Sugar Love โ™ก -(Various!TDLOSK...


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in which a certain pink haired physic tries to hide his perfect slice of paradise from his monsters aka his f... More

Intro ๐Ÿค
Strawberry & Vanilla Swirl ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿฎ
The lady and The lunch box ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ™
...Are we freiends โ”๐Ÿค
The Three Idiots ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿช
Worthy Rival ๐Ÿคโ˜•๏ธ

Baking Fever ๐Ÿค๐Ÿฐ

342 22 3

"Sure I'd love to help"

Quick note!

Saiki talking- (name).       
Saiki thinking- (name).         edited

chapter 5
word count: 2259 💕

"You really are the best teruhashiI!"  The girl spoke in rushed words as she held Teruhashi's hands. "But I wouldn't expect anything less from someone as dependable as you!" the bell sounded above the twos heads and the forgettable girl said her goodbyes before running off to class.

Teruhashi drained of color stumbled to her seat before plopping down.

just what have i gotten myself into...


You stared at your sloppy state in the mirror, chocolate and cake batter soaking to a stain on your uniform shirt, flour in your hair and dotted across your face in spots.

You sighed. Nendo had tripped and sent a bowl of uncooked batter in the air and aren had dropped the bag of flour you sent him to get trying to catch him caking (pun intended) you all in the beginnings of what you hoped to be a delicious treat. You picked a sprinkle out of you hair and deflated a bit. How on earth were you going to clean up before class?

A gloom set over the bathroom as the door opened and a girl walked in. Even with her depressed state you would have to say she was the most beautiful girl you had ever laid eyes on. Her blue hair sone like an expensive Dimond under the fluorescent lights, her skin glowed so much she seemed to admit an aura of light around her. You felt like a toad sitting next to a princess. Your breath hitched as she caught you staring, quickly you turned away and tried your best to focus on cleaning up. But it only made your face burn brighter. i look like a mess! you thought in a panic.

"Hey!" she placed a hand on your shoulder staring at you with wide eyes and the beginnings of a smile resting on her beautiful lips. "Is that flour in your hair?" she said almost giddy. You exploded with embarrassment turning you head away from her, not willing to look her in the eyes. "Y-yeah it is..." you answered nervously. "Then you bake? are you in the baking club or something?" she said head nodding as if begging you to say yes, you sweat dropped and nodded. "I am. i'm the only member but still." you shrugged now feeling the red start to disburse from you face "Did you need something?"

"Yes actually!"


"oh that's no good..."

the girl who you learned name was Teruhashi, stood before a batch a cookies burnt to a crisp.  this was her third try, the first she put salt instead of sugar and the second she used corn starch in place of flour and crumbled to the touch. You shook you head, "I don't understand! You followed the recipe exactly, right?" she flinched away from your gaze. "right...?" your stare hardened as she flinched again. "I just- its so many small things you have to do! and if I get anything wrong it turns out terrible.." she said throwing her oven mitts off and to the ground.

Teruhashi had practically begged you in the bathroom to help her. Apparently she told some girl in a different class that she'd donate near 100 homemade baked goods to a charity bake sale that was going to a good cause.

She was all ready to help till she remembered she couldn't bake... and she didn't have anyone else she could turn to. you agreed to help but its been three days and you've only made a few dozen cookies, you've been trying to teach her but the deadline of 30 days is steadily approaching and you're not sure if you can keep this up.

You placed a hand on her back as she huffed in frustration. "Why don't you take a breather, I'll get the next batch started kay!" She looked at you apologetically "I'm really sorry Y/n. I just need to calm down." she said taking her apron off and hanging it up.
You smiled at her. "I'll hold down the fort don't worry!" you said fake flexing making both of you laugh. "I'll be back!" she said with a wave.

she didn't come back.


Saiki leaned over his desk, fingers interlocked and resting on his lips. a serious look on his face
he was currently wondering if it was a logical reaction to go to a deserted island and demolish it with his bare hands. You had been avoiding and ignoring him for the past week and he was damn near at his boiling point. You stopped visiting his classroom and even asked him to stop coming to the club room for the foreseeable future.

As much as he didn't like to admit it you were a part of his everyday life now and it became obnoxiously clear how much your presence calmed and brought him joy. He felt very on edge, like the slightest wrong move of himself or someone around him would cause him to snap and go bezerk.

Saiki has been trying his best to respect your decision to not have him around anymore but he didn't know how much longer he could hold out.

he missed you.



hey 👋
seen at 9:40

how have you been?
seen at 11:00

will you stop by for lunch today?
seen at 13:20

is it okay if I stop by the baking room when i'm free later?
seen at 15:05

sorry but no! I'm busy >~<

Reply —> is it okay if I stop by the baking room when i'm free later?

why are you avoiding me.

'ok i've had enough.'


You made your way to your shoe locker, eyes closed as you walked praying that the sensation might be enough to stave off your sleepless exhaustion.
It was long past schooling hours and everyone else was gone.
You sighed and stopped. Taking a second to enjoy the stillness of the air. a shiver fell down your back as you felt like someone or something was watching you. you started your walking again this time at a faster pace.

When you rounded the corner you were met by a surprising sight.
A familiar head of hot pink hair stood by your locker. At the sight of him your heart ached, you didn't realize how much you missed saiki.

You were going to try and get his attention until you noticed he was already looking at you, an annoyed expression on his face.

that was when you remembered saiki had texted you a while ago and you never bothered to even open it. you broke out in a cold sweat the still dark of the school seeming a lot less calm then before.

"Hey saiki...! what are you doing here so late?" you spoke soft as you walked over to your locker with slow steps. "waiting for you." "oh that's sweet of you. but really you shouldn't do that. go home next time ok?" an irk mark appeared on his forehead.
you had just finished changing your shoes and was about to close your locker door when saiki slammed it shut.

effectively trapping you between the locker to your back and him.

"why have you been avoiding me?" you were taken by surprise at how sad he sounded when he asked. "Saiki- I..."

"I didn't mean to.."


you both sat on a bench at a park nearby. you were alone as it was getting very late into the night and it was cold.
you huddled closer into your jacked searching for heat as you looked up at Saiki who sat stone faced next to you.

"I promise I wasn't ignoring you on purpose i've just been too overwhelmed and overworked to respond. And I didn't want to be distracted so I asked you to stop seeing me..."
you had just told him everything.

You told him about the Blue haired girl and how you promised to help, and how she had left you to do all the work alone. and how you had been waking up early to report to the baking club and being the last to leave desperately trying to hit the quota before the deadline which was rapidly approaching. he sat and listened to it all.

"why are you still making the sweets for her if she left you?" it was the first time he spoke since you both had gotten to the park. you looked back infront of you at the rock you had been rolling under your foot. "I'm not making them for her." you looked up from the rock and made eye contact with saiki

"I looked into what charity that girl was trying to donate to. It called cookies for cuties, it is a part of a chain of nonprofits whose aim is to feed the less fortunate. This specific one is sweet centered because a lot of kids who come from impoverished families don't get to enjoy sweet treats."

you stood and turned on your heel to face him a serious look on your face.
"The thought of a kid being out there who had never tasted a chocolate chip cookie before, it made me sad."

you shrugged as you stared up at the stars "So i'm not doing it for her, i'm doing it for that kid."

"I should've known." saiki laughed a little as he shook his head standing too. "let's go." he said as he started to walk away. your turned to ur head in confusion, "where!"

"to the baking club room. I'll help you out. Now come on"

you stood in shock for the 4th time that night. you laughed and rushed along side him "okay!" he smiled too. "don't ever call me a distraction again though."

you flinched at his words "Sorry saiki!" you apologized laughing.


Teruhashi paced back and forth across her room the deadline was tomorrow and despite her attempts, she doubted anything she prepared was even edible...

Her mind wandered to you, she regretted leaving that day and not coming back. She just couldn't bring herself to stay.
You were so good at baking, and she wasn't.

Teruhashi hated when someone was better at her than something, it felt so suffocating to be in that room with you as she just stood there afraid to touch anything and ruin the process.
She really did mean it when she told you she was going to come back.

but... she left and stopped by a cafe, then she thought to herself 'she'll be fine on her own, I can take my time.' and before she knew it, it was way too late for you to be still waiting on her. so she went home.
The day after she couldn't bring herself to look you in the eyes. So she just never came back.

she was determined today to apologize to you, and then she'll deal with the whole baked goods problem.


Saiki and you sat side by side in the baking room, it was long after everyone had gone home and you were finishing up packing away the treats to be dropped off at the donation bank tomorrow morning, though you weren't sure how they were gonna get there.
But saiki said he'd handle it so you weren't worrying too much.

a soft knock sounded from the sliding door, you stared in confusion for a moment before getting up to answer it, turning back and locking eyes with saiki briefly. merely nodding and telling him to keep going.

You slid the club room door open and your mouth opened in shock. The Blue haired girl was back and she looked as distressed as the first time you two met. "Hello."

"O-oh Hello..." her eyes were gazing downward and she was twisting her skirt in her fingers
"I came here to apologize." you looked up for a brief moment "So sorry." she began to turn and leave but you called out to her.
" Wait! you're not here for the sweets?" she turned with a confused expression "what?"

"I just finished packing up the sweets for the charity, you don't want them?" you tilted you head to the side
"It's fine if you don't I can just drop them off but-"

"you actually made them?!"
you nodded "yeah, you asked for help didn't you?" Teruhashi stared in amazement, you were so...nice.

"so... you don't want them?" teruhashi shook her head "you're were you able to make all of them alone?" you shrugged "I just like baking is all."

"so you won't take them?" you said again just trying to get her to answer

"No if you have them i'll take them. Thank you!" you smiled wide at her,
"ok, Saiki can you help me move these?" Saiki walked up behind you into teruhashis view,

he looked at her for a second before nodding and turning back to grab the packed up sweets.

Teruhashi froze at his appearance, what was saiki...doing alone...with you....

Teruhashi s opinion of you soured almost immediately

hi hi everyone!!! thank you for reading 💕

next chapter is gonna be funnn so stay tuned for that, also what do you guys think of teruhashi so far? is she too ooc or just kinda dull?
Also I kinda feel like this chapter was super repetitive and not a lot was going on... sorry if I bored you.
ill make the next one really exciting kay?

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