[201-400] THE MECH'S TOUCH

By thegamer3496

2.9K 425 5

Author:Exlor Alternative names:N/A Genre:Sci-fi, Fantasy Source:Webnovel Status:Ongoing Humanity has conquere... More

Chapter 201: Market Woes
Chapter 202: Vision
Chapter 203: Oleg
Chapter 204: Wager
Chapter 205: Triple Division
Chapter 206: Discordan
Chapter 207: Accomodate
Chapter 208: Reasons
Chapter 209: Keltrex
Chapter 210: 4-star Design
Chapter 211: Last Spear
Chapter 212: Singular
Chapter 213: Printer
Chapter 214: Shady
Chapter 215: Runaway Success
Chapter 216: Jarle
Chapter 217: Small Job
Chapter 218: Undermine
Chapter 219: Vintage
Chapter 220: Sucker
Chapter 221: Perpetuity
Chapter 222: Eternal Edition
Chapter 223: Back to Bentheim
Chapter 224: Colleagues
Chapter 225: Toys for Boys
Chapter 226: Price Level
Chapter 227: Auctions
Chapter 229: Delegate
Chapter 230: Transition
Chapter 231: Taxes
Chapter 232: Fulfillmen
Chapter 233:
Chapter 234: Space Whales
Chapter 235: Disparity
Chapter 236: Imagination
Chapter 237: Aquatic Mech
Chapter 238: Conviction
Chapter 239: Dancing Along the Edge
Chapter 240: Reflection
Chapter 241: Market Research
Chapter 242: Draft Design
Chapter 243: Feedback
Chapter 244: Senior Management
Chapter 245: Skills to Pay the Bills
Chapter 246: Mastery
Chapter 247: Barley
Chapter 248: The Knight
Chapter 249: Power of Two
Chapter 250: Board of Directors
Chapter 251: Black
Chapter 252: Sparring
Chapter 253: Blackbeak
Chapter 254: Competitor
Chapter 255: Breathing to Life
Chapter 256: Responsibilities
Chapter 257: Testing Ground
Chapter 258: Finalize
Chapter 259: Completion
Chapter 260: Spending Money Like a Drunk
Chapter 261: Validation
Chapter 262: Unveiling
Chapter 263: For Want of a House
Chapter 264: Captain Vicar
Chapter 265: Duel of the Firsts
Chapter 266: Superior
Chapter 267: On a Roll
Chapter 268: Emergency Meeting
Chapter 269: Third Party
Chapter 270: Charity
Chapter 271: Money Crunch
Chapter 272: Gratitude
Chapter 273: Calcardon
Chapter 274: The Glowing Planet
Chapter 275: Money In Money Out
Chapter 276: Blood Claws
Chapter 277: Get Rich or Die Trying
Chapter 278: In Your Blood
Chapter 279: Waiter
Chapter 280: Briefing
Chapter 281: Convergence
Chapter 282: Smooth
Chapter 283: Landfall
Chapter 284: Overcharged
Chapter 285: Discharged
Chapter 286: Approach
Chapter 287: Ghanso
Chapter 288: Grand Chaser
Chapter 289: Apparition
Chapter 290: Spreading a Net
Chapter 291: Raining Pirates
Chapter 292: Rush
Chapter 293: Stalemate
Chapter 294: Ghost
Chapter 295: Numbers VS Quality
Chapter 296: Pre-emptive Strike
Chapter 297: Takeru
Chapter 298: Approach
Chapter 299: Undercharged
Chapter 300: Invention
Chapter 301: Red Zone
Chapter 302: Gregarious Wrath
Chapter 303: Expert
Chapter 304: Best Intentions
Chapter 305: Bone
Chapter 306: Devourers
Chapter 307: Power of Resonance
Chapter 308: Attrition
Chapter 309: Circumvent
Chapter 310: Vault
Chapter 311: Mistaken
Chapter 312: Prospecting
Chapter 313: Boneyard
Chapter 314: Stolen
Chapter 315: Recalcitran
Chapter 316: Sister
Chapter 317: Last Stand
Chapter 318: Amastendira
Chapter 319: End Run
Chapter 320: Wasteful Ploy
Chapter 321: Powerlessness
Chapter 322: Heroes
Chapter 323: Keep Your Enemy Closer
Chapter 324: Unease
Chapter 325: Lending
Chapter 326: Cut Down
Chapter 327: Hatred
Chapter 328: Loop
Chapter 329: Booty
Chapter 330: Profits
Chapter 331: Ambitions
Chapter 332: Personal Force
Chapter 333: Rifleman Mechs
Chapter 334: Breathtaking
Chapter 335: Underground Complex
Chapter 336: War Footing
Chapter 337: Intensive Competition
Chapter 338: Exceptional
Chapter 339: Fear of the Taboo
Chapter 340: Ripple Effects
Chapter 341: Arrangement
Chapter 342: Citadel Heavensworth
Chapter 343: Joe
Chapter 344: War Crime
Chapter 345: Decahedron
Chapter 346: Alien
Chapter 347: Crystal City
Chapter 348: Vulcaneye
Chapter 349: Spending Lavishly
Chapter 350: Spirituality
Chapter 351: Plantmeat
Chapter 352: Remains
Chapter 353: Belief
Chapter 354: Purpose
Chapter 355: Tainted Sun
Chapter 356: Human Limit
Chapter 357: Benson
Chapter 358: Transcendence
Chapter 359: Second Original Design
Chapter 360: Gimmick
Chapter 361: Realm of the Imaginary
Chapter 362: Lady Amalia
Chapter 363: Solitude
Chapter 364: Cynthia
Chapter 365: Fragment
Chapter 366: New Development
Chapter 367: Consumed
Chapter 368: Shaping
Chapter 369: Leaving the Cave
Chapter 370: Security Concerns
Chapter 371: Rabant Clearwater
Chapter 372: Crazy!
Chapter 373: Heels
Chapter 374: Woman's Mech
Chapter 375: Nutcracker
Chapter 376: Temporal Paradox
Chapter 377: Sektarian Strife
Chapter 378: Mech Demon
Chapter 379: Bedeviled
Chapter 380: Crystal Cube
Chapter 381: Looming Threats
Chapter 382: Laser Rifle
Chapter 383: Personal Kingdom
Chapter 384: Black Mark
Chapter 385: Defense Plan
Chapter 386: Divided Opinion
Chapter 387: Three Mechs
Chapter 388: Self-harm
Chapter 389: Prudence
Chapter 390: Pressure
Chapter 391: Rallying Cry
Chapter 392: Personal Intervention
Chapter 393: Unseen Threat
Chapter 394: Silver Lining
Chapter 395: Licensed
Chapter 396: Engineering Challenge
Chapter 397: Recovery
Chapter 398: Light Carrier
Chapter 399: Three Problems
Chapter 400: Pairing

Chapter 228: Hype

16 1 0
By thegamer3496

Ves remained in a jubilant mood throughout the night. Despite the shaky start, his customers finally bit the bullet and submitted an order for his mechs. While they merely represented a reservation of sorts that could be cancelled at any time, Ves didn't worry too much as long as he delivered the mechs quickly.

The most astonishing event that happened that day was when the Marcus Aurelius sold for 110 million credits at an auction. In the Bright Republic, any mech that sold for over 100 million credits had to possess something special. Usually, only expert pilots and other elites piloted such mechs.

What made this case special was that the Marcus Aurelius reached this standard by virtue of its rarity and its so-called 'intangible value'. That was a polite way of saying that many people thought the winner of the auction grossly overspent on a mech that should ordinarily be worth 60 million credits at most.

One local news portal published a critical article about the auction.

"Through theatrics and guile, Mr. Larkinson succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of his audience. With the Vintage Festival's hall manager complicit in his scams, this money-grubbing mech designer manipulated his buyers into spending twice the amount of money that they ought to. We are dearly concerned with the Vintage Festival's integrity for hosting Mr. Larkinson and granting him additional favors that honest mech designers could only dream about."

On the other hand, many other news portal put a positive spin on the events.

"Have you heard of the Living Mech Corporation? If you're shaking your head, you're not alone! Founded by the scion of the Larkinsons, a military dynasty, the company made a splash in Ansel yesterday by selling and auctioning their limited edition mechs at sky high prices. Our resident mech analyst predicts that Mr. Larkinson has achieved a profit margin of a hundred percent, which sits at the top range for mech designers at his level!"

"It is a mystery why the Marcus Aurelius reached a value of 110 million credits. Mr Brandstein, CEO and chairman of the Brandstein Asset Management, is known as a shrewd investor and has never made any catastrophic bets. What did Mr. Brandstein see in the mysterious Marcus Aurelius that made him want this exclusive model at all costs? No matter his intentions, his august patronage has lent some sorely needed credibility to Mr. Larkinson's mech startup."

Ves shook his head as he browsed the articles the next morning. The reporters spun grand tales out of very little facts. Their articles mainly contained speculation and opinions that served to accommodate the existing biases of their target audience.

"Any publicity is good publicity." Antje told him as she ate her breakfast at the hotel they stayed at. "While these news portals don't reach very far, they are strongly rooted in Bentheim. They key to building up a brand in Bentheim is to lay down a distinctive track record. Stand out. Make a splash. Whatever you do, don't settle for mediocrity."

In other words, even if Ves screwed up, as long as he did so in a spectacular manner, he'd still be able to increase his name recognition. The amount of competitors in the Bentheim market reached such a ridiculous level that many average mech designers who designed normal, practical mechs never achieved success because nobody had heard of them and their boring designs.

It was easy to get lost in the crowd.

Once they arrived at his booth, they faced a difficult situation. Numerous buyers congregated around his sales representatives asking to purchase the Mark II and the Caesar Augustus. Normally, that would make Ves happy, but this time the number of buyers exceeded his daily quota.

"It's very important to handle this situation with care." Antje warned as she read through the waiting list of customers. "There are a lot of influential people on this list. How do you wish to proceed?"

Even though the situation looked great, the wrong decision could tip over the favorable balance that they managed to create.

Ves considered his options. "We could institute a first come first serve policy. Those who spent the effort on getting here the earliest have priority over those who come later. If we want to be really fair, we could also do a random draw of all the people who expressed interest in buying my products. We could even spread them out over the day so that no one will feel we've left them out."

"Those are fair options, but they're not the most optimal ones." His sales manager responded. "Right now, you're in the enviable position of being able to set your prices. Even at your current price levels, there is still room for growth."

That sounded logical, and in an ordinary situation he'd go for it. In economics, demand usually matched supply.

If demand exceeded supply, then the most appropriate response was to raise his prices until the cheapskates stopped demanding his products. Meanwhile, those with thicker wallets eagerly spent more for essentially the same products.

Still, Ves thought he had a good thing going on now. Pushing his buyers to the limit might cause a backlash that could see the momentum that had grown around his products fade.

"Let's keep the prices as they are." Ves decided. "My profit margins are hovering around a hundred percent already. That's extremely good for a newcomer in the mech industry. It's more important to consolidate our gains than to overreach our current market standing."

Antje looked disappointed, but she accepted his decision. As a marketer, she thought that Ves had lost an easy opportunity to earn some extra money. If they played their cards right, they could have earned twenty to thirty percent more.

To accommodate their potential customers, they decided to go for a random draw. Each hour, they held a lottery for the opportunity to purchase a single Mark II or Caesar Augustus. The announcement momentarily befuddled the crowd of buyers, but they stuck around anyway.

If they failed to win the first draw, they still had a chance in the second one, and so on. The arrangement slightly favored those who persisted the longest, though eventually luck formed the decisive factor.

"Another advantage of resorting to a random draw is that the winners will cherish their lucky opportunities." Antje noted as she saw the first lucky bastard jump into the air with joy. "That means the chance that they'll turn back on the transaction and demand a refund is a lot lower than if you raised your prices."

Throughout the second day, his booth became more of a exhibition than a store. Even more visitors arrived at Ansel today, causing the halls to be packed with people. Through word of mouth, his show models became one of the must-see attractions of the Vintage Festival.

The space in front of his booth became jam-packed with visitors. The hall manager sent additional security to his area to maintain order.

Ves found it amusing that people started to speculate on what made his designs so valuable. They entered a peculiar state where they sought for possible answers while staring at his show models. This made them more sensitive to the X-Factor the models radiated, causing them to come up with all sorts of wild reasons.

In any case, everyone pretty much agreed that his models possessed a certain gravitas that drew the eye. This was most obvious with the Caesar Augustus Eternal Edition, but the Marcus Aurelius formed an especially puzzling mech.

People ascribed more value to the mystical mech because someone else already paid a fortune for it. Even if they couldn't sense its X-Factor, its mere perceived value had transformed it into a hot commodity that brought a lot of value to whoever got to own a copy.

That perception strengthened when the professional mech aficionados gave out favorable reviews of the Marcus Aurelius. Experiencing its X-Factor at close proximity and trying out its virtual version allowed them go get a taste of its special qualities.

They all used their own terms to describe their sensations.

"Larger than life."

"A mech with stature."

"A living legacy."

These authoritative statements fueled the anticipation surrounding the Marcus Aurelius. By the time they held the second auction, a famed collector finally managed to secure his bid at 120 million credits!

More and more people began to believe the Marcus Aurelius possessed a unique strength, especially if they tried it out in a simulation. The crowd started to demand he released the virtual model to the general public, but Ves refused to give in to the demand.

He wanted to maintain the aura of mystique around his most valuable model and maintain its exclusivity. The less people became exposed to the mech, the more they wanted to possess it. The limited amount of time allotted to simulations barely satisfied their cravings. In fact, it spurred them to an even greater frenzy.

On the third day, besides selling out his regular models, the third Marcus Aurelius had been won by an anonymous bidder for a modest sum of 115 million credits.

The lower sum compared to the day before represented that his model had reached its apex in terms of hype and perceived value. Even though demand for the Marcus Aurelius remained high, it reached a hard limit in terms of how far Ves could stretch out its value.

His suspicions born out when they held the final auction at the last day of the festival. With most of the guests attending the closing ceremony at the main hall, the buzz around his show models had clearly reached a low point. The final bid given by another CEO only reached 113 million credits.

While this still represented an unimaginable sum of money, Ves had secretly hoped for more. He shook his head at his greed. "I've already won big at this event. There's no need to complain about missing out."

The daily sales chart proved his success. His booth had topped the sales chart in Hall 2. Surprisingly, a few mech designers over at Hall 1 did even better. They mostly consisted of AUMD alumni who catered to their home market. While their profit margins were drastically lower, they managed to sell hundreds of mechs, all of which added up to a frightening sum.

Antje tried to console Ves. "They're already players in the Bentheim market, and their mechs are much more reasonably priced. These are natural results from your diverging product strategies. You've been targeting the high-end consumers while they've been focusing on the middle segment of the market."

"I see. You're right. It's stupid to fuss about this issue. We haven't been competing directly against each other."

He always envisioned the LMC to take the high-end route. Instead of investing in production capacity, Ves would rather develop his skills and his products and develop a reputation for excellence.

After a wonderful period of doing business, they began to pack up their props and dismantle their booth. Ves sent the show models back to Marcella's storage yard to be inspected and brushed up. Even if they served their duty as show models, they were destined to fall into the hands of his first clients.

"Goodbye, my sweet mechs. I hope you enjoy your new homes."

At the end of the ride, Ves wasted a lot of time on paperwork. Technically, he hadn't sold any mech yet. He only received a number of orders that he had to fulfill before the customer transferred the promised sum.

Despite these technicalities, Ves still made out with a fortune. First, he sold forty Marc Antony Mark II Eternal Editions. With 40 million credits a pop, the total sum reached 1.6 billion credits.

Second, he twelve copies of the Caesar Augustus Eternal Edition for 80 million credits for a total of 960 million credits.

Finally, he auctioned out four exclusive copies of the Marcus Aurelius for a total of 458 million credits! Just four mechs earned him almost a billion credits alone!

Still, Ves had to throw in a lot of caveats that diminished his final earnings. First, Ves promised Marcella a ten percent cut out of his gross profits. That was ten percent less than their contract which Ves insisted on due to all the work he had put into this event. Even then, Ves would dearly miss that money.

Second, increased resource costs raised the production costs to a higher level than ever. Right now, the fabrication cost for a Mark II Eternal Edition evened out at 24 million credits, mostly due to the added premium materials included in its design.

The Caesar Augustus and Marcus Aurelius both cost around the same to produce at around 50 million credits, though the actual price fluctuated significantly from day to day. That meant that Ves might be able to pay only 49 million credits tomorrow, but 51 million credits the day after that.

Still, the general trend made it clear that Ves had to spend big in order to earn big.

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