๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐„๐˜๐„๐’ | Naruto Uzum...

By -ssailormoon-

14.8K 919 351

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โ•ฐ 033


352 21 9
By -ssailormoon-

『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟐 𝟎 』
『 Battles 』

The battles unfolded with varying degrees of intensity, each one showcasing the diverse skills and abilities of the competing genin.

In the first bout, Sasuke faced off against Yoroi, emerging victorious with a display of his formidable Uchiha prowess. Following that, Shino claimed victory against Zaku in a battle that showcased his strategic prowess. Kankuro emerged triumphant in his match against Tsurugi.

Sakura and Ino's clash ended in a draw, showcasing their equally matched abilities. Shikamaru secured a win against Kin with his tactical genius, leaving spectators impressed. However, it was the fierce battle between Temari and Tenten that left everyone stunned, as Tenten suffered severe injuries and was rendered unconscious.

Throughout the matches, Kakashi had warned both Sasuke and me against using our Sharingan and activating the curse mark, as it would result in immediate disqualification. Following Sasuke's match, Kakashi escorted him to a location where his curse mark could be sealed. I would undergo the same procedure after my own battle, hoping to keep the cursed power under control.

As the screen above us changed, signalling the next match, anticipation rippled through the room.

Uchiha Misaki Vs. Omoi Raiden

"Yipe!" I exclaimed sarcastically as I jumped over the railing to the floor, preparing to face my opponent.

"Good luck, Misaki!" Naruto's words of encouragement echoed in the arena, and I offered a grateful wave in response.

"How you doing?" Raiden's unexpected question caught me off guard as I squared off against him. He possessed chocolate skin, fluffy white hair, and piercing onyx eyes, he was stunningly beautiful.

I raised an eyebrow in response to his inquiry. "I could be better," I replied curtly.

"Great," he responded with a smirk.

"Enough chit-chat," Hayate interjected impatiently. "Begin."

With Hayate's command, the battle commenced, and I focused all my attention on Raiden, ready to give it my all.

The tension in the air was palpable as Raiden and I locked eyes, both of us ready to unleash our skills upon each other. The once playful atmosphere was now overshadowed by the seriousness of the impending battle.

Without hesitation, Raiden made his first move, lightning crackling around him as he launched a barrage of lightning-infused kunai toward me with lightning speed. I reacted swiftly, dodging and weaving to narrowly evade each deadly projectile.

Closing the distance between us, I launched into a flurry of taijutsu strikes, aiming to exploit any opening in Raiden's defence. My fists and feet moved with precision, each blow landing with calculated force.

However, Raiden was equally quick to retaliate, his lightning-charged punches coming at me like bolts of lightning. I barely managed to evade his strikes, feeling the static charge crackling dangerously close to my skin.

Gathering my chakra, I focused on my elemental jutsu, unleashing a torrent of fire toward Raiden. As the flames engulfed him, I expected him to succumb to the searing heat. Yet, to my surprise, he emerged unscathed, protected by an orb of lightning.

The battle intensified as we exchanged blows, each of us pushing ourselves to the limit. I summoned every ounce of strength and determination within me, refusing to back down.

I began to focus my strikes, aiming for vulnerable spots to maximize their impact. Despite Raiden's resilience, my blows began to take their toll, causing him to stagger back, coughing up blood.

However, my concentration wavered momentarily when I noticed Neji smirking down at me, which proved to be a costly distraction. Before I could react, a sudden punch landed directly on my nose, causing me to stumble backward, blood dripping from my nostrils.

I wipe the blood away with the back of my hand. "Ouch," I sarcastically commented.

With a mixture of annoyance and determination, I activated my Sharingan, suppressing the curse mark threatening to consume me. Ignoring the pain, I moved with lightning speed, appearing behind Raiden with lethal intent.

One hand in front of his head and the other at the back of his head.

Before I could execute my attack, however, Hayate and Kakashi intervened, restraining me before I would cause serious harm. Kakashi held one of my arms while Hayate restrained the other, preventing me from carrying out my deadly intentions.

"You two are boring," I remarked, rolling my eyes at Kakashi's stern demeanour. His slit eyes only elicited a scoff from me. "What's with the serious faces?"

"You're coming with me," Kakashi stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

Meanwhile, Hayate announced, "Uchiha Misaki is the winner. I won't let the fight go any further."

"Dang it," Raiden huffed in a humorous tone, causing a smile to tug at my lips.

"Good job, Misaki!" Sakura exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine pride. I couldn't bring myself to turn and acknowledge her and Naruto's congratulations. Instead, the realization of what almost transpired hit me like a ton of bricks. I had come dangerously close to fatally harming Raiden.

"Wooo! You won, Misaki!" Naruto's exuberant shout rang out as Kakashi escorted me out of the room. With each step, the weight of my actions weighed heavily on my mind, overshadowing any sense of victory.


As Kakashi sat me down amidst the pillars, he placed kunai strategically around me for the sealing process. "Take your shirt off," he instructed, cutting his palm to prepare for the sealing. With a nod, I complied, slipping off my shirt to reveal the cursed mark etched on my skin.

Kakashi meticulously began drawing sealing incantations around the curse mark, a process that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Each stroke of his hand sent a shiver of discomfort through me, and I clenched my jaw to suppress any cries of pain.

Finally, Kakashi announced, "Okay, that's it. It's almost done."

As his palm landed on my curse mark, a searing pain tore through me, eliciting a sharp scream of agony. I gritted my teeth, my hands pressing against the ground as I struggled to endure the pain coursing through my body.

When the process was complete, I looked back at Kakashi with a mixture of relief and lingering discomfort. "Ow!" I exclaimed, my voice strained from the ordeal. "Wasn't there a less painful way to seal this?"

"Sasuke and you have different tolerances, so I had to apply different sealing techniques for each of you," Kakashi explained, his hands slipping back into his pockets. "Though the seals may appear similar."

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension as I glanced down at the now-sealed curse mark. "This will contain it entirely, right?" I inquired, a hint of uncertainty lingering in my voice.

"If the curse mark awakens again, this sealing should contain it but the foundation of this sealing and this power is in the strength of your own will. You have to think you want this sealing to work for you to control it," Kakashi said while I stood up. "Misaki."

As I put my shirt back on, I turned to face Kakashi, acknowledging his presence with a soft hum. "Yeah?"

"Orochimaru, the man who gave you that mark," Kakashi started, his tone serious. "Don't give in to anything he says."

"I won't," I assured him, determination flashing in my eyes.

"You know, you were about to kill him," Kakashi remarked, his voice tinged with concern.

"It was weird," I admitted, furrowing my brow in thought.

"How so?" Kakashi inquired, his expression filled with genuine concern.

"I'm not sure," I murmured, grappling with the memories of the intense battle. "It was almost like it was second nature to me, like I was acting on instinct."

"That would have been an underlying effect of the curse mark, it tends to manipulate your actions," Kakashi continued, his tone grave. "Well, you're in better condition than Sasuke. As you know, he's in the infirmary. Would you like to go be with him or watch the rest of the matches?"

"I'll watch the matches," I replied without hesitation. "Can't really talk to someone who's unconscious."

I couldn't afford to miss Naruto's match, after all. Hopefully, he hasn't been chosen yet.


As Kakashi and I returned to the matches, we found that Naruto's match had already begun. Naruto versus Kiba—now, that promised to be interesting. I observed as Naruto, initially slumped on the floor, rose with determination in his eyes.

"Don't underestimate me!" Naruto exclaimed, his voice ringing out with conviction. And true to his words, Naruto emerged victorious from the match. He was growing stronger with each passing day, while I felt as if I were standing still, making no progress at all.

Naruto ascended the stairs to join us, but Hinata intercepted him before he could reach us. She offered him an ointment for his wounds, and Naruto gratefully accepted. Oddly, witnessing their interaction stirred a sense of disgust within me, though I couldn't fathom why.

As Naruto settled beside me, he held out the ointment, offering it to Sakura and me. "This stuff really works! Great medicine!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

"I already have my own, thank you for the offer, Naruto," I replied gently, masking the turmoil of emotions swirling within me. I couldn't help but notice Naruto's cheeks flush slightly in response.

"I-It's okay!" Naruto replied bashfully, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush. I offered him a reassuring smile before folding my arms and leaning against the railing, watching the next match unfold.

The battle between Hinata Hyuga and Neji Hyuga proved to be quite intriguing. It began with verbal exchanges, escalated to physical confrontation, and ultimately ended with Neji emerging victorious. Hinata collapsed to the ground, prompting Sakura, Naruto, Kureno, Lee, and me to rush to her side, concerned for her well-being as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Neji's taunting words pierced the tense atmosphere, directed squarely at Naruto. "Hey... hey, you! Mr. Failure!" Neji's voice rang out, drawing Naruto's attention. "A couple words of advice. A true ninja would have too much class to make a spectacle of himself by cheering during serious matches. And one more thing... You may as well accept who you are. Once a failure, always a failure!"

Neji's gaze shifted from Naruto's to mine before he turned away. His words struck a nerve, but I refused to let them undermine Naruto's growth and resilience. "You wanna try me?" Naruto retorted, his tone laced with determination and defiance.

"Heh," Neji smirked, his gaze fixated on me. "Not so much you, but the Uchiha girl beside you."

I placed a hand on my hip. "How could I reject that offer?" I replied but Naruto scowled at me with an emotion I couldn't place before Naruto made a move towards Neji.

Lee intercepted him before he could escalate the situation further. We all turned our attention to Hinata as she began coughing up blood, prompting Kureno to scowl at Neji's callous remark.

"Instead of wasting time scowling, you'd better take care of her," Neji remarked with a smirk, his arrogance palpable. Kureno swiftly called for medical assistance, ensuring Hinata received the attention she needed.

Naruto, driven by determination, spilled his blood on the ground, vowing to defeat Neji. Meanwhile, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over me as I glanced over at Gaara, whose presence seemed to exude an ominous aura, tinged with a thirst for blood.

As Naruto and I made our way back up, Kankuro joined us, his curiosity piqued by Neji's actions. He began questioning Naruto about Neji, eager to glean more information.

The screen flashed, signaling the start of the match between Gaara and Rock Lee. A sense of foreboding settled over me as the battle commenced, and unfortunately, my intuition proved to be correct.

As the match unfolded, it became increasingly apparent that Lee was outmatched by Gaara's formidable abilities. Despite Lee's unparalleled prowess in taijutsu, Gaara's control over his sand proved insurmountable. In a cruel twist of fate, Lee's limbs were crushed within the suffocating embrace of Gaara's sand, rendering his ability to utilize taijutsu forever compromised.

No matter how valiantly Lee fought, relentlessly pressing forward with unwavering determination, Gaara emerged as the undeniable victor. 

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(a/n) ── as you can cleary see, i cant write fight scenes to save my life 😍🥺🫶🫣😭 Raiden is Omoi's younger brother by one year :D Raiden will be making an appearance in Shippuden.

(❀) ── wc; 2k+

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