Jaune, the Strategic Gamer

By Darkdecade97

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We all know the Story of Jaune's Transcripts being revealed by Cardin or even Pyrrha, where he was beaten, bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

2.1K 70 77
By Darkdecade97

The group has now made it into Ironwood's Office, once they entered, Jaune and Ironwood walk up to his Desk, with Jaune nodding to Ironwood as the General now initiates the new part of the Operation, to use a certain Individual as a Spacegoat for all this. Jaune starts it off by placing a Holocommunicator on Ironwood's Desk. There, a Hologram plays of a meeting of some sorts, showcasing an Office. When Winter got a good look at the location in the Hologram, her eyes widen.

Winter: Wait, Father?

To her shock and surprise, the Individual she is seeing talking to the Bounty Hunters that have the Atlas Council hostaged, with some even getting killed, is none other than her Father, Jacques Schnee.

Jaune: Yes, Specialist. What you are seeing is real, your Father is the Man responsible for hiring these Bounty Hunters, for what purpose you may ask? To eliminate the Atlas Council so he can have a seat in its power. If you don't believe me, please pay attention what I'm going to show you.

He then plays the Hologram as they can hear the voice of Cad Bane in the Video.

Cad Bane: So why should I risk my life to take a bunch of greedy and arrogant Council Members hostaged? What benefit will it bring to you, Schnee?

Jacques: Simple, Mr. Bane. In a matters notice, the Council will have a re-election and I wish to have a seat in the Atlas Council. It will bring many benefits to me and the SDC as well as give me power to all of Atlas.

Cad Bane: And you want me to eliminate some of them so a seat needs to be filled.

Jacques: Yes, despite you being a FAUNUS. If you prove your worth to me by completing this Contract I have given you. I will make sure to continually hire your services and have you eliminate majority of the competition, sabotage those that will compete with the SDC, as well as cover up any wrongdoings of the SDC and keep people silent.

Cad Bane: Sounds like a lot of dirty work. But all in all, it's just business.

Jacques: Indeed, and remember, if you complete this task I will reward you with many riches anybody in Remnant could ask for. After all, we do control the Dust Supply in Remnant, so if you need Weapons and Ammunition, you can come to me. Call it a debt for getting me into this position.

Cad Bane can be seen removing the Toothpick from his mouth and standing up from the seat.

Cad Bane: Fine, we have a deal.

He then takes his leave but made sure to say this to Jacques.

Cad Bane: And remember, I want my full payment. Cad Bane doesn't work for free.

All that Jacques gave the Bounty Hunter was a nod.

From there, the Hologram stops as Jaune brings out a USB he got from his pocket.

Jaune: If you still don't believe me. This USB shows all the transactions that Jacques made, he also ensured it will not get out into the Public nor Military's hands. It's legit and it only took us a matters of seconds to find it. He may hide his wrongdoings to the people of Remnant, but to the Empire, no.

He hands over the USB to Ironwood as he went over to his Desk and inserted the USB in the Computer. The minute he did that, multiple Screens popped up, showcasing dozens of Logs, Files, and even Transactions that are enough evidence to incriminate Jacques for hiring the Bounty Hunters. Winter was shocked, but not surprised, knowing her Father would do such an action to get more power.

Clover: Yeah, judging by what I'm seeing here. Everything looks legit.

Ironwood: Even so, we cannot arrest Jacques now as we have to deal with the Council hostage situation. But once they are rescued, we will show them this evidence and I'm certain they won't be all too pleased that Jacques is the one responsible for this.

He glances over to Winter, who looks unsure about this, she's conflicted, this person they are going to arrest is her Father, but her mind is telling her this is the best way for him to be out of power so he won't stain the SDC any longer. 

Ironwood: Getting back to the main topic at hand. Jaune, what is your plan in dealing with these Bounty Hunters?

Jaune: Easy, with Jacques being arrested and the evidence to prove it. The Bounty Hunters won't have an option but to surrender, I was informed they placed Bombs all around the Academy and I have people disarming them as we speak. Although, I can give the Bounty Hunters a much larger payment than what Jacques offered, after all, the Empire's Resources are infinite, and if that doesn't work....well.....I'll give these Bounty Hunters a reason to fear me.

He gives off a sinister smile as everything is falling into place, only thing left is to deal with a pesky Clan in the Kingdom.

Atlas: The Solitas Wilds

In the skies above the snowy fields of the Solitas Wilds, located in the Outskirts of the Kingdom of Atlas. A large set of Cruisers much larger than that of a standard Atlesian Flagship, have appeared out of nowhere, the Droid Army has arrived. Here, we can see around 10 Munificent-Class Star Frigate, 3 Recusant-Class Light Destroyer, and 1 Providence-Class Dreadnought.

The Droid Army Fleet makes its way to the lands of Solitas as the snowstorm engulfs the entire Land. Inside the Bridge of the Providence-Class Dreadnought, there, we see one of the Leaders of the Droid Army, his appearance is both menacing and intimidating, he is not a Droid, but more that of a Cyborg. This here is none other than General Grievous.

Grievous walks over to the windows of the Bridge, the sounds of his footsteps can be heard on the metal floor as he can see in his peripheral vision, the Main Compound of the Patras Clan. They came at a perfect time due to the snowstorm amassing their approach. They won't see them coming.

Grievous: Status?

Battle Droid 1: Droid Battalions are ready and armed.

Battle Droid 2: Destroyers in position.

Battle Droid 3: Forward Cannons ready and aimed at the Compound.

Battle Droid 4: All Scouts are in position and waiting for command.

Grevious: Commence the first phase of the attack. Show no mercy to the Patras Clan!

The Solitas Wilds: Patras Clan Compound

In the snowy terrain of the Solitas Wilds, the Patras Clan can be seen going about their daily business in the Compound, with majority of its people, aka the Stronger Members, commanding those of the more Weaker Members to load up the Supplies as they ready themselves if the Droid or Sith Army attack them. They got word from the Arc Clan that they will most likely be a target, so they need to be prepared for anything the Droid and Sith Army will throw at them.

But the Patras Clan were never prepared for this.


Suddenly, a swarm of explosions engulfed the entire Compound, destroying all of their Buildings and sending their Members flying in the air. The Members of the Clan quickly went to the burning Buildings and used their Ice Semblances to put out the flames. More Members came out of the Buildings to help assist with the aftermath of the attack, up by the Rooftops, a Chameleon Droid focuses on a Member as the Droids were given orders to..........not eliminate that one just yet. The Individual they are looking at is described to be a slender and beautiful Young Woman with long light blue hair and dark blue eyes. She wears a General's apparel with long sleeves, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest, which is the sign of her Teigu. This here is Esdeath.

She along with the Elders of the Patras Clan are angered by this attack, with Esdeath being the angriest among them. One of the Elders of the Patras Clan, their name is Fuyumi, steps forward and sees the damage as more explosions erupt all around the Compound, the Members of the Patras Clan are not happy by this, not one bit.

Fuyumi: So the Droid or Sith Army has made their attack in our Compound. Secure what's left of the Compound and gather our Forces, we need to be prepared for the invasion!!

They all nod and went around the Compound to gather what's left of their Members that survived, Esdeath does the same as she sprints around the burning Buildings, angered that these Droids or Sith dared attack her Home.

Esdeath: 'They made a grave mistake attacking the Patras Clan and they will regret attacking us. They will suffer the consequences. This we swear'

While the Patras Clan are dealing with the attack, the Droid Army has made their landing in the snowy terrain. We see over a dozen C-9979 Landing Crafts landing on the ground and in the sky, these Landing Crafts carry numerous Battle Droids and War Machines that they will use against the Patras Clan.

The Separatists Landing Crafts open their Bay Doors as Battalions of Battle Droids can be seen marching out of it alongside Multi-Troop Transports.

The Multi-Troop Transports open the Hatch and extend the Rack that holds a substantial amount of Droids. There, the MTTs proceed to deploy Super Battle Droids as they march alongside the Battle Droids, their main target, the Patras Compound, with AATs and Vulture Droids flying in the sky.

Meanwhile, Grevious is seen inside the Control Room of the Separatists Landing Craft. There, he sees in the Screen that the Droid Army has the Patras Clan completely surrounded, they have nowhere to run nor hide.

Battle Droid: General, the Chameleon Droids have detonated the explosives in the Compound and the Patras Clan are getting into defensive positions.

Grevious: Maintain the perimeter and get the Droids in attack formation. We'll burn a path through the snowy fields and right to their Compound. And initiate the next phase of the plan! Bury these weakling to the ground.

As the Droid Army marches to the Patras Compound, the Members of the Clan can be seen preparing their defenses. The Chameleon Droids were able to eliminate 25% of the Clan's Forces in the Bombings, along with destroying majority of their Supplies. But all of the Members stop what they are doing when they hear the sounds of explosions from the distance, with one of them shouting and pointing at the Mountains.

Patras Clan Member: Look! The Mountains!!

They all look and see the source of the explosion, it came from the Mountains, the Droids enacted their plan and blew up the entire Mountain Range, causing a large Avalanche to erupt as it heads straight for the Compound.

Simoyuki: Quick! Use your Semblances to stop the Avalanche now!!

The Elder orders the Members as the Strong Ice Users of the Clan sprint to the Mountains and used their Semblances to stop the Avalanche from reaching the Compound. The Ice Users can be seen struggling due to the amount of snow coming down from the Mountains, but were able to stop it. Many of its Members were a bit exhausted, but can still push through, only for one Member to be met by a Red Blaster Bolt that kills him, shocking everyone there.


Patras Clan Member: What the?!

Before any of the Patras Clan Members were about to use their Semblances, more Red Blaster Bolts engulf the Compound as the Chameleon Droids revealed themselves and fired their 3 Laser Cannons.

All of the Patras Clan Members immediately shot out Ice Spikes at the Chameleon Droids, they were able to take down the Droids, but it took a lot of Ice Spikes to do the job, which was bad because the rain of Blaster Bolts were able to take down majority of the Clan Members.

Akira: Fall back!! Fall back!! We'll cover the retreat!!

The Ice Users used their Semblances to amass a large snowy fog all over the Compound, the view is nothing but a fog and you can't see anything at all. With the Droid's view being blocked, it let the Members of the Clan escape. Even if the Chameleon Droids can use their Thermal Vision to easily go through the fog and blast them, they decided to let the Droid Army deal with it.

The Patras Clan can be seen retreating further in the Compound when they were met with explosions everywhere. They look and up see Vulture Droids flying by as they escort the Hyena Bombers to the Compound, shooting out Proton Torpedoes, causing even more explosions as it sent the Members of the Clan flying. The Patras Clan grit their teeth in anger as they are not holding well against the Droids.

Fuyumi: Esdeath! Lead the Clan against the Droid Army!! Show them why you are the strongest of us all!!

She nods as Esdeath sprints to the front of the Compound with what's left of the Patras Clan Members who are strong, those who are weak have already been killed off by the Droids. Esdeath and many of the Patras Clan Members fire swarms of Ice Spikes at the Droids, they couldn't get close due to the Blaster Fire, but were able to take down the Battle Droids with the Ice Spikes, only took a certain of Spikes to take them down, as for the Super Battle Droids, their tough Armor can last against the large swarm of Ice Spikes being thrown at them.

More and more Members are getting gunned down by the Droids as the Patras Clan Members immediately created Ice Pillars and Walls to use as cover due to the amount of Battle Droids in the snowy fields, a sea of red engulfs the entire Compound with the Droids not stopping their advance.


Battle Droid: Sir, the attack is going as planned. But there is heavy fighting in the Main Entrance of the Compound. Reports indicate the Supreme General's target, Esdeath, has is leading the attack.

Grevious: Send in the Defoliator Tank! We'll burn these Ice Users to the ground!

Esdeath takes a peak from the Ice Pillar, seeing their cover is close to being destroyed with the amount of Blaster Fire being pelted upon it. She narrows her eyes when she sees the Droids bringing in something to the Compound. The AATs and Droids move to the side as it reveals a much larger AAT with a Cannon attached to it. This is the Defoliator Deployment Tank.

The Defoliator Tank aims its Turret-Mounted Defoliator Missile Launcher upwards, the Droids continue firing as the Droid orders the Gunner to fire.

Battle Droid 1: Fire the Defoliator.

Battle Droid 2: Roger. Roger.

The Missile Launcher fires a Defoliator Missile at the Patras Clan Members, Esdeath sees this and her eyes widen in shock, she quickly runs out of there as the Missile hits the snowy ground. All that is left was a wave of flames that engulfs the entire Area, the Patras Clan Members can be seen sprinting out of there, with some narrowly avoiding the wave of fire. They take cover by the Ice Pillars the Patras Clan Members by the Entrance made, then the Defoliator Tank fires another Missile, causing yet another wave of fire, Esdeath and the Members of the Clan sprint to the Entrance, but unfortunately, some of them were caught in the wave of fire and were burned to ashes.

Patras Member Clan: Elders ordered all Members to fall back to the Main Compound now!!

The Members retreated out of there with Esdeath turning her attention to the Droids as they continue marching to the Compound and are not stopping their rain of Blaster Fire.

Back in the Separatists Landing Craft, the Screens on the Control Center show majority of the Area is now labeled green, meaning the Droids have taken parts of the Compound.

Battle Droid 1: Sir, all Battalions have surrounded the Compound. The Patras Clan Members have fallen back to the Main Compound.

Battle Droid 2: Chameleon Droids reported the Elders are in the Council Chambers.

Grevious: Excellent, prepare my Shuttle! I shall meet these Elders of the Patras Clan face to face!


In the Council Chambers of the Patras Clan, explosions and Blaster Fire can be heard everywhere as the Chambers shake. The Elders can be seen talking to Mason in Scroll Call, and they are not pleased by what the Arc is saying.

Mason: So you are saying you want to contact the Empire for help, even if we agreed that we won't ask them for help?

Fuyumi: Mason, do you not know what's happening here? The Droid Army was able to catch us by surprise, they overwhelmed us with only a few remaining. Our only option to survive is to call the Empire. They have the means to save us.

Mason: And have the Disgrace show his face!? Absolutely not!!

One of the Elders, Boreas, went up to the Scroll and grabs it, as he began angrily shouting at Mason.

Boreas: Are you out of you mind, Mason?! Do you not see what's happening here?! The Droids have us outnumbered and their firepower is much stronger than what you told us! They pierced through our Aura so easily!! And we couldn't even barely scratch the surface of their Army!! They are infinite, Mason. No matter how much we destroy, more will take its place.

Mason: Then your Clan is nothing but Weaklings. For a Clan that claims to be comprised of the most powerful Ice Semblance Users, you got eliminated by this Droid Army. Pathetic.

Fuyumi: Let me remind you, Mason. The Droid Army also destroyed your Compounds and was able to kill an Elder. If you say a powerful Clan like us was able to be bested by the Droid Army, the Arc Clan is in the same boat as well.

The Elders of the Patras Clan can hear Mason scoffing in the Video Feed.

Mason: Oh, please. The Arc Clan was caught by surprise, we won't make the same mistake again. The Droid Army means nothing to us, means nothing to Chronos. If you even dare contact the Empire or the Disgrace, then all form of alliance the Arc Clan has with the Patras Clan is severed. But, seeing as you will contact the Disgrace, consider as a form of punishment. After all, your Clan are known to fight to the death, so this is a goodbye and I do hope you survive. Cause we will hunt you down for associating yourselves with HIM.

He ends the Video Call as Fuyumi slams the Scroll on the ground.

Fuyumi: Damn, him!! Damn that Man!! To think after everything we have done with him!!

Khione: It does not matter now. With the Arc Clan cutting off any form of alliance with us, it's safe to say we can contact the Empire and ask the Disgrace for help.

Simoyuki: And do you expect him to help us?

Boreas: The Boy has no quarrels with the Patras Clan. From what I remember, Belze didn't allow him anywhere near us. We can offer him my Daughter, Esdeath. After all, she was suppose to be his fiancé, I'm sure she would want someone powerful on her side and the same can be said for the Boy.

Fuyumi: We'll deal with that when we get there. But first, we need to contact the Empire, now.

They all agreed to what was said as Fuyumi contacts the Empire on her Scroll, but stopped when the entire Area became nothing but silence.

Aiko: Wait, they stopped firing.

Suddenly, everyone there can hear Grevious' voice echoing out in the Council Chambers.

Grevious: The Patras Clan, one that claims to be one of the Strongest in Remnant, one that shuns the weak, believing them to be nothing but useless, and yet, the very Clan that practices these ideals have been pushed to the brink, leaving them with only the remnants.

When they heard the voice of Grevious, all of the Patras Clan Elders went towards the windows and doors, looking at the outside and seeing nothing but the Droid Army standing still in the snow.

Grevious: You are surrounded. Your Armies decimated. Make peace with the Brother Gods now. For this, is your final hour. But know, that I, General Grevious, am not complete without mercy. I will grant you a Warrior's death. Prepare.

The minute Grevious stops talking, it was nothing but silence again, only to be met with the sound of metal footsteps moving.

Fuyumi: Be on your guard, whoever we are facing. We'll be ready.

The metal footsteps continue to echo out, with the Patras Clan Members circling around one another, trying to pinpoint where the source is. The sounds of the footsteps make it seem like it's all around them, with the Elders not saying a word, focusing their attention on finding Grevious. But from out of nowhere, as one of the Elders, Akira, jogs over to another part of the Council Chambers.


Grevious lands on Akira, crushing him entirely with his Weapon flying out of his hand and a puff of dust exploding when Grevious landed.

The rest of the Patras Elders charged at him, but stopped when they saw Grevious stand upright, the Cyborg General moves his Cape as he reveals his Cybernetic Body to the Elders.

Grevious can be seen smirking to himself, besides Jaune having the power of the Gamer and can use the Legion to buy Units and Heroes to build his Army. He can also use Skill Points to upgrade the Heroes to make them stronger than what they once were, and that's what he did. Before the invasion, he made sure to use a few of his Skill Points to upgrade Grevious, making the General more powerful than before, and made him what he is suppose to be, a Huntsman and Huntress Killer.

Fuyumi: Get back!

The Patras Elders move back and get into defensive formations as Grevious had the Droids fire Smoke Bombs in the Room, covering the entire Area with smoke as he jumps high up towards the air. As he did that, all the Elders moved back from the entrance, Simoyuki uses her Semblance to remove the smoke from the Area by combining it with an icy mist. Once the smoke's gone, they see that Grevious wasn't there, on guard, the Elders can be seen slowly moving to one another in a circle.

Unknown to them, as they move towards a part of the Council Chambers, Grevious can be seen hanging upside down in the ceiling. As the Elders move closer to his position, he slowly equips his two Lightsabers with the claws on his foot slowly letting go as Grevious falls from the ceiling.

Fuyumi and the Elders see this, quickly moving out of the way as Grevious lands on the ground, creating a large crater. The Elders went to attack Grevious with their Weapons, but with the Lightsabers, were immediately cut in half, shocking them. Grevious took this chance and spins his arms around, creating a circular barrier that prevents the Elders from attacking him. 

The Elders step back seeing the Lightsabers were able to cut through their Weapons easily, even the Ice Weapons they made didn't stand a chance as they were sliced into pieces.

Fuyumi went to create Ice Spears and attacked Grevious, only for the same thing to happen, the Cyborg slices them into pieces. Grevious sees the Elders surrounding him and swings his Lightsabers around, forcing them to move back to avoid getting hit. Grevious used both his arms and legs to attack them, moving in acrobatic feats that force the Patras Elders back.

Grevious jumps to the air while dodging a large Ice Spike being thrown at him by Khione, and went to strike his Lightsabers at Fuyumi, who jumps to the Destroyed Pillar in the Chambers. She uses her Semblance and sends out a beam of snow from the windows, Grevious jumps in the air as an explosion of ice occurs. Everyone looks to the ceiling to see Grevious landing there in a small explosion of dust with the ceiling shaking a bit.

He zooms in towards the Elders, landing on the ground in a large explosion of dust and debris, this attack sends the Elders back with Simoyuki the only one standing. Simoyuki charges at Grevious, armed with Ice Swords, fires out Ice Spikes at the Cyborg as Grevious moves around, dodging all of her attacks. Simoyuki went for a strike at Grevious' right hand, but Grevious drops the Lightsaber and lowers his arm, delivering a slash to Simoyuki's waist using the Lightsaber he has on his left arm, immediately grabbing the Lightsaber that's in the air and delivers a downwards slash, decapitating her.

Khione gasps as she fires our Ice Spikes at Grevious, Grevious sees the Ice Spikes and slashes them into pieces. She angrily charges at Grevious as he saw this coming and grabs Khione in the face with his foot, slamming her to the ground. Grevious looks up and sees Aiko boosting towards him, he moves his foot backwards in a circular motion and grabs Aiko by the head with his other foot. He proceeds to do a set of two backflips, throwing Khione and Aiko to the ceiling, the two crashing in a large explosion of dust.

The last of them, Fuyumi and Boreas, charge at Grevious, summoning as much Ice Spikes as they can or blasting Beams of Snow at the Cyborg, with Grevious dodging every single one of their attacks. Grevious pushes them back when he spins his arms around, turning the Lightsabers into rotor blades.

The two step back before Grevious delivers a kick that sent Fuyumi flying and crashing to the debris. Now Grevious' attention is focused on Boreas, Boreas uses all his energy that he has left to dodge Grevious' strikes, Boreas can even feel the Lightsaber's Blade burn into his skin when it touches him. By the debris, Fuyumi can be seen getting up as she looks to see Grevious toying with Boreas, Boreas is seen struggling with the amount of attacks being thrown at him as Fuyumi quickly got out of the debris.

But it was too late, Grevious slashes at Boreas, cutting off his entire right arm. He screams in pain as he falls to his knees, Boreas sees Grevious was going for another strike and he used all his energy to create an Ice Wall, it protects him but the impact sent Boreas crashing to the wall.

Fuyumi: NO!!

Grevious turns around and stares at Fuyumi, who looks at the Cyborg in rage, creating a large Ice Sword and getting into a defensive position. But Grevious did something unexpected, he grabs a Lightsaber from his waist and throws it at Fuyumi, she looks at it in confusion before Grevious speaks.

Grevious: Let us see what you are truly made off, Huntress.

Fuyumi picks up the Lightsaber and activates it, she was surprised by the Weapon and swung it around, getting a feel for it. She looks at Grevious and sees him getting into a stance, with his left foot now having a Lightsaber, Fuyumi narrows her eyes as sweat drips down from her face. Then, Grevious jumps to the air and goes to attack Fuyumi, the sounds of Lightsabers clashing can be heard in the Council Chambers.

Atlas: Atlas Council Chambers

Jaune along with Ironwood, Winter, and Clover, rendezvous with the Empire's Forces as they have the entire Exterior of the Council Chambers completely surrounded. The entire Building is not filled with First Order Stormtroopers, but Clone Shock Troopers. These Clone Troopers are those that have red markings on their Armor.

The Clone Shock Troopers have their Blasters aimed at the Building, waiting for the Bounty Hunters to exit out of it. Jaune and the three walked to a Command Center they posted up as the Clone Shock Trooper Officer gives Jaune the report.

Clone Shock Trooper Officer: The Bombs have been confirmed to be all disarmed. We were able to get a secure line to the Bounty Hunters and they only wish to speak with you, Supreme General.

Jaune: Put them through.

The minute the Clone Shock Trooper Officer was about to press the Button on the Console to initiate the Call, Winter stops them.

Winter: Are you sure about this? They're Bounty Hunters, they won't agree with your terms.

Jaune: With what I have planned. They will. Put them through Captain.

The Shock Trooper Officer nods as a Hologram of Cad Bane appears. 

Cad Bane: Ah, the Supreme General of the Empire. I'm surprised you were the one they sent to deal with this situation.

Jaune: Indeed, and I was told you have the Atlas Council hostaged, with a few already dead. Not like any of Remnant will care about them due to their arrogance and greed.

Cad Bane: You're right at that. But are we going to play the same game as we did before? You won't win like last time.

Jaune: Oh, but I can. I'll be sending your Crew a little file I was able to find in Jacques' Computer. Please, take a look.

They can see in the Hologram, Aurra walking to Cad Bane and handing him a Datapad as the Bounty Hunter reads the contents.

Cad Bane: I see. So it seems you got the evidence that Jacques hired us to kill the Councilmen, and knowing you. You have ways to make sure we don't see the light of day. After all, I was a victim of one of your......Death Squads.

Jaune: So you know what I'm asking of you?

The Atlesians with Jaune are watching the conversation intensely as Cad Bane can be seen nibbling on the toothpick before grabbing it and throwing it to the floor.

Cad Bane: I want five times the amount Schnee paid for me and my Crew. I want your Boys to not fire the minute I step out of this Room with the Council, and I want a Ship ready. Make sure none of you follow us and keep Atlas off our backs. You got me?

Jaune: Of course, it will be done.

The minute he said that, it shocked Winter at what Jaune just did. He shouldn't have negotiated with Cad Bane and should have sent a Team to rescue the Councilmen, yet here, he gave in to the Bounty Hunter's demands and allowed him to escape unharmed.

Jaune: Pleasure doing business with you. I'll keep in touch if I need work done behind close doors.

She watches as Cad Bane ends the Holocall, Jaune then turns his attention to the Shock Trooper Officer.

Jaune: Send the Wire Transfer to Cad Bane's account, and prep a Shuttle for him. Make sure it's somewhere discreet, can't have the public know we let them off scott free.

The Shock Trooper Officer nods and heads out of the Command Center. Jaune sees Winter rushing over to him in an angry manner.

Winter: What was that? How could you just agree to their demands? The Military does not negotiate with Terrorists and they certainly do not negotiate with Bounty Hunters.

Jaune: I keep to my promises, Specialist, and why complain? The Council is freed, or what's left of them.

Winter: And you plan to use this Cad Bane for future endeavors? Why work for a Bounty Hunter? Atlas will never resort to such actions.

Jaune: I intend to keep my assets close and use them to their fullest potential. Even if they are from the more shady side of Remnant.

Winter: But you could have sent your Forces to infiltrate the Chamber Halls and take these Bounty Hunters out when you were speaking to them!

Jaune: There was no need for it when a simple negotiation and bargaining can do the job. Remember this, I will take every advantage I can get to win. Even if I have to play dirty. That's how we win fights and that's how it always has been. You need to be smart to win the battle, Specialist. Your Enemies won't play nice, and neither should we.

He walks out of the Command Center with an escort of Clone Shock Troopers waiting for him. Before he left, Jaune made sure to tell Winter an important fact she should know.

Jaune: Besides, the Ship has a Tracker. A Device they won't be able to find. We'll know where they are, they can't hide from the Empire.

He walks off out of there and heads for the Council Chambers as Winter can only stare at him in disbelief.

Once Jaune reaches the Halls of the Council Chambers, he took a glance and sees the Clone Shock Troopers escorting the Atlas Council out, and there are only two of them left. He then walks over to another Area of the Hall and is met with Cad Bane waiting for him.

Cad Bane: I take it everything went well?

Jaune: Not yet, the Clones are still fixing our mess. I'll speak to the Atlas Council after this, or what's left of them.

Cad Bane: As excepted of the Boss. Speaking of which, is the Schnee going to be arrested the minute the Council is freed?

Jaune: Yes, the amount of fake evidence we made is enough to keep him in Jail for a very long time. In turn, all of the SDC's assets will go back to its original Owner, Willow Schnee. I will speak to her when I have the chance and offer her a deal for the SDC, to basically, fix their reputation. With this, I will have almost complete control of Remnant and their Dust Supply.

Cad Bane: And all it took was a simple hostage situation and a little Shapeshifting to get the job done.

Jaune: Indeed, if we were to go up against the Arc Clan and give them no hope in winning. We need all of Remnant to be against them, except for Vale, they won't be part of the picture. The Clan knows they can't go against the entirety of the 4 Kingdoms, we need to get them to our side and with the strength and might of the Empire, we can do it. But in order to do so, we need to take out the seeds of corruption to reach that point.

The Bounty Hunter nods as they head through an Exit in the side part of the Council Chambers and were met with Cad Bane's Crew along with Clone Shock Troopers waiting for them by the Ship.

Jaune: Things may stir when Jacques gets arrested. If worse comes to worse, you'll be in a Cell for the time being. Once your little stunt is forgotten, I'll have work for you. We clear?

Cad Bane: Crystal.

Jaune watches Cad Bane and his Crew enter the Ship, which is a modified Telgorn Dropship called the Sleight of Hand. The Dropship hovers in the air before taking its leave in the premises of the Council Chambers. Seeing it out of sight, Jaune heads inside to meet with the Council.

In the Halls, Ironwood can be seen talking to what remains of the Atlas Council, they are Sleet and Camilla. They turn to the left side of the Hall to see Jaune walking with his Clone Shock Trooper escort.

Sleet: So you must be the Supreme General of this Empire and the one Vale calls, "The Faker of Beacon".

Jaune: Indeed I am, Jaune Arc. A pleasure to meet you, I know I was disowned and exiled by the Elders of my Clan, but I don't see them as True Arcs, nothing but a bunch of Fakes.

Camilla: I believe we should offer you our thanks for rescuing us from these Bounty Hunters. Sadly I can't say the same for the other Councilmen that perished by that Bounty Hunter's hands.

Jaune: Yes, it was a shame we came in a little bit late. I suppose the General here has given you details on who's responsible for this?

Steet: He did, we are shocked that Jacques is the Man responsible for hiring these Bounty Hunters to basically kidnap us or kill us. I won't be surprised if he also hired these Militia and Pirates to attack both the Kingdom and Mantle.

Camilla: If he did, he will pay the price, many of our people died because of these Militia. The people of Atlas will want someone to blame.

Jaune: And Jacques is the perfect candidate for it, given the evidence we found. I take it you'll approve his Warrant of Arrest? With this News it can give the people of Atlas hope.

Sleet: Yes, we will, Ironwood, you know what to do.

Ironwood: Of course, I will send my men to arrest Jacques as soon as possible.

He takes his leave as the two Council Members speak with Jaune.

Camilla: Is there anything we can offer you as a thanks?

Jaune: Actually there is, as you can see, majority of the Atlas Military and its resources were destroyed due to the Militia's attack, and the same can be said for Mantle, much of its leadership was also killed by the Pirates. I propose the Empire having full control of the security in Atlas as well as that of Mantle. The people of Atlas and that of Mantle will agree to us being here due to thwarting the threat of the Militia and Pirates. We have already allied with Mistral and have kept them safe even until now, it's time Atlas does the same.

Sleet and Camilla looked at each other, the deal Jaune is giving them is good, many reasons being, the Atlas Military is in a disarray due to the attack on the Militia and it will take time for them to rebuild the damage caused in the Kingdom, and even that of Mantle. It will fall into chaos if the Empire doesn't help and with this fear and negativity, it will bring Grimm right in their doorstep. They also know the people will approve of this, the Empire did save them from the Militia and Pirates, so they won't look at them in fear nor intimidation. Camilla nods to Sleet as they have made their decision.

Steel: Very well, we agree with your proposal, Supreme General. We do hope the Empire will bring Atlas into a much brighter future.

Jaune: You have my word, Councilman. Atlas will be under our protection and the Empire will ensure peace stays in the Kingdom in the days to come.

The Council nods and went on their way, Jaune can only smirk, the plan truly worked and now he has control of Atlas, the SDC is next and after that l, just Vacuo and Menagerie left. Suddenly, a voice from behind calls out to him.

???: Supreme General.

Jaune turns around and was met with a Clone Shock Trooper Officer. This time, their Armor has more red markings than that of the standard Shock Trooper, having a Visor, Antenna, Kama, and two Holsters. This here is Clone Commander CC-1010 or Fox.

Fox: You have a transmission from Commander Pyre.

He brings out a Holocommunicator and opens the Call, showcasing Pyre.

Pyre: Supreme Leader, the plan worked. We received a message from the Patras Clan, the Call came from a Woman named Esdeath, she said her people need assistance against the Droid Army and that they have them surrounded in their Main Compound. Majority of her people have already been slaughtered by the Droids, with only a few remaining. From the tone she was speaking, they want our help, Supreme Leader.

Jaune: And what's the status of Grevious? I take it he's dealing with the Patras Elders?  

Pyre: He's keeping them at bay. The Tac Droid has reported they won't have a chance to escape due to the amount of Droids guarding the perimeter. If they want to live, they have to call for us for help.

Jaune: Then it's time we initiate the next part of the Operation, contact all Snow Units and have them gather in the Staging Point, and send the Task Force to rescue the Elders. I will join them in a matter of minutes.

Pyre: Understood, Supreme Leader.

The Holocall ends as Jaune makes his way to the Landing Bay, he presses a button on his Gauntlet, calling his Shuttle to pick him up as he will head for the Solitas Wilds. It's time to pay a visit to an Old Friend.

Author's Notes:
- I do not own any of the Images and Gifs you see here, and they all belong to their respective owners.

- Jaune now has Atlas and Mantle under his control, with only Vacuo and Menagerie left. The Arc Clan will come into play later, when more and more of their allies and resources have been depleted.

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