Innocence Died Screaming (Hon...

By thehappyreaper431

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In the very beginning, you had been one of the first Archangels, your domain residing with curiosity, empathy... More

Who Could Ask To Be Unbroken, Or Be Brave Again?
The Memory Hurts, But Does Me No Harm
Heaven Is Not Fit To House A Love Like You And I
Honey, You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
There Are Some People, Love, Who Are Better Unknown
There Is No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin
Heaven And Hell Were Words To Me
Be Love In Its Disrepute

Like A Heathen Clung To The Homily

284 8 12
By thehappyreaper431


Me and my babe relax and catch the manic rhapsody
All reason flown, as God looks on in abject apathy
A squall, and all of me is a prayer in perfect piety
A moment's silence when my baby puts her mouth on me

Moment's Silence (Common Tongue) - Hozier


Trudging up the staircase of the hotel, silently fuming and mumbling to himself, Lucifer decided he wasn't going to take the elevator or teleport, blowing off some steam with a long march up to his room. His first day in the establishment he had just built was going terribly and his soul was almost lost to a swan-looking sinner all because he had gotten himself caught up in a past loss.

Overcoat slung over his shoulder, the seraphim stormed down the hall of the upper level of the hotel, flipping the door to Alastor's radio studio off out of spite before stomping his way over to his own door on the far side of the hall, swinging open the entrance to the apple shaped tower that also served as his living space.

Upon his hasty move to the Hazbin Hotel on account of assisting his daughter, he had tried to keep his room tidy and neat of clutter and he had succeed somewhat, save for the fact there was an entire ball pit in the corner of his living room absolutely filled to the brim with an assortment of rubber ducks.

Hey, it wasn't like he could leave all of his hard work and comfort behind in his palace, he needed someplace to cool down after all.

Without much thought, the angel tossed his jacket and hat onto the couch and then proceeded to throw himself into his rubber duckie oubliette, slowly sinking into the amassment of toys like quicksand, the ones with squeakers screaming out as he descended to the bottom of the pit.

Shifting around so he was laying on his back, facing the throng of yellow duckies above him, Lucifer sighed, closing his eyes and allowing his muscles to relax. It might not be the most sane way to reach inner peace, but here under his ducks, it gave him the opportunity to reflect without fear of interruption- and he was in desperate need of some reflection.

You had showed up here in his and his daughter's hotel, absolutely kicked his ass at playing the fiddle, held his soul and allowed it to climb all over you like a jungle gym, returned it to him without any care for the amount of power it held and then stole his replacement fiddle.

What the fuck.

Not to even start on his own soul, Ouroboros, betraying him by cuddling up to you, hanging around your neck like an elegant pendant all because you made the scaled noodle feel sentimental. Of course he couldn't trust the slippery little serpent not to cling to you, your melody had also resonated with that piece of him that dwelled on what he had lost during his fall from grace.

The way you had encaptured the very essence of absence and despair was frighteningly personal and he despised feeling so exposed, especially to a stranger who couldn't possibly begin to grasp what he had endured. But nevertheless, you had managed to convey his story with no words at all and he begrudgingly admired you for that, his curiosity piqued.

The way you held yourself, the way you called him out on his pride, the way you challenged him and didn't back down, it all intrigued him, his brow tensing as he thought over your actions, trying to piece together why you felt so familiar like a distant memory. You were a sinner with empathy and mercy, which weren't exactly common traits here in Hell; it made him wonder how you got here.

What sin had you committed to banish you here?

Nibbling on his bottom lip, Lucifer grumbled, rolling around in the sea of ducks, taking pleasure in how the toys squeaked and shifted against each other, the sound calming him slightly. Chin resting in his hands, he tapped his fingers against his jawline, his focus faltering as his thoughts mulled over to what Charlie was doing. His daughter had been showing you around the hotel last he remembered, but that was a few hours ago, you likely would have been given a room by now.

Where would you be staying? He wanted to know, if only to avoid you.

Giving up on his rubber duck enrichment time, Lucifer teleported himself onto his bed that was located in the room off to the left of his flat, a large window wall providing him with a view of the lively city. Running a hand through his silky hair, he sat up on his mattress, his other hand brushing against the red sheets as he drummed his fingers along the gold decorative embroidery.

It was fairly late and the stress of almost losing his soul had left him weary. He was nearly tempted to simply pass out and wake up the next day fit as a fiddle, unfortunately though, he had lost his favourite fiddle and by God did he want it back.

Huffing in indignance, he swung his feet off of his bed, strutting to his chamber door and pulling it open with a firm expression. He headed over to the couch, snagging his overcoat and throwing it on before moving to grab his hat, pausing as he realised a very important part of his outfit- and person- was missing.

"Wait, what? Ouroboros!" Lucifer shouted, spinning around rapidly, ruby eyes scouring his room for the serpent that was supposed to be on his hat, "Ourbi, come on, where are you?!"

Rushing around his entire flat, the King of Hell ransacked his own living space, desperately searching for his missing soul, frantically muttering under his breath with every hiding spot the snake wasn't in.

"He's never left me before. Where is he?"

After searching every inch of his room, Lucifer came to the fretful conclusion that Ouroboros had fled to somewhere else in the hotel- but why?! He had done nothing to the little guy, so why would he abandon him without leaving so much as a note behind? Oh right, the serpent had no hands to write with... but still!

Face heating up with a simmering burn, he couldn't help the tears that began to prick at his eyes. A part of his very soul had just deserted him and he hadn't the faintest idea why. Sniffling, he rubbed away the building floodgates on his face, attempting to keep his composure as he paced in his living room, taking deep breaths.

He had to find Ouroboros, wherever the small snake had slithered or even flown off to, he would find him- he had to.

Darting out of his room faster than a penny-pincher on a black friday, Lucifer started his hunt with his daughter, bursting into her penthouse room, calling her name as the poor girl scrambled into the entranceway of her quarters, dressed red pinstripe pajamas, eyes wide and panicked, confused as to what had her father so frantic.

"Dad? What's wrong?!" the princess asked, taking his hands in hers to help ease his spiralling anxiety, her compassion providing some solace, though it wasn't enough to settle his racing thoughts.

"I can't find Ouroboros, have you seen him? Please tell me you have." he begged, his grip on her hands tightening as her expression dropped to alarm, the demoness now fully awake.

Even Charlie was well aware that Ouroboros never left Lucifer's side, the snake being a part of his soul. For him to leave her father was baffling on a whole other level.

"Ourbi's gone?!" Charlie gasped, immediately dragging her dad further inside her and Vaggie's space, the former Exorcist stumbling out of her and her lover's bedroom with a yawn, her spear already at the ready.

"Sorry, what's going on?" Vaggie raised a brow, Charlie hastily explaining the situation to her as they all began to sift through their flat for the missing creature, coming up dry.

"I don't think he's in here, dad..." Charlie whispered, worry lacing her tone.

Lucifer pulled on the brim of his hat, sharp nails digging into the fabric as haggard breaths left his trembling lips.

"Wake everyone," he ordered, voice becoming stern, "and find Ouroboros."

Nodding stiffly, Vaggie, Charlie and Lucifer ran off to the others' rooms, working their way down from the top floor.

They checked Alastor's radio studio first, the Overlord reluctantly helping them with their search of his personal area after a violent threat from the King of Hell, the Radio Demon coming to the realization that this wasn't a situation in which he should poke the bear. However, a quick once over of his quarters proved fruitless as the snake was nowhere in sight, Charlie having to pull her father away from Alastor as he accused the sinner of stealing Ouroboros.

Afterwards, they went down to the next floor, waking Husk and Angel Dust and scouring their rooms as well, but still drawing up blank; no Ouroboros.

The same thing occurred with Cherri and Niffty who were two floors down, their rooms vacant of powerful saintly snakes, which left only one room to check: yours.

Charlie had granted you a room on the lowest level of the hotel that she could, just up the lobby stairs and to the right, your room just so happening to be the farthest room from her father's, which you had only yourself to blame for seeing as you had won Lucifer's soul and gifted it back to him, likely scaring his daughter in the process.

Soundly asleep after renovating your quaint flat to be decorated in your usual gold, white and blue decor, you rested in your circular canopy bed, a black nightgown covering your form. Fluffy white wings spread against the silken covers, your tail curled around your waist, you were lost to the realm of dreams until the loud bang of your door being burst open woke you with a start and you shot up- nearly launching a small snake that had been curled up on your chest across the room if it didn't summon three small sets of ivory and vermillion wings to catch itself, the serpent letting out a small hiss of displeasure.

Frantically rubbing your eyes of sleep, you blinked as the council (everyone residing at the establishment currently) stormed your room like a swat team, the tiny ophidian you now recognized as being a part of Lucifer's halo, slamming back into your chest as it coiled gently around your neck, hiding its face behind the feathers of your ear like a child about to receive a scolding from their parents.

"Villains!" Lucifer cried dramatically, pointing at you like a witch hunter to an innocent woman in the 1700s, "dissemble no more! We have found the culprit- thief!"

The glare he flashed you was full of menace, but you could see the traces of relief in his gaze. Groaning to yourself, wings drawn taught to your back, feathers bristled at the hostility and confusion of those in the room, you raised a brow.

Quoting Edgar Allan Poe, at this hour, really? You were too tired for this.

"What are you talking about? The snake?" you asked, exasperated and exhausted, watching as the King of Hell's face twisted into a scowl.

"You took Ouroboros," he accused, "there is no other way he would have left me."

You gave him a flat stare, unimpressed with his assumption of your actions, when you had just woken up with his snake on you- if anything, it should be you accusing him of animal, or rather, soul- negligence.

"And why exactly would I steal part of your soul when I have already owned it temporarily and given it right back? Your logic makes no sense."

His agitation faltered, expression twisting into a confused irritation, his red pupils avoiding yours as he tried to form a proper explanation for why exactly you would've kidnapped his snake as the serpent in question stuck its tongue out against your ear, tickling you. Face flushing, your feathers instinctively pinned down at the sensation, smacking the delinquent and with great struggle, you tugged the snake off of you, the small creature hissing and wriggling against your grip, wings flapping wildly.

"Here, if you want him back, take him." you held the tiny being in air jail as it attempted to fly out of your hold and failed. "I apologise for any stress I might've inadvertently caused."

Peering over you suspiciously, Lucifer stepped forward to retrieve the part of his soul that had apparently fled to your room of all people, everyone else leaving your quarters to go back to bed now that they had found Ouroboros. However, just as he was about to touch the snake, it lashed out at him, attempting to bite him, causing both you and the Devil to jerk back from each other in alarm.

"What the fuck, Ouroboros?!" Lucifer flinched back, eyes wide as the snake curled around your hands, hissing aggravatedly at the shorter man.

"Sheesh," you murmured, shaking your head at the betrayal that painted the Devil's face, "...I don't think he wants to go back with you."

"What?! But he's a part of me- a part of my soul! Come on Ourbi-"

As Lucifer stepped forward, hands outstretched to take his soul back, the serpent poised to strike again, sharp fangs on display as he hissed viciously. Brow scrunched, Lucifer froze in his approach, eying Ouroboros with dismay.

"Why not? Why won't you listen to me? Ouroboros, please!"

Once again, the snake offered nothing but a hiss and though he once had the capability to understand what Ouroboros was saying, Lucifer couldn't any longer- not after Lilith had left. Now, he could only grasp bits and pieces of what his soul wished to convey and all he could comprehend at the moment was that Ourbi was dead set on staying with you.

"You know I don't understand that," Lucifer whined at the scaled creature as its lithe body tightened around your hands, efficiently trapping them together- should you be concerned?

"Please, just come along, it's time for bed- I'll even let you use the heat lamp." he tried to sweeten the deal, but Ouroboros was having none of it, hissing one of the few words Lucifer could actually understand; 'home.'

At his wits end, the Devil finally snapped, glaring not just at his snake, but at you as well- as though you had asked for this. You would've raised your hands in mock surrender if there weren't a snake currently holding them hostage, so you sent the King of Hell a conceding look, conveying that you had no part in this.

"No! This sinner is not your home! She returned you to me, meaning the deal is done, you don't belong to her."

Raising a brow at his words, you didn't have time to ask what he meant by that before the serpent in your hands hissed at him again, causing Lucifer's eyes to narrow, his voice trembling with rage and betrayal at his soul's treachery.

"Fine, be that way! See if I care!" he shouted, throwing his hands in the air, turning his back to you and his soul and storming out of your room.

Scrambling to your feet, you nearly tripped over your own sheets as you attempted to follow after the King of Hell, into the corridor. The snake in your hands began to wrap around your arm again, coiling up to your neck as it nuzzled against your pulse.

"Wait, Morningstar, aren't you going to take him back?" you pressed, motioning to the cuddly serpent that was uncaring of the chaos it was sewing, enjoying your warmth.

Growling under his breath, glaring at you from the corner of his eyes, Lucifer shook his head.

"No, keep the ungrateful bastard. If he likes you so much, you can have him."

Without allowing you to continue this conversation or even attempt at calming the situation down, the shorter man disappeared in a swirl of vermillion and gold mist, leaving you alone in the hall with a portion of his soul currently slithering onto your head, making more of a mess of your bedhead.

Great, now you had babysitting duty for the Devil's literal soul. You did not sign up for this.

Teleporting up to his bedroom, fuming, Lucifer grabbed the closest rubber ducky he saw and chucked it at a wall, stomping around his bed and ranting to himself.

"First my soul, then my fiddle, and now my soul again! What is it with this woman- fucking Johnny! I hate your whole goddamned bloodline!"

Hands clenched and trembling, Lucifer fought the urge to tear his whole room apart in agitation, hot tears beginning to form in his eyes of their own volition, his anger simmering down to devastation.

"Stupid snake...''

His voice was weak as he sniffled softly, his pacing becoming more lethargic until he finally gave up and crawled under the covers of his bed, shoving his face into his pillow, tossing his hat on the nightstand. Blinking away the blurriness in his vision, he stared out the large window, peering at the still bright city and with a snap of his fingers, his blinds violently shut, plunging his room into darkness.

Grumbling quietly, you laid back on your mattress, Ouroboros shifting around on your wings, smoothing out your feathers for you and gently preening them. He was a cute snake, you'd give him that much, but the entropy he was causing between you and the most powerful being in all of Hell was not.

If you had known your competition with the Devil would've led to this, you wouldn't have bet for his soul and stuck with your grandfather's old deal of taking his fiddle- which you did anyway- instead of making a point with his nature and yet, here you were. Your actions had very unexpected consequences.

Mulling over your past regrets, you hardly noticed Ouroboros slipping off your wings, slithering onto your pillow and to the crown of your head, his small body completely silent against the fabric of your sheets. The small serpent curled up above your head, rearing back before striking out at the empty area over your crown, making contact with something that hadn't been there prior.

A jarring tremor coursed through every nerve of your body as you surged forward, falling off of your bed with a cry of shock. Scrambling back, your heart pounding in your ears, Ouroboros used his wings to fly over to you, something in his maw that made your blood run cold.

A short, torn white veil that was attached to a circlet of wilted golden flowers was caught in his mouth, the small serpent appearing pleased with himself as he landed before you, dropping it in your lap and staring up at you with wide, beady eyes as though expecting praise for what he had done.

Swallowing thickly, your limbs refused to move, caught in a trance of fight or flight, unable to process what had just happened as you stared fearfully at the object in your lap, breathing becoming ragged.

This shouldn't have happened! this shouldn't even be possible- you had lost your halo upon your fall and yet, here it was in your lap, Ouroboros having caught it like a mouse- as though it had been there all along.

What should you do? What could you do?! Your halo was back- though looking a little worse for wear than the last time you saw it- and resting in your lap; still lingering with traces of your angelic nature- how the hell could you hide it now. Stupid snake had just dug up something you didn't want to see again, at least not down here where all you were was an Overlord.

This was bad- very bad.

Tentatively forcing your mind to calm, you picked up your halo, a warm tingly sensation spreading up your arms as you touched it, the power trailing through your body, up to your crown as the veil reappeared over your head, hovering there where it belonged, the torn ivory mesh covering your vision, startling you for a moment.

Nope! It could not be there, above your head for everyone to see. You had to hide it somehow.

As though sensing your intentions, Ouroboros made a beeline for your halo, snagging in out of the air once more, capturing it in his mouth as he flew immediately to your door, his wings vanishing as he wriggled through the gap, escaping into the hall with your halo.

"Shit!" you cussed, jumping up from the ground and rushing to your door after the little thief, "Ouroboros, get back here with that right now!"

Ripping out into the corridor, Ouroboros already by the arching stairs that lead to the front foyer, you used your wings to propel yourself towards the slippery creature. You couldn't let him parade your halo around for all to see.

As your hand made contact with his tiny body, the snake riggled, nearly freeing himself from your grip until your tail wrapped around him, forcing both of you to the ground with a thump. You pulled your halo from the serpent's jaw, his body squirming in your grasp, hissing as you stood up- only to make eye contact with a certain feline bartender who had just made it to the top of the stairs.

Husk's amber eyes flicked between you, the snake bound in your tail, and the halo in your hands, his long red brow raising as he stared you down, taking a swig from the bottle he was currently holding.

"Hm, that's quite a secret you got there, ain't it?" he noted calmly as you went stiff, tail dropping Ouroboros, the serpent wrapping itself around your tail as revenge, nipping at your feathers.

"H-Husk, I-"

The winged cat didn't give you a chance to explain yourself, holding up his hand to shush you.

"I don't want to hear it; whatever excuse you have, it doesn't matter to me." he stated, shaking his head as he turned to head back down the stairs, motioning for you to follow him into the empty lobby, "why don't we sit down and talk, share a drink?"

Hesitantly, you clutched your halo to your chest. His lack of reaction to your nature unsettled you, but if you didn't want your secret to get out, you'd have to go with him and ensure you wouldn't have to silence him for good; you always did hate killing those who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ouroboros remained attached to your tail as Husk led you into the main lobby and through an arched doorway that revealed a fine, antique bar. The walls were lined with fine oak wood with many booths along the sides of the room and a large bar in the far corner.

Approaching the bartop, Husk motioned for you to take a seat on one of the crimson stools, he himself stepping behind the counter, carefully picking some liquor off the shelves that adorned the backsplash. You watched as he began to mix a drink, pouring it into two glasses and setting one of them in front of you, the poignant scent of alcohol assaulting your nose.

"Drink up- you look like you could use it." Husk raised his glass to you before taking a sip.

Sighing, you placed your halo in your lap, keeping a hand on it just in case the snake- who was now curling himself up your tail and around your waist- tried to make a run with it again.

Quickly sweeping over the speakeasy with your gaze, the soft playing of a fiddle began to hum through the room, drowning out what you were going to speak about, so only he could hear you and vice versa. It was a small precaution to ensure that you wouldn't be overheard.

The cool glass met your skin as you brought the beverage to your lips, letting the strong alcohol spill down your throat. It was exceptionally bitter, but the aftertaste was surprisingly sweet.

"Now, how about we discuss that halo of yours. And don't try playing dumb with me, I just fought a fuck-tonne on angel's the other day, I know what a halo looks like." the feline sinner set his glass down on the oak countertop, looking at you expectantly, your expression souring.

"Fine, I will tell you the truth, but first, you must swear to me that you will not tell another soul about what I am." you offered your hand, golden claws gleaming under the dim bar light. If he shook your hand, he would be trapped in another deal, unable to speak a word of your nature to anyone.

"Shit, you ain't playin' around." Husk remarked, eying your hand skeptically. "You do realize that no one in this hotel cares who you are, right? We all have our reasons for being here, no one is gonna judge you for that."

"You think this is about opinions? I couldn't care less what others think of me- what I do care about is you not dodging my question- you don't tell a single soul about what I am and I don't find a way to make you disappear, do we have a deal?"

Ears pinning back at your threat, Husk stepped back from the counter, downing the rest of his drink in one go.

"Listen kid, I would make that deal with you, but Al-"

"I'll take care of him." you stated grimly, knowing exactly what excuse he was going to make.

Your claim made Husk freeze, his pupils dilating as he searched your expression for the truth, finding only your firm resolve.

"You'll do what now?" he whispered, carefully leaning against the bar as though you were about to whisper something taboo in his ear.

"If Alastor orders you to tell him anything in regards to me being an angel, I will take care of him, do you understand me?"

"You think you can take on the Radio Demon?" he inquired slowly, staring at you intensely.

"To be truthful, I don't know, but what I do know is that I protect my allies. The question is, are you my ally Husker or do I have to sever your string of life here and now?"

The gentle fiddle music screeched as you mentioned killing him, Husk's feathers sleeking back with fear as he took a deep breath, his hand grasping yours and shaking it.

"We have a deal."

"Good." you affirmed, giving him a soft smile, "If Alastor does try to get you to say anything, simply call my name with the intent of summoning me and I'll be there."

"I'll keep that in mind," he nodded, using a bar cloth to clean out his glass in the sink behind him, inspecting the cleanliness of it for a moment before setting it in one of the cupboards under the bartop. "Now, how 'bout you tell me how you got sent down here, I'm sure it's quite the tale."

Leaning back on the stool, Ouroboros decided he wanted to make a home between your cleavage, causing you to raise a brow at the serpent as he curled up happily in your nightgown, his head peeking out at you with what you swore to be a smug look- if a snake could even have such a thing. He liked the warmness of your chest and you were too done with him to care anymore, leaving him be if it stopped him from attempting to steal your halo.

"You're right, it is quite the tale..."

You told Husker your story; about your life in Heaven, your decision to leave and see what a mortal life was like and of how you died. He was an attentive listener, pouring both of you more drinks and asking questions to find out more. You didn't keep anything from him, you had him caught in a deal after all, so it would only ever be with you that he could speak of this.

It was early in the morning, around 5am if you had to guess, by the time you were done explaining yourself to the feline sinner as he cleaned your glasses, returning them to their rightful places.

"Well, if it's any solace to you, I don't think you deserved what happened to ya. You're a good person, you know that?" he eyed you, setting his elbows down on the counter, "You were wronged and manipulated into sin, you don't belong down here, though I can see why you don't want to be in Heaven either."

"I'm glad to be here in Hell. I'd rather no one know about what I was and simply believe me to be a sinner, I don't want that kind of attention- nor do I want to deal with the expectations that come with my former title. I just want to be myself and not be defined by my nature."

Husk nodded, a smile creeping onto his face as he rested a hand on your shoulder.

"I understand, your secret's safe with me." he confirmed before his gaze caught on the tiny snake currently sleeping in between your breasts, a brow raised at it. "Now, you should probably get some rest."

"I will, but first I have to find a place to hide this." you held up your halo, glaring at it with contempt.

"I could help you with that." Husk offered.

"No thank you," you responded faster than necessary, grip instinctively tightening on the golden flowers, their wilted petals rigid beneath your fingers. "No offense, but I don't really trust anyone with it... not even myself, really."

Huffing, Husk rolled his eyes, "Well then, where are you going to hide it? Can't you just make it invisible or something? We couldn't see it until recently, can't you just undo the process or something?"

"I mean... that is a possibility?" you shrugged, thinking over his words.

Spinning the halo in your hands, you found that the mesh veil attached to it always settled in a position that didn't conceal the circlet itself. It wouldn't hurt to try Husk's idea. So, with a gentle hummed melody, you willed your power to enter the halo and conceal it from sight, a silver mist slowly spreading over the symbol of divinity and the second the halo was fully coated in the shimmer of your magic, it vanished, but you were able to sense it was back to hovering above your head. Thankfully, it was fully concealed and undetectable.

Hunching over the bar, you asked Husk to swipe over your head to ensure he couldn't make contact with your halo, the sinner humoring you and doing as asked, finding only air. Letting out a relieved sigh, you gave Husker a warm grin, thanking him for his help. He waved you off with a smirk, telling you not to worry about it.

Standing up from the barstool, you offered the feline a wave as you used your power to teleport out of the bar and to, not your room, but the entrance of Lucifer's. You had a pesky snake to try and return to him, alongside perhaps an offer of reconciliation.

Bringing your hand to the mahogany door, you knocked three times, waiting patiently for the man to answer as Ouroboros slowly awoke, eyes peering out of your nightgown as he hissed softly, recognizing where he was.

Eventually the door finally swung open to reveal Lucifer. He was still dressed in his white suit, though his hair was in complete disarray, strands hanging loosely over his face. The second he saw you, his expression soured- even more so when he noticed the snake currently wedged contentedly between your cleavage, though the small blush that appeared on his cheeks was more noticeable.

"What do you want?" his tone was curt and dry as he crossed his arms, leaning against his door frame.

"I just wanted to speak with you and attempt to return Ouroboros." you stated, flashing the serpent a small glare, the creature understanding what you wanted and slithering out from where it was comfortably nestled, wrapping loosely around your neck instead.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about and I already told you to keep him- I don't need him anymore."

The Devil made a move to close the door, but by the time he slammed it shut, you had already teleported behind him and onto one of his chairs. His living room was rather quaint with a small seating area, a few bookcases lined with an odd mix of novels and workshop tools, several pictures of Charlie on the walls and was that a rubber ducky ball pit...?

You know what, you wouldn't question it.

"Damn slut..." he mumbled under his breath, turning around and nearly jumping a mile as he noticed you were behind him, your expression tense at what he had just called you.

"Now that's not a very nice thing to call the woman who is trying to return your soul to you." you sneered, the King of Hell glaring at you before his gaze shifted down to Ouroboros.

"I was talking about the snake." he corrected you, earning a huff from your lips.

"You're calling your own soul a slut?" you clarified, an amused simper creeping onto your face as Lucifer deadpanned.

"He knows what he's doing, don't let him fool you."

Surprisingly, instead of forcing you to leave his space, Lucifer took a seat on the sofa across from you, staring up at you with tired eyes.

"Now, what did you want to talk about? You've got five minutes before I kick you out of here, so be quick." he gave you a deadline, drumming his fingers against his thigh.

"Well, first and foremost, I want to return this to you. I think he's calmed down enough after irritating me all night-" Lucifer smiled sadistically at the fact his soul had been a source of annoyance for you, making you shoot daggers at him with your eyes "-but I also wished to discuss your fiddle-" now that made any semblance of entertainment on his expression drop "-and about how you might receive it back."

Keeping a stoic visage, you tugged Ouroboros off of your neck, setting him down on the table in front of you. The serpent stared up at you for a moment before turning to Lucifer, summoning his wings and landing on the King of Hell's lap. Eying his soul with great suspicion, Lucifer eventually gave into the beady-eyed ogling of it and began to absentmindedly stroke the ophidian, earning himself a pleased hiss as Ouroboros practically melted under his touch.

"You already said that I'd get it back once I'm as good as you at playing it -which is impossible- so if you've come here to mock me, you've overstayed your welcome."

Wings spread slightly so as to not be pinned by your back or the cushion of the chair, your feathers bristled at Lucifer's assumption of you simply being here to boast. Standing up, you made your way to the door, already agitated by the man you had come to with the intention of helping him get better- but of course, your intentions never did matter; it didn't matter with your divine judgement when the angels of justice asked what you had been doing on Earth and it wouldn't matter here with mister snobby, King of Hell.

"I was going to offer to teach you the complexities of how to play the fiddle as well as me, but clearly you don't wish to ascend out of mediocrity, so I'll be leaving now." you reached for the door handle, only for a hand to catch your wrist.

"Now now, let's not be hasty," Lucifer chuckled nervously, sliding himself between you and the door as if to block your exit, the thought of teleportation completely slipping his mind. You raised a brow at his complete change of character. His attitude shift the instant a sweet deal was put forth was a little amusing, if not endearing.

"I take it you want the lessons?" you asked rhetorically, Lucifer nodding eagerly, Ouroboros wrapped happily around his neck now.

"Very well, if you're not busy, we could start right now?" you proffered, Lucifer's grin broadening as he pulled you back to the sofa, sitting next to you on it.

"Absolutely! I don't have anything at all planned this morning!"

Chuckling silently, you summoned your golden fiddle, Lucifer's eyes gleaming as he awaited his, only for a regular fiddle to appear in his hands, his expression falling as you bit back a laugh. The grumpy look on his face was well worth the mental time and focus it took to conjure anything that wasn't gold.

"Really?" he stared at you flatly.

"You haven't earned your golden fiddle back yet, so don't look too offended, my King." you smirked, Lucifer grumbling in annoyance before his face lit up with anticipation.

"So, what will you teach me first? Oh! Oh! What about that crescendo you played that slipped down a few octaves before rising sharply!"

Humming thoughtfully, you decided to make the smaller man swallow his pride completely.

"We'll be starting with the basics. Show me your scale and we'll work from there."

"What?- You're kidding, right?!" he gawked at you, flabbergasted that you would make him start all the way at square one.

"Nope, now show me your scale."

"I am the King of Hell! You can't make me repeat the basics when I already know them." he vouched for his dignity, bow gripped tightly in his hand.

"If you don't want to follow my instructions that's fine, I'll keep your golden fiddle and you can find yourself a new teacher- because clearly you don't need me if you know everything already." you tugged at the strings of his nature, playing him easier than a fiddle.

Frowning at your seriousness, you watched as Lucifer suffered through an internal battle of rage-quitting your lessons or giving into humility and starting over, and with great exasperation and annoyance, he made the right choice.


Husker was scrubbing furiously at a stubborn old stain on the bartop, putting some elbow grease into his cleaning. The bar was his space after all, Niffty was told not to clean it and had begrudgingly obeyed that rule, only coming into the area for non-alcoholic drinks on a few occasions.

He had just succeeded in removing the ancient spill without removing the finish on the wooden surface, when the grating voice of the one who owned his soul filled the room, the Radio Demon appearing on one of the barstools.

"Ah, Husker, my goodman, how are you this fine morning?"

"I was doing quite well until you showed up." Husk mumbled, keeping his gaze fixed on the counter, Alastor chuckling at his words.

"Yes, you are doing quite well, aren't you?" Alastor grinned, eyes narrowed at the feline sinner knowingly, "I heard you and our other Overlord resident talking earlier in the main hall through my radio, but unfortunately I couldn't grasp at what you discussed in here- care to explain?"

Tossing his bar cloth in the sink and washing his hands, Husk avoided meeting the Radio Demon's gaze.

"We talked about her interest in the hotel and other sappy music shit, nothing really interesting."

"Is that so? Then why did she feel the need to cover your voices with a melody, hm?" Alastor used his shadow to appear directly behind Husk, leaning down to whisper in the feline's ear. "I don't enjoy being lied to, Husker."

Flinching away from the Overlord, Husker growled, stepping out from behind the bar and into the seating area of the speakeasy, heading for the archway that would bring him to the front lobby.

"We just talked." he doubled down on his lie, shaking his head at Alastor's prying, "She, just like everyone else, doesn't like her personal life being overheard."

"You just talked? Then what was that about a 'secret' you said to her? What is she hiding, Husk? Tell me." The Radio Demon ordered sharply, appearing in the doorway that was Husk's only escape.

Pursing his lips, Husk silently hoped that you would fulfil your side of the deal as he responded to the person who could destroy his soul as easily as a dog could bark.

"I can't, Al. Besides-" he spoke your name slowly, placing emphasis on it "-probably wouldn't take too kindly to her personal life being broadcast for all to hear."

Mistaking his response as Husk being fearful of you, Alastor stepped closer to the winged sinner, his never-ending grin sharpening viciously, eyes turning to ruby-red dials and sclera darkening.

"Oh, Husker, it isn't her you should be scared of- it's me."

Lucifer had successfully repeated his scale for you a total of ten times, and though he complained about it over and over again, he did seem to be enjoying your lesson as you adjusted his grip and positioning, providing him with an easier hold on the instrument.

It had been rather adorable to watch him drop his pride in turn for learning and you came to find that, against your will, you were beginning to actually enjoy his presence. However, you didn't get much time to spend in it before you felt a tug that reefed on your very soul.

Husker was calling for you, meaning the Radio Demon was sniffing around where he shouldn't.

"Sorry, but I'll have to cut this lesson short, I will be back in -hopefully- a few." you gave Lucifer a short wave, the man taken aback as you vanished in a swirl of silver mist, your golden fiddle still in hand.

When you reappeared in the bar, in front of Husker, you were dressed and ready for a fight- assuming the worst. The black nightgown you had been wearing was replaced with white leather armour, gold accents lining the hemming and metal guards of your form- it was the closest you could get to your official armour granted to you by your Heavenly position without raising any alarm bells. The fiddle in your hands had turned to a golden shield with a violin-esk design, the bow now a silver shortsword.

Everyone, even Heaven, always forgot that the angel of innocence wasn't herself supposed to be innocent, but rather, was supposed to guard the innocent, which you would do for Husk now.

Glaring at the Radio Demon, the deer sinner's smile widening at your appearance, you raised your wings to conceal Husker from sight, standing your ground as your tail whipped sharply behind you.

"Speak of the devil," Alastor laughed, amused at his own joke, "I see you don't like your secrets being shared- why is that, hm? What could be so important to sweep under the rug that the very mention of it has you rearing with hostility?"

The tension in the air was heavy and palpable, but you kept your eyes dead set on the threat before you and though his questions were invasive and meant to spark your wrath, you remained calm and silent. If he wished to fight you though, you'd give him a battle to remember.

"Ah, the silent treatment. An effective method, but I'm afraid I'll get the answer out of you or Husker anyways- you picked a bad confidant, my friend." he chuckled, aiming his microphone at you.

Three massive black tentacles lurched towards you from the ground by Alastor's feet, attempting to ensnare you, but you gracefully dodged them, using your wings to boost your speed, you sliced down on the opposing appendages, their forms melting back into the shadows.

"You're quick my dear, but not quick enough!" Alastor exclaimed, dodging back from a strike you had aimed for his chest, his shadow jutting up to stab you, going right through your sternum and out the other side before snaring around your form.

Thinking he had won, the Radio Demon scoffed out a laugh- until your body vanished with the echo of a falsetto and the real you surged forth, invisibility vanishing as you struck Alastor swiftly, landing a jagged slash across his face, knocking off his monocle.

The screech of radio static shattered through the air, scraping against your eardrums like nails on a chalkboard and you drew back, the Overlord's antlers lengthening and sharpening as his attacks became deadly.

"You will pay for that, little swan!" his voice snarled, lips unmoving as his smile was glued to his face by his more demonic form.

Spinning and sliding out of the way of his tentacle stikes, you turned this fight into a dance before simply vanishing, becoming invisible so he couldn't tell where you were as you created invisible copies of yourself as well, mentally commanding them to play music, so he couldn't tell which direction you were coming from. His summoned limbs swiped out madly in an attempt to make contact with you as Husker dived behind the bar to avoid getting caught in the crossfire, chairs and tables whacked about, making a ruckus that could likely be heard several blocks away.

At a complete loss for where you were, Alastor was left open to a majority of your offense and you landed several more good hits on him, leaving gashes on his clothes, his crimson blood dripping off your invisible blade being the only indicator of where you were, the liquid becoming visible as it hit the floor.

Even without your full angelic power to back you, you were still a force to be reckoned with. You were an Overlord for a reason after all and the Radio Demon would do well to remember that.

Losing his composure completely, Alastor growled, his eyes no longer searching for you, closing in on Husker where he remained peaking over the bartop to observe the battle. Knowing he had been seen, the feline dropped to the ground, covering his head to avoid a tentacle that was sent towards it, his body trembling.

He should've known he wouldn't get out of this battle unscathed- not when he had instigated it.

Now targeting him, Alastor charged forward over the bar, aiming his assault at Husker- but not with the real intent of harming him as he had figured out one of your weak spots, his theory being proved correct as you appeared in front of the cowering sinner, the Radio Demon's appendages curling around your body.

The instant you had noticed Alastor's change of quarry, you had intervened to spare the innocent feline, falling into the pitfalls of your nature just as you had in the past. Perhaps others would've called you honourable for sacrificing yourself, but right now all you felt was pure rage. You were repeating past mistakes and as the Radio Demon's grip on your body tightened painfully, your thoughts were too muddled with agony to teleport.

A bitten back shriek left your lips as you thrashed out, dropping your shield and sword to try and pry the tentacles off of you to no avail, gold claws making shallow slices in the ebony limbs. The Radio Demon's expression took on a more sadistic sheen as his hand clenched, his appendages coiling tighter in response, your wings straining against the tension they were put under before a sickening snap followed by a searing warmth flooded your nerves- your wings breaking under the force.

A piercing scream fled your throat, hot tears pooling in your eyes as Husk shouted for Alastor to stop, but the Radio Demon didn't heed the sinner's words, continuing to squeeze the life out of you until he was tackled by a certain former Exorcist who had just woken up due to the commotion only to find Alastor attempting to kill you.

Vaggie pinned the Radio Demon to the ground, her eyes wide and full of malice as she held him down, a speartip held to his throat as he raised his arms in surrender, instantly calming down as Charlie burst in after her girlfriend.

With Alastor no longer focusing on them, his tentacles disappeared and you dropped to the floor and onto your knees, hunched over and sobbing in agony as you attempted to move your limp wings, finding no response from your throbbing limbs. However, your broken wings weren't the only issue as golden blood seeped from the split skin beneath your feathers where the bones were protruding. The secret you had fought so hard to keep was about to be exposed and you were in too much pain to care- but at least someone cared for you.

Crouching down in front of you, Husk used some extra bar cloths to cover your wounds and angelic blood as the rest of the hotel's residents poured into the room, shouting about the damage and disarray of the speakeasy before their eyes caught on you and the now placated Radio Demon.

Angel Dust was the first to approach your shivering form upon Husk's request, the light pink spider demon leaning down to help the bartender lift you up, his eyes full of pity at the small whimpers you made with every shift of his hold.

"Jeez, he sure roughed you up toots," Angel commented softly, Husk flashing him a warning glance.

"Come on, let's get her to her room. I'm sure they can deal with Al." Husk assisted in supporting your drooping wings, ensuring his makeshift bandages didn't fall off and reveal what you were to everyone.

Though as you left the room, Alastor's voice met your ears, his words leaving all who were present with a grim suspicion of you, sewing distrust within the hotel.

"I wonder what she's hiding that she was willing to risk her life for..."

Quivering in Angel's arms, you looked back at the destroyed bar, your teary gaze making contact with Lucifer's as he stared at you, his eyes softening slightly in pity at your pain before he abruptly turned away, using his magic to assist in tidying up the bar.

Carrying you to your room hadn't taken long at all as you were just up the main stairs and to the right, the spider sinner holding you and opening your door with ease. He carefully set you down on your circular bed, stomach down so you wouldn't crush your wings and damage them further. Meanwhile, Husk looked over your space with haste, making Angel raise a brow.

"Husk, whaddya think you're doing?" Angel dust asked, his hand resting gently on your hair as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through it, trying to calm down your frail cries.

"Looking for any radios- you don't have any of those in your room, do you?" Husk responded, his last question aimed at you as you offered a small "no," your voice trembling.

"Good, because I'm going to help bandage your wings and you-" he pointed at Angel sharply, the taller man raising his arms in mock surrender, not knowing what had Husk so worked up "-are not going to mention a word of what you see here to anyone."

Angel nodded and before you could stop Husk, he carefully removed the bar cloths from your wounds, Angel gasping at the golden blood that oozed out of the splits in your skin. Such an act didn't go against your deal as husk wasn't telling Angel, but rather, showing him.

"Holy shit, she's a-!"

Husk clasped a hand over Angel's mouth before the spider could announce to the whole hotel what you were, the feline giving him a scathing glare.

"Sorry." Angel whispered once Husk let him go, the bartender rolling his eyes.

"Alright, this is going to be painful," Husk broke it to you gently, a hand moving to lay on your wing, sending stabbing pain up your nerves, a strangled gasp forcing its way from your lips. "very painful."

"Here," Angel grabbed your pillow, lifting you up carefully and setting it under your chest so it rested against your lips, "bite this, we'll take care of the rest, alright?"

Muffling a small sob that escaped you, you nodded, sharp fanged teeth clenching down on your pillow as they began to set your wings back into place, the sheer agony unbearable and with every movement, the torment worsened until eventually the soothing embrace of unconsciousness met you at the crossroads, sending you into a dreamless slumber.

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