𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 | Seongjoon...

By kyle_exe

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Seonghwa was just a simple guy trying to have some fun in a bar on a Friday night. He didn't expect there to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyTwo
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter TwentySix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine

Chapter Fifteen

153 17 84
By kyle_exe

Yeosang got out of his car and made his way to the Choi's house. He and San had planned to go out for drinks, and as always they had opted for the same bar because, why not?

Yeosang really didn't plan on drinking too much. As much as he liked that feeling of numbness the alcohol brought to him  he wasn't a fan of being completely unable to think without his head throbbing with pain the morning after. That's why he was the designated driver for tonight.

Not that they really needed a designated driver, it was only him and San and San was definitely able to aknowdeledge when he couldn't drive his car, he had proven it for far more than a few times.

He knocked on the door and took out his phone to wait. Just a few minutes later the door opened before him, strange. San always took his sweet time before going to open the door.

But San didn't live alone.

In front of an extremely surprised Yeosang stood an equally surprised Jongho in a gray sweater and light blue jeans. Yeah, Yeosang had momentarily forgot Jongho also lived wth San. They were brothers for fuck's sake, they had always lived together. Yeosang mentally facepalmed himself.

Jongho's expression immediately switched to something similar to realization and he turned around to yell.

"San, Yeosang's here you fucker!! You didn't tell me he was coming!!"

Jongho turned back around to smile at yeosang, completely ignoring San yelling back something along the lines of "I'm almost ready, let him in". He took a small step sideways to let him in, but Yeosang was kind of frozen on spot.

The smile Jongho had sent him had left him breathless. Almost everything the younger did seemed to have that effect on him now that he thought about it. But he couldn't help it. He was down bad.

Another reason why he didn't really want to get drunk today, the fear of accidentally confess his crush to Jongho's brother. He couldn't have that.

"...So it's you my brother is going out with? I was so confused when he started getting ready, he didn't even tell me he was going out." Jongho sighed, his hand still sitting on the door handle since Yeosang had still to come inside the house.

Yeosang snapped back out of his mind and focused his gaze on Jongho's little smile as he finally walked forward to let the younger off his door-holding duty with a little thanks.

Right then San appeared from up the stairs to peek at the two in the living room. He held a little brush in his hand, He was probably putting on makeup, Yeosang thought. San looked at Yeosang first, then his eyes settled on his little brother.

"We could go all together." He said going back inside the bathroom to finish the last touches of his makeup.

Yeosang's eyes widened. He would love to hang out with Jongho very much but was it really safe to go out drinking with him? Probably not. He turned to Jongho to confirm that he too wanted to just stay back and leave it for another time, but the look on the younger face told a whole different story.

Jongho's eyes were probably as wide as Yeosang's, but there was a spark in them and he looked absolutely adorable with his mouth slightly open and that hopeful expression. Jongho suddenly turned to him, a wide smile plastered on his lips, and Yeosang was sure he couldn't deny anythign to him right then and there. He couldn't deny him anything at all for all that mattered.

"Can I really?"

Yeosang sighed. He really couldn't say no, even when every little part of him told him it was a bad idea he really could never say no to Jongho. He defeatedly nodded his head and oh god, hw it was worth it.

Jongho's eyes seemed to lit up even more then earlier, the smile on his face widened and before Yeosang coud blink he was already running up the stairs and disappearing inside his bedroom to get ready as fast as possible. Yeosang was lwft alone in the living room.

Just as  he was about to sit on the couch San finally got out of the bathroom to descend the stairs, his makeup flawless as perfect and a little satisfied smile on his face. Yeosang couldn't imagine why it looked like San had planned this. He couldn't possibly know about his crush right? The only person Yeosang had ever told was Yunho and Yunho wasn't the type to just go around blabbering about other people's business.

"Looking good tonight, Yeo." San said as he took the last few steps to the couch just to drop down on it mindlessly looking over at Yeosang.

And Yeosang knew it was true, he had spent at least an hour getting ready if he didn't count the time he had spent in the shower. He was wearing a blue fitting crop top with a cut on the fabric on his left side, leaving his abs out on view. Over it he wore a black light jacket that hid the top unless he decided to take it off, but the collar was still very much visible and Yeosang was a hundred percent sure San remembered it from one of their performances. As pants he had opted for black leather pants that fit him nicely around his thighs. They were a bit loose on his calf but they were unexpectedly comfortable for being leather pants.

"Thanks, you too." He replied. Because well, San did look good too indeed. He wore a black glittery tank top with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. San wasn't really the time to wear glitter. Not that he wasn't almost always a little extra, this was actually far from how he actually dressed to go out, but glitter weren't really something he usually went for when he was choosing an outfit.

It was scarily unusual how fast Jongho had managed to get ready for the night. Just about five minutes after he had hustily run to his room he came out and Yeosang was paralyzed once again. How, just how had Jongho managed to pick an outfit this good in just five minutes?

The guy was wearing a pair of black dress pants conbined with a loose purple silk shirt. It wasn't anything special, really, and Yeosang wasn't sure why Jongho had dressed so elegantly, but it was the first time he had seen him in elegant clothing and he was absolutely mesmerized.

As soon as they made sure all of them were ready to go they made their way outside of the house and into Yeosang's car. Yeosang expected San to sit on the passenger seat next to him, usually it was like that, but apparently his bestfriend had a different plan. San got in the car behind Yeosang and Jongho hesitantly sat beside Yeosang who was kind of panicking at the moment.

He took a second to calm himself before turning on the angine and focusing on the road. That partally eased his nerves for the time being, if he had to concentrate on not running into any other car he would be too busy to pay attenton on the absolutely stunning man on his side.

The ride to the bar lasted far too short for his liking, and the three entered the place and got immediately surrounded by the smell on people and alcohol. Yeosang grimaced at it.

San led the way to the bar counter with a big smile, Yeosang and Jongho trailing close behind him. It didn't take long for them to order but by the time they actually got their drinks Yeosang had grown tired of his jacket, let's not even talk about how hot it had became in it.

He lazily slipped it off, revealing his crop top. When he turned back around to grab his drink however he was met with a wide eyed Jongho staring right at his top. He didn't dare talk. The look in the younger's eyes was... strange, unusual. It was the first time ever Yeosang had saw that look on him.

That strange flicker behind those brown eyes... It made a shiver run up his back.

"...What is happening?" An incredibly confused San butted in, breaking that inexplicably magical atmosphere that was talking place between them.

Jongho looked away. Yeosang let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Neither of the two replied to San.

The pink haired male furrowed his eyebrows but didn't question them further. He was well aware of his brother crush towards Yeosang but he didn't know if his friend actually returned those feelings, it sure as hell seemed so to San even if Jongho kept denying it at any given opportunity.

They all sat in silence for a few minutes, that if you could consider the obnoxiously loud music and the joyous yells coming from the croud as silence, until San jumped up from the stool he had decided to sit on and looked both Yeosang and his little brother in the eyes.

"Let's compete!"

Yeosang stared at him dumbfounded. He knew what San meant by that. He always meant the same thing when he tried to compete while drinking and no, Yeosang definitely wasn't up to see who could handle more alcohol. No no, not today, not ever.

Jongho on the other hand seemed far too eager to challenge his older brother in a competition. Now that he thought about that, Yeosang wasn't sure he knew how much Jongho could handle. He wasn't even sure if he had ever seen Jongho drink before. 

He knew for a fact that San was a heavy drinker, but what about Jongho? What if he was a lightweight and couldn't keep up with the rythm? What if he got sick because of that?

A mischievous smirk appeared on the brunet haired male just as Yeosang was about to say he didn't think it was a good idea. And maybe Yeosang found it a little too attractive to actually stop them when they ordered the first round of shots.

Shot after shot the two became drunker by the minute, but none would tap out of it. Yeosang observed in amazement hwile he slowly still sipped from the same drink he had gotten when they arrived at the place. It was a little concerning how much San and Jongho were drinking, and if he was being hosest Yeosang had tried to stop them one or two times, but they had told him they were fine and just like that he had given up on it.

Fifteen minutes later they were both wasted. Neither of the two had given up on the challenge, but both were far two drunk to keep going.

A sigh left Yeosang lips. He had to bring them back home and he wasn't sure how he would be able to handle two drunk men at once. 

It was a little relieving that San was still able to walk on his own even if he often stumbled on his own feet and he kept swinging left to right and Yeosang could focus on helping Jongho walk on his own. The poor boy wasn't even able to hold himself up without Yeosang's support.

With one of Jongho's arms swung over his shoulder while he kept him up with one of his own arms around his waist and San's hand held securely in his other hand he led them both back to his car. He tried to ignore San's playful chuckles and Jongho's incoherent mumbling as best as he could while he drove them back to their home and he exhaled relieved once he finally reached it.

Unfortunately for him it didn't end there. Jongho still couldn't stand on his own without risking to fall and smash his head against the ground and San had started telling them about an odd dream he had the previous week about giant butterflies trying to suck his brain out of his head. Pretty creepy but obviously Yeosang couldn't just tell him to shut up. The last time he had done it when San was drunk the pink haired male had started crying saying that he hated him and Yeosang really didn't want to deal with a crying San.

He helped the older of the two brothers out of the car and to the door so that he could open it and went back to the car to help Jongho stand up and actually walk. San managed to open the door in his drunken state and Yeosang didn't wait one second to go inside after him with Jongho slushed against his side.

San immediately dropped onto the couch, immediately falling asleep. Yeosang sighed. There was no way in hell he was gonna wake him up just to bring him in his room, San could sleep on his couch for once.

He struggled to walk up the stairs with Jongho's weight pressing him down, but he finally managed to reach the younger room and he dropped him on the bed with a satisfied exhale. He was about to walk back out of the room when Jongho's voice reached his ears.


Yeosang turned to face the drunk man sprawled on the bed. It was the first time ever Jongho had called him that. Yeosang had experienced quite a lot of first times tonight.

He felt butterflies erupting in his stomach.

"...Yeah?" He replied. Jongho slowly sat up on the bed looking over at Yeosang. There it was again, that strange flicker that made him feel things.

Jongho attempted to stand up just to loose balance and almost fall forward. Yeosang steppend forward and catched him before his body could touch the gound, sitting him back on the bed.

"Jongho, you're drunk. Sleep." He tried pushing him down on the matress, but Jongho grabbed his wrist and yanked him forward. Yeosang sucked in a breath.

They were close. 

Like, really close.

Yeosang in an attempt to not fall over the younder had reached out a hand that was now holding him up from the bed, his other arm was still held firmly by Jongho.

He could feel his breath against his lips, the strong scent of alcohol coming from him.

His eyes were fixed on Jongho's though, and his inside were probably combusting for how hot he felt.

Jongho wasn't looking back into his eyes, no. His gaze was lower than that. Jongho was looking at his lips.

"You're so beautiful..." Jongho breathed out. Yeosang couldn't move.

His head was completely empty of any thoughts and all he could do was stare. Because how was he supposed to react to this?

"I really like you, Yeo..." Jongho leaned forward, and that's when Yeosang snapped out of it.

He took a step back, freeing his arm from Jongho's grip, eyes wide and face bright red. He wanted it, oh how he wanted that kiss. But Jongho was drunk. Yeosang didn't even know if Jongho actually liked him or if it was just the alcohol speaking.

Most people tend to be honest when drunk, yeah, but he didn't want to talk to the drunk Jongho that was now giving him sad puppy eyes. He wanted to talk to him about it, with sober Jongho.

He muttered a small apology and rushed out the room, down the stairs, out of the house and into his car. Only then he allowed himself to drop his head on the steering wheel and sigh loudly. He could feel the burning heat on his cheeks and he was sure that to everyone he would probably look redder that a tomato. No matter how real it actually was, he had just been confessed to by his crush and his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest on any given moment.

When he finally regained his composure he drove back to his apartment. Upon entering he immediately saw his roommate sitting on the couch with a blank expression on his face.

Yunho turned to him and widened his eyes. 

"Woah Yeo, you're glowing red! How much did you drink??"

"...I didn't drink."

Yeosang spent the next half an hour telling Yunho the events of the night before he went to get ready for bed and let sleep take over him.

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