The Purrfect Angel [Catnap x...

By Fluffin_Muffins

5.4K 112 41

Returning to the Playtime Co. factory, you brave various endeavors, particularly against Huggy Wuggy and Momm... More

Rude Awakening [Updated]
Old Friend

The Heretic

1.5K 34 4
By Fluffin_Muffins

Catnap made his way to the prison, making sure that no mini critters were following him. He needed that heretic alive, after all. Though, he admittedly didn't want to lose him, either.

Catnap approached the dog's cage. It was as dirty as usual, some old, dried stains of blood barely visible in the dimly lit room. The Dog shook slightly in his chains.

If he still had his legs, he would have walked up to face the cat. Of course, he only had his top half, so all he could do was lift his head to face the cat.

"You. What brings you here this time?"

The dog smirked slightly, scoffing at the larger entity. One that could easily kill him with a simple swipe. Still, he knew the cat wouldn't do such a thing, so he was willing to test his luck.

"Have ya finally decided to kill me, old 'friend'?"

The dog asked, narrowing his eyes into a glare as he stared at the cat. The feline's expression didn't change, however. Seemingly unphased...for the most part.

"I need you, Dogday."

Dogday rolled his eyes, scoffing once more. If his arms were free, he would have crossed them. Was that cat even trying to make up a good lie?

What could he possibly want from him? He wasn't nearly as strong, and he obviously wasn't any use to The Prototype either, since he refused to join his cause.

"Please, that's a first. You have an entire critter army at your disposal. What could you possibly need from a heretic like me?"

Dogday asked, a clear attitude in his voice. Normally, he'd be more than willing to help out Catnap, prior to everything. But after what he's done....he isn't sure if he'd have it in him to give the cat another chance.

Not until he agrees to leave that false 'god' of his for good, at least.

Catnap didn't show any emotion, still. That unwavering grin and soul piercing glare remaining fixated on Dogday.

"I told an old employee, Y/N, about what happened."

Dogday's eyes widened slightly. Y/N? The only employee he ever got along with...he lied to him, didn't he?! That little...!

"Did you tell Y/N the truth?"

The cat went silent for a moment, a small tinge of guilt hitting him.

Even after all that he's done, he still had a heart. And that heart had a soft spot for Y/N. He hated that he had to lie to them, but he couldn't afford to lose them, either.

Catnap opened the cage, entering as he continued, ignoring the dog's question. Dogday tried to back up slightly, though barely could. Given his restraints.

"I told Y/N that the critters were killed by the other toys. And of course, that The Prototype forced me to hurt you. I expect you to play along, heretic."

Dogday remained silent for a moment. He didn't have much of a choice, did he? He wanted to live, afterall.

He wished that things were different, that Catnap would at least see his side of things rather than following that 'god' of his like a lost puppy.

The dog let out a sigh, deciding to oblige with a small nod. The cat almost seemed to be relieved by this.

"Alright, what do you need me to do, 'buddy'?"

Catnap grew closer to the dog, making Dogday questioned if he said something wrong, or did something to anger the cat unknowingly. his surprise...

With two quick, sharp swipes, he found himself falling to the ground. For a moment, he thought that Catnap might've chosen to kill him right then and there, allowing him to bleed out as a twisted form of punishment.

His heart raced for a moment, the canine breathing a little heavily. Even after all this time, after watching his friends disappear, one by one, he still feared it.

His own death.

However...he wasn't bleeding. He looked up. The chains. That's what Catnap hit. He....freed him? But why?

A surprised expression was visible on Dogday's face for a few moments, until it soured back into a scowl.

There was a catch. There had to be.

He knew it.

As expected, the cat spoke once again, staring down at the dog. Catnap was tall  enough in this unusually monstorous form of his when he had his legs, but without them...

He felt as if he were one of the mini critters with how large Catnap was.

It only emphasized how powerless the canine was against him. In his current state, the cat wouldn't even have to use his claws to injure him.

He could instead opt for crushing him, in various ways. Whether with a singular paw, or by pressing his entire weight against him.

The thought of which sent a small shiver up Dogday's spine. He'd seen how ruthless the cat could be when it came to the mini critters, and others who refused to follow The Prototype.

He didn't want to imagine how harsh he'd be in his own case, considering that the cat would want to ensure that he suffers.

"As long as you play along, heretic, I'll set you free. In fact..."

The cat leaned in, it was hard to tell whether he was trying to intimidate Dogday, or if that was an unintentional side effect. Dogday assumed it was the former.

"I'll even offer a replacement for the legs you lost. However, if you dare to betray me and my lord..."

The cat carefully grabbed Dogday by his mouth, something he was surprisingly good at. Though, Dogday could only assume it was due to the fact that he often opted to walk on all fours in this form.

He mainly did so as it was easy to chase others. And was more intimidating. He often took advantage of the fear he instilled in others, to help hunt them down.

Admittedly, fear can be quite the obstacle for his prey. Some freeze, panic, or fail to think straight. Whichever the case is, the fear helps ensure that the feline gets them killed, one way or another.

He wasn't always like this, however...he was once the sweet cat he knew, his best friend who was almost like a brother to him.

But ever since The Prototype arrived...

He changed him. For the worse.

The cat's eyes pierced through Dogday's, seemingly never blinking, adding to Dogday's discomfort.

"I'll kill you. Just like the rest of the other critters."

Dogday felt that Catnap added that last part in as a small jab at him. He flinched slightly at the mention of the other critters. He still remembered witnessing Catnap murder one of them, heartlessly.

They were one of his friends. One of their friends. And yet he threw all of that away for some stupid god. One whose plan didn't even work.

He'd have to wonder...would it ever be possible for the two to rebuild after this? If Catnap was somehow convinced to leave The Prototype for good?

As strange as it may sound...the thought sparked a small sense of hope within the canine. Sure, it'd be rather difficult, but...doesn't mean that it'd be impossible.

Especially if Y/N is around like Catnap said they were. The three were rather close before the Hour Of Joy, after all. Maybe they'd be able to help pull the two back together, and patch up their wounded friendship.

Dogday rolled his eyes.

"Alright alright, I get it. Let's just get this over with."

The cat would have shook his head, but he didn't as Dogday was still being held by his mouth.

"I need to make you presentable first, heretic. Remember what I told you."

The cat commanded. Dogday just crossed his arms. Couldn't he just place him on his back?! It'd be easier than holding him like this! And more comfortable, too.

The cat then began to walk.

Dogday let out a small sigh, just hoping that this little trip of the cat's wouldn't take too long.

Something about this still felt off to Dogday. Couldn't Catnap have just told Y/N that The Prototype forced him to kill Dogday, finally kill Dogday off, and move on?

It'd be a lot easier then keeping Dogday, a critter already deemed as a heretic, alive, and on top of that finding a replacement for his lower half.

Did The Prototype even approve of any of this? Sure, Dogday may not know him as well as Catnap does, but to say it would be a biiiiiiiggggg stretch to assume The Prototype planned all of this out would be an understatement.


Unless...Catnap was doing this against The Prototype's will? But why?

Y/N was the one he wanted anyways, right? And he doubt it's because of the friendship the two shared. If that were the case, he wouldn't have killed any of the other critters Y/N befriended.

...No. It couldn't be because of...that, right?

Catnap briefly looked down at Dogday for a moment, noticing his visible discomfort. The cat paused.

"You don't seem to be comfortable, heretic. What's bothering you?"

The cat asked bluntly. Dogday snapped out of his thoughts once he heard the cat's voice. He glanced up at the cat.

"Just uh...feels weird being held in the air like this, especially considering my...lack of a lower half. It'd be more comfortable if-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt as if he were being swung through the air, although Catnap still kept a good grip on him. He could feel the air blow both on and in his body, through his missing half. It admittedly felt a little sickening.


The dog yelled in fear, before suddenly feeling a soft surface on his back, the motion and air stopping. He looked down, to see that he was now on Catnap's back.

He could have said something first! A warning would have been nice! He felt as if he were about to have a heart attack from the sudden movement.

He placed his hand onto his chest, his heart pounding against it. His breathing quickened, a few quiet, audible gasps escaping him.

"You're welcome, heretic."

Catnap said, almost as if annoyed by Dogday's lack of a 'thank you'.

Huh...that was...weird. He didn't expect him to be willing to actually accommodate him, given that he seems to have a bit of a distaste towards him.

The canine's breathing slowed, returning to its normal pace. He gently moved his hand off of his chest, just laying there.

There was a brief silence before the dog finally responded.

"Uh...thank you, Catnap."

Dogday replied nervously. He thought for a moment. Maybe...


The cat didn't respond, but Dogday continued regardless. He had to know.

"The Prototype didn't order you to do this, did he?"

The cat remained silent. Well...that wasn't a no, was it? was the cat's choice to keep him alive from the start. The cat had a policy of getting rid of all heretics, which included the critters. And yet...

While he did imprison Dogday, he kept him alive. Not to mention that he had more than enough opportunities to kill him, with how long it has been.

"Are you...doing this for me?"

The cat paused for a moment, his ear twitching. Something about the way Dogday sounded genuine. It reminded the cat of how things were between the two of them.

Before the Hour Of Joy. Before The Prototype.

He wasn't sure how to react, let alone what to say. He almost wanted to tell his friend, or...prisoner the truth. Yet...he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to do it. It would only make things worse...wouldn't it?

"...It wasn't part of the plan."

The cat answered vaguely, continuing to walk once more.

The dog glanced over at the cat. Strange...he couldn't tell what the cat was referring to.

Was he referring to what he's doing now being on his volition, perhaps even against The Prototype's wishes?

Or...was he referring to how some of the mini critters began to feast on him, resulting in the loss of his lower half?

He needed to know, but...he barely got the cat to budge.

If he is doing this by his own choice, then maybe...

Maybe...there's still a chance to bring him back to the light. To snap him out of this.

He didn't want to be too direct, however. Or else he may lose his chance. This...could be start.

The dog thought for a moment, before deciding on a question, one that Catnap has likely pondered himself.

"Catnap. If...things were different. More similar to how they were before...that day. Would you..."

The cat's ears lowered, guilt welling up inside him as the dog spoke. To his luck, or...perhaps lack therefore of, the dog didn't notice.

"Would you still be my friend...Buddy?"

The dog asked, meaning the word genuinely this time. He awaited the cat's response, although the one he got was...unexpected.

The cat listened closely, stopping once more and observing the area to make sure there no prying eyes. Or...a prying hand, rather to hear the two.

"Of course, Dogday."

Dogday's eyes widened. Was he...hearing him right? He sounded more like his old self again. Well...aside from his voice, of course.

"Look, I'll admit. I am doing this by my own choice. However...I still remain loyal to The Prototype. This is the only way we can be free, Dogday."

Dogday mentally shook his head. He wished the cat knew that The Prototype was just using him and his loyalty as a means to find his own way out. He didn't care when any of the other toys died. Or any of the critters for that matter.

The only reason why Dogday believes Catnap cares so much about him is because he saved his life. Perhaps...that makes him blind to The Prototype's actions and hypocrisy.

"And hey, if you play your cards right can join us?"

What?! Of course he wouldn't, especially not after everything he had Catnap do on his behalf!

There's no way he'd EVER consider working for a monster who got several innocent employees, critters, AND his friends killed, and for what? A failed plan that only further trapped them in the factory!

Still, he remained calm, not wanting to anger or scare the cat. Still, he wanted to make his stance clear.

"Catnap, as much as I care about you buddy, I'll never join The Prototype, no matter how many times you ask."

"Can't you see that he's just using you? I bet the moment you fail, he'll get rid of you, as he did the rest. I know he saved you, but..."

The dog frowned a little. He felt that this wasn't going to go anywhere, was worth a try.

"Don't you think you're strong enough to survive on your own? I mean, you kept me alive without him knowing. That at least means something, right?"

The cat remained silent, unsure on what to say. Normally, he'd have some sort of rebuttal but...he couldn't actually think of one.

But...The Prototype couldn't have been using him, right? He saved him after all! He had to mean something to him! Right?!

Then again...some of his acts are a...tiny bit questionable. But they were only to escape! And of course, that failed, so he's merely trying to pick up the pieces of his failed plan.


Maybe the dog's just getting to his head. He is a heretic after all, he has no reason to listen to him!

But still...he couldn't quite shake off what the dog said. To be fair, there have been some times where Catnap has questioned The Prototype's stance on him.

A particular example of this is when The Prototype almost seems to vaguely threaten him, especially when emphasizing the importance of a task.

But...maybe he's just misinterpreting his words?

Then again...he almost seemed to plan to have him go after Y/N, likely to kill them.

Maybe...he may have a point. But he couldn't betray him! But at the same time, he hasn't been the best to Dogday, his best friend either.

Dogday seemed to notice how lost the cat was. He gently patted the cat's head, snapping him out of it. The cat's tail flicked, as he unintentionally let out a soft purr. He turned his head towards Dogday.

He was surprised to find the pleasant sight of a small smile on the dog's face. It was...strangely comforting.

"Look, just...consider it, alright buddy? I'll help you out for now, just as long as it's not for The Prototype."

Catnap nodded. Besides, they better get a move on. He needs to check up on Y/N, and if he took too long they may venture somewhere they shouldn't.

"Right. We don't have much time."

The cat continued once again, his tail swaying a bit as he walked.

"And...thanks, Dogday."

"You're welcome, buddy."

The dog relaxed into the cat's back, wondering how the cat planned to get his lower half back. Did he plan to stitch it back on?

Or is he going to replace it with something along the lines of prosthetic legs?

Did they even have those here..? They may...he wouldn't know, however.

The canine hadn't been to many parts of the factory like Catnap has. The only time he'd ever been outside of Playcare aside from some rare occasions were when he was first created as an expirement.

Catnap, on the other hand always managed to sneak off, with ease. Dogday admittedly had to wonder what the cat saw in his time outside of Playcare.

Meanwhile, the cat still felt distraught, beginning to question what he was really doing?

Would it really be worth it? To lie to Y/N, and bring them into The Prototype's plan? He didn't exactly like the idea of putting them at The Prototype's mercy, given how...harsh he can be.

It may guarantee some safety for Y/N, but how much? And at what cost?

He'll...decide on this later. Besides, he had a dog to patch up. Afterwards he or Dogday can check on Y/N the meantime, he could figure out whether or not to convert Y/N.

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