By -spiderland

39 6 9

" tell me, how do you know they can't hear us coming? it's easy for me, i got a headstart running away. . . "... More



24 3 9
By -spiderland

W A R N I N G !

Before you proceed, please note that the content presented in this story is highly mature. If you are triggered by depictions or mentions of verbal/mental/physical abuse, rape, underage sex, child abuse, animal abuse, school shootings, or any other explicit content, please click off now. Although much of the original writing has been censored or omitted due to Wattpad's community guidelines, it is important to me that I at least mention these topics to raise awareness about the reality of teen violence.

This is, as mentioned above, a story that features a school shooting, as well as a bombing. I do not intend to romanticize nor praise the actions my characters take. In fact, almost nobody in this story is redeemable with the exception of three main (and supporting) characters. It saddens me that I have to say this, but because the faceclaims I chose for the two main characters (which will be revealed later) have incredibly large fanbases, I must warn you that any sort of comments made about the perpetrators will be deleted, your account will be muted, and I will report you.

This isn't Zero Day, where you feel somewhat sorry for them. These characters are sick in the head, and I encourage you to seek help if you feel any attachment to them. They are awful.

This story is not supposed to glorify or condone anything that brings harm to people. This story was made to bring awareness to true events and crimes that occur and are often overshadowed by the idea that guns are the primary problem, and not untreated mental health. This was also written to shed some light on the reality of disorders such as ASPD, NPD, BPD and more.

As always, this is my response to criticism (not critiques): If you disapprove of this, you are only contributing to the negativity that surrounds these things. You are allowing people to be silenced, and you are allowing truth to be drowned in the midst of lies. If you don't like the way this came out, you can write your own story. But do not disrespect my work as I have put in a lot of time and effort into getting this as both accurate and intriguing as possible for readers.

If you'd like to get an idea of how part of this will turn out, I would advise you to look up the documentary ZERO HOUR, as well as the fictional films Elephant and We Need To Talk About Kevin. While this features some similarities to the Columbine case, it ultimately was mostly inspired by the Parkland shootings, a short horror film by my favorite musician, and some real-life teen murderers.

Lastly, because I know it will come up as a big personal question later on, I'll provide an answer right now: this is a standalone ROUGH CUT VERSION of a novel in a trilogy entitled "Video Diaries". The other two books (in their rough cut version as well) are Descent47 and Knock On Wood, the latter of which coincidentally takes place in the same universe but not the same timeline. You will see mild references to this work in KOW, but not Descent47, as it takes place in a universe of its own.

Oh, and if you can pick up on any small details or references to real people, places or events, feel free to point them out. I drop some personal, publicly obscure and popular lore from instance to instance. In this particular one, there's plenty.

I hope that you all view this as a cautionary tale. The reality is, evil is inevitable, and so are casualties rooted by untreated mental health problems. If you or a loved one are struggling with intrusive thoughts that are geared toward violence, please seek help. It's better to come clean and get the treatment you deserve than to go out and create irreversible damage against innocent people. I, myself, have struggled with similar issues brought on by ASPD and other disorders. You are not alone. And for those who have friends or family with these thoughts, help them seek treatment. It is NEVER too late to get help... until it already is.

With that being said, be safe out there, take care of yourself, and stay tuned for the first chapter.

- J.

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