Him and I

By Warnersprecum

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Auria has had a crush on Lance for years, but her best friend's brother is not something she wants to go for... More

1. Introduction
2. Him
3. Drama
5. That Night
6. Let's Talk
7. Us

4. The Party

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By Warnersprecum

The rest of the week was good I didn’t talk to Lance after what he did to me in the locker room and his left eye is black. Today is Saturday and its five ten Cami and I are at my house getting ready, it's taken us three hours just to pick out what makeup we were gonna use. I can't tell if I'm excited or nervous to go to this party after what he did to me, I'm not sure if I can face him. I haven't gone over to Cammie's house in over three days, I just don't trust him after what he did. I haven't told Cami about it because I know what she would do if I told her what he did to me. I

        It's not that big of a deal because I fended him off and he hasn't come up to me since, but I just can't help but feel that the whole Caleb situation and going to the party with him tonight is just Lance using him to get to me. But I'm not going to think about what he did, and I'm not going to think about him. Because tonight is about me going on a date with Caleb and meaning something, if he wants to get in between that then he'll get another black eye.

        After about an hour of me and Cami debating on what to wear we finally picked out what we are going to wear. I'm wearing my favorite bikini it’s my sunset-colored orange bikini, with a loosely fitted cover over the top and my black sports shorts. Cami is wearing her cute bikini that has sunflowers on it, and a long swimsuit cover that goes down to her ankles. It's yellow which matches her bikini, because she's that kind of person that likes to have everything match. We're going to wear waterproof makeup, so it doesn't smear, and doesn't look like we're having a mental breakdown because we went in the water.

        Then we left around six thirty and we drove my car cause its awesome, also it's an old convertible and it goes fast. I helped Cami and Jason set up the slip and slide contest, where you slide down into a pool of water. Then you chug a shot of alcohol, and then you have to do a bottle flip. It's so much fun it's timed, and you get to be against another person. It took a lot longer than I thought it would to set up, because the next thing I knew it was already eight o’clock. Caleb showed up we met up and we hung out got some drinks he played some football with the jocks. While the hot girls chased them and showed how they can get any guy that they want by being hot. Which was idiotic and stupid .

        As the night went on Caleb and I talked about life and our future dreams. I walked up to go get drinks and Caleb followed me and said that he has to leave because it's almost his curfew. So, I don't think it's gonna work out between the two of us if he has to go home by eleven, but he's super sweet and we can stay friends. Cami came up to me and asked “hey” with an excited nosey voice, I rolled my eyes and looked at her and said, “what do you want Cami”. “What would make you think I want something I just wanted to say hi…I’ve barley talked to you all night,” she said i could see in her face that she wanted to know how it went with Caleb. So, I told her “Him and I talked about life and future plans, and I don't think it's gonna work out between the two of us. Cause he has a curfew that he must be home by eleven, and I don't think that's gonna work for me. I told him that we can just stay friends and he agreed because he really didn't like in a girlfriend way, some guy was just using him to get to me.”

        She gave me pity about it, and I rejected it, because I knew it all along .That he was being a decoy to get to me ,I had an idea who it was, but I wanted to make sure it was him. So, I texted Caleb “hey who told you to ask me out?” a few seconds later he texted back “Lance” my body filled with rage. I angerly walked over to him and pushed him backwards ,he caught himself and looked at me with confusion. I pushed him again until we were at knee height water, i yelled at him “WHAT SO ASSULTING ME IN THE LOCKER ROOM WASN’T ENOUGH FOR YOU! YOU HAD TO HAVE SOMEONE TAKE ME OUT TO GET ME TO “LIKE” YOU!”

        He grabbed me and held me against his chest and explained why he paid Caleb to ask me out. He told me that the reason he did it was, ever since I dated Jason he has been jealous. Because I am the only girl that will not sleep with him and that drives him crazy. He basically confessed his attraction to me, as I hear him say this I am stunned by his word’s confusion filled my mind. I turn to face him as the moonlight lights the side of his face and his eyes filled with compassion standing there listening to the words I never thought I would ever come from him. It was a dream come true, but I said to him “you have no idea how long I've wanted to hear those words come from you. But I can't do that to Camilla, she's my best friend and if I did that to her it would break her heart and I can't lose my best friend.” His expression changed from compassion to sadness. It hurt me to decline what I've always wanted to hear come from him but between him and Camilla.

        Cami will always come first; I just can't do that to her and he's not worth losing our friendship over. He says to me “Then we don't have to tell Camilla she'll understand,” hearing these words made me angry but I couldn't show that I was, I said to him, “I cannot do this to her.” Then I turned and walked away. I went right to my car and got in it and drove home. As I drove home that night I couldn't get his words out of my head.

        I pulled in the driveway and went up to my room, and about an hour later head lights shined through my window. I got up and glanced out my window to see Lance going into his house, I left my window and went to the bathroom to take my make up off and I got a notification I opened my phone and saw that Lance texted me “Camilla is staying w Jason tonight if you wanna come over to hang” then a second later he said “just like old times” I replied with “I’m getting unready and I’ll be over in a sec”.

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