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『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝟏𝟕  』
━『 Him Again 』

We were sitting around the fire, roasting some fish we had just caught, when Sakura's voice pierced through the crackling sound of flames. "I'm worried about the Heaven Scrolls," she said as her gaze floated toward our precious scroll.

Sasuke creased his face, setting his piece of fish down. "What do you mean, Sakura?" he asked in a very serious tone.

Sakura detailed her misgivings, her words laced with worry. "Well, considering we're already four days into the second exam, we've used up eighty percent of our allotted time. With seventy-nine participants divided into twenty-six teams, there can only be thirteen successful teams holding each of the Heaven and Earth Scrolls. We're running out of opportunities."

Naruto's chopsticks paused halfway to his mouth as a thoughtful expression crossed his face.

"And let's not forget," Sakura went on, her urgency now laced into the voice, "Orochimaru destroyed the Heaven Scroll we had during our encounter."

"So, that's what happened to our scroll? Really?" I asked, my disbelief evident in my voice.

"Unfortunately," Sasuke confirmed, his expression grave. "Which means."

At that moment, one team could be eliminated from those who still have the possibility of passing. And with those few scrolls left, there are no guarantees of their safety either." Sakura spoke solemnly.
All our gazes moved to the scroll on the earth then. Its presence was so tremendous.

Sasuke suddenly stood up from his seated position. He was taut in action as he spoke, "After our separation from the Konoha group, we've allowed two days for recuperation. From now on, we need to be more cautious and strategic in our actions. Next time we meet will be the last chance."

As Sasuke walked off to fetch some water, I got a bad vibe. I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I stood up from my place and went down toward the riverbank.

"What's up with you?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest as I leaned back against a nearby tree.

Sasuke avoided eye contact and plopped down next to the river, his eyes distant.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he responded curtly.

I sighed, frustrated. "You have been different since our battle with Orochimaru and the Otogakure," I pressed further.

Sasuke's body bristled at the mention of our foes.

"They hurt Sakura, and I lost control," he admitted, his voice barely above a mumble. "You've got the same mark as me, right? So how is it that you kept it in check?"

"I refused to give in to the darkness I saw in my head. I grasped my resolve, and Naruto helped me through it," I said, recalling the strength found in my resolve.

Sasuke laughed again, the bitter edge to his amusement making me turn to him, my senses pricking at the foreboding feeling it engendered. "You don't get it, Misaki. This power he gave us is immense. With it, we can finally avenge our clan, and yet. you still cling to the belief that Itachi didn't act of his own will."

"I'm not discussing this with you, right now," I replied firmly, turning my back on him.

"What? Afraid I might be right?" Sasuke retorted, and I shook my head.

"I'll never take the lies that come from your mouth," I said, turning to give him a smirk. His reply was some sort of humorless huff.

"Time will prove me right," Sasuke said confidently. "And mark my words, I won't lose to you."

"Believe what you want, Brother," I said. "You still planning on taking the scroll from the next enemy we encounter?"

"Of course."

Sasuke and I were strolling back, chatting about trivial matters when our attention was arrested by the sight of a familiar silver-haired figure.


Sasuke's grip on the water holder loosened, dropping it, as he rushed to Kabuto. It only now occurred to me that Sasuke probably had not even realized that it was Kabuto standing there.

But then he turned around and, much to my surprise, changed direction towards Naruto. I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity as to why Kabuto would prevent Naruto and Sakura from opening the scroll.

"You two are pathetic," Sasuke told them, having finally reached their side. "Misaki and I can't turn our backs for one minute."

Kabuto added, "That was close, wasn't it?"

"We're sorry," Sakura apologized, her tone tinged with contrition as Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Those who ignored the rules are forced into the situation of having to retire," Kabuto explained. "In the previous exam, a hypnotism Jutsu Formula was set up to ensnare the eyes of those who glanced at the scroll along the way. It was a measure to keep them stranded in the forest until the end of the exam."

"You're Kabuto, right?" Sasuke asked, his voice laced with suspicion. "What are you doing wandering around alone?"

"I wasn't after your scroll, if that's what you're implying," Kabuto replied smoothly.

"Probably not, or you could have just stolen it from Naruto right then," Sasuke remarked, a hint of challenge in his voice. "You're still after the Heaven Scroll, too, aren't you?"

Kabuto sneered as he drew out the two scrolls. "Nah. I've already got a pair. But I got split up from my team. I'm heading into the tower to meet up with them now." And with that, Kabuto turned on his heel and started to leave. "See you around."

"Wait," Sasuke cut in sharply. "Fight me."

Kabuto turned back around, smiling with closed eyes. "Fight you? You must be joking?"

"I wish I were, but our time is almost up," Sasuke said with an unyielding stare.

"Sasuke, come on! Kabuto just saved our lives!" Naruto countered.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke, but Naruto's right," Sakura interjected.

"Shut up," Sasuke barked, and Naruto exchanged a glance with Sakura. "There's no other way. I tried to tell you before. The only way we're going to pass this test in time is if we challenge him."

A smirking light filled Kabuto's face. "That's a lie."

"What do you mean?" I cut in, suspicion edging into my tone.

"Your heart isn't totally in this as much as you're saying, Sasuke. If you could truly become serious about this exam, you would have blindsided me without announcing your presence. That's a Ninja," Kabuto continued, pushing up his glasses with a knowing smirk.

"How profound," I replied, placing a hand on my hip as I observed him closely.

"I don't hate that side of you. So, I will tell you the way you should go," Kabuto said calmly. "However, let's talk as we move. The smell of broiled fish in the fire smoke has likely reached a great distance. At this rate, we'll attract fierce animals and enemies."


We hurriedly leaped through the trees towards the tower.

"You think there are still enemies around?" I asked Kabuto.

He nodded. "Yeah, no mistake. If you think a little, you'll understand. You know the cleverest way of fighting battles in jungles and expansive forests such as this?"

"Because our destination is the tower and this test is almost over, more people will be carrying scrolls and making their way to the vicinity of the tower," I explained. "That will be the best place to find them."

"Good," Kabuto acknowledged.

"Oh!" Sakura suddenly exclaimed. "An ambush!"

"Exactly. We just have to make sure our target is someone who has both a Heaven and an Earth scroll," I said, dodging a snake that tried to bite me quite deftly.

"Swee-eet! Now I understand it," Naruto exclaimed. "Thanks, Misaki."

"But I doubt we are the only ones who figured that out; there will be a lot of people waiting and setting traps to get their hands on the scrolls," I continued.

"Perfect," Kabuto hummed in agreement.

"Well, while we're waiting to ambush them, they'll probably be trying to ambush us," Naruto added with a grin. "I play my best games with a handicap! This is gonna be sweet! It will be worth a little sweat if we get to beat everyone up and walk away with the scroll!"

"Kabuto, what's the last third of the answer? I just can't seem to figure it out," I exaggerated, acting like I was really struggling.

Kabuto rolled his eyes before looking back at me. "The collectors who are certain to appear during an exam of this nature."

"Collectors?" Sakura said, clearly confused.

In this examination, with the tower so near, you cannot afford to sleep easily," Kabuto explained. "Such circumstances give rise to them: those who collect additional scrolls as the reward for letting them free when they encounter a surprising enemy, those who gain information in order to progress smoothly through subsequent examinations by offering the missing scrolls to allies of the same village, and lastly, they are the ones that plan on eliminating those powerful guys who almost certainly will make it to the third exam." These fellows are really huge artillery and bad enemies; never underestimate them.

"I see," Sasuke hummed in understanding. "That is why you did not just take off after helping us. You are vulnerable too."

I let a chuckle slip past my lips. "Safety in numbers, huh?" I added with a smirk.

Kabuto laughed, "Yeah."

Finally, after hours of trekking, we caught sight of the tower. Its silhouette was outlined against the bright moon and cast an ominous glow over the exam grounds.

"Finally, the tower is in sight," I sighed, relieved and anticipating.

"Yeah, this is where it gets real," Kabuto replied, his tone laced with excitement.

"Then let's not waste any time!" Naruto exclaimed, ever infectious with his enthusiasm. He turned quickly to hurl a Kunai at a looming shadow, which turned out to be a huge centipede. "Ah, it's just a centipede!"

"You still spotted it before the rest of us, Naruto. Good job," I commended him with a smile.

Naruto scratched the back of his head bashfully, his cheeks slightly red. "Thanks, Misaki!"

"Ew, that's a really big centipede," Sakura remarked, shuddering in disgust. "Disgusting."

"Naruto," Kabuto cut in, drawing his attention, "I would prefer to avoid excess noise and sudden movements from here on out. A dense forest run in a stampeding elephant style through a forest is similar to broadcasting our presence loud and clear. We'd probably get quite the warm reception."

"Got it," Naruto replied with a nod.

Kabuto continued, "As long as time allows, we'll move cautiously, keeping ourselves hidden as much as possible."

"Got it," Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto replied in unison; there was an echo of resolve in their voices.

I quickly turned on my Sharingan and threw my kunai at him; it impaled his side so fast he couldn't react, and now there was a pained yelp from him.

"Look who's making inadvertent sounds now. Let's hope that didn't attract any unwanted attention," I sneered, my tone rife with sarcasm as I bridged in closer.

Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto were speechless, thoroughly shocked by my sudden action. Kabuto was silent for a few moments as he clearly hadn't expected this.

"Heh, didn't see that coming," Kabuto finally huffed as he pulled out the kunai from his side and threw it back at me. I caught it deftly on the tip of my finger, the blade glinting in the moonlight. "But that definitely stung."

"Oh, please," I sneered, rolling my eyes. "I'm sure you'll live."

We pressed on with a cautious advance toward the tower, but our progress was abruptly halted by a grisly sight: a team ambushed and killed, their lifeless bodies strung up among the trees with wire-like ropes. We wisely steered clear of that treacherous path.

Hours passed and Sakura finally collapsed to her knees. "I can't walk anymore," she said grudgingly.

"Oh, Sakura." Naruto sounded concerned.

Sakura heaved a sigh. "How long have we walked? That tower doesn't look any closer."

"Now that you mention it." Naruto's voice faded as he looked around.

""Seems your scream attracted quite the welcoming party, Kabuto," I said, the smirk playing on my lips. Kabuto shot me a scowl before rolling his eyes.

"Take a look at that," Kabuto interjected, nodding toward the giant centipede Naruto had pinned to a tree, subtly redirecting the conversation away from our banter.

Naruto exclaimed, "Seriously?"

"You've got to be kidding me," Sakura huffed in frustration.

"Genjutsu?" Sasuke and I simultaneously voiced our suspicions.

"That is what it looks like," Kabuto confirmed.

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(a/n) ── almost done with the forest of death guys

(❀) ── wc; 2k+

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Remember to vote and comment <3
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