The Hero Of Shadows

By YourTrulyZ

74 3 0

"This life, which had been the tomb of his virtue and of his honour, is but a walking shadow; a poor player... More

1 - Conqueror of Adversary

74 3 0
By YourTrulyZ

(A/N: Hayo! I should probably introduce myself. Names Jay Jay or YoursTruly. Before I go any deeper have you guys ever heard of a fanfiction called "The Hero Of Shadows" I don't expect any of you guys to remember it since it was such a long time ago but Hi I'm the author of that fanfic. In case you guys have heard of it or maybe even read it you maybe wondering where is it now? well, I deleted it.

Not because of some profound reason like oh I was getting hate, it gives me bad memories or whatnot. No, I deleted it because it was so shit. It was absolutely shit. Like pure dog water bro. It didn't compare to my new writing standards. Mostly because I was thirteen by the time I was writing it. and I have grown so much as a writer since back then. From writing trashy, hornyish fanfiction to making less trashy, and less horny fanfiction... I hope. So let me know if you guys want me to publish the original fanfiction {I still have it} because wowy there is gonna be a heck of lotta differences. See ya!!)

[P.S. I'm Probably not gonna update "not so bocchi anymore" anytime soon. Sorry :)]

It was bleak. Anyone with an eye could tell, he was completely outmatched in every way. Of course, what did he expect? He was only a student fighting one of the most wanted villains in Japan. His legs are shaking, arms aching, heart thumping, and his head throbbing. But he couldn't care less about his current condition right now. A helpless kid is standing right behind him. He was the only thing standing between a murder. For the kid, he was his only hope. He was his Hero. He needed to be strong, for himself and the kid because a hero is a Conqueror of Adversary.

The ground beneath him shook violently as the man engulfed in muscles began to rise from the crater. Izuku grit his teeth. 'He's still up?!?' It was frustrating. Even a 100% Detroit Smash couldn't knock this guy down. He was now left with two broken arms and no damage done to his opposition.

"I gotta be honest, you sure pack a punch for a small kid. But that won't be enough." He threw a chuckle at Izuku. Being a villain whose quirk is augmenting your muscles, you'd expect him to not be the smartest. He was anything but that. Muscular knew how much of an advantage he was on. Izuku could only rely on his legs now and after that's gone, which wouldn't take long, it would be easy pickings.

Izuku, being the analyzer that he is, could also see it. If this was a test he would get a straight F and maybe an expulsion from Aizawa. Whatever happens next would be the end. Whether he lost or not. Even if he did win, he was in no condition to fight. But he is Izuku Midoriya, he's reckless, relentless, cunning, and strong. Even if he wouldn't admit it himself. He had to find a way to get out of this situation. He couldn't call for backup. From the distant fire and commotion, he could tell that everyone else was fighting. Not that he could in the first place, his phone was shattered into pieces at the beginning of the battle. Izuku doesn't need another second to think, he knows what he needs to do.

He kneeled close enough that he could speak to Kota silently. "Kota, I need you to run as fast as possible when either of us attack." Kota was in shock, Izuku was asking him to abandon his hero. Izuku could feel the conflict in Kota's eyes.

"Midoriya, I can't just leave you like that!" he said, his voice cracking. Izuku shook his head.

"With how things currently stand, I don't know if I could make it out of here." He couldn't face Kota now. His full focus was on Muscular.

"What's the matter, kid? Admitting defeat already? If you do, I can promise you a quick painless death. Actually no, I can't." His laugh reverberated across the field.

"Kota, listen to me!!" His voice was stern, surprising even himself. "As soon as one of us attacks, I need you to run. Do you understand?" This wasn't a request, it was an order. His body was shaking. He doesn't want another one of his heroes to die trying to protect him. It was enough with his parents. But what other option does he have? Kota raised his head looking at the hero in front of him. Both of his arms were a deep purple, blood trickled his body from head to toe. The of him hurt Kota to the very core. Izuku didn't care about himself, his only objective was to protect Kota. His eyes teared up and small sobs escaped his mouth. He couldn't help but admire Izuku's selflessness and courage. He knew that Izuku was risking his life for him, and he was forever grateful.

"Okay now, this has gone for long enough!!" Strands of muscles engulf the blond-haired man. Izuku got down to a ready stance. This was it-the finale. Without any warning, Muscular leapt with blistering speeds. Izuku held out his hands as much as he could and blocked his attack.

"NOW KOTA!!" The boy fell on his back from the impact. He couldn't watch yet he also couldn't run. "NOW'S NOT THE TIME TO HESITATE KOTA!!" Green electricity surrounded Izuku as he mustered up as much of One for All as he could. Kota stood up slowly, his legs shaking. And without thinking any further, he ran. Izuku breathed a small sigh of relief.

"WHAT A SHAME, I WAS HOPING OF A BUY ONE GET ONE DEAL!!!!!" Muscular began pushing harder against Izuku. His arms were throbbing. Blood leaked from his arms. He didn't know how much longer he could hold on. Currently, he could only rely on his legs to keep him standing. Cracks spread on the ground below him from the sheer power of Muscular.

'One for All 30%!!' His legs shook from the burden of One for All. Aside from 100%, this is the most amount of One for All he had ever outputted on his body. 'There has to be a way. There always is.'

"YOU'RE PUTTING UP A REAL GREAT FIGHT KID!!!" Strands of muscles grew out from his body increasing his strength even further. "BE HONOURED, I'LL BE SURE TO REMEMBER YOU!!" Izuku's legs finally gave out. He fell to the ground. His hand swallowed by the muscles. Was this it? Was this how his story ends?

Pain coursed through his body. He wanted to scream but the shock was too great. Eyes flickering, he thought about his life trajectory up until now. He had so many things to do, so many people to meet again, so many goals to achieve. 'Mom, All Might, Kacchan, everyone...I'm sorry.' Sharps shards from the ground pierce his back. His vision began fading out, his body weakened. Izuku could feel it. This was it, he was going to die. As he closed his eyes, he could feel time slowing down. Colour disappeared from his surroundings as everything turned static, and then...


A blue window appeared in front of him.


[You have met all the requirements to complete the secret quest:

Courage of the weak]

He stared at the window. 'What?' Mixed signals travelled across his barin. His mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. 'Secret Quest? I have met all the requirements? What the hell is this?!' In all of his life, he would've never expected this sequence of events. 'I'm about to die, why is this happening? is this my brain coping with my death? It doesn't make sense.'Another window appeared shortly after.

[You now qualify to become a player

Do you accept?]

'A player? Like in a video game?' Izuku was never really much of a gamer. But he has played a couple. Mostly if All Might was in the cover.

Another Window

[You don't have much time left]

[If you decline, your heart will stop beating in 0,02 seconds

Do you accept?]

'Is this a second chance? Or a hallucination?'For a split second, he thought of everything he would leave behind. His family, his friends, his responsibility especially as the successor of One for All. He had too much to lose. So what if this was just a hallucination? It wouldn't hurt to try. 'Alright then, make me a player.' Without a second warning, time began to start once again.

[Congratulations! You have now become

A player!]

A flash of light exploded from his body enveloping the whole battlefield with blinding light and then... he passed out.


Black mist travelled through the desert-like field. Izuku could barely feel an ounce of consciousness. He looked around with the vision he had. Black marble towers stretched the entire skyline, a purple hue eminent from the surface of the palace. Figures he could only describe as shadows inhabiting it. It was mesmerising. It was both beautiful and terrifying.

He looked down on himself. The same black mist covered his naked body. Oddly he doesn't feel any sense of embarrassment, as if it was natural. Izuku couldn't move any part of his body except his head and eyes. This was certainly an odd situation. Before he could ask himself any questions he heard a distant voice coming from the palace.

"Your Majesty, are you certain he is capable?" Its voice was akin to an insect, clicking and squeaking interrupted every other word of its sentence. "There are many others more capable than he is, we should also consider that he is already a successor." A sense inside of him felt as if it was talking about him. It was hesitant about him.

"Tell me, when I was chosen, was I capable?" The other voice fell silent "That is what the system is for, isn't it? In time he will grow capable." The field around him began to shift and morph, he could feel himself regaining consciousness in the real world. "As for his successorship... I believe it will blend just fine."


His eyes jolted open which he then regretted immediately. Blinding white light blinded his sight. A high contrast from his...Dream? Vision? Premonition? He wasn't sure what it was exactly. Actually, he wasn't sure about a lot of things. Were the events in his fight on muscular happened? Well, he's alive. That answered half of the question. The other half of the answer was still shrouded in mystery.

He sat up straight, assessing his current situation. Izuku felt around his body. He was completely fine, besides a scar on his right upper arm. A familiar place surrounded him. White-tiled floors and walls filled his peripheral vision. A window to his right concede the warm sunlight to his face. It was a nice feeling after all the things he went through.

He wondered what happened to everyone else. After his fight with Muscular, he fainted and never knew what else had taken place that night. Izuku hoped for nothing bad, but given the current situation, he couldn't be sure of anything. A slide of the door alerted his attention to his left. It was Kirishima.

"Midoriya! You're awake?! The doctor said you were still asleep." His red spikey hair intruded into the room. A tiger print shirt with shorts. It was the first time Izuku had seen his classmate in some casual clothes. "How you been man?" Rows of spikey teeth field his smile. It was a sincere small but he could tell he was forcing it.

"I'm doing fine. What're you doing here, Kirishima-san?" It was a surprise seeing his classmate come to visit him. Kirishima hesitated on his question, scratching the back of his head.

"Well...umm...I just couldn't sit still in my house, so I just wanted to check on you guys."

"Oh, well umm thanks." The events of that night must have taken a toll on him. "Wait, you said 'you guys' who else got hospitalized?" A bleak face was written on his face. It was as if he didn't want to tell him.

"Most of us are fine, but...17 students of class 1A and 1B are hospitalised, including you." Izukus's eyes widened, this was worse than he thought. 17 students were injured and/or hospitalized. The media must be having a field day with U.A. "The majority of them are in critical condition because of a villain that emitted poisonous gas." He could see Kirishima balling his fist tight and grinding his teeth. If he were to guess, Kirishima was part of the group that got hit with the poisonous gas but got lucky somehow. "Yaoyorozu-san, Jiro-san, and Hagakure-san are the ones from our class."

This was a lot to take in. He couldn't believe something like this could ever happen at this scale. He wiped his face with disbelief. "Is there anything else?" Kirishima jolted at the question. His body shivered, and sorrow filled his expression

"Bakugou-san and Takoyami-san... they're..." The mention of his childhood friend made his heart drop. "They're missing."





This is a LOT worse than he thought.


Time flew faster than he had thought. Silver moonlight lit his face where the orange sunshine was before. The stars glimmer in the sea of obsidian sky reflecting on his irises. It was an unbelievable revelation. He lay solemnly on his hospital mattress. His mind couldn't comprehend it. His heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had to do something. Not long after Kirishima and I began to talk Todoroki entered the room.

He came after visiting Yaouyorozu and he brought some information. Todoroki overheard Yoayorozu talking with All Might and the police about how she managed to place a tracker on one of the villains and how she could make a receiver for us if we needed it. "A rescue mission," Izuku rolled on his bed thinking about the conversation he had earlier today. "It's reckless, like really reckless. It might even get us expelled." That much was true. But he couldn't stand the fact that he was so helpless to save his classmates. "Oh yeah, Kirishima-san said the whole class was going to visit tomorrow."

His eyes drifted to the clock on his left, 11 PM. " I should probably go to sleep," before he could do so, a blue screen grabbed his attention.


[You have unread messages]

The screen had appeared since his talk with Kirishima, though he was too focused on the conversation to give it any thought. It was similar to the one from that night blue and glowing. He reached his hand out to the screen hovering over it. He clenched his fingers and moved it to the right, the screen followed. "Hmmm," Izuku still didn't know what this was. The screen looked real despite the fact that it seemed that only he could see it. "It's like a video game," He repeated his words from when he first saw it. It was intriguing and confusing. He let his hand rest on his stomach as he stared at the screen. "Open," His curiosity got the best of him as two new messages appeared before him.


You have become a player] (unread)

[Daily Quest:

Train to become a formidable combatant.] (unread)

"This is new," Izuku thought back to his fight with Muscular. The screen mentions something about becoming a player, and now it's mentioning it again. "Just what is a player," A new screen appeared.

[This system will help the "player" develop]

[Failing to comply with the system orders

could result in a penalty]

[You have received a reward]

Izuku was left with more questions than answers. "So this...thing calls itself the system," He ran his hand through his hair. "A penalty? What kind of penalty?" He clasped both of his hands on his face. "This is so confusing," His muffled voice echoed through the room. "I really need some sleep," Izuku looked to the other screen and sighed out of reluctance. "Open,"

!Quest Info!

Daily Quest: Train to become a formidable combatant

Push-ups 0/100

Sit-ups 0/100

Squats 0/100

Run 0/10km

Caution! - If the daily quest remains incomplete,

Penalties will be given accordingly


Izuku stared at the screen for a good 10 seconds before laying on his bed. "This is insane, it's asking me to do a full workout when I'm in the hospital." He was not amused, to say the least. "Maybe it is just an imagination." Izuku was done playing along, he was tired physically and mentally. All he wanted to do now was rest. His eyes flickered as he began to drift to sleep. That is until the ground began to shake. "What the hell is happening?!" A new window appeared.

[You have failed to complete your daily quest,

You will be transferred to the penalty zone

for an allotted amount of time]

The bed below him suddenly felt soft and hot. He looked down to see sand on his hands. Standing up, Izuku began looking at his new surroundings. He was in a desert. A bright orange sun illuminated the hot desert. He was at a loss for words. The movement of the sand alerted him of something behind him. His eyes widened as he stared in awe and terror at what stood before him. A gigantic centipede-like monstrosity stood at least two stories tall. Red text hovered above his head. [Posion-toothed Giant Dessert Centipede] Another window.

[Penalty Quest: Survival


Survive for the allotted amount of time

Allotted time: 4 hours

Time Left: 3 hours, 59 minutes, 50 seconds]

"You've got to be kidding me," Green spark exploded from his body as he jumped back dodging an attack from the centipede. 'I HAVE TO SURVIVE FOUR HOURS?!?!?!' This is indeed going to be a long night for Izuku.

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