
By Myxibar

65.7K 1.7K 605

Previously titled Sasha Dreyar (Fairy Tail OC) ~~~ The ground started rumbling, and the streets split in two... More

Chapter 1: Understanding
Chapter 2: Acceptance
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Vote and Chapter 4

6K 191 186
By Myxibar

It's my birthday! So, in addition to a vote, I'd like to give you another chapter of my most popular story! I've had 227 story views, and 17 votes. Please vote more if you like the story! And now...

First off, the poll:

Should I have romance in this book?

If so, who should it be with for Sasha?






I'm still not sold on the idea of romance in this book, so please help me with ideas!

Also, any ships you want to see like Gruvia, NaLu, Miraxus, Elfgreen, etc...?

Any questions if you're not sure about some detail in the story?

Some things may not be clear, so please ask when you are confused. Be nice, though!

Now, onto the STORY!!_________________________________________________

I opened my eyes, and regained focus in a few seconds. My guild mates were crowded around, concerned faces mixed with relief staring down at me. Mavis stood at the foot of my bed, with a question in her glance.

"The hell happened?" I groaned, as I sat up in bed.

"You passed out, and I brought you here! Do you know what that gray smoke around you was?!" Cana said.

"Aw jeez, it happened again?! I blame you, Acnologia!" I yelled at the ceiling.

"AGAIN?! What do you mean, Sasha?! It's happened before?!" Gramps yelled, panicking.

"Well~, yeah, it's happened before... Apocalypse dragon slaying magic takes it's toll on the wielder, and, well, with Acnologia inside me it's kind of worse.

It resembles Mira and Freed's inner demons, except it's a pretty goddamn pissed dragon. Not Acnologia himself, per say, he's like the devil on my shoulder, so to speak. No. My inner dragon is at the core of my being. All dragon slayers have them, if we look deep  enough. That's what dragon force is. The embodiment of our personal dragons.

In my case, that dragon is pure darkness. And pure light. That's the problem here. I have two inner dragons duking it out inside me.

The energy Cana saw seeping out of me was the darkness winning. Acnologia believed that the reason why I have two opposite dragons inside me was because I needed to balance out the dark with light, much like the principal of yin and yang."

"Oh, I see..." Grandpa said, looking deep in thought. "Alright, everyone out! She needs rest."

"Wait, can I speak to Gildarts alone, please?" Makarov nodded. Gildarts looked at me questioningly, but stayed behind as everyone left.

"What's up, pipsqueak?" Gildarts asked, and I growled.

"Don't ever call me that again. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about Acnologia." Gildart's eyes widened, and his demeanor changed to a serious one, and he sat down on the bed next to mine.

"I heard you got gutted on one of your quests by Acnologia... Though there is no point in apologizing for that bastard, I want you to know... that I am sorry and wish I had been aware of this." His eyes bugged out of his head. "Y-you actually apologizing to me?" I nodded. I then looked down, and hid my face behind my hair as I swiped off the covers over my legs. I heard a gasp, as Gildarts moved to my side once again. "No, he didn't?" I nodded to indicate the bastard indeed did.

"I've only beat Acnologia once in a fight. It was during one of his annual 'tests' that he made me go through to see my improvement. He was in his human form. I beat him, miraculously, but he got worked up and called me a cheater. We argued, and he completely lost it. That was the first time I saw him in his dragon form... It was terrifying. As punishment for beating him, he took my leg and gutted me." I placed a hand over where my stomach used to be.

"Once he calmed down, he healed me as best as he could, not wanting to lose his pupil. Which was the first time he'd ever even showed a smidge of an emotion other than hatred or rage. As recompense, he welded one of his scales into a new leg and stomach for me." I looked up, tears rolling down my pale cheeks. Gildarts looked at me with a face full of shock.

"With him now inside me, I hope to do right where he did wrong. With him inside me, he cannot hurt my friends and family anymore."


I know it's kind of a lame ending, and it was kind of a filler chapter, but, *shrugs* what can I say? Hope you enjoyed the explanations I gave here, and I hope I'm doing good in trying to build up the character.



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