Only you. ben hardy/roger t...

By exsjoint

182 11 3

i was at a bar with my friend, after getting broken up with, and a band started playing, it was called smile... More



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By exsjoint

tonight was queens last show then we can all go home

"did we all have fun?" freddie asked "yep, i cant wait to go sleep in my own bed" i say as they all agree

i laid back on the couch, laying my head on rogers lap as i made sure not to flash anyone since i was wearing a dress

"i miss last night" i say looking at the ceiling "me too" roger say's looking down at me

"what happened lastnight?" brian asked "nothingg" me and roger say

"how much longer until we get to that place?" i ask freddie

"half an hour" he says flipping the magazine him and mary were looking at

"rog be a dear and wake me up in half an hour" i say closing my eyes

i felt him kiss my forehead as i drifted off to sleep


"my love, wake up, we'll be there soon" i heard roger say as he shook me awake

i opened my eyes as i looked around

i yawned as i sat up, brushing my hand through my hair

soon we pulled up at the place that i keep forgetting what they called it

we all got off the bus, as the boys went and set up there stuff me and the girls went too the bar and got a couple drinks

"isn't it crazy how tour ended so quick?" veronica said as i nodded and took a sip of my drink

"each show the crowd gets bigger and bigger" mary says

"there gonna get big." i say glancing back at the stage

i took one last swig of my drink as the girls did the same

"well, should we go get a good place too stand?" chris says as we all hop off the stools and make our way too the crowd

after squeezing through we got a decent spot

we were all talking when we heard freddies voice, the crowd started screaming

"how's everyone doing tonight?" he said smiling, the crowd was screaming there heads off

i chuckled as i saw roger grab his drum sticks and take a seat behind the drum kit

he glanced at the crowd, but stopped when he caught my eye, i smiled widely at him as he smiled back

soon the boys started playing

freddies wonderful voice singing, brian picking at the guitar, john doing a dance in the corner of the stage as he played bass, and roger playing his heart out

and all of that put together, brought music too my ears

and me and the girls started dancing


after the show me and the girls were at the bar

and slowly the crowd and people left

soon the boys came out "how was it my love?" roger said wrapping his arms around me

"it was brilliant!" i say smiling as he kissed my cheek

"we ready too go home?" freddie said as we all nodded and headed too the bus

we all got on, as i was digging in my suitcase for pyjamas "it will take a night too get too the airport, and a 12 hour flight back home" freddie said as i nodded and went too the bathroom and changed

i came out and went too the room were roger was laid out on the bed

i laid beside him as he wrapped his arm around me

"goodnight aubs" he said kissing my forehead

"goodnight rog" i say smiling as i closed my eyes

"i love you" he said covering up in the blanket

"i love you most" i say as i slowly drifted off too sleep

"nuh uh"

dude i have so much going on in my life too the point i forgot about this story, anywho, i'm back yall, sorry about the short chapter i'm really tired and i have school in the morning

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