partners (male reader x femal...

By something125468701

34 0 0

two partners who went from cops in the city to secret agents also their in love resident evil is owned by cap... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

6 0 0
By something125468701

Y/n and Lia entered the police station only to see no one was there. The only thing left was stuff scattered all over the ground and desk and what seemed like a little medical bay.

Lia: Hello...?

Y/n: Is anybody here?

They look around and wait for a response only to be met with silence.

Lia: There's no one. Absolutely no one.

Y/n: way

Y/n walked over to a laptop that was sitting on a table with Lia flowing him.

Lia: What are you doing

Y/n: There has to be someone here...

Y/n clicks on the laptop pulling up security cameras to see if they can spot anyone.

Lia: There *points to cam 4* Camra 4

Y/n clicks cam 4 and can see a shadow like figure in the dark with him facing away from the camera but the figure quickly turns around and runs into the light and more clear into the camera to reveal an officer alive. But he quickly turns around and it's revealed he was being chased by zombies as one quickly comes into the light. The officer shoots him but it just keeps coming as the officer turns around and runs around a corner.

Yn/Lia: oh no/Not good.

Y/n switches to cam 3 where it shows a hallway. The police officer runs down the hallway but stops and turns around

Cop: David! Marvin! You there!? I found a way out! It's in here! *holds up a book to the camera then turns around and shoots a zombie* Send reinforcements! East Hallway!

Y/n then pulls up a CCTV map where it shows where cam 3 is as well as the East hallway.

Lia: We gotta find that guy.

Y/n: agreed.

Pov Y/n

So me and Lia go off to find the cop though I did stop to pick up a medical spray left on a gun box. Anyways back on track Me and Lia stop when we see the east hallway was blocked by a closed Shutter though it wasn't a problem since there was a lever next to it which I go up to and pull but the problem came when the door just completely stopped not even making it halfway.

Y/n: *annoyed* Son of bitch.

I turned to Lia to see she crouched down to the shutter even though the shutter stopped. It did leave a big enough gap that a human can crawl through. Lia had crouched down to see if she could spot any danger before they entered.

Y/n: See anything?

Lia: Just a lot of blood and knocked over things but the coast is clear.

Lia crawls under and I do the same. The room was completely dark with no lights. Me and Lia start walking to go find the officer but I stop when I notice a fuse box but one of the fuses was missing.

Y/n: one's missing.

Lia: *stops to see what Y/n is looking at* we'll try and see if we can find it but right now we gotta find that officer.

Nodding in agreement we continue to find the officer. We continue onwards until we head into one of the doors that was unlocked which revealed a press room. I notice that a light switch on the right side of the wall and go over to it to see if it will even work though probably won't since it was pitch dark out in the hallways. But to my surprise it worked so we can see.

Y/n: *looks at Lia* At least we can somewhat see.

Lia only smiles at me which I return but she then turns her attention to something and switches from happy to more serious. I turned to see what she was looking at, only seeing a dead body on the ground with blood all around the floor. Me and Lia aim are pistols at the corpse not letting are guard down in case the corpse suddenly starts moving. I slowly walked over and poke him to see if he would move or twitch at all but no reaction he was fully. Singing in relief that he was dead and not a walking corps

Y/n: *turns to Lia* Fully dead.

Lia just keeps staring at the dead corpse honestly for good reason in case he comes to life. Looking back at the dead body I spot some handgun ammo on the floor next to him which I slowly grab still keeping my guard up in case the body jumps or lunges at me. Grabbing the box and opening it I see that there's enough ammo for the both of us

Y/n: Here *gives some ammo to Lia* we're gonna need it.

Lia: *takes it* Thanks.

We walked out of the room and turned to the right but a locker with some bullet holes was blocking the only path so we tried to move it to the side. It finally moved to the side and we keep going only to stop once we hear little splashes. Shining my light down at the floor then around the place to see the whole floor was flooded.

Lia: We should be careful. Someone should put a wet floor sign here

Y/n: Yea some poor dud can slip and fall

We continue on until we turn a corner and see a bunch of body's and blood everywhere on the walls and on the floor.

Lia: Jesus...

Y/n: Watch your step, we don't want one of these guys to jump and attack us.

Lia nodded in agreement as we walked slowly not to make any noise. I looked to my right and saw a door that was chained up. might need something to cut the chains. We continue until we hear.


Me and Lia quickly head into another room which looked like a watchman's room. There was a roller door in the back of the room where we head since that's where the cop is at.

Lia: we'll get you out!

We tried all of our strength to get the roller door open but it only opened up a small gap for him to fit through.


Lia: Gimme your hand!

Y/n: Gimme your other hand!

We tried to pull him out fast but it was already too late as I can hear zombies biting the bottom half of his body, blood going everywhere and the officer screaming out in terrible pain. In the end we only pulled half of his body out.

Lia: Oh my god.

Y/n: Jesus Christ.

I hear banging coming from behind the roller door which can only be the zombies. Turning to look at Lia she's reading the book the officer had. Looking over her shoulder I see some sort of map and note that says [way out] she turned the page to show 3 statues with 3 different types of code.


Hearing what sounded like someone baning on the door we just entered through. Aiming my pistol at the door ready for undead to kick it down and sure enough an undead police officer slams the door open revealing himself I aim for the head and shoot him completely killing him as he fell to the floor completely motionless all thought there was still sounds coming from the other side of the roller door.

Y/n: *turns to Lia* Come on, let's go before more of those things come.

Lia: *nods* right

She stashes the book in her pocket and we take off out of the watchman's room running back the way we came though there were zombies getting in the way as one bursted through the window startling the both of us but we just ignored it and kept on running until I slip and fall on the floor due to water being all over the ground.

Y/n: *grunts* Guess I'm that poor dud. Someone should definitely put a wet floor sign here.

I get back up with Lia helping me a little. We continue running until 2 zombies were blocking our path.

Lia: Jesus They're everywhere.

Y/n: just aim for their heads.

Me and Lia aim are pistols at the two and started shooting. The first one went down easily while the 2nd we missed one shot but it finally went down in the 2nd shot. With that done we continued running until finally reached the roller door.

3rd person POV

Both Y/n and Lia reached the shutter and start to crawl under it to get out; they both used their strang to try and push more of the shutter open. Finally getting it to move and start moving out but one zombie had caught Lia leg.

Lia: Goddammit

Y/n looked back and started to repeatedly kick it in the face to get it off Lia. After one more good kick it let go of Lia but it then turned its attention to Y/n as it grabbed his leg and started to crawl on him Lia was about to go and help until a random police officer grabbed Y/n pulling him away from the zombie. The officer turns his attention to the zombie and runs to the shutter door.

Lia: Watch out!

Cop: Got it!

The officer then squishes the shutter door on top of the zombie's head.

Cop: You're both safe... for now.

Lia: *helping Y/n get to his feet* Thanks...

Cop: Marvin Branagh.

Lia: Lia Kennedy

Y/n: Y/n Grimes ... (pants) There was another officer... w-we couldn't...we couldn't... (pants)

Lia, who noticed Y/n was distressed, grabbed his hand to try and calm him down while Marvin walked up to the both of them.

Marvin: I'm sure the both of you did what you could.

Little time skip

Both Y/n and Lia were now wearing R.P.D uniforms that Marvin had given to them. Lia was pulling her gloves while Y/n was checking his mag to see how many bullets he had left.

Y/n Uniform

Lia Uniform

(Idk who the original artist is)

Lia: Does anyone know what started this?

Marvin: Not a clue. But honestly, all you two need to know is that this place will eat the both of you alive if you aren't careful.

Y/n: Yeah... Well, we were supposed to start last week and we got a call to stay away. I got a little suspicious why they didn't tell us anything. Now I see why.

Lia: I wish we'd come here sooner.

Marvin: You're both here now, Lia. That's all that matters and it would have been difficult to explain in the report that the dead were walking. That's why they didn't say anything Y/n.

Y/n: *looks at Lia* ready?

Lia: yea

Y/n: OK, Lieutenant, we're ready.

Marvin: Hopefully, the both of you will be able to find a way out of this station. That officer you two met earlier—Elliot. *points in the book* He thought this secret passageway might do the trick.

Lia: *looks through the book* This is good news. We can get you to a hospital.

Marvin: No, no, I am not the priority here.

Y/n: Lieutenant, we're not just gonna leave you here—

Marvin: I'm giving you both an order, rookies. save yourselves first. I'd come with you both, but I'd just slow you two down... Now...

Marvin gets up and gives the two of them combat knives

Marvin: you two will need these.

Lia: we can't take—

Marvin: Stop. And don't make my mistake. If one of you sees one of those things—uniform or not—you do not hesitate. You take it out... or you run. Got it!?

Y/n: got it.

Lia: Yes, sir.

Y/n and Lia take the combat knives and go over to the left side of the station where the switch box wrapped in tape was. Y/n pulls out his knife and cuts through the tape. When he was done he opened the box to reveal a switch which he pulled and the door started to open.

Y/n: This is not how I imagined are first day...


Lia and I walked through the west side of the police station to find those medallions to get out of here. Along the way we found some more ammo which we shared so none of us can run out of ammo if we come across any more of those things. We continue down a hallway but stop when we hear what sounded like someone talking on the radio.

Police Radio: This is 73-Bird—for rescue. —heading east—River. Touchdown at R.P.D.—minutes.

It was coming from the dead body right in front of us. We walk over to the dead body. I crouch down while Lia has her pistol aimed at it in case it gets up. I grab its head and move it to reveal half of its face was sliced off with its jaw hanging like it was about to fall off.

Lia: Oh, what the fuck!?

Y/n: Jesus.

Then we hear like someone just kicked a can.

Y/n: Huh?

Lia: What!?

We go down towards the nose. There was a dead body of a cop being hung up by the jaw. Me and Lia tried to walk past it until it fell startling the both of us. Though after that little fright me and Lia continued down the hallway we walked past a broken opened window which if I had my guess was one of the zombies but no one was there so I guess it went off somewhere. We stop half way through the hallway when a zombie breaks through a window. It slowly gets up, recovering from falling through the window. Me and Lia aim are pistols at it and shoot it in the head, killing it. We entered a room that wasn't locked or needed a strange key but we still aimed are pistols just to be safe in case anything jumps out at us. The room looked like an operations room.

Y/n: looks for any supplies that can help.

Lia: got it.

With that we start searching the place for anything useful that could help. I did find some papers on a desk. Apparently the police station was turned into a shelter for survivors, one of them got infected and all hell broke loose.

Lia: what you find?

Y/n: This *hands her the Record of Events*

Lia reads the paper I gave. Though after reading it I can see she's a little bit saddened but quickly changes to a more serious look. She then puts it back on the table.

Lia: Well, nothing we can do for them now. Anyways I found these.

Lia holds up a big piece of paper and some handgun ammo. I took the paper to see what it was and it was a map of the whole first floor of the police station.

Y/n: Nice now we know where we're at. At all times.

Lia: Yep here *gives him some handgun ammo*

Y/n: thanks

Me and Lia continue to search for anything that could still help us through this place. As I search I stop and notice a broken window that he and Lia could fit through to get to the other side.

Y/n: hey come here.

Lia: *walks over to him* What?

Y/n: look *points to the broken window* leads to the other side?

Lia: one way to find out.

Lia walks over to the wooden pallets, climbs them and goes over to the other side. I follow her and land on the floor to see that we're in another part of the hallway and a zombie banging on the vending machine.

Y/n: *chuckles* I guess it ate his dollar.

This earned a small quiet laugh out of Lia. Not wanting to waste any more ammo I pulled out Colt for the first time and pulled the trigger. The zombie's head exploded and dropped to the ground. We continued onwards into a room that said west office. When we entered I saw a lot of desks and what looked like gunpowder on one of them I picked it up and spotted what looked like a recipe on how to make more bullets. Handgun Ammo takes 2 Gunpowder, shotgun shells Gunpowder and High-Grade Gunpowder and MAG Ammo only needs 2 High-Grade Gunpowder. This will definitely come in handy if we run out.

Y/n: here* gives the recipe to Lia*.

Lia: What's this?

Y/n: a recipe on how to make more ammo for different guns.

Lia: ooh~ thanks.

I just smile at her and walk off to the other desks to see if there was anything more useful.

Lia Pov

I watch as Y/n walks off to check the other desks then I turn and walk to the other side of the room to see if there is any more supplies but I stop when I see something hanging from the roof. Stopping and shining my flashlight. What I see makes me a little bit sadder. What was hanging on the roof was a sight that said "Welcome Lia and Y/n" on it. I just sigh and look down at the floor for a good couple of seconds then turn my attention to two of the desks, one of them has a note on it.

Rookie's First Assignment

Lia S. Kennedy and Y/n D. Grimes, we're putting you two on a very special case for your first assignment. Your mission is... to unlock your desks! The key to your two successes is in the initials of our first names. Input the letters in order of our desks. There are 2 locks-1 on each side of your desks. Make sure you two get them both. Basically, your first task is to remember your fellow officers' names, but the both of you figured that much out, right?

Good luck, Y/n and Lia.

By the way, it might take a little work to get Scott to give you a straight answer.

Lieutenant Branagh

(Scrawled in a corner between drops of blood)

Be glad you are not here, rookies.

I put the note down as tears started to weld up in my eyes. These guys threw this little surprise for us and a little game so we can get to know them and now their gone all but one were gone. I put the note back and stare at the floor as tears start running down my check. Maybe if we were here we could have helped and saved the others now they're gone.

Y/n: hey what's wrong?

Lia: The other officers were planning a little surprise welcome for us. If we would have gotten here sooner we could have helped them and things would be different.

Y/n trying to comfort me pulls me straight into a hug. I don't know why every time he hugs or holds my hand my heart races not out of fear but something different, something warm and soothing.

Y/n: maybe things would have been different, maybe it wouldn't. But one thing is they would want us to live so we can get out this hell hole and live on and get away from this outbreak knowing we're still alive to tell the tale to know what happened here and you won't be alone you have Marvin, Claire and you will always have me.

I just smile as he comforts me and dry my eyes.

Lia: Well, the other officers gave us a puzzle to solve. Maybe there could be something useful in them.

Y/n: ok what do we have to do?

Lia: We have to unlock are desks by figuring out the first letter of the names of all the officers.

With that we go over to the other desk the first lock was NED while the 2nd one was MRG. Once both locks were gone we opened the desk to reveal... a high-capacity mag.

Y/n: little upgrade for us.

Smiling, switching my magazine for the new one Y/n does the same. We head out of the west office and enter the other room across from it. This must be some Security Deposit Room due to all the lockers. Right at the back we can see the weapons locker with a shotgun and some shotgun shells but we need a keycard in order to open it.

Y/n: let's see if the keycard is around here. Hopefully it is and saves us the trouble of looking for it all over the station.

Lia: right.

We then started searching for the keycard. I went all the way back to the terminal to see if it was around there but I spotted some papers on a desk.

Storage Locker Terminal Memo

It appears that the keypad to the lockers terminal is missing a few keys. I suggest that the person responsible for this mess find some spare keys and fix this RIGHT NOW.

(You know who you are, bastard. Who else'd fuck it up this badly!?)

I turn back to the terminal and load and behold 2 of the keys are missing which is bad if the keycard is in one of the lockers that has 2, 3 or both then it's good as lost at least until we can find the spare keys.

Y/n: hey Lia.

Lia: yeah?

Y/n: can you use that terminal to unlock some of these lockers?

Lia: yea but 2 of the keys are missing so we won't be able to open all of them.

Y/n: oh what keys are missing?

Lia: just 2 and 3.

Y/n: alright I'll tell you the locker number.

Lia: ok.

Y/n: 109.

I put the numbers into the terminal and press enter then I hear a beep noise and the sound of a locker opening.

Y/n: ok thanks that's it. Here.

He gives me some handgun ammo.

Y/n: need all the ammo we can get.

With that done we head off out of the safety deposit room. We turn down a hallway. At the end of the hallway was a window with a zombie banging on it trying to get in. Next to the window were some stairs that lead up. We walked into a room that was next to the stairs and started looting the place. I spot a book on a roller cabinet.

Medical Benefits of Herbs

Humans have used herbs to treat sickness and disease since the dawn of time. In this book, we will explore three such herbs native to the Arklay Mountains.

Green herbs have the ability to heal basic injuries, while blue herbs have long been used to treat poisoning.

As for red herbs, while they are visually appealing, they offer no medicinal benefits. Or so it was thought until recently.

It's well-known that combining herbs together produces blends that heighten the herbs' effects, but it has been discovered that red herbs can play a big role when mixed properly.

According to one doctor of Asian medicine mixing blue and red herbs together produces a blend that will strengthen one's constitution.

Truly, we have only just begun to realize the full potential of these herbs and their ability to heal the human body. Further research is sure to yield even more fascinating results.

Crap I saw a green herb back at the Reception room. Might need to go back and get that later on although I did spot a green herb just right out front of the door next to the stairs. Then I stop and think about something.

Lia: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: yea?

Lia: Do you spot any red, green or blue herbs anywhere?

Y/n: Herbs?

I wait a couple of seconds as I hear what sounded like Y/n looking for something. He then walks out of a room connected to this one with a red herb in his hand.

Y/n: yeah here.

He gives me the red herbs.

Y/n: why need it?

I gave him the book.

Lia: Apparently these herbs can heal us in case we get hurt.

Y/n: nice.

We leave the room and I grab the green herb next to the stairs. We head up the stairs onto the 2nd floor. We took out 2 zombies that were there and we entered a shower room though a steam pipe was broken and letting hot steam blocking are path from exploring more. Y/n and I start searching the lockers for anything good. Unfortunately the first locker I opened had a dead body in it as it fell to the floor making me yelp.

Y/n: You ok!?

Lia: yea just scared me a little.

Me and Y/n look at the body and aim are pistols at it ready to see if it would get back up. It didn't guess he was fully dead but I still kept my guard up in case he started moving. Not taking any chances. I turn to Y/n seeing him read a piece of paper in one hand and holding a strange box in the other.

Lia: what you find?

Y/n: this *hands me the paper.*

Portable Safe Instructions

Press a button to light up its corresponding lamp. Light them all to open the safe.

The buttons must be pressed in a certain order. Pressing a single button out of order will cause all of the lights to go out and you will need to start the sequence over again.

After I finish reading it I hand the paper back to Y/n and he gives me the portable safe.

Y/n: you do it. You have always been better at solving puzzles than me.

Lia: Like that time I had to help you solve that puzzle board.

Y/n: *nervously laughs* yea.

I just smirk at him and take the portable safe from him. It took me a few tries but I got it unlocked. Inside the portable safe was a spare key for the locker terminal.

Y/n: nice. Now we just need to find the other one.

Lia: yea but it's probably in another portable safe and we don't know where that one is at.

Y/n: we'll find it. same as the other stuff. Plus we can unlock some of the other lockers now.

We finished looting the place unfortunately one of the lockers has a lock on it and we don't know the code to open it. So we had to leave it. We make are way to the 3rd floor of the police station. We were about to enter a room until we saw a shadow on the wall. Pulling are pistols out and slowly enter the room we expect it to be another zombie....only for it to be a statue right in front of a lantern. Sighing a breath of relief we start searching the place for stuff.

Y/n: hey look.

Turning around I see y/n holding up a key the bow had the shape of a spade.

Lia: nice now we can unlock some of the doors

We then leave the room going through a door connected to it going down a hallway with a window at the end. We continue walking until we see something crawling past the window.

Lia: What in the—!? Y/n did you...

Y/n: yea I saw it too. Keep your guard up. that didn't look like any zombie and stay close.

I don't know why but I blush when he said stay close. But staying on track we entered a room that said West storage room and started looking around for supplies. I kept looking around, only finding gunpowder to make more ammo.

Y/n: Hey Lia. catch.

Y/n throws me an extra hip pouch.

Lia: Did you find this here?

Y/n: yep 2 of them. One for you and one for me along with this.

I walk over to where he was and spot a C4 connected to boarded up area

Lia: what's with the C4

Y/n: apparently some guy was planning on blowing it up along with... another thing

Lia: What other thing?

Y/n: best you don't know.

Y/n gives me a nervous smile at me which I raise my eyebrow in suspicion but I heed his words.

Y/n: also I found this.

He hands me some papers.

Y/n: that creature we saw crawl passed the window. Their called lickers their blind but they have good hearing.

Lia: then we better stay really quiet if we come across any of them.

We walked into another room that was connected to this place. From all the bookshelves my best guess is. we're in a library. Me and Y/n took a look around for a bit before I looked down from the balcony I saw some zombies eating on a couple of corpses. Suddenly are walkie talkies went off.

Marvin: Lia, Y/n, it's Marvin. I need you both back here ASAP.

Y/n: Are you OK, Marvin?

Marvin: I've got something to show you two. It's important.

Lia: Copy that, we'll be right there.

Y/n: so wanna go back the way we came in or are we fighting our way through?

Lia: I think–

Before I could finish my sentence the floor under me gave away and I fell to the floor where all the zombies are.

Y/n: LIA!

I see Y/n jump down and help me up on my feet. The zombies heading towards us due to all the noise we made. Y/n and I pulled out are pistols and started shooting the zombies in the head. One almost got the jump on me but I quickly pulled out my knife and gave it a slash across the head stunning it then aiming my pistol at it's head shooting it and killing it for good. I turn to see Y/n finish killing the last zombie then he goes over to me.

Y/n: you ok!? Are you hurt!?

Lia: I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me though.

Y/n: how could I. You fell into a small infestation of zombies.

I smile. He always worries about me if I ever got hurt. That's one of the reasons I love about him. Wait love I...I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT. I UMM. unbeknownst to me my face was turning red as a tomato.

Y/n: Um are you ok?

Lia: huh. Yeah I'm fine let's go meet up with Marvin. *walkes away*

Y/n: what was that all about?

Walking up ahead I Go through one of the doors to reveal the unicorn statue.

Lia: ok first statue.

I use the book that helps me solve the puzzle and when I finish it. It reveals a unicorn medallion. I turn around to see Y/n with a little surprised face.

Y/n: so these statues really do have a secret medallion.

Lia: *Looks at the unicorn medallion* I guess so.

Y/n: Well anyways I got this. *holds up a map of the police stations upper floors* It's a map of the upper floors.

Lia: nice.

We walked back into the library and headed to the door that leads out but it's locked. Y/n uses the spade key to unlock it. Once unlocked we leave the library back to the main hall. But I stop right in front of the lion statue and use the book to help me unlock the small little puzzle. Once completed it revealed the lion medallion. We then walked down the stairs to meet Marvin.

3rd person POV

Marvin: There you two are... Come here, take a look.

He pulls up the CCTV footage and shows Claire standing there

Y/n: She made it.

Lia: I knew she would.

Marvin: You know her?

Lia: Yeah, name's Claire. We came into town with her.

Marvin: You can get to that courtyard through the second floor... east side.

Y/n: we're on it. Thanks, Lieutenant.

Y/n Pov

We were about to go until Lia stopped me.

Lia: Hold on.

Y/n: What?

I see her walk up to the statue and 2 of the medallions we got. Once she puts them in the secret passage opens. 

Marvin: So Elliot was right...

Lia: Yeah, but the passage isn't open yet.

Y/n: yeah we still need one more.

We then walked up the stairs and walked into a waiting room. The only thing we found there was a herb, a safe which we didn't know the code to and a pamphlet. Apparently the police station used to be an old museum which would explain the passageway underneath the statue and the keys.

Lia: Y/n.

Speaking of keys. Turning to Lia I see her right in front of a door with the spades logo on it. I go up to the door and unlock it with the spades key. We enter another hallway and go left to search for anything. We enter an art room and start searching for anything. I looked over at a desk with a lamp that was turned on shining over a key card that said "weapons locker key card". Smiling, I turned to Lia.

Y/n: Hey look what I found *waving the key card*

Lia: *walks over and looks at the key card* nice. We'll go back to the weapons locker in a bit. After we find Claire.

Nodding to her we leave the art room and go down the hallway but Lia then stops me.

Lia: Wait *looks up* Do you hear that?

I listened closely and I could hear what sounded like a helicopter.

Y/n: Yea.

Soon enough I got my answer as a helicopter smashed into the side of the police station.

Lia: was that–

Y/n: yeep.

We run towards a door that leads outside. Turning to my left I can see the helicopter.

3rd person Pov

Rain was falling down on both Y/n and Lia as they shine their flashlights at the helicopter, seeing the pilot dead in it.

Claire: HEY! LIA, Y/N!?

Turning around they both saw Claire.



Claire: OK!

Both Y/n and Lia descend down the stairs unknown to them the helicopter started to catch on fire. Claire was trying to open the gate but had no luck as the gate was locked. Y/n and Lia finally make it to her.

Y/n: Claire... It is so nice to see your alive.

Claire: How're you two doing? That helicopter just came out of nowhere...

Y/n: Yeah... we're in one piece

Claire: I'm guessing you two don't have a key in any of those fancy pockets?

Y/n: Unfortunately, no... But, how are you doing?

Claire: You know, just surviving.

Unbeknownst to Y/n and Claire. Lia was staring at them with a jealous look on her face

Y/n: Well that's—

Lia: ANYWAYS did you find your brother?

Claire: umm. No, not yet.

Lia: Well, we'll find him eventually.

Before Claire can get a word out.


The helicopter that crashed into the police station exploded and set off an alarm.

Y/n: Dammit. You know what that means...

Claire: Yeah... Dinner time.

Corpses that were on the ground start getting up.

Lia: Claire, I think you should go.

Claire: Don't worry about me, Lia,Y/n. You two care of eachother.

Zombies start reaching out through the fence obviously hearing the noise.

Y/n: Claire, you need to go—NOW!

Claire starts walking away but stops and turn around to Lia and Y/n

Claire: Let's get through this. All 3 of us.

Both y/n and Lia nod and Claire walks away.

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