The Final Home? //Wilbur Adop...

By APanWeeb2

15.1K 460 1.5K

Wilbur has been in the foster care system for 14 years, he has picked up some bad habits along the way. When... More

Question (please help)


318 6 38
By APanWeeb2

Tw- none :D 

just kidding 

Tw- underage smoking, underage drinking, sneaking out, rape, arguing, duct tape on someone's mouth 

(not in order btw) 

Wilbur's POV 

(Wilbur's outfit today btw) 

Phil poured a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter, his back facing the wall, as he watched Techno and Tommy go back and forth with each other, making sure they didn't get too rowdy. 

"Hey Phil, can I go to my friend's house tonight?" I ask, prepared for him to say no. 

"Hmm depends, what time?" 

"Around ten." 

"Let me think about it." 


Better than a no. To be honest I'd just sneak out if he said no. 

I look over to the two arguing idiots and notice multiple bruises on Tommy's arms. He's been wearing more jackets and long sleeve shirts lately so I haven't seen them before. 

A few minutes later Tommy stomped upstairs, fuming. Ehhh I should probably talk to him about that. 

I get up and follow him upstairs to his room. When I get up there he's already in his room so I knock and wait for an answer. 

When I do get one I open the door revealing Tommy and his room. He was sitting in his chair at his desk facing me. 


"I uh, I noticed you had a few bruises on your arms." 

His eyes go wide and he fumbles to put on a hoodie then says, "they're from gym." 

Mhm surreee all those bruises are from P.E. I totally believe that. I mentally roll my eyes. 

"Are you sur-" I got cut off by Tommy. Rude bitch. 

"Yes I'm fucking sure! Now get the fuck out of my room!" Tommy yells. 

My eyes widen slightly and I back out of his room and say, "Alright well if you need anything you know you can talk to me," then close the door. 

I enter my room and flop onto my bed. I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan. 

Fuck this I'm going to go smoke. I hop off my bed and grab my cigarettes and lighter then head downstairs. 

I slip on my shoes and grab the doorknob. "I'm going to the park! I'll be back in a bit!" I yell. 

I don't bother waiting for an answer and just open the door and leave. As soon as I'm not in view of the house I light one of my cigarettes and inhale deeply. 

Thankfully my earbuds and phone are in my pocket so I put my earbuds in and listen to music as I walk to the park. 

After a few minutes of walking, I reach my destination and start walking towards the pond. 

There are a few people walking with their dogs or just running by themselves so I make sure to avoid them. 

When I got to the pond I sat on one of the benches and watched the ducks swim around the pond while I smoked. It was a very calming place to just think. 

Time skip brought to you by the angst later in this chapter. 

Around forty minutes and two cigarettes later I was ready to go home. I can only get so many dirty looks from people before I want to leave. 

I stand up and stretch before walking back the way I came. I haven't been gone too long so Phil shouldn't be worried. 

When I get to the house I remember that I smell like smoke and that I would probably get questioned if Phil smelled said smoke. 

Well shit. 

I can't ask Tommy to cover for me again, he definitely isn't in the mood to distract Phil.. 

I'll just sneak in and hope Phil doesn't notice me. 

But I can't exactly just climb into my window because someone would definitely think that's suspicious and probably call the cops.. 

Eh I'll just go through the front door it'll be finnnneee 

I walk up to the door and slowly open it. No Phil on the couch. 

He's probably in the kitchen or upstairs then. 

I slowly step inside and quietly make my way up the stairs. The left side of the stairs always creeks if you step on them, something I learned while living here, so I make sure to stay on the right side. 

When I make it to the top I peak around the corner and no sight of Phil. I let out a quiet breath of relief and walked down the hallway. 

Just as I passed Tommy's room, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I froze. 

"Welcome home Will, why do you smell like smoke?" 

I didn't have to turn around to know it was Phil. 

"Uh hi." I quickly came up with an excuse. "A guy was smoking next to me so that's why I smell like smoke." 

I could feel my body shaking. 

Well this is the end for me, rest in peace Wilbur Soot. 

"Don't lie to me Wilbur." 

I turned around to face him. "I'm not lying!" 

His brows were furrowed, his arms were crossed, and he looked upset. 

He held out his hand and said, "give them here." 

I stared at him in disbelief. "I don't sm-" 

"Wilbur this isn't up for debate, I know you smoked, now hand over the cigarettes." 

I waited for a moment to tell if he was serious or not then groaned and pulled my cigarettes out of my pocket then dropped them in Phil's hand. 

"There. Happy?" 

"And the lighter." 

"I can't even do anything if I don't have cigarettes!" 

"Don't care, hand it over." 

I groaned in frustration and plopped it in his hand. "There now fuck off." 

"Thank you. And we're talking about this later." 

I rolled my eyes and went to my room. 

I harshly open my door and slam it shut. 

Fuck Phil and his stupid fucking... I don't know but his stupid something! 

I flop onto my bed and ball my fist. I have a strong urge to punch something. 

I take the closest thing near me, which happens to be a glass cup I keep forgetting to take downstairs, and throw it against the wall, causing it to shatter into many pieces. 

Wait, why am I getting so angry over this? I've had foster parents take my cigarettes away before. This is nothing new. 

"What was that!?" A voice yelled from downstairs. 

"It came from Will's room!" Yelled Techno. 

"Are you alright Wilbur!?" Phil yelled. 

"I'm fine fuck off!" 

Time skip brought to you by the broken cup 😔 

The last hour I spent in my room feeling way too angry about a situation that has happened before. 

Then I heard a knocking on my door. 

"Hey Wilbur, it's me Phil, can we talk?" 

"No fuck off." 

Instead of going away like I said, he opened my door and sat on the edge of my bed. 

"I told you to fuck off, are you already going deaf?" 

Phil chuckled. "Fortunately no, but we need to talk." 

"How long have you been smoking?" 

"None of your fucking business." 

He signed and then said, "Technically as your legal guardian, it is." 

I just stared at him, waiting for him to move on to the next part of whatever he had to say but he didn't. 

I groaned. "A couple years I don't know." 

That's a lie. I know exactly how many years I've been smoking, eight. 

"Well I don't condone smoking in my house so it's gonna stop alright?" 

Haha sure, you're just gonna cut off a smoker of eight years in one day. That's definitely gonna happen. 

I mentally rolled my eyes. "Sure." 

"Good, if you need anything, let me know. There isn't anything you can't talk to me about Wilbur." 

What I need is my cigarettes and for you to fuck off. 


"Wilbur I'm serious, if you need to talk, I'm here for you." 

I rolled over and hurried my face in my pillow. 

"Great now fuck off." 

Phil sighed. "Alright I will leave you alone." 

Phil stood up and right as he was about to leave my room he said, "and no, you can go over to your friend's." 

I figured. I was probably gonna sneak out anyway. 

I gave him a thumbs up in his general direction then heard the familiar noise of my door closing. 

I made sure he was gone before getting off my bed and lifting up my mattress where my backup cigarettes were hidden. 

Dumb bitch. You think I'm not gonna have backups? 

I took them, along with one of my extra lighters and some other less important items, and shoved them in a backpack. 

After quickly checking the time, I opened one of my windows that was on the side of the house and carefully climbed out. 

I brushed myself off and after asking Big Q for Schlatt's address, I was on my way to his house. Then once I had turned the corner of my street I pulled out my cigarettes and lit one. 

Who was Phil to tell me to stop smoking? 

Fuck him. 

I still had some alcohol from the time I bought it from Q and drank it on my way to Schlatt's. 

And before I knew it, I was in front of a house that I had seen before when me and Tech picked up Tommy. I walked up to the door and knocked, then after a couple seconds, a drunk Schlatt opened the door and let me inside. 

"Hey man!" said Schlatt. He wrapped his arms around me and the overwhelming smell of beer invaded my nose. 

I resisted the urge to push him away and hugged him back. When Schlatt let go, he walked over to a table with loads of beer on it in front of the couch. 

He handed me a beer and after I took it he flopped onto the couch, I followed and sat next to him. 

"When's Quackity gonna get here?" I ask Schlatt. 

"I dunno, text him," Schlatt slurred. He took a sip from his beer and leaned back into the sofa. 

So I pulled out my phone then texted Q, and smoked while I waited for his answer. 


Ducky <3 

Whats Schlatt's address??? 

One sec 


Thx Ducky 😘 

U're welcome Wil 😒 

When a re you gonna be hereeeee :((( 

I don't I'll be able to go Wil, my mom is being an ass tonight 

And I have to meet up w/ a customer tonight 


Duckyyyyyyyy :( 

Sorry Wil 

I'll see you tomorrow? 

Yea :) 

Yay! :D 


No one's pov 

Wilbur frowned and opened his beer before saying, "He can't come." 

Before taking a sip of his beer, he put out his almost burnt out cigarette. 

"Eh that's fine we can have fun together~" Schlatt winked and got closer to Wil. 

Wilbur, already getting uncomfortable with how this was going, moved away from him and asked, "Yeah? What are we gonna do?" 

"Well we can always play a game. I have a few in mind." Schlatt smirked and Wilbur could see where this was going. 

He quickly thought of something tot get out of this. "Hey, isn't your brother here? Would he mind that we're drinking and playing games?" 

"Don't worry about him, he's at his friend's house this weekend. So we can have all the fun we want~" 

Schlatt kept getting closer and Wilbur backed up until he was pressed against the arm rest. 

"U-um Schlatt, could you back up? You're k-kinda close to me," Wilbur said when Schlatt was an inch away from his face. 

"Oh but Wilbur~ we're friends. And friends, help each other out~" 

"Well y-yes, but you're a but too close for comfo-" 

Wilbur was cut off by Schlatt's lips touching his own. 

It was like Wilbur was in his weak, pathetic 9 year old body. Except this time it was his friend. 

He couldn't move, he couldn't fight Schlatt off when he felt Schlatt taking his clothes off. 

The combination of Wilbur not eating enough the past couple of days and the alcohol he drank on an empty stomach made him weaker than normal, not that he was very strong normally either. 

Wilbur tried pushing Schlatt off him but he couldn't. 

He begged him to stop but Schlatt just told him, "This is what friends do, Wilbur." with a sick grin on his face. 

"I'm doing this because I care for you Wilbur," Schlatt had whispered in his ear. 

Wilbur begged until Schlatt got tired of hearing Wilbur beg and grabbed a roll of duct tape from off the table and turned back to Wilbur. 

"If you don't shut up, I will shut you up." Schlatt told him. 

Wilbur turned his head and again asked him to stop, his eyes glassy with tears. 

Schlatt sighed, "I didn't want to do this Wilbur but you leave me no choice." 

Wilbur's eyes widened and he thrashed his head around to stop him however Schlatt roughly grasped Wilbur's hair to stop him from moving his head and taped Wilbur's mouth shut. 

"There! Much better! I'm doing this because I care about you Wilbur, remember that." 

He pushed Wilbur flat onto his back then Wilbur felt pain and the first tears spilled. 

"Shh it's okay Wilbur, you'll learn to love it~" 

Wil shook his head and hit Schlatt. Schlatt let out an annoyed sigh. 

"Am I going to have to tape your hands too?" 

Wilbur shook his head again and Schlatt laughed then got close to Wilbur's ear. 

"Then be a good boy, and behave. Now I've given you time to adjust so you should be fine now." 

Wilbur cried a lot that night. 

All he felt after Schlatt was done using his body, was violated. 

He felt violated. 

But Schlatt said he was his friend and that friends for it all the time. 

So it was fine right? 

Well that's what Wilbur was telling himself after it. 



How we feelin after this chapter? :3 

Also sorry for not writing this, I had really bad writers block 

Thank you for all the support! I love you all so much ^^ 

Also if you notice mistakes in the parts where Wilbur is texting someone, they're there one purpose :P 

Do you guys like it more when I write in third person (no one's pov) or Wilbur's pov? 

And I have decided to continue the book! 

QOTC- If you could live anywhere, were would you choose? 

This was a long chapter ;-; 

(2445 words)

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