By heartfelt-

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─────── you got me down on my knees it's getting harder to breathe out . . . ──────────────── 𝑰𝑵 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪�... More

𝟬𝟬𝟭 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔
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𝟬𝟬𝟮 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

8.8K 160 222
By heartfelt-

🎱. . .CHAPTER 002 ! —————
( real life . . . instagram . . . )
❛ you know about the rumors about us, right? ❜

ᵣₑₐₗ ₗᵢfₑ !

Mikayla sits in the back of the van with nick chuckling next to her as chris and matt sit in the front. she already took her shoes off, now lifting her feet up and resting them on nick's lap while she munches on her fries, "these fries never miss!" she cheered.

          the boys all nod in agreement, continuing to stuff their faces with nuggets and fries. nick stretches forward, reaching for the mcdonald's bag to look for his oreo mcflurry, but as he searches for it, there's nothing left but fries at the bottom of the bag.

          nick scrunches the bag in his hands, leaning forward and glancing between his brothers, "which one of you fucks ate my ice cream?"

          "not me," matt lowly murmurs after rolling his eyes, sipping on his coke.

          nick slowly turns to face chris, who's already chuckling quietly. "dude, they probably just forgot it," he nonchalantly shrugs causing nick to frustratedly and loudly yell.

nobody else react to his groans of pure annoyance as they' re all used to it already. the triplet rolls his eyes and throws his head back, reaching for the door handle to exit the vehicle. "i'm getting my ice cream," he mutters as he leaves the car.

          chris, matt and mikayla remain in the car, trapped in a thick silence. the weird atmosphere surrounding them is enough to increase the amount of awkwardness between the three. the reason for this is purely because of the rising rumors about mikayla and chris possibly dating.

          earlier chris did in fact surf through her comments after nate informed him of the whole situation, but he didn't question it at all, purely because there was a small part of him that didn't mind the rumour. of course he feels horrible about the names, but they're comments from internet trolls who don't even show their own faces.

          matt leans back in his seat, squeezing his eyes shut at the almost unbearable tension, "so who's video idea are we using?" he questions, breaking the silence.

          mikayla shrugs but chris glances back at her with a smile. "i like miks' idea."

          this causes her to softly smile at his comment, as well as the nickname, her dimples showing up as he moves to face forward again. there's a small part of her that has a crush on the boy, but nobody can blame her. yet the only reason she chooses to ignore the possibility of anything happening with chris is because of nathan.

          after all, she's his best friend's little sister.

          in other words, off limits.

          nick enters the van, licking the spoon that carries his vanilla ice cream, which is almost finished already. mikayla rests her feet on his lap and he slaps them away. "get your fuckin' dirty toes off of me," he jokes with a large amount of sass in his tone.

          mikayla scoffs as her mouth hangs open in slight shock while the boys at the front laugh loudly. matt then reaches forward to switch on the camera, continuing to giggle at nick's comment.

ᵢₙₛₜₐgᵣₐₘ !


liked by christophersturniolo,
matthew.sturniolo and 872,917 others

mikayladoe go watch their vid for clear skin! ( featuring a special someone :) )

view all 18,617 comments ↓

nicolassturniolo who's that weird ipad kid in the first picture..?
mikayladoe my pet dog sorry!!!!!
christophersturniolo 🐶

user blind baking with the triplets when??!!
mikayladoe i'm liking this idea

matthew.sturniolo ✌🏻✌🏻
mikayladoe 🤘🏻🤘🏻

user ignore the hate comments mikayla!

mariagooding i'm your biggest fan
mikayladoe i'm YOUR biggest fan

larray okayyy
mikayladoe my fav person commented

user looks like chris moved on!
user as he should

christophersturniolo dude never misses with the photo dumps
mikayladoe i'm y'all's personal photographer
christophersturniolo calling you for my next photo shoot


ᵣₑₐₗ ₗᵢfₑ !

While filming the smash or pass video, chris and nick got into a small but hilarious argument that the youngest had started, causing drinks and food from the trunk of the van to fly around the vehicle. due to nick's great comebacks and reasoning, chris is stuck cleaning everything up as matt and nick comfortably sit in their living room.

mikayla's bored of sitting in the kitchen while snacking on chips and dip as she sits on the island scrolling through her phone. there's a lot less hate comments; a radiant smile growing on her face that's lit with warmth and joy.

the girl hops off of the island, slightly tired after filming such a long video with consistent bickering. she doesn't mind their petty arguments as it's basically live entertainment for her, but after spending so long in a van at around three am, it becomes tiring.

with the weight of mikayla's exhaustion threatening to pull her into deep sleep, she walks through the halls with slumped shoulders. miks enters the garage that chris is in, but instead of wiping down the sticky seats, he's sat in the back seat, on his phone while scrolling through instagram.

she knocks on the window, and the triplet grins with a broad and cheerful smile that showcases his row of teeth. chris leans over, opening the car door for mikayla but stopping her from sitting on the beige seats as there's a large puddle of coke.

chris reaches for a towel in matt's designated seat, placing it down. with gratitude, mikayla enters the car, shutting the door behind her. for a few moments, there's strained suspense from each person waiting for the other to speak.

the boy clears his throat, "so," chris speaks up first and mikayla's attention diverts from her phone to the triplet next to her. "did anything i throw hit you?" he mumbles, slightly embarrassed.

mikayla chuckles and turns to face chris, "surprisingly not..." her words trail off as their eyes meet. the air in the car is thick as the silence returns, causing the awkwardness to continue again.

miks quickly glances over at him, the glowing moonlight that travels through the glass windows reflects on his blue eyes. he's beautiful and nobody else can deny it.

he tilts his head with low eyes, "oh yeah?" he mutters with a tone of disbelief.

miks leans back into the chair, playing with the cold rings on her fingers, caused by the large amount of nerves coursing through her veins. she looks around, avoiding eye contact with him while chewing on her plump bottom lip, "you know about the rumors about us, right?" she whispers, still nervous as if this is a moment she's been waiting for.

chris' eyebrows furrow while he squeezes his eyes shut. "yeah," he answers with a chuckle. "and i have an idea."

out of pure confusion, a crease appears between her eyebrows, "what is it?"

his body fully swivels to rotate the beautiful girl next to him. "what is we pretended..." he suggests, "that we were actually dating?"

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ arianna speaks ¡
i'm so in love with the brothers best friend x fake dating trope

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