The Love of Her Life (GirlxGi...

By asiansarefineasf

15 0 0

Trauma brings people together. For Georgia and Yara, that's exactly what happens. They don't interact much ou... More

cHaPtEr OnE

cHaPtEr TwO

5 0 0
By asiansarefineasf

TW: traumatic event being described

"Dad, is she gonna wake up?" asked Georgia, drying her tears again on her jumper.

"One day, yeah. Hopefully soon though, angel," dad said, putting an arm around her. Logan sighed.

"She'll be alright, Georgie. Doc said she's looking at about a week down and then a week still in hospital before shes up and ready to go," he said. Georgia breathed out a sigh of relief. Ever since she'd gotten the news she felt as though her airways had been mangled. Logan had explained to her in the car that mum had been in unwakable sleep since the accident earlier that morning and nobody knew when she was likely to wake up besides the 1week the doc was hoping for.

"Am I going back to school?" asked Georgia, slowly. Dad stepped away from her.

"No, you're going home. Logan, take Georgie in your car, I'm going to buy some stuff at the shops," he said.

"Seriously?" said Logan. "Dad-".

"Logan, I said, take Georgia in your car," Dad repeated, clearly holding on to the little patience he still had. Not that there was much to begin with. Logan rolled his eyes but beckoned for Georgia to follow him.

"Whyd you roll your eyes? Is dad seriously going shopping?" asked Georgia, with a smirk. Logan snorted.

"Yeah. Not for type of stuff he should though,". Georgia raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? And how do you know what he's gonna get, Lolo?". Logan smiled at the nickname.

"He does it all the time when something's happened with mum. Just stay in your room and you won't get hurt," said Logan.

"Hurt?! Logan what are you-".

"Mum and dad met at a rehab centre, Georgie, use your head! And dad quit after a week because he swore meeting mum had changed him, correct?".

"Yeah, they tell us this story all the time. And it's true isnt it? Dad hasn't got drunk in ages," said Georgia, folding her arms. They were outside now, making their way to the car.

"Yeah... but that's not really how it works, Georgie," began Logan. "You can't just go off something like that. Well no but not without proper treatment, it just doesn't work. The way dad is... he does get drunk, just he does it less than before him and mum got together. And he assumes that that means he's gone off it and he's practically sober but he's not at all,".

"Oh,". Georgia didn't believe her dad hadn't sobered up all these years but she supposed she should've expected it. He was a heavy drinker and by no means sober everyday but he wasn't that bad. Everyone had a way of dealing with shit and Georgia didn't think that her dads coping mechanism would be a serious issue.

See there mum had a few mental health issues and was with therapist and doctors quite often. Dad didn't like it at all and often drunk until mum came back home from whichever appointment she was at.

"Georgie?" said Logan, once they were sat in the car. Georgia glanced at him. "Just... please stay in your room if he's drunk. For your own safety, and for my mind to be more at ease,". Georgia sighed.



yxrs_267 has added you! tap to add them back

"Who the fuck is that?" Georgia muttered to herself. She screenshotted the username and sent it to her group chat with Taylin, Eva and Hollie.

you: girls do any of u know who this is? x
you: **screenshot sent*

Randoms added Georgia all the time and alot of the time they were either people her friends knew or people from school so it was easy to figure out who they were but there were no clues with this one and Georgia hadn't spoken to anyone that mightve asked for her snap today. Well- no one that she can remember. She wasn't really in a talking mood anyway because she was so worried about her mum. Not that she intended to tell the girls. She knows exactly how they'd react. Taylin would father her, Hollie would mother her and Eva would act like a little sister with all her cuddles and stuff. And whilst Georgia appreciates them obviously she- *ding* - oh, one of the girls replied to who the person is.

taytay<3: oh yh that's yara babe i thought u had her added?


holssx: omg yara added you!? you shld add her backkk


evaa!x: why did she add u

fuck i just knew eva would react like that. anything me and yara related, eva gets jealous to the point where me and her have nearly got in a fight over her thinking I'm trying to steal Yara from her which isn't and never will be true.

you: idk don't come for me
you: *reply to @holssx (omg yara added you!? you shld add her backkk)* im not adding her back Hollie are you crazy :')
evaa!x: *reply to you (idk don't come for me)* im not I just wanted to know if u asked her to or not
you: no otherwise i would've known it was her eva babe dont be angry at me i don't even like her
taytay<3: @evaa!x stop being a bitch
taytay<3: gia dw about her she's just pissed at u bcs Yara came to ask us about u at break
you: wait what are you talking about??

Yara had asked about me? It had to be because she'd seen me leaving and also we sit together in a few lessons she probably needed some form of stationery from me. As usual. She normally neds a sharpener actually but i never seem to get them back.

**evaa!x started a call**
**you, holssx and taytay<3 joined the call**

"Taylin explain to me what you mean about Yara?" Georgia said.

"Well at break, Yara came to us and asked if you'd come back yet and we all said no and I asked where you'd gone," began Taylin.

"Yeah and then she said she didn't know where you'd gone but you left the school so she just wanted to know if you were back yet," continued Hollie.

"And then Eva asked her if she needs something from you and Yara said no, just to check you were alright and then Eva told her your probs fine," finished Taylin. Georgia rolled her eyes. When it came to Yara with other girls, Eva got so defensive seriously even if it was one of her litteral sisters (of which she has three: two in the year below- twins (yr9), and one in year 6) she would still fight them for Yara.

"I wasn't even that rude but like- Georgia why does she care about you so much?" Eva asked, exasperated. Georgia sighed.

"I dunno, ok! I'll ask her," she said, and with that decided to add back Yara. Georgia really did make stupid decisions on impulse. Especially when she was angry.

"Georgia no, have some sense-" began Taylin.

"No, Tay, seriously, I'm not gonna have Eva be angry at me for something so fucking stupid. Me and Yara clearly need to clear some things up. like how she's not my girlfriend and my friend likes her so she needs to fuck off," said Georgia.

"Gia, I'm not angry at you!" Eva cried. Georgia kissed her teeth. At this point, even she couldn't work out what was wrong with her. She was just so... angry. Still, she was gonna settle this thing with Yara once and for all, so she decided to text her.

"Wait G, are you hanging up?" asked Hollie. Georgia sighed.

"Yeah, I'll come back later," She said.

"Gia text me later?" said Taylin.

"Yeah sure,".

~you and @yxrs_267~
you: yara
yxrs_267: Hola Gigi
you: what do u want
yxrs_267: To check on u
yxrs_267: You didn't even tell ur mates u was leaving
yxrs_267: I was fucking worried abt u and they didn't even know if u was alr
you: i don't see why ur so bothered
yxrs_267: That makes two of us so wen I work it out I'll tell u yh?
you: no.
yxrs_267: Kmt
yxrs_267: Where did u go anyway
you: hospital
yxrs_267: Why?
yxrs_267: Also who's Logan?
you: *reply to yxrs_267 (why?)* my mum
you: *reply to yxrs_267 (also who's Logan?)* logans my brother
yxrs_267: What happened to ur mum??
you: she was in a crash and she's not waking up
yxrs_267: Oh
yxrs_267: Can u call my fingers fucking hurt from typing
you: sure :')

**you started a call*
**yxrs_267 joined the call**

Sudden, random screaming and laughing erupted from Georgia's phone.

"Oi, boys shut up!" yelled Yara.

"Sorry Yara!" came another voice. Georgia giggled.

"Who is that?" she asked.

"Gigi! That's my brothers. Idiots though," she grumbled.

"Brothers? I didn't know you had brothers," said Georgia. Yara laughed.

"Shit, I don't tell you nothing do I. I've got 9 brothers. Sort of," she said.

"Sort of?!" cried Georgia. "What do you mean by sort of?!". Yara laughed even more.

"One of them is my nephew but he's basically my brother at this point, he's close enough in age to the others," said Yara.

"how old is he?" asked Georgia.

"Two. And when I say hes close enough in age to the others, I mean- wait do you seriously not know any of my brother's?" asked Georgia.

"No, I seriously don't. I mean, I know you have an older one because I've seen you with him before,".

"Oh. Well we all lived together illegally until about 3 years ago," said Yara, her voice showing that she had a huge grin on her face.

"Yara!" Georgia cried, with a giggle.

"What!" said Yara, with a hint of laughter in her tone. "There was an adult there she just... wasn't really there,".

"Oh Yara Maew, are you telling me you believe in ghosts?".

"No, what gave you that idea?". Georgia giggled.

"she was there but she wasn't really there. babe do you know how odd that sounds," She said. Yara laughed.

"I mean like she was- Diego what do you want?". Georgia assumed she was talking to one of her brothers.

"Alright then tell Luis to make a sheet of the names... no like, all 10 names and then what they want to eat from the menu. We don't have bacon so make sure he scratches any meal that has bacon. Yeah I'll cut your sandwiches into dinosaurs don't you worry about that just see if Andrés will get out the shape cutters for you to pick". Georgia suddenly started feeling a strange fondness for Yara. The way she giggled when talking to her brother who couldn't have been anything but a toddler, the way she talked to the child like she... well... loved him.

"Diego, go down and tell Luis I'll be there in about 10 minutes ok?... thank you". Yaras door shutting gave Georgia the hint that it was safe to speak again.

"He sounds so cute, how old is he?" asked Georgia.

"He's 4. He's the one closest in age to Sasithorn," said Yara.

"Sa... Sasi- what?". Yara burst into a fit of laughter. Georgia imagined her eyes were closed and she was hitting something. That was usually how she laughed when something was incredibly funny.

"aw Gigi, it's alright. It's a Thai name, I wouldn't expect you to get it first try. Like mine, it's all Thai. Yara Maew, except that's not where it ends I would just rather not tell you the rest,".

"Maew isn't your last name?!" exclaimed Georgia.

"No. It's my middle name. It means cat, actually so every time you say my 'last' name your just saying 'cat' but I've used my middle name my whole life. My second name is like an exercise," Yara said, sighing dramatically.

"your middle names cute, but what is your last name?" Georgia asked.


"AH DAD GET THE FUCK OFF ME!". Georgias head shot up.

"Gigi? Gigi are you ok?!" yelled Yara, through the phone to be heard over the screaming downstairs in Georgias house.

"Yara... Yara help!" Georgia began crying, though she wasn't sure why. It must've been the fear. She wasn't in pain... not yet. But the way Logan was screaming downstairs-

"Gigi, who should I call? Do you need police or an ambulance, GIGI WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG!".

-she couldn't allow her dad to keep doing whatever he was doing.

"Gigi, you have to talk to me!".

"Yara I'll come back!" shouted Georgia.

"GIGI-". Georgia tossed her phone away, Yaras voice becoming muffled, and began running downstairs.

"Dad! Dad stop it your hurting him!" she screamed. She rounded the stairs corner and god she's never screamed so loud. Dad was staggering towards the sofa with a rolling pin where Logan was lying near-unconscious. Dad turned to her sharply. He pushed a bloody and bruised Logan further into the sofa, dropping his rolling pin and stormed over to Georgia.

She ran. She ran up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door, barricading it with her body. There was muffled shouting from her phone somewhere in her duvet.

"Yara hang up the fucking phone, I'm fine!". There was still muffled shouting but it was masked almost immediately as a large force knocked Georgia to the floor. She screamed, crying out for anyone. Not Logan, he was far to weak. And certainly not Yara. She wouldn't be much help, she was as much a child as Georgia was.

Suddenly, a large fist knocked into her jaw, white flashes were in her eyes and her clothes were being torn agressivley. Then it was pain from there. Indescribable pain...

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