Touhou:Mysterious Human Sage

By JacksonNovel

366 18 1

This Story is about the boy that are adopted by Remilia Scarlet the owner of Scarlet Devil Mansion when he is... More

Chp 1.New Family
Chp 2.Training session
Chp 4.Golden World
Chp 5.Hakugyokurou
Chp 6.Gap Youkai
Chp 7.Steel Ball Run Part 1
Chp 8.Steel Ball Run Part 2
Chp 9.Steel Ball Run Part 3
Chp 10.Steel Ball Run Part 4
Bio Character
Chp 11.Steel Ball Run Part 5
Chp 12.Steel Ball Run Part 6
Chp 13.The backstory how the two bestfriend met
Chp 14.Steel Ball Run Part 7

Chp 3.Strange power awaken

52 2 0
By JacksonNovel

JacksonLim pov:

Hello I am back again, I am now 16 years old and I have combat experience during many years of training

This is how I looks like as a teen

Today I am going to misty lake which is near to Scarlet Devil Mansion and there is rumor about a group of fairy playing around misty lake but also there is rumor about mermaid living under the misty lake, but I didn't care about these rumor all I care is successful to bought a fish to for the dinner

The ambience of Misty lake in this late morning are really beautiful and peaceful, when JacksonLim busy to fishing suddenly some childish voice calling his name

???:JacksonLim! JacksonLim!!!

JacksonLim then turn his head to direction where some voice calling his name and it was ice fairy known as Cirno

Cirno:Baka! You finally allow to going outside huh?!

JacksonLim:Annoying fairy again

Cirno:Hahaha!! Looks like you get annoyed but I won't stop, I will continue annoy you!

JacksonLim:(Sigh) do whatever you want but if you ruin my fishing them I am going to make you pay

Cirno:Hahaha but I am not that bad to ruin your fishing if I do it will be fun to see you angry

After that, Cirno enjoying spend time with JacksonLim while JacksonLim still busy with his fishing

Time skip

The time is night, JacksonLim finally get some fish today and he put the fish on the bucket then get up and prepare to going back home, when JacksonLim at the middle road to going back to home suddenly he got attacked by some of the youkai but luckily he manage to dodge the youkai attack

???:It seem like another human can to dodge my attack, Impressive

JacksonLim:Who the hell are you!!!

???:Want me to show myself, you wish for

Then the unknown youkai show up herself and it is little girl, she floats above JacksonLim in her ball of darkness, gazing with a hungry look.

Rumia:Let the hunt begin

JacksonLim:Good grief, It seem I have to deal with youkai(prepare for the fight)

Rumia:oh~it seem like you choose to fight, very well, I will see how you can escape for that

Rumia then charge toward JacksonLim as JacksonLim stay his guard up to wait for the opportunity to attack her,Rumia then attack him with her fist and try to hit him several time but JacksonLim dodge Rumia attack and then try to counter her back by throw a punch on her but then Rumia also block his attack and then attack him again back and then took a chance to knock JacksonLim down and then attempting to wrap her arms around JacksonLim, using darkness to hold you still.

Rumia:Gimme a huggy~( She giggles.)

Jackson then Push her away from him and then pull out his knife to slice down the darkness that hold his leg but sadly the darkness that hold his leg couldn't let his leg go

Jackson:You weird better let me go!! I guess you need to eat my fist so you can learn to behave

Rumia laughs. "You're funny! But your fists don't scare me one bit! They only make me hungry!

She shoots a dark orb made of pure darkness at JacksonLim which quickly charge on him and The dark orb then crashes into the ground causing a massive explosion cause JacksonLim sent fly away and injured badly. Rumia laughs once again. "Now you're my prey!" She runs towards JacksonLim with a determined look on her face.JacksonLim then regain his consciousness and slowy stand up to prepare to dodge her next attack but then She runs closer fast and grabs JacksonLim using her darkness to restrain him to get away.She then smiles

Rumia:Haha.. I got you now! You can't escape me. I will have my meal eventually~"

JacksonLim try to free himself from those darkness that wrap his both arm and leg, Rumia tightens the restraint and squeezing him.


Rumia:It'll be easier if you stop struggling. I'm getting hungry~

JacksonLim:I won't let you have your meal!! You annoying punk!!!

Rumia:So defiant

Rumia then tighten him with her darkness again

Rumia:Just give up~


JacksonLim then regain his full energy through his Qi and then let it out and break Rumia darkness grip,She is surprised as his manage to break through her darkness power.

Rumia:What!?!? How do you!?

JacksonLim:(pant) (pant) it seem like I use my full power to free myself

Rumia: You're full of surprises! It's not going to be so easy for me to eat you now...but I won't let you go easyily

she murmurs, seemingly a little excited.

JacksonLim then slowy stand up

JacksonLim:I won't let you eat me! (pant) (pant)

Rumia giggles at his determination.

Rumia:Ahaha.. You're so silly. It's not like you have a choice whether or not I eat you...

She begins walking towards JacksonLim.

Rumia:But don't worry, it won't hurt. Just let me take a bite out of you...~"


JacksonLim then try to stay his guard up and prepare for his next attack, as he walk toward Rumia, he realized that his energy are low and it make him wouldn't able to stand properly and it make him fell down

Rumia:Hehehe.... Just give up already, then I can have my meal~

She says excitedly as she closes in on him, her sharp teeth showing as she opens her mouth.

JacksonLim mind:Damm it, I use my full Qi and it make my body weak to stand up.. I have to find other way to get off from her or else my meat will be her...

JacksonLim try to get up but failed get up as she begins slowly taking hold of you as you can't get up, preparing to take a bite out of you

Rumia:Don't struggle... I'll make it quick. You can't escape from me, I'm a youkai.(giggle)

As Rumia begin to bite him, JacksonLim then took a opportunity to pull out his knife with magic on it and then slice her face,Rumia immediately retracts in pain as you successfully cut her face.

Rumia:You little...!

She screams before she tries to retaliate. She uses her darkness to grab your wrist holding the knife and tries to pull your knife from your hand and then threw it away

JacksonLim:Damm it.. my knife!

Rumia glares at you as you smirk at her.

Rumia:Oh, so you're prepared huh?"

She says as she tightens her grip.

Rumia:Well, good luck for you not dying. I like to eat my prey alive, after all..." she chuckles as she prepares to bite down on your arm and bite it like a food to her



JacksonLim then try to hit her, hit her several time but doesn't work until when his last hit her suddenly some mystery fist on his side and its looks like fighting spirit hit her and then Rumia finally react the pain that JacksonLim attack

Rumia:You... stupid human!!!

But then Rumia kick JacksonLim away but the fighting spirit on his side manage to block her kick and the fighting spirit on JacksonLim side finally has formed into appearance

But then JacksonLim shocked how this mystery spirit at his side since he have no clue and he doesn't know about this power other than spell

JacksonLim mind:I don't know how this strange humanoid thing at my side but nvm as long as it is on my side to help me out then I have no problem with it

Rumia:What!?!? How do you suddenly become more durability than before? I swear I use my force to kick you, there is no way mere human like you can survive like that! You must be cheating, must be someone help you out, I am going to find someone that help you out and rip them apart!!

JacksonLim:Cheating or not, it doesn't matter with me, as long I can survive, that's all vital to me

Rumia:Grrrr.. You damm brat!! you got no shame for cheating like that!! I AM GOING TO RIP YOU APART LIKE A PORK!!!

Rumia speed up and charge toward JacksonLim and then barrage him with high speed but JacksonLim manage to dodge her barrage one by one with his strange ablity

JacksonLim mind:Never thought I am that fast, it seem this ablity do help me

Rumia:Grrrr.. Die!!! Stupid human die!!!

Rumia non stop barrage JacksonLim and keep barrage him as JacksonLim keep dodging

JacksonLim mind:Now my turn now

Finally JacksonLim start to use his ablity and then one punch Rumia with his fighting spirit and then Rumia get sent fly away as JacksonLim figting spirit one hit her

JacksonLim shocked about how this ablity is so strong to him that can one hit youkai such as Rumia

JacksonLim:Never thought this humanoid are really that strong, I guess is my luck to survive from youkai

As everything become normal and Rumia seem like she doesn't come to attack again, JacksonLim then grab his bucket of fish to heading back to his home

Time skip

At Scarlet Devil Mansion, Jackson finally arrive and then suddenly some blond little girl hug him

Flandre Scarlet:Where have you been? Why you are so late to arrive home and what is this scar on your arm? did you get attacked by youkai?

JacksonLim:yeah, but I am fine, I manage to defeat her you know

Flandre Scarlet:Woah.. Never thought you are that strong, I think 6 years of training with them is work

JacksonLim:Hehe yeah you are right, the training does help me out hehe

Suddenly Sakuya Izayoi then appear by all sudden and pull JacksonLim ear for no reason

JacksonLim:Ouch!! What is this for?

Sakuya Izayoi:Why did you come home in this late of night? Did you know that I am worry for you?

JacksonLim:I am literary spend many time on fishing but at night, I finally got some fish and also is unlucky that I encounter youkai.. Ouch stop! It hurt! Huhuhu

Sakuya Izayoi then let go of my ear and then sigh

Sakuya Izayoi:Next time,better look around your ambience and check if some youkai follow you or not if it does then ignore and run away not fight them

Sakuya Izayoi then pull JacksonLim ear again

Sakuya Izayoi:I know you must been bored and try to create problem again!!

JacksonLim:(scream of pain)Stop it!! I promise I won't try to fight youkai again!..

Sakuya Izayoi:Swear that you are promise me never fight youkai again, SAY NOW!!!

JacksonLim:I JacksonLim will never try to fight youkai and never be troublemaker to create problem again! I swear to my life.. Ouch!!

Sakuya Izayoi then let go of my ear

Sakuya Izayoi:Good so now follow me to get heal your wound first before you can eat the dinner, move your leg fast!!

JacksonLim:Ok fine

JacksonLim then follow Sakuya Izayoi to the nursing room to get healed

Time skip to tomorrow

The day when JacksonLim come to library to find leader of library known as Patchouli Knowlegde, When JacksonLim head inside library,his bump to Patchouli Knowledge assistant known as Koakuma

Koakuma:Oh hey JacksonLim, what is happend to your wound on your arm? Did you get attacked by youkai?

JacksonLim:Oh about this.. yeah I encounter youkai but don't worry, I scare youkai out you know hehe

Koakuma:If that is true then we all family member wouldn't have to worry so what bring you here?

JacksonLim:I want to met big sis Patchouli, Are she is still sleeping?

Koakuma:Yeah she is still sleeping but she will wake up soon, why you want to find her? Did you not understand the concept of magic spell?

JacksonLim:Yeah you can say that but it is complicated to explain to you bc it is not related to magic spell

Koakuma:oh come on.. I want to know that you know, it seem interesting than magic spell as you say..

JacksonLim:Yeah it is interesting but you won't understand, that's why I want to met big sis Patchouli to know about these unknown ablity, I will let you know if I am understand these strange ablity concept

Koakuma:Ok you better be promise if you know these new power

JacksonLim:I will, don't worry, gotta go now

Koakuma:good luck with learn that strange power as you mention

JacksonLim then go met Patchouli Knowledge while Koakuma is help out with those books

When JacksonLim finally met Patchouli Knowledge and it is coincidence she also awake and she look at JacksonLim

Patchouli Knowlegde:Yes? Did you here to ask me a question?(smirk)

JacksonLim:Yes I do

Patchouli Knowledge:What kind of question did you want to ask? I will find the answer as soon as possible

JacksonLim:it is actually about strange fighting spirit but I don't know what kind of power is that

Patchouli Knowledge:Fighting spirit?? There is alot of fighting spirit I don't know which is it, so can you try to summon and let me analysis your fighting spirit?

JacksonLim:But I don't know how to summon my fighting spirit

Patchouli Knowledge:If that so then it is hard to me to analysis your strange ablity but did you know what time did it appear??

JacksonLim:Oh about that, it appear when I am in urge need to help so it is suddenly appear at my side

Patchouli Knowledge:If that so then you have to be scarified

JacksonLim:what do you mean by that?

Patchouli Knowledge:To be pain

Patchouli Knowledge then summon her magic spell to prepare to attack JacksonLim in order to make him summon his strange power

JacksonLim:Uh...big sis Patchouli can't we just talk? why need to use violence?

Patchouli Knowledge:In order to find out what is your strange power really are, you have to take a pain so your strange power will be summon, I am sorry

JacksonLim:(Take a breath) fine if you say so then go ahead and attack me so that my strange power will be show up

Patchouli Knowledge:Are you ready?

JacksonLim:(Full of confident) YES!! I AM READY!!!

Patchouli Knowledge then launch her magic spell to attack JacksonLim as JacksonLim don't dodge and even don't block her spell magic, the attack keep going until JacksonLim no longer stay still and finally his strange power known as fighting spirit finally show up

Patchouli Knowledge:Got it!!!

Patchouli Knowledge then analysis his strange power and realise his strange power that his got is a stand

JacksonLim:(cough) so did you find anything else with this fighting spirit? big sis Patchouli?

Patchouli Knowledge:After I analysis your strange power, your strange power is actually a stand

JacksonLim:A stand? Wth is that thing?

Patchouli Knowledge:According to my study, the stand is a physical manifestation of a person's "life energy,the stand is also an entity psychically generated by its owner, referred to as a< Stand user >and It generally presents itself as an ethereal figure hovering over or near the user and possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human, which, depending on the Stand user, can be wielded for good or evil.

JacksonLim:Oh.. I understand, so it means the power that had humanoid fighting on our side and had many unique ablity

Patchouli Knowledge:You can say so, but it really bizzare how you got it at first place?? Bc in genskoyo it is rare to have stand user, did you got stab by bizzare arrow known as stand arrow or not?

JacksonLim:Nope, I didn't and I even didn't seen the youkai that I fight yesterday had her stand arrow on her hand

Patchouli Knowledge:Then you probably are naturally born as stand user I guess bc these two reason can cause you to have a stand power

JacksonLim:Oh..but how do I use it? Since I didn't know how to use

Patchouli Knowledge:The summon are simple,all you need to do is yell your stand name then it summoned by your side but its ok since you are new with this power maybe you should take a time to learn the ablity and think of what name should you give to your stand

JacksonLim:Ok thanks for the knowledge, I am really appreciated it

Patchouli Knowledge:Your welcome since we are family in these 16 years, ofc I will help when someone related need to help

JacksonLim:Ok then I am gonna go now big sis Patchouli

Patchouli Knowledge:Good luck with your new power and take care!

JacksonLim leave the library and try to discover his new power knowm as the stand by its own

<<To be continue>>

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