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By Petra_Kolapo09

403 190 31

πŸŒΏπŸ°πŸ•―οΈ π”½π• π•£π•“π•šπ••π••π•–π•Ÿ ℂ𝕒𝕀π•₯𝕝𝕖: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π”Ήπ•–π•˜π•šπ•Ÿπ•Ÿπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜ 𝕠𝕗 π•₯𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ πŸ•―οΈπŸ°πŸŒΏ Follow Princ... More

Mood board | 1
Chapter One: Londons Labyrinth
Chapter Two: Home I'd Ever Known
Chapter Three: Snippets
Chapter Four: Order In Thy Court
Chapter Five: Herself Amidst The Humblest
Chapter Six: The Seeker Is I
Aesthetic page | Forbode
Chapter Seven: Future Holds
Chapter Eight: Under The Suspension
Moodboard | 2
Chapter Nine: Friends Come, Friends Go
Chapter Ten: A Pact Of Trust
Chapter Eleven: Truth Of Creatures
Chapter Twelve : Caught A Dragon
Chapter Thirteen: Whispers Of The Night
Book Two : Till Queendom Come
Sneak Peek: Exciting Updates on My Upcoming Books

Chapter Fourteen: Prisoner Of Fate

9 3 0
By Petra_Kolapo09

At first, it was hard. It almost felt impossible.

In the dreary confines of my cell, I wrestled with the conflicting emotions of confinement and a semblance of liberation. Each day was a battle against the oppressive walls that threatened to suffocate my spirit, yet in the solitude, I found a strange solace.

As the summer sun cast its golden rays through the barred window, a glimmer of hope danced on the horizon. Though the days blurred into one another, I clung to the belief that amidst the darkness, there lay a path to freedom.

Then, one fateful day, the monotony was shattered by a whispered promise of change, a whisper that carried with it the tantalizing scent of possibility. It was a fleeting moment, a fragile thread of hope that I grasped onto with trembling hands, for in that moment, I glimpsed the faint outline of a future beyond the confines of my cell.

The clacking of her heels echoed through the somber confines of my cell, heralding her arrival like an ominous prelude to an uncertain fate. As she stood before me, draped in her opulent cloaks and exuding an air of authority, I couldn't help but feel a shiver of trepidation course through me.

With bated breath, I lifted my gaze to meet hers, my parched throat constricting with anticipation. Her penetrating stare seemed to pierce through the darkness, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable in her presence.

When she uttered those words, "release her," a glimmer of hope flickered within me, igniting a spark of possibility amidst the shadows of despair. As the guards unlocked the door and hoisted me to my feet, I struggled to steady myself, overcome by a mixture of relief and apprehension.

Standing before her, I felt dwarfed by her imposing stature, yet strangely emboldened by the intensity of her gaze. With a gentle touch, she lifted my chin, commanding my attention with unwavering authority as she pronounced those fateful words: "Your training begins now."

"What's happening?" I gasped, my voice barely a whisper as the guards propelled me forward. Every step felt like a Herculean effort, my limbs heavy with exhaustion. But as we emerged from the dim confines of the underground, a blinding brightness assaulted my senses.

Shielding my eyes from the harsh glare, I blinked rapidly until the world came into focus. Before me stretched an expansive room, bathed in the warm glow of sunlight streaming through tall, arched windows. The floors gleamed with the rich hue of polished oak, while the air carried the faint scent of leather and steel.

It was a scene of stark contrast to the dank confines of my cell, and for a moment, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer expanse of space surrounding me. Yet, even as I took in the sight of the open room, a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach.

The clack of heels echoed behind me, drawing nearer with each step. I could feel the weight of someone's gaze boring into my back, a silent presence that sent shivers down my spine.

"You are to train for a long time, until you're strong enough," the voice commanded, authoritative and unyielding. I bristled at the touch of the guards' hands on my shoulders, wrenching myself free from their grasp.

Turning on my heels, I faced the speaker, a figure cloaked in shadows yet exuding an aura of power and authority. "Strong enough for what?" I demanded, my voice tinged with defiance.

A smile played upon her lips, sending a chill down my spine. "To slay the dragon," she replied, her words hanging in the air like a dark omen.

Her words hung heavy in the air, the weight of their meaning sinking deep into my bones. Slay the dragon? The mere thought sent a surge of fear coursing through me, mingled with a stubborn determination."Slay the dragon?" I repeated incredulously, my voice barely above a whisper. The task seemed insurmountable, impossible even. Yet, as I looked into the eyes of the woman before me, I saw no hint of doubt or hesitation.

She nodded solemnly, her expression unwavering. "Yes, slay the dragon," she affirmed, her voice resonating with unwavering conviction.I swallowed hard, steeling myself against the overwhelming sense of dread that threatened to consume me. "And if I refuse?" I challenged, though the words tasted bitter on my tongue.

Her smile widened, a glint of something darker flickering in her eyes. "You don't have a choice," she declared, her tone final and absolute. "The fate of our kingdom depends on it."

A few months in

The clang of steel filled the air as our swords clashed, the sound echoing off the walls of the training room. With each strike, I felt the weight of my doubts and insecurities pressing down on me, threatening to overwhelm my resolve.She moved with effortless grace, her movements fluid and precise, a stark contrast to my own clumsy attempts at defense. I stumbled backward, struggling to keep pace with her relentless assault.

"Come on!" she urged, her voice sharp with determination. Her fencing gear hugged her figure tightly, accentuating the strength and agility that lay beneath. I mirrored her movements, my own gear feeling heavy and restrictive against my skin.In a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand, I lunged forward, but she was quicker, sidestepping my attack with ease. Before I could react, her blade connected with my cheek, sending a jolt of pain coursing through me.

I staggered backward, clutching my stinging cheek, while she advanced with purpose. With a swift motion, she disarmed me, sending my sword clattering across the room. We tumbled to the ground in a tangled heap, her straddling me as she held her sword at my throat.

Our faces were mere inches apart, the heat of our exertion mingling in the air between us. I met her gaze, a mix of fear, awe, and determination swirling in my eyes.

"Never drop your sword," she admonished, her voice firm but not unkind. In that moment, as I lay pinned beneath her, I felt a surge of something powerful stir within me – a fierce determination to rise above my doubts and fears, to become stronger, to become worthy of the challenge that lay ahead.

I would awaken in the modest room allotted to me, greeted by the simple furnishings – a bed, a table, and a wardrobe. It felt reminiscent of a boarding school dormitory, a stark departure from the opulence of my former life. With each passing day, I would add another line to the tally etched into the wall, a silent testament to the passage of time.

Dressing quickly, I eschewed the confines of a corset, opting instead for practical vests and gear suited to the rigors of training. It had been months since I last wore such restrictive garments, and I relished the freedom of movement they afforded.

A soft knock at the door interrupted my thoughts, and I bid the visitor to enter. It was Orion, bearing a pitcher of water. Grateful for the gesture, I thanked him and accepted the refreshment, knowing that I had long since forsaken the customary breakfasts of my former life. In this new reality, sustenance came in the form of hearty meals consumed under the cover of night, providing the fuel needed for the demanding days ahead."And Kazuha requests you on the field very soon," Orion informed me before departing, leaving me to contemplate the task that lay ahead. Kazuha – her name conjured images of strength and determination, qualities that she embodied in her role as my trainer. With a resolve born of necessity, I finished the water, freshened up, and prepared myself for the grueling regimen that awaited me on the training field.

I stepped onto the training field, greeted by the sight of Kazuha in her customary red cloak. There was an air of intensity about her, a determination that hinted at the challenging session that lay ahead."I'm feeling mean today," Kazuha declared, her tone firm and unwavering. I couldn't help but let out a resigned sigh. "Aren't you always?" I retorted, half-jokingly.

With a nod, Kazuha instructed, "Set a timer for 7 minutes." The dwarf beside her flipped over the sand timer, its grains beginning to trickle down. Without hesitation, I launched into a sprint as soon as the timer started.

The objective was clear: keep running. My personal best was completing three laps around the field in five minutes. But today, with Kazuha's ominous declaration, I knew I had to push myself harder than ever before.


That was 2 years ago.

Two years have passed since then. It seems surreal, but it's the truth. And surprisingly, I've grown stronger than I ever imagined I could be. Not just physically, but mentally too. They say books nowadays are capped at 500 pages, hit the ones here are up to 5000, and they tackle real-life problems. I've delved into politics, much to Orion's delight. I've even struck up an unexpected friendship with one of the guards, beating him in a log-pulling competition more times than I can count. You might wonder how I can remain so composed in the face of all this. After all, I was abducted and coerced into this life. But the truth is, I, Elena, no longer concern myself with how others view me or the intricacies of my situation. My focus now is on putting an end to the chaos engulfing the outside world. I've embraced the idea of becoming a hero, even if it means confronting my own parents or instigating a war. If that's what it takes, then so be it.

Gathered around the dining table, my closest companions exude an air of steadfast loyalty. Today feels particularly special, and I can hardly contain my excitement as I make my announcement, "It's my birthday."

Orion, his glass momentarily forgotten, reacts with astonishment, "Are you pulling my leg, woman?"

Katie chimes in with a heartfelt "Wow," and I simply nod in acknowledgment. Kazuha offers her wishes, "Happy birthday, Elena," prompting me to return her nod.

Before the tension can escalate, I interject with a jest, "For heaven's sake, will you two just kiss already so we can enjoy our meal in peace?"

Margaret, the ever-efficient cook, brings in the roast, causing my mouth to water. I express gratitude, adding, "That won't be happening, but thanks for the roast, Marge."

As Fresco reaches for the dish, Margaret playfully slaps his hand away, insisting, "Not yours, Fresco. Let Elena have the first piece." He pouts like a child denied a treat, a stark contrast to his imposing stature. But in truth, he's nothing more than a gentle giant.

Amidst laughter and banter, we indulge in our meal, savoring both the food and each other's company.


As we lay in the field, the moon casting a serene glow upon us, I couldn't help but inquire, "I've always wondered, why do you wear a red cloak?"

Kazuha shifted slightly, her hair spilling around her like a cascade of silk. "I simply like red. Ever since I read a book about a little girl who killed a wolf," she replied.

I couldn't contain my laughter. "Because a girl slayed a wolf?" I exclaimed incredulously.Rolling her eyes, she retorted, "You asked the question."

Realizing my faux pas, I quickly composed myself. "I know I did. I'm sorry," I apologized with a sheepish smile.

Turning her gaze toward me, she scrutinized me with an intensity that made me squirm. "Doesn't seem very genuine," she remarked."Well, that's not my problem," I retorted, trying to deflect the tension with humor.

As our eyes met, I felt compelled to confess, "I... I try to mask it with jokes and all, but I'm terrified."

Understanding flickered in her eyes as she nodded in solidarity. "I was too," she admitted.

"My mother warned me about girls like you"

Her laughter echoed softly in the room, carrying a hint of mischief. "Your mother hasn't had the pleasure," she retorted, her tone laced with playful defiance.I couldn't help but smile at her response, a flicker of amusement dancing in my eyes. "Perhaps not," I conceded, a note of skepticism in my voice as I regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

"About this dragon... Does it breathe fire?" I inquired, my voice tinged with apprehension.With a solemn nod, she confirmed, "It's a merciless beast. But you're stronger."I turned my gaze skyward, lost in thought. "I knew it from the moment I saw you," she continued, catching me off guard.

Whipping my head to face her, I couldn't help but recall our tumultuous first encounter. "The first time we met, you kidnapped me," I pointed out."Would you have come if we didn't?" she countered gently.

Shaking my head, I replied, "Of course not. I couldn't leave my people."
Taking my hand in hers, she offered reassurance, "And you won't. After all this is over, hierarchy won't matter, and we'll all roam freely."

"Free," I echoed, the word heavy with longing and hope.


As I stirred awake, I blinked against the soft morning light filtering through the trees. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I realized I must have fallen asleep right there in the field. My gaze shifted, and there she was, Kazuha, lying peacefully beside me. Her features were relaxed in slumber, her chestnut hair fanned out around her like a halo. The gentle rise and fall of her breath mirrored the tranquility of the dawn. I couldn't help but admire the serene expression on her face, illuminated by the golden rays of the sun. It was a rare sight, seeing Kazuha in such a vulnerable state, and for a moment, the weight of our journey lifted, replaced by a sense of peace and camaraderie.

As I sat up, the sun broke through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the field. The brightness of the morning hinted at the approaching end of summer. With a smile, I plucked a daisy from the grass and gently brushed it against Kazuha's cheek, hoping to stir her from her slumber. Slowly, she began to awaken, her eyelids fluttering open as she stretched lazily.

I grinned at Kazuha, and she reciprocated the gesture with a nod. However, our moment was interrupted by a call from the entrance. "Elena!" Orion's voice echoed across the field, drawing my attention. I spotted his diminutive figure in the distance. "It's time!" he exclaimed, his words causing my expression to falter.

I rose to my feet, brushing off the grass from my clothes. "I'll be right there," I called back to Orion. Turning to Kazuha, I offered an apologetic smile. "Looks like duty calls," I said ruefully. Kazuha nodded understandingly, her expression reflecting a mix of empathy and determination. "Go on," she encouraged, her voice soft but resolute. With a grateful nod, I headed towards the doors, mentally preparing myself for whatever awaited me next.

"It's the day of the election, your big appearance," Orion announced, his voice tinged with urgency as he guided me through the bustling crowd. Each person we passed stood in solemn anticipation, their eyes following our every move.

As we reached a secluded room, Orion's excitement was palpable. "You'll answer questions, declare your intention to slay the dragon, and assert your right to rule over the dynasty," he explained rapidly, his words spilling out in a rush of enthusiasm.

"I know, Orion, I know," I responded calmly, trying to match his fervor. But inwardly, my nerves churned with uncertainty.

With a swift motion, Orion swung open the doors to the wardrobe, revealing the ornate attire waiting inside. My eyes widened in disbelief at the elaborate gown before me.

Orion's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he nodded vigorously. "Yes, my lady, it's a momentous occasion, after all," he replied, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. I glanced at the extravagant garment hanging in the wardrobe, adorned with intricate embroidery and shimmering with jewels.

"Yes I understand but... all of it?" I questioned, a hint of apprehension in my tone.

Orion chuckled lightly. "It's tradition, Elena, and you'll look every bit the part of a royal leader," he assured me, and I trusted him. I trust all of them.

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