The Unwanted Child {2}

By mmultixaep0

7.2K 267 70

Jaycee is going on an intense journey through the post-apocalyptic world, where the struggle for survival bec... More

Heavy Lies the Crown
Secret Bunker
A Lie Guarded
The Tinder Box
We Will Rise
Gimme Shelter
God Complex
The Other Side
The Chosen
The Ring
Time Passing
Pandora's Box
Acceptable Losses
How We Get to Peace
War. Again.
Red Sun Rising
The Children of Gabriel

The Dark Year

215 9 2
By mmultixaep0

Jaycee and the rest of them were in a cave. Raven was fixing something while Jay was pacing back and forth. She needed to get back to Monty and the others. She needed to help them. After what Echo told her, about Octavia or Bloodrena. She knew that they would need her help.

Jaycee winced at the pain of her hand. She never got it checked but she did wrapped it with cloth. Better than having a sling she thought to herself.

While she was pacing back and forth she heard Ravens and Shaw's conversation. "Is there anything you can't fix?" Shaw asked the Reyes girl.

Raven looked up at him and smirked, "Except my leg? Nope."

Murphy butted in the conversation, "I mean, it did take her and Jaycee over there six years to get us back down to the ground."

Jaycee didn't say anything. She just continued to pace around while listening to their conversation.

Raven smirked at Murphy before looking back at Shaw. "Yet here we are. He hates when I'm that good."

Murphy tilted his head, "Careful, cave's not big enough to fit your head."

Raven slightly chuckled, "See?" She told Shaw as they both smiled.

Murphy sat up straight. "Okay, well, then what about Eligius III?" Raven glared at him, "Ah, she has the look of failure right there. "

Raven looked at Shaw. "When we were on the mother ship, I hacked the Eligius files." She glanced back at Murphy, "I just couldn't crack that one."

"Yeah, it was Jaycee who was able to do it,"
Murphy smirked.

Again. Jaycee didn't say anything. She just continued to pace around. She felt like the more she would pace, the more anxious she'd get. Did she stop? Of course not. It's Jaycee here.

Emori walked back into the cave, "Alright. We're all set. The antenna's aimed at Polis. Fire it up."

Raven looked at her, "It's not connected yet."

Echo looked at Raven, "So, connect it." Jaycee rolled her eyes.

Murphy stood up as he looked at Emori and Echo. "What's wrong? You get spotted?" He asked

Echo looked at him, "Worse. They're not looking for us anymore." Jaycee furrowed her eyebrows. She was confused on why they weren't looking for them anymore

Diyozas voice was heard while laying down, "What do you mean?" She slightly turned, looking at Echo.

Echo glared at her, " want to be useful?" She asked with a snarky tone, "What does it mean that from the antenna positon, we saw your people moving weapons and supplies to the Northern perimeter?"

Diyoza looked at her, "If McCreary's moving his troops North, then Wonkru's on the march again."

Murphy turned around, "So much for blinding the eye."

Jaycee was getting sick of his comments, "Shut it, Murphy." The guy just looked at her.

Kane was the next one to speak while being next to Diyoza, "Look. We can't be helpful unless we know all the facts."

"The facts are I got played. They hacked the eye in the sky. I'm impressed." She stated.

Jaycee was still pacing around as she spoke, "Don't be. If McCreary knows they're coming, then we've failed. Without the element of surprise, it'll be a massacre." She told all the people in the cave.

Raven continued to work, "We have to tell them to go back. Let's get this thing on top." She stated to Shaw.

Murphy looked at Jaycee who was pacing around still, "if you keep pacing you're going to make a hole deep enough for you to fall in," he stated at the girl.

Jaycee rolled her eyes as she glared at Murphy. He knew that now wasn't the time for his stupid comments so he held his hands up in surrender and walked away from her.

He knew she could kick the absolute shit out of him. He didn't want to test her patience.


Once Raven fixed the radio, Jaycee grabbed it from her and started to talk on the radio. "Bellamy, Kom op raun taim Yu na hear Ai" (Bellamy, Come in if you can hear me.) Jaycee said on the radio.

She was waiting for him to respond. It took a minute before he did.

"Chomouda are Oso speaking trig? Chec sketchi" (Why are we speaking Trig? What's wrong?) Bellamy asked the girl over the radio.

Jaycee sighed of relief. Thankful that Bellamy was okay, "Emo get in yu laik comi. Yu've don drop of  ement kom shupoff" (They know you're coming. You've lost the element of surprise.)

Bellamy spoke on the radio, "Jaycee sen gon Ai oh" (Jaycee listen to me.)

Bellamy was cut off by Harper, Jaycee was able to hear her too, "Bellamy, if Clarke's on their side, she speaks Trig, too." Jaycee mentally slapped her head. Angry that Clarke was on their side now.

Murphy walked closer to Jaycee, "Clarke's on their side? What does that mean?"

Echo looked up at Murphy, "It means we have to make this fast." Jaycee nodded at Echos words.

"Yu souda bak op. Oso yu don their pilot, krei yu laik klir gon nau. Ba Yu na't kom op hir" Jaycee said in trig over the radio to him. (Bellamy, you have to go back. We have their pilot, so you're safe for now. But you can't come here.)

Bellamy responded over the radio to her. "Nou Kom poi. Em 's a pou, ba Oso na't bak op en Oso na't hod op. Oso're Fai days au. Yu don dei de long gon fig au yumi a klir edei raun. Aus doun dei de Oso buk au remo" (Not possible. It's a long story, but we can't go back and we can't stop. We're five days out. You have that long to find us a safe way in. After that we run out of rations.)

Jaycee took a deep breath before responding. 

Jaycee switched back to English, "We're on it. Be safe. Over and out." She turned off the radio.

Raven held her hand in her head. She looked up, "Clarke and McCreary?"

Echo looked at Raven, "If it's true, I'll deal with her later." She then stood up to walk to one of the defectos "Lindo. Take your people and scout South. Stay out of sight and don't engage. We need details on troop count and weapons." She looked at her people, "Spacekru, you're with me."

Murphy walked up to Echo. "Yeah."

Echo walked to Kane, "Gun."

Kane stood up, "I'm going with you."

Before he could do anything Echo stood against it, "The hell you are. Trust has to be earned. Isn't that right, Colonel?" She slightly nodded her head. Kane knew there was nothing he could do she he handed her a gun. "Let's roll." Echo told everyone. Jaycee started to walk out the cave. She heard Murphy complain.

Echo passed Murphy, he followed her out "Man, I never get the gun."


After walking for a while, in the cold snow, Jay hearing Murphy mumble about not getting a gun. They made it, they were hiding from McCrearys people.

Echo was looking out when she made a face. Echo sighed as she lowered herself down to blend in with the snow. Emori caught on and looked at the girl as she whispered. "What? What is it?"

Echo put down the binoculars as she spoke, "Pillbox. Gunner position. They're building them on both sides of the ravine." She told the other

Raven was looking at the prisoners, she then looked to Echo, "You don't have to be a spy to know this isn't the best way in. It's too high up, It's too freaking cold, and they'll see them coming for miles."

"Come on. Let's go." Echo said as she was going to stand up.

Murphy looked around and cut her off before she could do anything, "Whoa. Hold on. Not so fast."

Echo looked at him annoyed, "Murphy, we're scouting, not stealing."

Murphy grabbed the binoculars and started to look as she spoke, "That's easy for you to say. You already have a gun." It took him a while before he spotted a jackpot. "Well, hello, beautiful. Guns. Look."

Echo took the binoculars "The box next to it is ammunition."

Jaycee took a breath, she was freezing her ass off. "As much as I always hate agreeing with Murphy, he has a point. I mean, they can't shoot us with what they don't have." She looked at the others.

Echo nodded as she was slowly standing up, "Follow me." Everyone did as she asked.

They began to walk near the camp. Murphy was one of the first people to grab a gun and ammo. All of a sudden, one of the men stood up and pointed a gun at Murphy, he raised his arms up as a sign of surrender.

Echo raised her gun, pointing it at the man, "Drop the gun. Right now."

The man pointed at Murphy, telling him to put the gun down. Murphy did, he honestly did want to get shot.

Murphy looked at him , "Look, you shoot me, she shoots you." The man looked at Echo who had her gun raised still. "Why don't we just go ahead and pretend this thing never happened?" Murphy asked him with a calm voice.

As much as Jaycee wanted to help, her hand was still causing her trouble. She was able to slightly move it, but it hurt like a bitch without pain meds.

All of a sudden, they all heard a whirring noise from behind them, Jay knew it was a big weapon cuz she remembered someone mentioning that it can explode someone as soon as they fired it.

Jaycee knew that they were screwed.

"I have a better idea," the man said. Emori, Raven, and Jay lifted their arms up in the air. "She drops her weapon. Or we turn your pretty friends into pink mist," the guy said. Jaycee looked at him then to the guy who was holding the bazooka.

Echo knew there was no way they could take them so she put her hands up after she dropped the gun.

"Radio McCreary. Tell him we got the people who took Shaw." The man said, still pointing a gun at Murphy.

All of a sudden, the devil himself came out, raising his hands up in the air, "Now, that would be a big win." He said as he was walking closer.

Raven looked at the guy who was supposed to be back in the cave. "Shaw, what the hell are you doing?" She shouted at him.

Shaw avoided eye contact with Raven, he continued to walk slower and slower to the man as he was talking, "I tell you what. Let them go, take me, McCreary gets his pilot, fires his missiles, you guys get to be heroes." He said calmly.

Shaw looked at Raven who was shaking her head. Jaycee rolled her eyes about how stupid this dude was.

The man started thinking, he put his gun down and spoke, "I'll tie him up. Kill the others." He got behind Shaw, before he could get tied up, he started to fight them, Jaycee took this as her chance to grab one of her knives and throw it at the guy who had his gun pointed at Murphy.

As soon as all the fighting was done, Murphy turned to Jay.

"Nice throw."

Jay smiled, "for a one arms pirate, I think I could have aimed a little higher, but, thanks." She smirked at the guy.

Shaw looked around. His eyes stopped on Raven, she was pissed...

Shaw smiled at her, think she would say 'thanks'

"You're welcome." Shaw said.

She just looked at him and walked past him. "Ooo someone's in trouble..." Jaycee muttered. Murphy heard her because he was next to her. He started to chuckle at her comment.

Emori picked up the bazooka m, "Hey John, you still want a gun?" She asked

Murphy turned around, "Oh, Hell, yeah."

Jaycee laughed, "now he gets the gun that will probably kill us all."

"Oh have faith in me Jordan. Plus you're just jealous cuz I get to have it and you don't," he smirked.

"Yeah, I'm good. I don't need a bazooka to show everyone I have balls." Jaycee smiled at him.

Emori laughed.


They were all back in the cave. Echo was talking about the map with the others while Jaycee was standing up, listening to them, well. Sorta listening.

Echo had a light on the map as she was talking, "They're digging in at all three Northern entry points. Dry tributaries here, here, and here. Each position has two pillboxes on either side of the entry point, with gunners evenly divided."

Diyoza was listening too, she then realized something, "Son of a bitch. He's using my playbook. Two gunner positions at each entry point. My battle plan called for the use of Eligius blast shelters. I dropped my notebook at the gas station. McCreary must have found it."

"Wow, who knew writing a playbook would come to this..." Jaycee muttered. Diyoza glared at her.

Echo ignored Jaycee comment, "How detailed?"

Diyoza looked back at Echo, "Deployment formations. Weapons distributions. First strike options. Countermoves. Everything I could think of. And I think of everything."

Murphy sighed, "Okay. So, is there a safe way to get in or not?"

She didn't say anything, she just looked at them. Like she had a plan or something.


Jaycee was going through the maps again. She then saw Shaw walk to Raven. They then shared a long kiss. Jaycee was just staring at them. Sometimes she did miss Bellamy, but what he did to her. Broke her. Jaycee then looked down.

Emori then waked up to her and out her arm around her shoulder.

"Even if you're still pissed with him. You'll be together soon." She reassured the girl.

Jaycee looked at her, "do you think I should forgive him?" She asked.

Emori was thinking how she should answer that, "I think you should follow what your heart says."

Jaycee looked at her, "deep down my heart still loves him."

"But?" Emori asked

Jaycee sighed, "but. I just don't want to get hurt again. I mean what's there to say he does it again? I don't want to feel like this anymore. I mean. There's only so many people left in this world. You know?" Jaycee said in one breath.

Emori hugged the girl, "yeah, but you won't know unless you forgive him and try again." She spoke.

Jaycee smiled, "like I said, you'll be together soon,"

Jaycee nodded, "C'mon. It's almost dawn. Let's go over this again. When I give the signal, we open fire on pillbox one, in position A here. According to Diyoza at the first sign of attack, McCreary's forces at point B and C will converge to reinforce A, thinking that's where we're coming through leaving the other two doors wide open." Jaycee said, pointing to the map.


I hope you guys like the Emori and Jaycee scene! They haven't had many!

Anyway, sorry for not posting.

Been super busy!

Low key can't wait for Jay and Bellamy to reunite, same with Nova!!!!


(Word Count 2537)

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