Too Honest ~ James Potter

By CherryFlicks

19K 257 17

James Potter has always hated everything about Mariya Seratova: she's blunt, unapologetic, and worst of all s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 31

294 6 0
By CherryFlicks

*7th Year*

Dinner was strange, but in a good way. Euphemia asked the same questions to both Sirius and Mariya as she did James, her enthusiasm not faltering once. Fleamont did not partake in the conversation so much but always joined in when one of the boys mentioned a prank they had successfully pulled off, or a new spell they had learned in class. It was, in effect, the perfect family dinner and Mariya couldn't help but miss her own parents. It had been so long since they had had a dinner like this together and yet Mariya couldn't help but feel as though this was a normal occurrence for the Potter household.

The evening was short as Mariya excused herself to shower before going to bed, she lay reading for a while, but the lure of sleep soon overcame her and she lost herself to a night of peace and pleasant dreams.

When Mariya woke the next morning the sun had not yet risen and the house was quiet aside from the occasional chirp from a bird outside. She reluctantly pulled herself from the warm cocoon of blankets and stretched, her hair was hanging in black sheets around her shoulders which she pulled up into a bun as she left her room and walked down the stairs. Finding the dining room, she sat down at the long table and fiddled with the bracelets on her wrists.

She had been there for a few minutes when a loud crack emanated throughout the room - shocking her out of her thoughts - and Ceely appeared on the other side of the table.

"Good morning, Ceely." Mariya greeted once she recovered from her initial shock.

"Good morning, Miss Mari!" The house elf squeaked, "Ceely is wondering if Miss is wanting breakfast. Ceely can get Miss breakfast if Miss wants."

Mariya considered the offer for a moment before replying, "Actually Ceely, would you be able to direct me to the kitchens. I think I would like to do a bit of baking before eating."

The house elf nodded excitedly, before trotting out of the room, closely followed by Mariya.

Only an hour and a half later, Mariya looked considerably less put together: strands of hair were escaping her bun, which had previously been very neat, and flour coated both her hair and her pyjamas. On the upside, good smells were coming from the oven, a strange Muggle appliance which the Potters had thought quite ingenious. Mariya had prepared a lemon cake - which was in the oven - and had made chocolate chip cookies to go in when it came out.

She was just weighing out flour to make pancakes when a head appeared through the kitchen door, James looked as though he had just got out of bed with his hair even more rumpled than usual and his glasses askew. He blinked beary eyes at Mariya for a few moments before stepping into the room properly.

"What are you doing Mar?" He asked, rubbing at his eyes, "It's like the middle of the night."

Mariya checked her watch and was pleased to report that, "It is only half past six James, as such you are being very dramatic. Besides, if it's the 'middle of the night' what are you doing awake?"

"Mum told me I had to." James grumbled, sticking out his bottom lip in the way a small child might if they didn't get their own way.

"It's a hard life," Mariya said as James jumped up onto the worktop and nestled back against the cupboard. "If it helps, I am making pancakes."

James's eyes brightened considerably and a smile made its way on to his face, "That does help, I like pancakes and it has been a long time since I have had any as good as my mum's."

"Well, you are welcome to share if you think these are almost as good as hers or if they are closer to the ones offered at Hogwarts. I have hope."

"How many are you making?" James asked, "Because Sirius will most likely appear in another ten minutes or so, I think he was fixing his hair when I left."

"Trust me," Mariya laughed, "There will be plenty for everyone, your parents too."

"I think you underestimate how many pancakes Sirius and I will eat between us."

"If either of you eat more than my father would, I will be very impressed that you are both so thin. He puts away more than you would expect."

James grinned, "I'll take that as a challenge."

With that they settled back into a comfortable silence as Mariya moved around the kitchen and began to cook the pancakes whilst James watched her every move. James had been right as only ten minutes or so passed before Sirius appeared, his clothes were rumpled but his hair was perfectly brushed back and the ends curled around his neck gently.

Mariya grinned at James, who gave a satisfied smirk in return. Sirius looked between them for a moment as though feeling he had missed something, before shrugging slightly and joining James on the counter.

"Remind me why we have to be up this early." He mumbled.

"My mother says that it's good discipline for when we have jobs." James replied.

"She's right," Mariya interjected, to disgruntled looks from the boys, "I don't imagine you would get up in time for classes if Remus didn't force you, I can't imagine what you'll be like when you have to get up for work."

James shrugged and Sirius pouted. 'Game, Set, and Match' Mariya thought to herself before turning back to the pan, this was a good thing as the pancake was starting to look slightly too crispy.

It only took another few minutes to finish cooking the pancakes and Mariya stuck the cookies in the oven midway, setting the cake onto the table. James and Sirius eyed it hopefully until Mariya sent them both a glare that told them they were getting nowhere near the sweet treat.

"If either of you touch that beautiful cake," Euphemia threatened, walking into the room, "You won't find yourself anywhere close to its general vicinity this evening when the rest of us are enjoying it."

Mariya grinned as the boys hung their heads; clearly Euphemia Potter was a force of nature not to be reckoned with.

"Would you like me to take these through to the dining room, dear?" Euphemia asked, gesturing to the plates of pancakes.

"If you wouldn't mind," Mariya smiled, "I just need to clear up but I'll be through in a moment."

Euphemia wove her hands in the air, "Oh, don't worry about it, dear. James and Sirius will help you after we eat, I'm sure the pan won't suffer from half an hour of sitting on the worktop."

Mariya smiled as both Marauders looked at the woman incredulously but didn't raise any verbal objection. Euphemia disappeared through the door, plates of breakfast in each hand, and James and Sirius slid off the counter to walk out of the room with Mariya.

"I love your mother." Mariya grinned.

"Me too, but I sometimes wish she didn't insist on us helping out so much." James answered, whilst Sirius pouted slightly from the concept of doing work.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be glad when you have to cook breakfast as well as clean it up."

James gave a gentle hum as they sat down at the table, quickly filling a plate with pancakes and dousing them with an unhealthy amount of maple syrup.

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