The Blair Witch Project (Male...

بواسطة WeaselSnipes

4.9K 213 20

Four film students, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, Michael C. Williams and Y/N L/N who've traveled to a sma... المزيد

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Final Chapter

Chapter 1

695 23 2
بواسطة WeaselSnipes

'The Blair Witch Project
In October of 1994, four student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland while shooting a documentary called "The Blair Witch Project".
A year later their footage was found.'

Y/N holds the camera as he records Heather.

Y/N: You look a little blurry. Let me zoom out, okay?

Heather: Okay. Huh.

Y/N: Okay got you.

Heather: This is my home. Which I am leaving the comforts of, for the weekend. To explore the Blair Witch.

Y/N zooms the camera on a pile of books.

Heather: Some essential reading. How To Stay Alive in the Woods, cause you never know what's going to happen. And this is a very important book, because it has the article about what happened at Coffin Rock.

Y/N: That's pretty old.

Heather: Yeah, it's totally old.

Heather: And this is my field notebook.

They hear a car pull up and see Josh's car.

Heather: Hey it's Mister Punctuality! How the hell are you this morning?

Josh: Tired. So, I got the CP up.

Heather: Good. It's important, cause that's what were shooting on.

Y/N: Does anyone know you took it?

Josh: No one knows I have it, but I got it.

Heather: Alright, come on. Into the house.

They are circling each other with cameras.

Heather: I can see you. I'm not going to bump into shit from the director's chair. I don't want to fuck up the cameras before we leave. Hey! Nice camera man! All right I know I'm hitting the steps.

Inside Heaters house, Josh looks tired with head down on table.

Josh: So, where's Mikey at?

Heather: I have to go get him.

Josh: Okay.

Heather: Supposed to be there at 8:30.

Josh: Okay.

Heather: Which means we are already going to be behind schedule, but it's important to have juice.

Josh: That's cool.

It then cut to the outside of Mike's house with Heather, Y/N, and Josh inside the car.

Heather: I guess your Mike!

Josh starts to back away leaving Mike on the doorstep.

Heather: Here wait... Stop, stop, stop, stop. Will we get to meet your Mamma?

Mike: See you later, mom!

Heather: How are you, Mike?

Y/N: It's nice to meet you.

Mike gets in the car and the four begin to drive.

Mike: I'm tired. But I'm doing good. and I'm very excited about this. Thank you for the opportunity.

Heather: I'm very glad. Well, thank you for getting the equipment together. We've got so much battery power here we could fuel a small third country for a month.

It then cuts to a grocery store as Y/N is holding box of rice over shopping cart.

Josh: Yeah, we've got rice. Got mustard, fudge.

Mike holds up a Powerbar.

Mike: Oatmeal and raisin baby. Ultimate Marshmallows.

Heather: You like raisin? I don't like it.

Y/N: I like it.

Mike: I've never had a Powerbar before.

Heather zooms in on bag of Marshmallows.

Heather: Oh, feel how soft. Soft...

Josh: Hey! You weasel!

Heather: Marshmallows.

After buying the food, the four walk into a small diner as Mike points out a Halloween decoration of a ghost.

Josh and Heather: Boooooooh.

Heather: Do you believe in ghosts?

Y/N: Yes.

Inside the diner, they interview a waitress.

Heather: Have you ever heard of the Blair Witch?

Girl: I guess. That actually sounds kind of familiar. My older sister went to Blair High School.

After interviewing her the four sat down.

Heather: The woods around Halloween time is creepy enough phenomenon.

Josh: Just tell me a little bit more...

Heather: I don't want to go cheesy. I want to really avoid any cheese. I want to present this in a straightforward a way as possible and I think the legend is unsettling enough.

Y/N: Well, consider it done.

They then go to a hill and begin to set up the equipment.

Josh: You guys want to get the, uh... ceremonial first slate?

Heather: Absolutely.

Heather walks over to Y/N writing the slate.

Heather: Here he is, filling out our first slate for our first shot.

Y/N: It's ready.

Josh: Should we all, like, cut our fingers open and bleed on it? A little bloodletting on the slate?

Heather: No, we'll save that for later.

Josh grabs it and kisses it.

Josh: Kiss it. Kiss the slate.

Heather and Y/N kiss the slate.

Josh: lt's the first slate.

Heather: First slate. Marked by my lipstick.

Josh: Mikey, first slate. Kiss it. Good luck.

Mikey then bites the slate.

Heather: Oh, he licked it. God bless him.

Josh: You're not supposed to eat it.

Heather: We need that for the rest of the shoot.

It then cuts to Y/N showing the sign of Burkittsville as Heather narrates.

Heather: This is Burkittsville, formerly Blair. lt is a small, quiet Maryland town, much like a small, quiet town anywhere. No more than 20 families laid their roots here over 200 years ago, many of whom remain either on this hill or in the town below. There are an unusually high number of children laid to rest here, most of whom passed in the 1940s. Yet, no one in the town seems to recall anything unusual about this time. To us, anyway. Yet, legend tells a different story. One whose evidence is all around us, etched in stone.

The filming ends as it cuts to the four in a car driving.

Heather: Well, we have shot the first scene. The cemetery scene. The opening is shot.

The four begin to interview more people.

Heather: We're doing a documentary.

Man 1: Yeah?

Heather: About the Blair Witch. Have you heard of the Blair Witch?

Man 1: Oh, yeah. That's an old, old, old story.

It then cuts to another man.

Man 2: As I remember, Mr. Parr was an old hermit.

Y/N: Right.

Man 2: And he lived up on a mountain. He had a place up there. Been there for a long, long time.

They then interview a mom with her daughter.

Heather: You've heard of the Blair Witch?

Mother: Several times.

Heather: Several times? And what was the first incident?

Mother: l've heard stories about her from people and neighbors and stuff like that. But also, I saw a documentary on the Discovery Channel, or somewhere, once about her.

Heather: Really?

Mother: About the ghosts and legends of Maryland.

It then cuts to another man.

Man 3: Yeah, that's a story my grandmother used to tell us all. Make us go to bed early.

Heather: Really?

Man 3: They say if you stay up after dark, walk around the house too much, the Blair Witch will come and get you.

They interview another man on his porch.

Man 4: Sort of in the winter, I guess, the fall or the winter of 1940, some of the young kids started to disappear. Nobody knew anything about why they were... Why they were disappearing.

It then cuts to the mom.

Mother: The creepiest...

The daughter covers her mouth, but the mom moves the daughter's hand.

Mother: The creepiest story about her...

Heather: That's kind of an omen, isn't it?

Mother: ...that I ever heard was that two men were out hunting, and they were camped near the cabin, or something, that she's supposed to haunt.

Daughter: No, no!

Mother: And they disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Daughter: No.

Heather: Really?

Mother: Okay, it's all right, lngrid. l'm just telling a scary story, but it's not true.

Y/N: lt's not true.

It then cuts to the fourth man.

Man 4: Finally, one day, old Mr. Parr come down into the market and said, "l'm finally finished."

Heahter: And what did he mean by that?

Man 4: l guess nobody knew at first, but the police finally went up on the mountain and they searched his house and they found the bodies of seven kids from the area.

It then cuts to the third man.

Man 3: What he did is, he took the kids down into the basement by twos and he made one face into the corner.

Heather: Really?

Man 4: And then he would kill the other one. And then when he was done with that, he'd grab the one out of the corner and kill that one, too.

It then cuts to the fourth man.

Man 4: And those were the seven kids that were missing. And then they brought them out of the woods one at a time, and it just was a terrible thing. Just tore the whole community up.

It cuts to the third man.

Man 3: Said in court that he couldn't take the eyes on him. He could... He could feel the eyes watching him. That's why he made them face into the corner like that.

it then cuts to a woman in a cafe.

Woman: All my life, really, l've believed in witches and ghosts and all that stuff.

Heather: Do you believe that there are some in this area?

Woman: Definitely.

It then cuts to the group interviewing a fifth man.

Heather: Do you believe in witchcraft?

Man 5: No.

Heather: No?

Man 5: No, sir.

Heather: Are you a religious man?

Man 5: Yep.

Heather: All righty.

It then cuts to the woman and the daughter.

Mother: Pretty creepy stuff. l believe there's something happening with her.

Heather: And you think that it's possible that she's still up there now?

Mother: l don't go up there.

Heather: l You don't go up there?

Mother: Yeah, I believe enough not to go up there.

It then shows the fourth man.

Man 4: And they say that the woods are all haunted up there and stuff like that, but...

Heather: What do they say? How are they haunted?

Man 4: l don't... There really isn't many people that say that it's haunted, but there was this old woman, Mary Brown, who used to...

Heather: Mary Brown?

Man 4: Yeah, and she was kind of a crazy lady.

Heather: How was she seen by the community?

Man 4: Crazy.

They pull up to a trailer which was Mary's house and sees an American flag.

Heather: That's it. The American flag.

Y/N: That's Mary's house.

They exit the car.

Heather: l'm going to grab her and bring her out. Why don't you take a look around and see where the best light is, all right?

Josh: Okay.

She and Y/N walk to the gate.

Heather: This is Mary's gate. l'm not even sure how I pull this open.

Y/N opens the gate and asks to interview Mary and she agreed.

Heather: 'Cause something interesting happened to you, actually, at one point in your life. You had an encounter with the Blair Witch?

Mary: Yes.

That is a really, kind of, scary story. Um, to, kind of, make ends meet, my dad and I would go fishing down by Tappy's Creek.

Heather: Right.

Mary: And, you know, it's in Burkittsville. l was lying down on the leaves, a pile of leaves, kind of watching my pole and looking up at the sky.

Heather: Sure.

Mary: And all of a sudden, l felt like something was near me.

Heather: Right.

Mary: You know, kind of an eerie feeling. lt was like a woman, only on her arms and on her hands and everything it was like hair. Like a real dark, almost black, hair. Like a horse.

Heather: Like fur?

Mary: Yeah, like a fur. Like horse fur. Then on her arms, she had a shawl...

Heather: Right.

Mary: Wool shawl over her.

Heather: And she scared you? She threatened you?

Mary: And she didn't say anything, but she just kept staring, and then she opened up her shawl...

Heather: And what was under there?

Mary: And under there was hair on her body like a horse.

Heather: So, she was hairy from head to toe?

Mary: Yeah, and her legs... And you could see she was a female.

Heather: Right. How about her face?

Mary: lt was just kind of, like, strange-looking.

After interviewing Mary, they get in the car and leave.

Y/N: How about we go to the motel, and we stay the night, and I can guide to the forest to the spots where the Blair Witch have been spotted.

Heather: Sounds like a plan.

They then drive to the motel. 

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