Don't Look Back, You're Not G...

Od HGRwritessss

28 2 3

A 'Canon Divergence', I believe it's called. So, basically, this story picks up when Zuko and Katara are flyi... Více

Chapter 1

28 2 3
Od HGRwritessss

"It's okay, Katara," Zuko said as an attempt to comfort the girl guiding the bison they were on. "I'm proud of you, you ended up doing the right thing. Killing him probably wouldn't make you feel any better; only worse. You were strong today." He tried to convince her.

Katara turned around, not daring to look him in the eye. She couldn't handle that right now. He'd seen enough of her weakness today, she decided; he didn't need to see her now red eyes, too. "But what if it wasn't that I was too strong to not do it, or too weak, Zuko?" She questioned, though she felt as if she knew the answer.

"Katara, I know, and you should too, that you're strong." He argued. Little to her knowledge, he hated when she thought so little of herself. Especially since she was quite the opposite of her words. He'd come to know that he felt this way since Ba Sing Se.

She felt her salty, warm tears start to stream. That couldn't be true. Her and Zuko set out on a journey where she was supposed to get revenge for her mother, but was too weak to even get said revenge. Katara looked at Zuko, though she didn't know why. She didn't know what she wanted from him, what she thought she'd get from that look.

Zuko saw her tears traveling down her face, and couldn't fight his urge to comfort her any longer. Before he could register his actions in his mind, he was on the head of Appa, with her.

"Zuko, what-", Katara started in a hoarse voice, but was cut off by her new-found friend.

"Shh, it's okay, Katara.", he grabbed her chin and tilted her head to face him as he sat beside her. With his sleeve, he wiped her still actively-flowing tears.

"I'm sorry, you s-shouldn't have to see me like this." Katara stated, but was quickly quieted by Zuko.

"Here, let me take the reins, just, let it all out. It's okay, you're okay now. We're here and now, not there and then." The Fire Nation enemy told her as he hugged her, half expecting her to shove him away, and tell him his place. He was not her friend. She hated him; at least that's what he thought.

So, when Katara gladly accepted his embrace, his eyes widened with surprise.

Katara was glad he was at least acting as though he cared, but she wouldn't put it past him if he was only acting. Not only has he had trouble in the past doing the right thing, she wasn't the nicest to him recently; even if she thought it was well deserved. After all, he betrayed her in Ba Sing Se, even after they shared that intimate, fragile moment together. Or that's how Katara pictured the moment. The waterbender was brought back to present as he started to continuously comfort her with those 'shh, shh,' noises.

And for once, she thought it would be okay for her to cry. There wasn't any chore to be done at the moment, no food to cook, nobody to misbehave or cause mischief.

Katara dove deeper into his embrace, practically in Zuko's lap, which she felt all her blood rush to her face at the thought.

Her body was curled up against his, her face in the crook of his neck, where it fit perfectly; as if they were made for each other (yet another thought the girl had to shove to the back of her mind, or else she'd blush even more). He held her, knowing she needed it. It struck his mind and he became curious, when had Katara last gotten comfort. Especially like this? When had she last been held? Hugged?

Katara sobbed. Not only about her weakness today, but about everything. The way her mother died, and how if it weren't for her and her bending, she'd still be here. She cried because there was that what if, what if Yon Rha took her instead, which she sometimes thought about how that would've been so much better. For her, and for everyone else, at least she thought so. About how after this, she'd have to see Zuko and know he saw her in a vulnerable state- again. And last time, it didn't end so pretty for her, or him she supposed. Having the fire lord as a father must not be nice. She cried because she was so selfish, she only considered her side of Ba Sing Se up til that moment. She hated herself for that. She cried because she knew when she got back to camp, she'd have to go back to playing mother. Cooking, cleaning, nurturing. And she cried because though she knew someone needed to do her job, which was vital to the gaang's survival, they'd never see her as fun. She couldn't join in on their laughter, fun, and games. They didn't want her there, anyways. She always ruined everything fun, according to Toph; but she knew Toph didn't mean it so bitterly. Even though she felt it was so. She cried because she was so weak, she couldn't even take that from her friend (even though she felt as if she wasn't Toph's friend sometimes- a lot of times). She cried because she couldn't help herself in this moment, she was a big cluster of emotions; and Zuko shouldn't have to deal with that. She hated herself for that, too.

"I-I'm s-sor-sorry! Z-Zuko.." She stuttered, before the waterworks started again. She felt helpless, trembling as she sobbed, unable to stop.

"Hey, it's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for. Cry, Katara, something tells me you need to right now." He murmured into her caramel brown waves as he rubbed calming circles onto her back. Instinctively, he placed a soft, gentle kiss on the crown of her head.

Immediately after realizing what he did, he muttered a quiet 'sorry' and looked away, embarrassed, still holding her tightly.

Katara barely noticed his action, and felt rather comforted. She knew Zuko had a deep understanding with her, having as much in common with each other as they do. She knew deep down if she were to breakdown to anyone, it would be him. He'd understand; he always did (Or he did the other time she admitted why she saw him as the enemy's face, but now, she didn't, not after that). She also remembers that out of everyone, she hadn't had to mother him one ounce. Instead, they rather sat together in understanding for one another, as if they weren't enemies once. "Thank you, Zuko." She whispered into the crook of his neck, once she got herself into check.

Zuko felt Katara turn herself around in his lap, trying to ignore where, and how, she was affecting him. After constant shifting, trying to find a comfortable position, not leaving his protective arms (Which made Zuko quite happy she wasn't trying to run off, put a distance between them, and put up her protective walls, or barriers), the waterbender settled in his lap, sitting with her legs on top of his, not that he was complaining. Hoping he wouldn't push his luck, he wrapped his arms around her, holding them around her waist, Appa's reins in hand.

Katara's heart skipped a beat when she felt his arms wound around her, almost protectively, or was she imaging that? Was that just what she wanted to believe? She cursed herself in her head, this is Zuko! She should not think like that, or try to twist the situation. He was just being a good friend, little did he know, he was her best friend at the moment. Either way, she felt safe. Wanted. Protected. All of which she hadn't felt in the longest time.

On top of all, Zuko's warmth shielded her from the air's slight chill, which she had felt before he had embraced her. He was so warm and comfy, like hot chocolate by the fireplace on a snow day. It clouded the mind of the girl in his lap. All she could think of was how comfortable she was, and how she never wanted to be in a different position ever again- woah Katara, calm yourself! This is ridiculous, it's Zuko for crying out loud! You'll never be close to him or be trusted by him if you think like this, she thought.

But before she could further argue with herself, she suddenly realized how tired she was. She tried to fight the urge to sleep off, but quickly lost the battle. The girl slipped into a peaceful slumber, and unlike most nights now, she didn't have nightmares. Katara slept in peace.

Zuko felt the girl so dear to him drift off. He smiled to himself knowing he had held her while she cried, and comforted her. Something he thought he'd never get to do again. He didn't know if it was Ba Sing Se when he realized, or if it was some other time, but he'd come to know that he cared deeply about Katara. He cared about what she thought of him. He cared when he saw the bags under her eyes when she was at camp, caring for everyone. That was when he knew he'd try to pull his own weight without help, and he'd even try to take some of everyone else's' weight. He'd try his hardest to take stuff off of Katara's plate, and he'd stay after meals to help her clean up. The firebender thought it was worth it all, to see her slight smile grow into one she wasn't as afraid to hide over time. He looked forward to these parts of his day, and he was sure she was, too. Even if she didn't talk much to him during these times, but she was warming up to him.. again.

It pained him to say that this was the second time. The first time she warmed up to him, he warmed up to her, too. And in a short time.

But then he betrayed her. He left her.

He looked down at the sleeping Katara, she looked so peaceful. He'd vow to never leave her like that again.

"I'm sorry, Katara, I really am. You don't know how much I regret that day, words cannot describe how much I do." He said to her, The exiled prince then pressed a kiss to her head, slow and sweet, and gentle.

Soon enough, Team Avatar's camp came into view as the sun started to rise.


Appa landed near the dock and grumbled, which was enough to wake Katara, even though she was as deep into slumber as she was.

Zuko felt her stir, looking down to see her crystal-like blue eyes looking back. She felt herself start to get a light blush as his golden eyes bore into hers. "Hey," he said with a slight smile, breaking the silence that was comfortable, but weird all at once. "Hey," She echoed him, looking at him with such a smile it made him feel as though he was the best thing in the world. He loved it when she looked at him like that.

"We landed, we're back." Zuko said before he could think, reprimanding himself in his head for pointing out the obvious. And thankfully, if Katara noticed his obvious observation, she didn't dwell on it. "Yeah," She said back, her smile getting brighter, which he didn't know was possible. He felt good, knowing it was for him.

Zuko told her they should get down and unpack, probably feed Appa, especially after holding up so well for their entire journey. She nodded her head, still looking at- well, admiring the beautiful swirls of gold and amber in his eyes.

Katara started to get up, in a bit of a struggle because she didn't want to hurt Zuko, so in her attempt, she put her hands beside them and put her weight there. She then tried to lift herself off Zuko, and she remembered she was on him in the first place. Katara felt her face go red.

And when she didn't think her deep blush could get any worse, he placed his hands on her hips to help her up. A pathetic 'thanks' was the most that could escape her lips. Oh spirits- did she have feelings for Zuko?! Her lower stomach pooled with warmth as his hands lingered in place for longer than needed.

Agni, this was going to be hard for her.


After they put their extra supplies away and gave Appa a couple flakes of hay, Katara sat by the dock, feet dangling, almost in the water. She thought thinking by her element in solitude would be the best way to sort through these new-found feelings. That's when she heard them coming.

Aang, Sokka and Toph all came rushing over to her, and she felt a smile forming on her face. Had they actually missed her? She knew Aang might've, she knew he had a crush on her. It was painfully obvious. However, she found that she couldn't return the feelings, no matter how much she tried. She nurtured him as she did to the others, so she found she couldn't like him like that. It would be like having a crush on her brother!

"We're so glad you're back," Sokka started, and Katara's smile grew wider

"Yeah, we were hungry and we're happy you could finally cook for us again!" Toph finished.

She felt her smile fade, almost entirely, but she had to keep up the act for them. "O-oh..! Okay, guys." Was all she could say. Was that really all she was good for? She still felt way too emotional for her liking, so she decided to not think about it. She didn't need to cry any more than she already had.

Even though she felt entirely drained, she started to cook. The waterbender took vegetables and meat that was bought at the market and mixed them to make a stew. She chopped more vegetables for sides, and had to poke herself because she felt her eyes threatening to close.

"Katara!" A familiar voice said, and she felt more alive than ever. The girl turned, "Zuko, I was wondering where you were!" she said, and she swore she could see Aang scowl for a second from over where he was, playing a game with her brother. "I was collecting firewood.. why.. Katara," he rubbed his temples, "Why are you cooking? You just got back for La's sake.".

"Well, they wanted me to cook, so, I'm cooking", she grumbled, though it certainly wasn't Zuko she was angry at. 

Her eyes widened in surprise when he took her hands in his and took her away from the cooking, "Katara, you look drained. Don't you need rest?" he questioned. All she could do was fidget with her fingers after she pulled away, even though she didn't want to. She knew if she looked at him, he'd see the truth.

Her eyes betrayed her as her grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. Her stomach seemed as if it was full of butterflies, fluttering as he did so. She hated how he could read her as easily as an open book. "Here, I'll help you, finish din- well, breakfast I guess." He said as he looked at the freshly risen sun. Katara sent him a look of gratitude, and thankfully, it seemed like he got the message.

Turns out, what Zuko meant by 'helping', he meant doing everything while she sat and watched. How drained she felt- emotionally and physically, started to catch up to her. She tiredly rubbed her eyes, wishing she could be snuggled up in her sleeping bag, or in a nice warm bath to soothe her surprisingly sore muscles.

Reality seemed to snap back into place for her as Zuko called everyone to the meal, placing the stew and a bowl of vegetables in front of her. 

Zuko gently nudged Katara's shoulder, in hopes of getting the girl to eat, at least a little bit. He knew that the past day had been pretty rough for her, and felt severe empathy, knowing she must've felt somewhat similar to him when he felt he wouldn't have honor- that he would've been worthless, weak if he didn't capture the avatar. 

He felt grateful that she obliged and slowly, but surely, she consumed stew taking it spoonfuls at a time.


Later, after the meal and the clean-up with Katara, he told her she should try to get some more rest. After all, he didn't know how much she actually slept on the sky bison, he just couldn't imagine it would have good sleep. Not with yesterday's events plaguing her mind.

Katara didn't know why or how she was so tired, but followed her dear friend's requests when he told her to try and sleep. She felt her body almost instantly relax once she felt it touch her sleeping bag. 

And she slept, though her dreams weren't as pleasant as the ones she had during the night.


It wasn't til late that night when she woke up again, but she did so in a cold sweat. The waterbender's eyes were wide with fear and she looked all around her tent, looking for signs of danger. When she saw there was none, only then her breathing slowed; still not yet at it's regular pace.


So, that's chapter 1, what do you guys think (If anyone is actually reading this)??

Hmmm, I wonder what Katara's nightmare was about??? Any guesses?

Where will she go next???🤔

Any theories about what will happen next?

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