Looking For My Anonymous Tar...

By Kaito672

339 8 2

This is a story about a boy who attends ANHS because of his Secret Mission. Note: I don't own Classroom of th... More

Some things you want to know about Franz

The beginning

101 4 2
By Kaito672

Franz POV

I just arrived at the bus stop 🚏 and 5 minutes later the bus arrived I entered and sat at the back. And Serval minutes later it's already filled with people. The ride is kinda boring so I just close my eyes until.......

Girl: Do you think you should give up your seat?

I see an short hair girl with large brea- talking to an blondie man sitting.

Franz: same uniform as me huh.... Wait majority of passengers in the bus share the same uniform as me.

Blondie boy: eh, by any chance are you scolding me?

Girl: can't you see the old woman having trouble?

This is the first time  I ride a public bus since we have a tons of vehicles but there's an sign of priority seat on where the blondie dude sitting. And by he's action he looks like a person who didn't give a fuck.

Blondie boy: that's a really crazy question lady. Why would I give my seat to an old woman? There's no really reason for me to give it up.

Franz: well it's an priority seat, I think that's reason is enough.

But of course I won't say that

Girl: isn't it natural to hand over the priority seat to an elderly?

Blondie boy: I don't understand. Priority seats are just priority seats, and there is no legal obligation for me to move. Wherever or not or i move should be decided by me. Who is currently sitting in this seat. Will you give up your seat because I am young? Hahaha that's stupid.

I just close my eyes and ignore this yapping events.


I feel the bus stopped moving so I opened my eyes

Franz: We're already here huh

I get out the bus and observe the scenery

So I would live in this prison for 3 years huh?

I start walking and notice two people talking.
It was a black hair girl and a brown hair boy, with an introvert face. I ignored them and start walking to the entrance ceremony.

After I arrive at the line for the entrance ceremony I started to get bored immediately so I just start to imagine things that's not gonna happened in real life.


I just arrived at the 1-D classroom. Overlooking at the classroom, I walked over to the seat with my name template on it. You may ask where of course it's in MC seat. While I was thinking a guy with brown hair ( the person I see in the school gate earlier) just sat down. He's one seat apart from me. I looked at him and he immediately noticed it and he looked at me.

Franz: ......

Boy: .......

This is awkward asf. As I was about to say something a girl with ice aura sit in the middle chair where me and the brown hair boy was sitting. I immensely change my gaze in front of me.

Kiyotaka : so where in the same class after all? I am Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you.

Ayanokouji said this to the person who seat between us.

Girl: a sudden self-introduction?

She's right it's too  sudden for him to introduce himself but why did she pointed it out?

Kiyotaka: even if you call it sudden, it's our second time talking to eachother. Isn't an introduction fine?

Now that I think about it, the girl beside me is the person who's  ayanokouji talking with at the school gate. Coincidence can be pretty scary huh?

Girl: do you mind if I reject your greeting?

I'm glad I didn't introduce myself  yet, girls can really be scary too huh? Poor Ayanokouji.

Kiyotaka: I think it would be awkward if we didn't know eachother name, even though
we sit next to eachother.

Girl: I think it would be fine.

This girl showed no interest in the rest of the classroom. I think it would be good if I try to avoid her. But how? she's my neighbourhood sighs*

Kiyotaka: Is your friend in another class? Or are you coming to this school alone?

Bro is John Cena in disguise he "Never give up"

Girl: your a curious one aren't you? You shouldn't talk to me, since you won't find me interesting anyway.

No, the fact that your still rejecting Ayanokouji introduction offer makes you interesting.

Suzune: my name is Horikita Suzune.

Ohh she introduced herself huh? Wait Horikita...... I think I already heard that lastname somewhere.

Kiyotaka: How about you what's your name?

I feel some gaze, so I supposed he's talking to me?
I turned my gaze to my right side and see Horikita and ayanokouji looking at me.

Franz: shouldn't you ask your other neighbour instead of me?

I see him look around his other neighbour another girl with glasses but he immediately look at me again

Kiyotaka: she seems busy.

Franz: sighs My name is Ryouta Franz it's a pleasure to meet you Ayanokouji.

Kiyotaka: it's a pleasure to meet you too Ryouta.

Suzune: it looks like the both of you would be a good friends.

Franz: you're free to join anytime.

Suzune: thanks for the offer but no.

Franz: playing hard to get huh? Ms. ice queen.

Suzune: ice queen?

Kiyotaka: .......

Franz: nevermind ignore that.

After that the bell rang. And almost the same time a woman wearing a suit walk into the classroom. On the first impression she seems like a teacher, There's no doubt she is a teacher.

Sae: Ahem, Good morning my new students. My name is Chabashira Sae and I'm in charge of Class D. I teach Japanese history. This school doesn't rearrange the classes every year, so over the next 3 years, I hope I get to know all of you. Best regards. I will now distribute the list of special rules of this school and matriculation guide.

From the front, the handouts were past around.

Sae: At this school, there are special rules that make it different from every other high school. All students are required to live on the campus, and are  forbidden from contacting anyone outside the school.

No one seems surprised. I guess everyone already know this part .

Sae: leaving the school is already forbidden. However there's also many other facilities so that students don't suffer from being restricted. There karaokes, theatre rooms, cafes and even bouquets.

This campus is too large that it can be considered as a small town.

Sae: there are also special characteristics named "the S- system" I will now hand out student ID cards. With this card you can now buy anything from any shops within the campus. It works like a credit card. However be careful of how many points you use. There's nothing in this school that you can't buy by using this. This way, every students would start on the same amount of private points on the outside world this point is money. 1 private point is equal to 1-yen. Student card can be used on by swiping them on the machines. The private points will be automatically credited on the first day of the month. Everyone would already have 100,000 private points on their card.

  most of my classmates cheered after hearing this. I can't blame them though. I mean we're talking about 100,000 monthly allowance here, however I think it's too good to be true.

Sae: We're you guys suprise by the amounts of points given? This school measures the abilities of students. Everyone here who passed the entrance exam, has shown some level of merit and worth. The amount of private points are a reflection of your skills. Use it without holding back, however after graduation points will be taken back. Anyway bullying to get someone points is forbidden.

Sensei looks around the room and then.

Sae: it looks like there's no question.

My roommates are spreading the auras of excitement.

Kiyotaka: this school isn't as strict as I thought.

I heard Ayanokouji mumbled so I switched my gaze to him and it seems like he also got Horikita attention.

Suzune: it seems like a lax school.

I agree however when Sensei was explaining shits about school earlier something caught my attention. "Reflection of your skills" something odd. But no need to worry I'm here for my mission afterall.

Suzune : this much prefential treatment is kinda scary.

Agree however I'm more curious why she suddenly became talkative.

Girl: Nee-nee can we go shopping?

Boy1: with this money we can almost buy anything.

I see so does school also teach students how to control spending money? Or there's something else that I'm missing out?

Boy2: everyone, can any of you listen to me for a bit?

Boy2: starting from today we will be in the same class for the next 3 years. So it would be great for us to introduce are self right?

Girl2: I agree after all we don't know eachother names, let alone anything about eachother.

By that agreement soon enough everybody starting to agree. I see so my theory is true huh? Convincing 100 people is more easier than convincing 1 person. Convincing 1 person takes a lot of work just like ayanokouji and horikita introduction earlier. And for the 100 people if someone agrees to you that makes the chain reaction that majority of the people would follow up.

Hirata: since I'm the one who offer this let me start. I'm Hirata Yosuke. In middle school I was often called by my first name so I won't be bothered by being called by my first name. I like all sports although my favourite one is soccer, pls take care of me.

He already made quite a lot of charisma huh?

HARUKI: me next! I'm Haruki yamauchi. I played table tennis at the national level. Then was  the baseball club ace  in middle school, I had no.4 in my jersey but since I got injured at the inter high.so I am currently in  rehab, nice to meet you all.

Wait did I hear inter high at middle school or I'm just tripping rn? After that everyone starting to introduce themselves until it reaches to me. I always skipped introduction but it seems like I can't skip this one. Sighs

Franz: my name is Ryouta Franz.

I didn't know what to say anymore so I just take my seat after that. I heard a chuckle at my right side but I just choose to ignore it

Hirata: ohhh..... Ok NC to meet you Ryouta-kun, now you next.

Looking at my classmate reaction, I guess my introduction is not that good. And here I thought It was good, I did my best though. Anyway Hirata pointed out to Horikita.

Horikita: My name is Horikita Suzune. Pls don't bother me.

Everyone went to silent. Yes she's too cold that I'm starting to freez up here. It's now Ayanokouji turn and...

Ayanokouji: well uh....... My... Name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. The, er..... There's nothing particular about me, I will do my best to get along with everyone, un nice to meet you all.

Well at least my introduction is better than him, I think. I heard a chuckle from Horikita again. It looks like the person next to ayanokouji is sakura and she's a shy type too. And the person next to her is a hot blooded red hair dude who already get out.

Franz: is it me or all of us here in the last row are bad at communicating.

Ayankouji: sometimes Coincidence can really be scary.

Suzune: don't compare me to you guys, it's not that I'm bad at communicating it's just that I prefer not too.

Franz: your worse than I though.

Kiyotaka: exactly.

Time skip:

Franz POV.

After school  I immediately go to the store and by some cheap personal hygienes. I started to look around and there's no clue at all. So I just decided to go at my dorm and it's room 400.

Franz: the target is among 160 first year students
Minus 1 for me, 159 left there's no other clue. I guess I'll just observe things for now.


Franz POV.

It's been a week since the school starts and each students are minding their own business some are talking with eachother, playing, reading and the most interesting is that Sae Sensei didn't give a fuck. Well even me was listening to the music rn I bought earphones anyway. And I already know what sae Sensei been teaching us. While I was lost in all of these shits I was interrupted by

Suzune: is this really okay?

Franz: just let them be....

Suzune: ohh so you can hear us after all.

Franz: just the last part

Yeah Horikita and ayanokouji has been talking for a while now.

Anyway I still didn't have any leads


Franz POV.

It was now lunch time and most people in my class already made groups. Well except for my neighbourhoods, koenji, and the girl  Infront of me of course.

Suzune: how pitiful

I switched my gaze to Horikita and looks like Ayanokouji too.

Franz: wdym by that?

Suzune: you and ayanokouji had been observing groups for a while now.

Kiyotaka: so you been observing us?

Suzune: yes and I can see how pitiful you guys are.

Hirata: guys I want to go to cafeteria who wants to eat lunch with me?

I been wanting to talk with him he looks like an interesting person. it's my chance! I was about to raise my hand when a lot of girls surrounded Hirata out of nowhere. I manage to see Ayanokouji trying to raise his hand too.

Suzune: pfftt how sad.

Horikita immediately stands up and was about to leave but before she leaves the classroom she looks at us with one more  pitiful look.
This girl i swear....

Ayanokouji also leave the classroom after that and I also noticed Kushida following him.

Franz POV.

May 1, it's been a month since the school started. Still no lead about my mission. I opened my phone and 77,000 private points no change huh? I eat my  breakfast,take a cold shower, brush my teeth and put on my Uniform.

15min later The elevator opened and I saw Ichinose.

Franz: yo!

Ichinose: Good morning your from Class D right?

Franz: yeah

I know her name because she's quite famous but this is the first time we talked to each other.

Ichinose: I'm Ichinose Honami. Nice to meet you

Franz: I'm Ryouta Franz. NC to meet you too Ichinose.

Ichinose: ohh Ryouta-Kun

Franz: can I ask you a question Ichinose?

Ichinose: sure!

Franz: How many private points did you receive this morning?

Ichinose: 65,000

Franz: ohh thanks.

So my theory is right again huh?

Ichinose: Can I ask why you ask that question Ryouta-kun?

Franz: ohh well it's nothing, I just confirmed something.

Ichinose: ohhh Okay

She looks dissatisfied by my answer but she chose to let things be. We finally arrived at the lobby and we made good bye. I ran to the school because I'm curious on something that would happened.

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