oh!! So, I have to go on pretending that we consummated our marriage but I can't even come to you and complain that there is a woman around the fort whom you slept with?"

"That was 8 years ago, Mayurakshi. What am I supposed to do about me sleeping with a woman 8 years ago?"

"You can remedy it..." She winked at him playfully. 


Okay, I don't know if you guys knew but crows and ravens are different. Ravens are large and more intelligent than Crows. Crows usually live in cities but Ravens live far more in jungles and places which aren't often frequented by humans. 

It is symbolic of the nature of Maukali and Mauli. Maukali is less frequently seen or met with but Mauli are more commonly met with or seen. 

So, now Mayurakshi is out on a hunt to find out once and for all. Do you think she will be successful in capturing Shakra red-handed?

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