Innocence Died Screaming (Hon...

By thehappyreaper431

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In the very beginning, you had been one of the first Archangels, your domain residing with curiosity, empathy... More

Who Could Ask To Be Unbroken, Or Be Brave Again?
Like A Heathen Clung To The Homily
The Memory Hurts, But Does Me No Harm
Heaven Is Not Fit To House A Love Like You And I
There Are Some People, Love, Who Are Better Unknown
There Is No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin
Heaven And Hell Were Words To Me
Be Love In Its Disrepute

Honey, You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago

224 7 0
By thehappyreaper431


Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door

From Eden - Hozier


The mind forgets, but the heart will always remember. And what is the heart's memory but love itself?

Curled up snugly between your breasts, head poking out from your cleavage, Ouroboros was staring at Lucifer smugly. Sitting in the speakeasy, you and the Devil in a booth to the right of the bar, you were attempting to teach him one of the trickier measures you had played, however, the man was distracted by the snake, glaring daggers at it.

"My eyes are up here, Luci," you scolded the man, his cheeks heating up, he scoffed at you.

"How do you expect me to focus with that?" he motioned to Ourbi who intentionally stuck his tongue out at him, "see?"

The narrow expression of outrage on his round face made you chuckle softly, rolling your eyes.

"Why do you even let him do that?" he asked, though you noted that his tone was laced with a hint of... jealousy?

"Meh, it doesn't bother me too much and it keeps him happy," you shrugged, using the bow of your fiddle to boop the snake on the nose, the creature hissing and snuggling closer to your chest.

The calming beat of your heart thrummed in the ears of Ouroboros, his body longing to curl up next to it and feel it always. He knew you. He recognized you the instant you held him and he only wished Lucifer could do the same, but the mind often forgets what the soul always remembers.

Though he may lack the common and practical thought, Ouroboros' intelligence laid in the memory of emotion and he knew you like the feathers of his wings. You were his Meri and he was part of your Lux and he would cling to you, ensuring you would stay this time. He couldn't afford to lose you again; it would break both him and his counterpart. So he would wait impatiently for you to reveal yourself, even if it took years, as long as you were here with him.

"Ugh, seriously? You don't have to tolerate it, you know?" Lucifer pressed, snapping his fingers as a tiny golden cage appeared on the table next to you, making you raise a brow as he continued, "I can always put him in a timeout- give him a little time to reflect."

From your chest, Ouroboros hissed again, hiding his face down under the hem of your sweetheart neckline dress, concealing himself fully beneath the blue fabric. The hilarity of the snake's actions made you laugh, your amusement growing clearer as Lucifer practically growled at his soul.

Teasingly, you flirted with the Devil, grinning from ear to ear, "What, are you jealous of the snake? Would you prefer to be in his place?"

That gave you the response you were hoping for, Lucifer's cheeks flaring brightly as his words died on his lips. He could barely make eye contact with you, covering his mouth with his hand as he coughed, attempting to regain his composer, the aureate cage he had summoned vanishing in a puff of red mist.

"I- what, no! Of course not!"

"Mhm, sure." you responded sarcastically, his embarrassment worsening with every taunt that left your lips.

"I don't!"

"Oh, I believe you, Luci, I'm sure you're not imagining being where Ourbi is right now-"

You were cut off as he lurched over the table to cover your mouth, his face red as a tomato, he shook his head, gaze still avoiding yours. Taking your chance at being as childish as possible, you licked his hand. The instant he felt your tongue on his palm he drew back with a small gasp, eyes wide, his expression full of shock, aghast as you burst out laughing, his embarrassment now joined by a glare.

"Haha! The look on your face!" you grinned up at him.

For a man who flirted with you all the time, the second you returned his advancements he would flatline, not able to handle not being in control of a situation, turning into a blushing mess. Honestly, it was adorable, though it reminded you far too much about how flustered he would get when you knew him in Heaven; he could be a complete disaster at times if you said something even remotely intimate.

"Hardy har, real funny." he mumbled sarcastically, rolling his eyes, sitting back down with his arms crossed over his chest. He had discarded his overcoat today, wearing his pink pinstripe vest suit, the white sleeves rolled up over his ebony ombre forearms.

Smirking, you tapped your bow against his chin, inciting him to lift his head and meet your gaze.

"I'm just playing around, don't take me too seriously," you winked, reusing what he had said to you a week ago by the pool, "Now come on, violin up and repeat the measure for me once more."

Groaning, Lucifer begrudgingly picked up his fiddle, making another attempt at the tricky chord shift you had performed for him prior, a few of his notes falling flat. To assist him, you reached over the table, adjusting his grip, his eyes following your every move as you guided his hands. The care you took to lead him was not lost on him, though you missed the dreamy look on his face, too focused on teaching him to see the affection in his gaze.

"There," you murmured, touch fleeing him far too soon for his liking as you sat back down, "try again for me, please."

Moving his bow over the strings of his fiddle, Lucifer wondered if he kept messing up, would you continue to hold and guide him? He wouldn't mind wasting time acting as though he couldn't play the melody consistently if that were the case.

Lost in thought, he steadily recreated your piece, a distant look in his eyes. However, just as his crescendo came to a close, Charlie and Vaggie entered the bar, the two of them discussing an incident that had occurred in regards to Carmilla Carmine, the weapons dealer.

" someone's been stealing her shipments? How could they have gotten away with that? She has cameras everywhere, honestly." Charlie commented, her face lighting up as she noticed her father, giving him a wave which he gladly returned, setting down his fiddle.

"She said her cameras cut out at the time they were stolen and that she doesn't know how. From what I know, her security is top notch, so to have someone be able to dismantle it- hello, sir." Vaggie nodded to Lucifer, the man offering her a smile. He had told her that there was no need to call him sir, but she had fallen into a habit and it didn't really bug him all that much.

Butting into their conversation, you were a bit intrigued by the situation they were discussing.

"So what is going on with Carmilla? Are sinners stealing from her again?" you asked, your brow raising as a smirk tinged at your lips, "because the last time that happened, she made quite the example out of the unlucky thieves."

Charlie grimaced at your vague statement, Vaggie nodding.

"Yes, but these aren't common thieves. Their set up was meticulous and they somehow managed to hack her security system, which is impressive and a telling sign these aren't some lowlives down on their luck." the former Exorcist explained, her and the princess taking a seat beside you and Lucifer; Charlie and her dad across from you and Vaggie.

"So, what's her plan?" Lucifer asked as you whisked away your fiddles with your silver magic, sensing that this conversation would last a while.

"Well, she requested my aid in an stakeout tonight," Vaggie said, tapping her fingers against the table, Charlie leaning forward to rest her hands comfortingly on her lover's, both of them sharing a tiny smile, "I agreed seeing as we owe her for helping us protect the last hotel, so I'll be heading over to her district of the Pentagram later."

Sighing, Charlie pouted, "I wish I could help you Vaggie..."

"I know, but we discussed this already; the hotel needs you... and you aren't exactly the most inconspicuous person, sweetie."

Letting out a small groan, the demoness' expression shifted to worry, "but what if something happens and you get hurt?"

"-I could go with her and help out, if you'll permit me?" you interjected, Lucifer perking up at your offer of assistance, his brows raised.

"Uh, no offense miss, but you aren't exactly very inconspicuous either." Vaggie eyed your ivory feathers pointedly, a chuckle leaving you.

"I might not appear to be able to blend in, but trust me, I can only be seen when I want to be."

"What, can you like, turn invisible or something?" Charlie asked, her brow scrunched in confusion.

Tail tapping contentedly against the leather seat between you and the former Exorcist, you gave the princess a grin, "that's precisely it, dear."

"Wait, really?" Lucifer asked, surprise in his tone and on his face, mixed with an odd trace of suspicion.

Focused more on the two younger women, you did not notice the narrowed gaze Lucifer flashed at you or how he stiffened, his claws clenched tightly in his lap. The worry in his chest made his heart pound as he began to suspect you to be the culprit of the bandages upstairs in his room. Were you covering for an angel? And if so, why? What would you gain from it?

"Hm? Yes, it's one of my more tactical abilities besides making illusions." you passed off your confirmation with nonchalance and the Devil had to force himself to remain calm.

Invisibility was a rare ability in and of itself, but it wasn't impossible for more than one person to have it. So perhaps, it was just mere coincidence that you had magic similar to what he had witnessed with the gauze upstairs. He trusted you and you wouldn't have lied to him, right?

"That's... actually quite impressive," Vaggie complimented, her expression becoming more welcoming, "and if that's the case then I wouldn't mind having you tag along with me. You and Carmilla get along, right?"

"Of course, she and I are on good terms. I'm sure she'll be fine with me accompanying you."

"That's excellent to hear. I'll be heading out around 9pm, I'll meet you in the front lobby then. In the meantime, come on Charlie, we have to go find Husk and help him out with his outfit for his and Angel's date." Vaggie slipped out of the booth, the princess following, their hands interlocked.

Taking that as your cue as well, you stood up, giving Lucifer a gentle smile, though you noticed that the smile he returned to you was tight lipped, your expression falling slightly.

Had you done something wrong?

"I should probably go get ready, I only have an hour to prepare." you motioned over your shoulder, Lucifer's eyes searching yours, scouring them as though he hoped to find something hidden there. Like a creature under a microscope, you froze, feeling far to seen for comfort.

What did he know? Was he catching on? What had you said that would elicit such a response from him?

"Before you go, I need to speak with you first." the Devil approached you, his gaze heavy as he held out his hand for you to take.

Cautiously, you rested your palm in his, both of you vanishing in a swirl of his magic, your vision returning now that you were standing in his living room.

The snake between your breasts peeked his head out, scenting the air before squirming out of your top and flying onto the couch, nuzzling the cushions. Usually you would've laughed at his adorable antics, but a creeping sense of dread lingered in the air, Lucifer releasing your hand, motioning to his couch.

"Take a seat, I'll be back in a moment." Though his voice was calm, the order was evident and hesitantly, you obeyed, your hands trembling slightly.

The instant you took your place on the cushion, Ouroboros was on your lap, curled up cutely. His little body was warm, his wings appearing for you to gently pet, your anxiety at an all time high. The pounding of your heart rattling within your eardrums as you reevaluated the entire conversation with Vaggie and Charlie, trying to piece together what exactly Lucifer wanted to talk about.

It wasn't long before the King of Hell returned from his chamber, his hand held out before him as though there was something in his palm when there was evidently nothing. He tossed what you had thought to be the air at you, until you felt a spongy fabric make contact with your chest before dropping onto Ouroboros, the bandage becoming visible as it touched the snake, dried golden blood evident on the gauze.

Staring wide eyed at the bandage in your lap that Ouroboros was now pulling on, coiling around it and biting at the fabric, your blood ran cold as ice. The sense of feeling hyper present overwhelmed you, the gradual panic crawling up your throat like a desperate salmon fighting against the current. You longed for nothing more than to close your eyes and not exist in that moment, but you were granted no such mercy.

"You have something to do with this, don't you?" Lucifer pried, approaching you, his crimson eyes narrowed as he leaned down, forcing your frightful eyes to make contact with his.

Swallowing thickly, no words left your lips, your voice caught in your throat as your chest tightened like a vice. It hurt to breathe, your mind all but screaming at your lungs to function. Lucifer was quick to catch on, his gaze softening, he rested a hand on your shoulder.

"It's alright if you do, just tell me the truth, please." he whispered, kneeling down before you, his claws shifting to rest on yours.

Stifling down your rising panic, you hastily evaluated your options, some far worse than others. You could come clean and give him the full picture, ruining everything you've built up for yourself in Hell. You could claim that you had assisted a different angel, but that would lead to far more complications. Or, you could tell him you were a former Exorcist like Vaggie, retaining what you've achieved in the plane of the damned.

The last one sounded the most appealing, so with a shuddered exhale, you plead your case.

"It's my blood. I'm... like Vaggie; a fallen Exorcist, I just, didn't want anyone to know."

Grip tightening around your hands, Lucifer sighed, his thumbs rubbing gently over your knuckles in a calming gesture. The sadness and hurt in his gaze caused even more guilt to pool with the nervousness in your chest, your heart aching.

"You should've told me," he muttered solemnly, "No one here would have judged you."

"I know, I was just... nervous and afraid that it would change your perspective of me... I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he shook his head, a warm smile lighting up his features as he leaned in close, his arms wrapping around you.

Gently holding you, Lucifer hugged you close, his lips brushing against the feathers of your ear, "just tell me next time. I honestly thought there was an angel sneaking about around here and was preparing for an attempted murder."

Chuckling softly at his own words, you did the same, biting your lips to stop yourself from blurting the truth to him. It was undeniable how much it tormented you to lie directly to him, to look him in the eyes and claim you were someone you weren't- again. You felt dirty, so utterly disgusted with yourself. How vile you were to keep the truth from him, but you had dug your grave and now you would die in it.

"No, it was just me, I apologise for frightening you."

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you told me the truth," he murmured, drawing back from you with a soft expression, "but wait, how are you Johnny's granddaughter if you were an Exorcist?"

"I snuck down to Earth and got reincarnated. I lost all my memories until my soul failed divine judgement," you explained, Lucifer nodding along to your actual truth.

"you should tell Charlie and-"

"No!" you startled yourself with your own voice, "please, just keep this between you and me. I've made a life for myself away from my past, I don't want it to be brought up again."

Pursing his lips, Lucifer sighed, shaking his head as he sat down next to you, reaching over to pet Ouroboros and remove the bandage from the snake's jaw. Once the fabric was free, he set it down on the coffee table before turning back to you.

"I understand your concern, but you have to recognize that it will only be worse if they find out on their own." he warned, his palm resting on your thigh, claws brushing over the creases in the fabric of your dress.

"That's why they shouldn't find out, Luci. Just let me live my life in peace, please..."

"Very well, I won't force you," he begrudgingly agreed, a frown sullying his complexion, "Who else knows?"

"Angel and Husk, they're the ones who tended to my wounds after Alastor broke my wings."

Wincing at the reminder of what occurred a couple weeks ago, Lucifer bit his lip, nodding to himself. Absentmindedly, he drummed his fingers against your leg, his hands always having to be doing something.

"They're good people. I assume that's why you guarded Husk when Alastor started questioning him about you?" he inquired, slowly piecing together your past actions, "that explains why they covered your wounds the instant they got there."

"Yes, I made a deal with him to keep my secret and my end of the bargain was to protect him if Alastor tried to pry."

Your affirmation made him raise a brow with a huff, leaning back on the couch.

"Damn, you really didn't want your past getting out." he commented, your eyes shifting down to the coffee table where your old bandages were laying in a small pile, shame devouring your insides.

"My past is left behind me. I choose to live in the present." you stated stiffly, his vermillion eyes pivoting over to you, his complexion an image of sorrowful acceptance.

"I know. I choose to live in the here and now as well... though I need to ask, how is Meri doing? Has she been alright since my fall?" His expression became that of hopeful desperation, pleading for you to answer with some form of information.

With every question he asked you could feel your grave getting deeper, falsity after falsity pouring from your lips like petals off of a dying rose.

"She was doing well when I saw her a few decades ago," you lied through your teeth, offering him a sweet smile that made you feel physically ill.

He appeared to be pleased with your answer, though deeply wounded at the same time, brow creased, mouth upturned. In your lap, Ouroboros nuzzled against your abdomen, wings flapping as he caught your attention, innocent face asking for rubs, which you gratefully gave to him, relaxing with every stroke against his scales.

"I'm glad to hear it. She deserves to move on and be happy without me." he claimed with a bittersweet smile, wringing his hands in his lap.

About to console him, you were distracted by the sudden chiming of a cuckoo clock, a small ducky squeaking from the timekeeper on the Devil's work desk, informing you that it was now, in fact, 9pm and you were running late.

"Shit, I have to go help Vaggie now, sorry Luci." you apologised, standing up swiftly and passing him Ouroboros, the King of Hell blinking in surprise, but accepting the snake nonetheless.

Just as you were about to teleport to the lobby, you made a split second decision to lean down, grabbing Lucifer by the chin and pulling him towards you. The Devil's breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding as your soft lips made contact with his cheek and you drew back, releasing him.

"I'll talk to you when I get back, if it's not too late." you promised, vanishing in a swirl of silver mist, reappearing in the front lobby, dressed in your white leather armour, humming softly to turn its hue to a rich black.

Leaning against the reception desk, Vaggie waited with her arms crossed. She was dressed in sleek ebony clothes, an angelic spear strapped to her back. Nodding at you, she straightened herself, approaching you.

"Right on time. Come on, we should get going." she ushered you to the door of the hotel, but you offered her a better form of travel.

Summoning a portal to the heart of Carmilla's side of the Pentagram, Vaggie's eyes widened, brow raised. Clearly she was impressed with your magic as you motioned for her to go through the curling circle of mist.

"After you," you smiled gracefully, a relaxed smirk taking over Vaggie's expression as she gladly stepped through the portal, you following right after her and closing it behind you.

"Alright, where to next?" you inquired, your voice a whisper as the streets were nearly empty, only a few sinners hanging around to chat outside of their apartments.

"We are going to storage facility 8 on the northwest side of her turf. Follow me," the ex-Exorcist's wings returned to existence, your eyes blinking with surprise, but she didn't give you time to think about the fact she could summon and hide her wings at will, taking to the sky.

Using your own swan wings, you darted up after her, your wingspan noticeably larger than hers, making you a fair bit faster, though you still lingered in the rear, trailing after her as she led you to a large concrete building with black metal shingles along the roof, no windows in sight.

Landing on the ground in front of what seemed to be a truck bay, Vaggie walked up to the massive metal door, Carmilla's insignia painted on the front. Standing before a few of the cameras was enough for the gate to open, the weapons dealer Overlord herself likely watching and allowing you access from afar.

Entering the giant structure you were met with an open storage facility, a plethora of oddly shaped boxes filling the centre room, two winding staircases leading up to several platforms above. It was rather normal in appearance and it was evident that nothing had occurred here... yet.

"We tracked the thieves' pattern and they will definitely strike here next," Vaggie told you, cautiously heading further into the building, "remember, this is a stakeout, not a confrontation."

"Of course," you nodded, "I will not cause the thieves any harm. I would not risk your safety by causing a conflict."

Smiling at your resolve, Vaggie pointed up at the ceiling, "I will be in the rafters. If you can become invisible, you should remain down here and get as close as you can without them catching on."

"Yes ma'am," you winked with a smirk, vanishing from sight instantly, the angel huffing out a laugh before wishing you good luck and shooting up into the rafters.

Creeping silently around the winding maze of brown packages, you kept your eyes open for anything suspicious, mulling over your talk with Lucifer as you went.

The Devil thought you were a former Exorcist and he now knew you were an angel, which wasn't what you intended. If it were up to you he would know absolutely nothing besides who you were now, but he was so insistent on digging up the past you had gone through a lot of effort to bury.

He was nearly as curious as you.

It was a dangerous game you were playing, tedious and flimsy, your side of the story could easily be dissproven and that terrified you.

What would you do if he found out you weren't who you said you were?

And if Michael found out where you were, would he come to collect you?

How would Lucifer react if you told him?

You weren't who you used to be, would he even like you anymore?

The thought of him despising who you've become weighed heavy on your mind, which was ridiculous as he seemed perfectly content in your presence, but to make you and his old friend one in the same? It would be like losing a piece of what made you, well- you! He would begin to associate you with your past or despise you because you lied to him, all things you abhorred. It was terrifying to think about how you failed him, though you didn't get to mull over the worst case scenarios long as a few voices met your ears, grating and crass.

"Well, the Vees said we needed more blessed tip weapons, so we'll grab those. Carmine typically stores them on the East side-"

"Oh, shut up will you! My girls worked better with spears, so we'll grab those first and then work our way over to the guns, you hear me?!"

That voice rang alarm bells in your mind, the male sounding uncannily familiar in a sickly way. Carefully, you snuck around the boxes, moving to see who these thieves were and confirm your suspicions.

"Ugh, fine, but if the Vees are upset because your lil-y ass wanted spears, that's on you." the other voice grumbled, irritation clear.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't give a shit about Val, Vox and Vel, they're only helping me get to where I need to be, so I can get back up to Heaven and they can rule this shithole."

Oh, yes, you recognised that voice now.

Peeking around the side of a large crate, you could make out the slightly larger figure of a man, curved black horns curling back from his head. He had wings dark as night, a slim tail with a tuft of brown fur at its tip and was dressed in khakis and a baggy T-shirt, an electric guitar strapped against his back.

Adam, the first man who, as you had seen in the battlefield of the prior hotel, should have been long dead and yet, there he stood, looking more demonic than ever.

"You really think killing the King of Hell and his daughter is gonna get Heaven to take you back? I knew you were delusional, but God Adam," the other sinner, a light grey hellhound in a plain black top and jeans, laughed, "Good luck with that, mate, you'll need it."

So he planned on trying to slay Lucifer and Charlie? He really was delusional, they were the most powerful beings in all of Hell, did he really think he stood a chance- as if you'd even let him get close enough to try.

"Thanks Curtis, but I don't recall asking for your fucking opinion! Besides, killing the two greatest evils in existence? I'll be revered as a hero!"

"Heh, sure dude, come on, lets just grab what we need and get the fuck outta here before Carmine starts locking these places up tighter than fort knox."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Vox could get us in anyway," Adam rolled his amber slitted eyes, searching the room with his gaze for a moment before pointing over at the stack of long, thin boxes across from you. "Those should be the spears. I'll get them and you go grab your blessed bullets or some shit."

Chuckling, Curtis grinned, heading off to the other side of the building, "Sure thing, mate."

Scuffling around, Adam and Curtis split up, moving to grab and gather the packaged weapons. Stifling back any sounds, you slinked around them, watching as they quickly made a towering stack of stolen goods and you were half tempted to create a portal and make it vanish when they weren't looking, but you fought the urge, simply watching with a narrowed glare.

"Alright, I got my stuff, how 'bout you, Adam? You got enough weapons for your girls?" The hellhound set down his final box on the pile.

"Uh, yeah. Of course I do." the first man quipped back sarcastically, glaring at Curtis as he kicked one of the lower boxes, denting it in.

"Then let's get outta here," the other sinner responded, pulling his phone out of his pocket, calling someone, his lips curling up in a smile as whoever was on the other end picked up.

"We got the goods, boss. Ready for pick up." he stated, the person on the other line mumbling something incoherently as all the cameras in the room turned on their axis to face the stack of sealed weapons, the whole pile disappearing in a glitch of video style as though it had bugged out of existence.

"Oh, fuck yes. Back to base." Adam cheered, pumping his fist as he stepped onto the area the stolen goods had just been, Curtis stepping up beside him, chuckling at the first man's antics.

Shaking his head, the hellhound spoke again into the phone, "beam us up, Scotty," the both of them vanishing in the same visual glitch fashion, leaving you and Vaggie alone in the storage facility.

Eying the rafters, you could make out Vaggie's form as she walked across the metal support beam, her face scrunched in a mask of rage. If looks could kill, Adam likely would've been dead on sight. The faint muttering of her curses could even be made out from 25ft down where you stood.

Wings spreading, you flew up to the agitated angel, startling her. She must've forgotten you had been here. Becoming visible again, you and her shared grim looks, well aware just how bad this situation was.

"Get us out of here, I need to inform Charlie and Lucifer of the oncoming threat," Vaggie demanded, her tone laced with venom directed at the former leader of the angel army, her teeth clenched.

"Right, back to the hotel then," you nodded, humming gently to summon a portal back to the lobby of the Hazbin hotel, Vaggie walking through it before pausing and turning to you, "can you tell Carmilla for me?"

"Of course, Vaggie, I have been meaning to catch up with her anyways," you agreed easily, releasing your hold on the gateway so it shut, the former Exorcist offering you a small smile as she faded from sight.

Sighing, you rolled your shoulders. It was time for another talk with your favourite Overlord, besides Zestial; though both he and Carmilla had a refined sense of manners and were respectful. The simple form of class had been lost on most sinners, so you were grateful at least some remained in good fashion.

Outfit changing with a tiny melody to a cyan slitted dress with a gold corset and white mesh accents, you whisked yourself away to the front entryway of Carmilla's abode. The imposing metal door that was designed to protect her and her children greeted you. Waving politely at the camera, you waited patiently for the door to open, the Overlord letting you in without hesitation.

Stepping into the lavish front foyer of her home, Carmilla watched you from the top of the grand staircase, gradually moving down it to greet you, her sharpened pointe shoes clinking against the carpeted tile. It was a marvel she didn't puncture through the vermilion fabric.

"Melody, my friend, it is good to see you," she spoke formally, arms crossed behind her back, her hair tied loosely in a braid that hung over her shoulder. "It is my understanding that you assisted Vaggie this night?"

"That I did, Carmilla, and it is good to see you as well. How are your daughters?" you asked, the taller woman motioning for you to follow her to your usual spot; a room adjacent to her entry hall with a quaint library, a few plush chairs, a coffee table, and a small counter with an abundance of teas that would be put to good use upon your visits.

"Clara and Odette are doing well," Carmilla answered with a faint smile, moving to steep some black tea for the both of you, setting a small dish of sugar on the coffee table alongside cream, "and how have you been faring? Rumors have spread claiming that you have moved into the new hotel."

Sitting down on your usual seat, you allowed your wings to fold at a comfortable angle behind you so you didn't crumple them. Carmilla had what you considered to be the most cozy chairs for winged sinners, a small gap placed within the armrests for your wings to rest without soreness taking hold.

"The rumors would be correct, I have been doing well at the hotel. Lucifer and his daughter have been most charitable with their space, though I fear that they may be under attack soon."

"How so?" Carmilla returned from the counter with a teapot, two teacups in hand which she set before you and herself respectively, taking the chair across from you.

"The thieves you have been dealing with are allies of the Vees," you explained, her catlike eyes narrowing at the mention of her most disliked adversaries, "but that is not all, Adam has returned -reborn here in Hell- and he has his eyes set on the royal family. It is safe to assume that he also has a good portion of his old angelic army here, seeing as his own reformation was possible."

Leaning back in her chair, Carmilla's expression was grim and unreadable, her sharp nails tapping against each other in thought.

"This is ill news indeed," she muttered, "I did not expect the angels to be able to reform here."

"Well, they aren't holy warriors any longer. Adam has taken on the form of a sinner so from my understanding, their sins allowed them to be reborn here, but should they perish again from an angelic weapon..." the suggestion in your tone wasn't lost on her, her gaze shifting to her drink.

Eyes narrowed, Carmilla's lips thinned, fingers flexing then clenching, her focus drifting. She was making a decision, you could tell by her demeanor, her expression stoic until her pupils darted up to meet yours.

"The Vees have stolen directly from me and I will not allow such belligerence to go unpunished. Tell me when you learn more of their plans and I will assist in taking them down." she swore, resolve in her words as she took a sip from her cup, "It is high time someone teaches them their place."

"Thank you, Carmilla. Your help will be priceless as always," you offered your gratitude as she nodded her head politely.

"Of course, my friend," she sipped on her tea, calming from her irritation, "Now, how about we move on to simpler matters, what have you been up to as of late?"

Fiddling with the cuckoo clock on his desk, Lucifer was winding back up the pendulum mechanism within it, fixing it because it was a minute off. You had left because it had claimed it was 9pm when really it was 8:59pm. Stupid clock.

Solely focused on adjusting the timekeeping device, he nearly jumped a mile when there was a knock on his door. Standing up abruptly, he brushed off his suit, making sure he looked presentable for you before he swung open the entrance to his flat only to see his daughter's girlfriend.

"Sir, there is a problem I need to inform you of," Vaggie stated, still dressed in her outfit from the stakeout.

With you not present and Vaggie's expression being grim, Lucifer immediately assumed something had happened to you, his heart dropping.

"What? What's wrong?!" he hastily asked if you were alright, Vaggie raising a brow at his anxiety.

"No, she's fine. There's something else that's wrong though; Adam's back and he's made an alliance with the Vees."

Sighing with relief that you were okay, the Devil was back at attention when hearing of Adam's survival, his expression blanking.

"The who?"

Vaggie groaned at his lack of knowledge in regards to the Overlords of his literal kingdom.

"May I come in and sit down so I can explain it to you?" she asked exasperatedly, Lucifer opening the door wider for her to enter.

"Of course, of course, make yourself comfortable," he shut the entrance behind her, moving to take a seat on the couch across from the chair she had taken, Ouroboros flying over from his desk to curl up on his lap.

"Thank you, sir," Vaggie sat up straight and rigidly like a soldier in his presence, making him uncomfortable, "now, from what I have found out, Adam is back and has been reborn as a sinner along with the other Exorcists who died in the battle and he is working with the Vees, a group of three powerful Overlords; Valentino, Vox and Velvette. With their aid, Adam's going to try and kill you and Charlie, so the Vees can take over Hell and he can return to Heaven."

Huffing out a long sigh, Lucifer threw his head back against the headrest of the couch, "Ugh, this guy. Did he not learn the first time- isn't that the definition of insanity or something?"

"Yes, trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Vaggie affirmed.

"Wonderful. I doubt he'll get very far, but if he shows up here with another army..." Lucifer mulled over their options. "I could go kill these 'Vees' people and end this little fight right here and now."

"No, that is not an option," the ex-Exorcist shook her head, body stiff as a board, "if you go after the Vees and kill them without hesitation you'd cause a civil war in Hell and what little stability Pentagram city has will be shattered. As much as I would love to wipe out those pompous shitasses, it would destroy Hell's current economy, besides, I don't think they'd be foolish enough to show up to the fight themselves, so it should only be Adam we have to worry about."

"...right..." the Devil agreed slowly, trying to keep up with her thought process, "and do we know where he is so I can kick his ass?"

Vaggie's shoulders slumped, her gaze fixing onto the coffee table between them, "No, sir, they were teleported away so we couldn't follow them."

Seeing the shame on her face, Lucifer stood up, setting Ouroboros down where he had been sitting. He approached the fallen Exorcist, resting a hand tentatively on her shoulder, noting how her whole body tensed, saddening him.

"Hey Vaggs, it's alright." he soothed her, "sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to- trust me, I know the feeling-" he chuckled mirthlessly "-my actions have caused many repercussions I didn't expect, I mean, look at me; I fell from grace, introduced humans to the concept of evil and even lost the love of my life-"

"Lillith? I know, I heard from Charlie. I'm sorry it didn't work out," Vaggie apologised, Lucifer wincing with a sheepish grimace.

"I wasn't talking about Lils..." he murmured, putting trust in his daughter's lover, "Don't get me wrong, I loved Lilith and part of me still does, I can't deny that, but before her there was another, an Archangel- you might've even met her, it's quite possible, especially if-" your name rolled softly off his tongue "-has."

Slamming his mouth shut, Lucifer realised his mistake instantly, Vaggie freezing, her expression a mask of confusion.

"Why would she know an angel? Unless..." Vaggie's eyes shot up at him and he was unable to mask his regretful expression before she caught onto the secret he had accidentally revealed, "Lucifer, is she an angel?"

Sighing, the King of Hell drew back his hand from her shoulder, biting his lip. He didn't intend to break your trust, but his stupid mouth just kept running. The shame he felt for his betrayal was like a knife to his gut, though he knew it was too late to remedy it now.

"I confronted her today on some bandages I found with golden blood on them and she confessed to being a former Exorcist like you, but she went down to Earth and got reincarnated before ending up here. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, but I- uh, I'm so sorry, " he muttered that last part to himself as though it would meet your ears where you were with Carmilla.

"What?" Vaggie muttered in befuddlement, brows heavy over her eyes, "she isn't an Exorcist."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lucifer's expression dropped to a skeptical frown.

"The Exorcists were a select group and not a single one fell before me, I would've known," she stated, her hands moving while she spoke, "and the Archangel of innocence? She disappeared just under four and a half decades ago without a trace. The seraphim Michael had still been looking for her by the time I got down here."

Lucifer's complexion fell with every sentence that left her, his gaze searching hers for the truth, finding genuinity. She wasn't lying, but that would mean you were.

Why would you lie to him when he had told you so much truth about himself?

What reason did you have to lie to him, especially when he had already called you out on it once with the gauze?

It made no sense! Why would you lie to him again?

"Then... who is she?" he whispered to himself, his chest aching with betrayal.

"Let me get this straight; she's an angel, not an Exorcist, and she somehow ended up down here?" Vaggie clarified contemplatively, "but I didn't hear a word about a fallen angel, not since you..."

Reaching up, Lucifer clutched his hat, tugging on it and digging his claws into the ivory fabric.

Who were you? He didn't know anymore- but someone else in the hotel did!

"Husk and Angel!" Lucifer exclaimed, hands clenching down at his sides, his shouting causing Vaggie to flinch in her seat, standing up swiftly.

"What about them? Shouldn't we be more focused on the unknown angel in the hotel?" she questioned rhetorically, the King of Hell latching onto her shoulders and shaking her.

"No! Angel and Husk know who she is, she said so herself!"

Vaggie blinked hastily at the sudden rattling she experience, attempting to calm the overly anxious ruler, "And how exactly do you know she was telling the truth about that either?"

"Only one way to find out," the Devil shrugged, tugging Vaggie close to him before the area around them changed in a swirl of ruby and gold mist and they were met with the old fashioned speakeasy of the hotel.

Sitting on a barstool, half out of his seat, Angel was kissing Husk, the feline on his tiptoes to reach over the counter. Wearing a thigh length black strapless dress, Angel was dressed to impress, Husk adorned in a fine suit with red cufflinks, making it clear this was the date Vaggie had mentioned earlier.

They hadn't noticed the two angels yet, but Lucifer was quick to rectify that fact.

"Husk, Angel, a word please!"

Shooting back from each other, wild eyed, Husker glared at the Devil, Angel relaxing from his initial fright, leaning back against the bar.

"The fuck you want? Can't you see we're busy?" Husk growled, but his animosity died upon seeing the serious look in Lucifer's gaze, Angel whistling a low note with an amused expression.

"Shit, who's got your panties in a twist, ya highness?" Angel pressed, picking up his Pink Lady from the counter, sipping it with a curious look set on the fallen seraphim.

Stepping back from Lucifer, Vaggie pulled out a chair from one of the tables behind her, plopping down on it to allow Lucifer to handle this, not wanting to irk the man's ire when he was in such a fragile state of disarray.

"Don't act coy, Angel," Lucifer ordered, his voice stern for one of the first times ever (when he wasn't talking to or about the Radio Demon), "I know both you and Husk know what and who exactly she is, so tell me."

Playing coy, exactly as instructed not to, Angel asked, "Who?"

Grating his teeth, Lucifer all but growled your name, reefing on his hat again in agitation.

"What about her?" the spider demon acted nonchalant, Lucifer's glare sharpening.

"Angel, don't push it..." Husk warned, making Angel's grin drop down to a small tinge of a smirk.

"Listen, your highness," Husker hunched over the counter, making eye contact with the Devil who was close to having a full on panic in the speakeasy, his breathing wavering, "we would tell you, but we made a deal not to say anything, so we can't help you."

Hands trembling, Lucifer cursed, liquid pooling in his eyes against his will. Sniffling, he did his best to hide his frustrated tears, pivoting away from the others hastily and moving to the booth he and you had been seated at earlier. With little grace he dropped onto the leather cushion, drawing his hat down over his face as he tried to steady his breathing and mind.

Whispering quietly over the bartop, Angel and Husk were arguing with hushed voices. The Devil couldn't hear what they were saying over the pounding of his heart in his ears though, his breaths quivering with every wobbly inhale as he fought for control, trying to scrounge up a reason for why you would've lied to him and who you really were.

Only when Angel's voice rose was he able to make out his words.

"Well, she ain't got me under any contract and the poor guy's clearly losin' it, so I'm gonna tell him before this situation becomes any worse for her or for the rest of us!"

Perking up at the spider's statement, Lucifer darted up to his feet, heels chorusing against the floor as he ran over to Angel, his watery eyes meeting the sinner's. The resolve in the pornstar's expression ceased his growing anxiety and fear with the promise of truth, Husk holding his face in his hands over the counter.

"I swear, Angel, if she kills you because of this..." Husker grumbled, Angel waving him off with a sweet smile.

"You might wanna sit down for this, ya majesty," the spider ushered him to the open barstool next to him, Lucifer rushing to sit atop it and hear the explanation he deserved.

Vaggie leaning in close, Angel told his story from the second he found out what you were, Husker mulling about behind the counter, cleaning glasses with a stiff look. Informing the Devil as carefully as possible so as to not fully destroy him, the spider sinner explained what you had to him, telling Lucifer that you were his most beloved person and by the time Angel was done speaking, the Devil was completely silent, his tears dried.

Languidly, Lucifer slipped off of the barstool, Vaggie, Husk and Angel sharing worried glances with each other as the King of Hell took a deep breath. Not turning back to face them, he took a few steps away from the bar.

"Thank you for telling me, Angel..." he whispered under his breath before vanishing up to his room in a flash, Ouroboros diving into his chest the instant he appeared.

He didn't even bother to attempt at catching the snake, completely unresponsive, Lucifer felt empty and hollow as though someone had grabbed a spoon and scooped out his insides, leaving him an empty shell.

To think he had confided in you- told you about what he had thought about you to your face and you had the nerve to not tell him anything, forcing him to find out for himself.

What had happened to the sweet angel he knew all those years ago?

What would convince you not to tell him- your Lux- who you were?

He had loved you like no other and you went and trampled on his affection.

Was there something that scared you into silence?

No, that wasn't possible, he was the strongest being in Hell.

So why wouldn't you have told him?


Did he do something wrong?

Returning back to the hotel, you bid Carmilla a goodnight, asking her to tell her daughters that you said hello, the taller woman wishing you the same with a gentle smile.

Appearing in the lobby of the hotel through a silver portal, you were met with the sight of Vaggie, Husk and Angel all sitting in a small seating area of the entrance hall in complete silence. They stared at you as you cautiously began to step towards the arching staircase that led to the second floor of the establishment, their heads shifting intently to follow you. It was downright uncanny.

"Are you all okay?" you asked hesitantly, their stoic faces remaining, "what's wrong?"

Finding her voice, eyes narrowing slightly, Vaggie answered you, "It's nothing."

"...o-kay.." you muttered under your breath, making haste to the top of the stairs and away from the prying gazes of the other residents.

Gold heels that matched your corset clicked against the carpeted floors, you made your way to your room. Sliding your key into the lock, you turned the handle, pushing open the entrance to your dark room, you hummed softly, the candles in your bedroom flaring to life to reveal someone sitting in the cerulean chair next to your bed.

Expression stoic and somber, Lucifer held your gaze, his hands folded in his lap. The hat he loved to wear was settled on your nightstand, his overcoat tossed on the armrest of his seat. An odd sense of fear washed over you like a tidal wave, pulling you under and drowning you the instant he spoke.

"You lied to me."

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