Miya Twin's Pet (Yandere Miya...

By haleywink-chan

43.8K 1.2K 544

Y/n didn't understand why Atsumu and Osamu hated her so much. They had made her years in high school hell fro... More

Chapter 1 Bullies
Chapter 2 Clubroom
chapter 3 Club
Chapter 4 Invite
Chapter 5 Body Pillow
Chapter 6 Hotel
Chapter 7 Pictures
Chapter 9 Night Meeting
Chapter 10 Confession
Chapter 11 Don't Fight
Chp 12 Chains
Chp 13 Cry

Chapter 8 Key

2.9K 99 19
By haleywink-chan


The acid burned as the vomit expelled from my mouth and into the toilet bowl. I kept retching until all that was left were dry heaves. I wanted to throw up more but there was nothing left in my stomach. The vomit swirls in the toilet as I flush it down. 

I couldn't look at myself in the mirror as I rinse my mouth out but I knew what I would see. There would be dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I hadn't brushed my hair in days so it was a tangled mess. My hair was greasy just like my face from not being washed. Everything in me wanted to take a shower but every time I would take off my clothes my body would shake uncontrollably. 

My feet dragged as I went back into the guest room I was staying in. My room had too many bad memories in it so there was no way in hell I was going in there. I plopped down onto the mattress wrapping myself in the cover my mother had carefully picked out. She loved to decorate and the guest room showed it. 

My phone let out a ding I knew it was a text from Suna or Kita. They would both send me a text every hour checking in on me. I used the excuse that I was sick to keep them away even though they both would still try to visit. They came with medicine or food that they would place outside my front for me to get. I felt bad lying but I couldn't tell them the truth. 

I had come close to telling Kita one time when he called me. As I tried to build up the courage to tell him a burning shame flushed over my body. My stomach twisted into knots and my face became hot. I knew I shouldn't feel ashamed but I couldn't help it. Even if it wasn't my fault what the Miya twins did I hated I didn't fight. I always thought in those situations I would be the girl to fight but instead, I just froze. No matter how much I tried I couldn't get rid of the burning shame in my gut. 

I ignored the phone not wanting to talk to Kita or Suna. 

I had almost drifted off to sleep when my phone started to ring. If they had gone out of their way to call me the least I could do was answered. I reached out to the bedside table patting it till I touched my phone. I brought the ringing phone under the covers with me. It hurt my eyes as the phone light blinded me. Even through my squinted eyes, I was able to hit the answer button. 

"Hello," my voice sounded rough as I spoke into the phone. It had been a couple of days since I last talked so my throat felt dry. 

"Sweety-" my mother's soothing voice chimed through the receiver "-are you okay" 

I jolted up right tossing the cover from my body. My phone slipped from my hand but I quickly caught it bring it back to my ear. 

"Mom, how are you?" 

It had been a week since we last spoke. My dad and her were both nature photographers. At the moment they were both in Africa tracking a herd of Zebra for a nature book they were hired to work on. They could only get into contact with me when they were at base camp which wasn't often.

 "I am good honey. Your dad fell into some elephant shit today it was hilarious-" she chuckled at that "-I wish you were here to see it" 

"Me too," I said as a tear slid down my face

"I got an email from the school that said you missed four days of school in a row" 

I had forgotten that the school would do that. If you missed more than three days the school would automatically call your parents. My school knew about my parent's job so they always emailed them since it was easier to get ahold of them that way. 

"I've been sick," I said it felt awful to lie to her

"Should I send Kita to come stay with you?" My mother asked

There was that feeling again that I was being a bother to the ones I loved. Kita needs to stay with his own family. It was rice planting season and he had been getting up early to help his parents with the farm before coming to school. If he stayed with me there is no way he could get up early enough to help his parents. 

"No Mom I'm a lot better" 

You're such a liar Y/n. 

"Are you sure?" my mother asked concern dripping into her voice

"Yeah, I am great. I'll go to school tomorrow. I promise" I said trying to sound cheerful

"That's good-" I could hear the relief wash over her "-You are so strong Y/n. My strong daughter. I love you" 

My lip quivered I wanted to cry. 

"I love you too, mom. I need to work on my makeup work for school." I wanted to get off the phone quick

"Bye sweety" 

"Bye Mom" 

I ended the call tossing the phone across the room. My body was wracked by sobs as tears slid down my face. I pressed my pillow against my face to silence my cry. I felt my tears drenched the soft fabric of the pillow. There was no telling how long I cried into it but eventually, the tears stopped. I didn't think I was done crying most likely I was too dehydrated to cry further. 

My eyes were swollen as I pulled the pillow away from my face. The fabric was stuck to my face as I ripped the pillow away. I was too numb to feel pain. 

I stood up from the bed everything felt like I was in a haze. If I were going to school tomorrow I would need to shower. If the teachers saw my current state they would contact my parents. 

Instead of going straight to the bathroom, I decided to go to the kitchen first. I wanted to drink some water and maybe even try to eat something. As I enter the kitchen something felt off. I hadn't been here all day but there was something here. There was a red object on the kitchen counter. I crept up to it noticing that it was a flower. It wasn't just any flower it was a rose and there was something attached to it. My hand shook as I picked up the rose there was a small piece of white paper attached to the flower. I held the stem of the rose turning the paper over to see writing on it. 


As soon as read the note I dropped the rose. I rushed to the front door making sure it was still locked and it was. Then I rushed to the back door and it was also locked. After I checked every window all those were locked as well.

Then a fear rushed over me what if they were still in the house? I rushed around checking every inch of the house. Every closet. Every room. I even checked under the beds but there was nothing. This meant if they got in and were able to leave and lock the door behind them they had a key. I fresh wave of nausea hit me. I rush to the bathroom to throw up into the toilet. There was no food so only stomach acid came up. 

They had a key to my house. I was no longer safe anywhere.  






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