[201-400] THE MECH'S TOUCH

By thegamer3496

2.9K 425 5

Author:Exlor Alternative names:N/A Genre:Sci-fi, Fantasy Source:Webnovel Status:Ongoing Humanity has conquere... More

Chapter 201: Market Woes
Chapter 202: Vision
Chapter 203: Oleg
Chapter 204: Wager
Chapter 205: Triple Division
Chapter 206: Discordan
Chapter 207: Accomodate
Chapter 208: Reasons
Chapter 209: Keltrex
Chapter 210: 4-star Design
Chapter 212: Singular
Chapter 213: Printer
Chapter 214: Shady
Chapter 215: Runaway Success
Chapter 216: Jarle
Chapter 217: Small Job
Chapter 218: Undermine
Chapter 219: Vintage
Chapter 220: Sucker
Chapter 221: Perpetuity
Chapter 222: Eternal Edition
Chapter 223: Back to Bentheim
Chapter 224: Colleagues
Chapter 225: Toys for Boys
Chapter 226: Price Level
Chapter 227: Auctions
Chapter 228: Hype
Chapter 229: Delegate
Chapter 230: Transition
Chapter 231: Taxes
Chapter 232: Fulfillmen
Chapter 233:
Chapter 234: Space Whales
Chapter 235: Disparity
Chapter 236: Imagination
Chapter 237: Aquatic Mech
Chapter 238: Conviction
Chapter 239: Dancing Along the Edge
Chapter 240: Reflection
Chapter 241: Market Research
Chapter 242: Draft Design
Chapter 243: Feedback
Chapter 244: Senior Management
Chapter 245: Skills to Pay the Bills
Chapter 246: Mastery
Chapter 247: Barley
Chapter 248: The Knight
Chapter 249: Power of Two
Chapter 250: Board of Directors
Chapter 251: Black
Chapter 252: Sparring
Chapter 253: Blackbeak
Chapter 254: Competitor
Chapter 255: Breathing to Life
Chapter 256: Responsibilities
Chapter 257: Testing Ground
Chapter 258: Finalize
Chapter 259: Completion
Chapter 260: Spending Money Like a Drunk
Chapter 261: Validation
Chapter 262: Unveiling
Chapter 263: For Want of a House
Chapter 264: Captain Vicar
Chapter 265: Duel of the Firsts
Chapter 266: Superior
Chapter 267: On a Roll
Chapter 268: Emergency Meeting
Chapter 269: Third Party
Chapter 270: Charity
Chapter 271: Money Crunch
Chapter 272: Gratitude
Chapter 273: Calcardon
Chapter 274: The Glowing Planet
Chapter 275: Money In Money Out
Chapter 276: Blood Claws
Chapter 277: Get Rich or Die Trying
Chapter 278: In Your Blood
Chapter 279: Waiter
Chapter 280: Briefing
Chapter 281: Convergence
Chapter 282: Smooth
Chapter 283: Landfall
Chapter 284: Overcharged
Chapter 285: Discharged
Chapter 286: Approach
Chapter 287: Ghanso
Chapter 288: Grand Chaser
Chapter 289: Apparition
Chapter 290: Spreading a Net
Chapter 291: Raining Pirates
Chapter 292: Rush
Chapter 293: Stalemate
Chapter 294: Ghost
Chapter 295: Numbers VS Quality
Chapter 296: Pre-emptive Strike
Chapter 297: Takeru
Chapter 298: Approach
Chapter 299: Undercharged
Chapter 300: Invention
Chapter 301: Red Zone
Chapter 302: Gregarious Wrath
Chapter 303: Expert
Chapter 304: Best Intentions
Chapter 305: Bone
Chapter 306: Devourers
Chapter 307: Power of Resonance
Chapter 308: Attrition
Chapter 309: Circumvent
Chapter 310: Vault
Chapter 311: Mistaken
Chapter 312: Prospecting
Chapter 313: Boneyard
Chapter 314: Stolen
Chapter 315: Recalcitran
Chapter 316: Sister
Chapter 317: Last Stand
Chapter 318: Amastendira
Chapter 319: End Run
Chapter 320: Wasteful Ploy
Chapter 321: Powerlessness
Chapter 322: Heroes
Chapter 323: Keep Your Enemy Closer
Chapter 324: Unease
Chapter 325: Lending
Chapter 326: Cut Down
Chapter 327: Hatred
Chapter 328: Loop
Chapter 329: Booty
Chapter 330: Profits
Chapter 331: Ambitions
Chapter 332: Personal Force
Chapter 333: Rifleman Mechs
Chapter 334: Breathtaking
Chapter 335: Underground Complex
Chapter 336: War Footing
Chapter 337: Intensive Competition
Chapter 338: Exceptional
Chapter 339: Fear of the Taboo
Chapter 340: Ripple Effects
Chapter 341: Arrangement
Chapter 342: Citadel Heavensworth
Chapter 343: Joe
Chapter 344: War Crime
Chapter 345: Decahedron
Chapter 346: Alien
Chapter 347: Crystal City
Chapter 348: Vulcaneye
Chapter 349: Spending Lavishly
Chapter 350: Spirituality
Chapter 351: Plantmeat
Chapter 352: Remains
Chapter 353: Belief
Chapter 354: Purpose
Chapter 355: Tainted Sun
Chapter 356: Human Limit
Chapter 357: Benson
Chapter 358: Transcendence
Chapter 359: Second Original Design
Chapter 360: Gimmick
Chapter 361: Realm of the Imaginary
Chapter 362: Lady Amalia
Chapter 363: Solitude
Chapter 364: Cynthia
Chapter 365: Fragment
Chapter 366: New Development
Chapter 367: Consumed
Chapter 368: Shaping
Chapter 369: Leaving the Cave
Chapter 370: Security Concerns
Chapter 371: Rabant Clearwater
Chapter 372: Crazy!
Chapter 373: Heels
Chapter 374: Woman's Mech
Chapter 375: Nutcracker
Chapter 376: Temporal Paradox
Chapter 377: Sektarian Strife
Chapter 378: Mech Demon
Chapter 379: Bedeviled
Chapter 380: Crystal Cube
Chapter 381: Looming Threats
Chapter 382: Laser Rifle
Chapter 383: Personal Kingdom
Chapter 384: Black Mark
Chapter 385: Defense Plan
Chapter 386: Divided Opinion
Chapter 387: Three Mechs
Chapter 388: Self-harm
Chapter 389: Prudence
Chapter 390: Pressure
Chapter 391: Rallying Cry
Chapter 392: Personal Intervention
Chapter 393: Unseen Threat
Chapter 394: Silver Lining
Chapter 395: Licensed
Chapter 396: Engineering Challenge
Chapter 397: Recovery
Chapter 398: Light Carrier
Chapter 399: Three Problems
Chapter 400: Pairing

Chapter 211: Last Spear

21 3 0
By thegamer3496

Ves didn't feel like spending additional credits on additional virtual component licenses. One of the problems of the DarkSilver design was that it allocated the majority of its space on enhancing its active stealth systems. It contained precious little space for any other systems.

Most of the variants he'd seen took the FFL-25 and added alternate loadouts. Instead of a piddly little knife, the other mech designers mostly provided their variants with limited-use weapons that delivered a large amount of damage in an instant such as bombs or acid containers.

To be frank, Ves considered employing the same means, but he held off because he wouldn't add anything new to the game.

In addition, the solution seemed like a cheap cop-out that turned its back on the original intent of the DarkSilver line. The players who buy the variants mostly use them to sabotage the enemy base and supply depots instead of assassinating enemy mechs.

"Why are there so few variants that retain the DarkSilver's original purpose?"

A handful of ambitious mech designers tried their hands at 'fixing' the FFL-25. Their attempts either enhanced the base model's strength while sacrificing its stealth capability, or they preserved its stealth but made only marginal improvements in its strength.

Obviously, all of the mech designers who worked with the frame failed to find the silver bullet that circumvented the base model's limited capacity. The oldest 4-star designs originally came out about a hundred years ago, which severely limited today's designers from introducing modern innovations.

The most successful variants therefore eschewed the stock design and rebuilt it from the ground-up. They used the same components and the same materials but rearranged them into a completely different package that delivered substantially higher performance in some areas.

Not a lot of these redesigns existed as it required a lot of work for very little payoff, since assassin mechs never sold as much as mainstream mechs. However, this in turn gave Ves an opening for him to introduce something others hadn't done before.

"It's a lot like designing an original mech in a sense."

Letting go of the boundaries of the base model freed Ves from its restrictions but also gave him room to stumble. Nevertheless, Ves didn't shy away from the challenge.

First he had to set a vision for his variant. In his eyes, an assassin mech didn't require protective armor. It avoided damage by virtue of its stealth systems and its speed. The base model mostly emphasized the former and paid only lip service to the latter.

"Let's focus on speed and momentum."

The conventional assassin mech sneaked up on their targets at an opportune moment and landed a lethal blow. Once they finished the deed, they popped their chaff and snuck away during the confusion.

"Just like the Old Soul in a sense."

His 2-star sniper mech became known for its devastating ambushes and slippery escapes. This proved that the strategy worked, but Ves didn't wish to retread the same old path.

Instead, he envisioned an assassin mech that used its cloak not to get into point-blank range, but to position itself for a short but devastating charge.

The beauty of this modus operandi was that Ves only had to ensure that his design possessed enough speed and acceleration. The arms and torso didn't need any special attention. As long as they held up at the point of impact, his assassin mech should be fine.

In essence, his variant relied on its running start to build up enough momentum to punch through an unsuspecting mech's armor. A weapon that enabled the mech to transfer its force into a single point worked best in these circumstances, so Ves immediately decided on pairing his design with a spear.

"The only problem is that the mech can't maintain its stealth while running."

Faster movement came with more vibrations and more disturbances in the air. It became vastly more difficult for its active stealth systems to suppress the deluge of signals.

Ves had no solution to this problem, but it shouldn't matter too much. In his imagination, he envisioned his assassin mech using its cloak to sneak in close to its target, but not too close to get detected by its passive sensors. These usually became more effective the closer anyone tried to sneak up on their backs.

Instead, his assassin mech stayed just out of detection radius and readied itself for a charge. At the decisive moment, it rushed forward and closed the distance within seconds before ramming its spear into the vulnerable back of its target. After delivering its blow, the assassin mech ran away at full speed.

"It's going to be risky for the mech to survive without any form of chaff." He judged.

The escape should be the most difficult phase of the assassination process. While he could fit a small chaff module onto his variant, it would likely affect the effectiveness of its stealth. Thus, he decided to leave it out of the picture and focus solely on stealth and speed.

Now that he established a clear vision for his design, he began to construct a set of images for this Triple Division technique.

First, he set the base role as an idealized version of his assassin mech. Ves simply added in his vision for his design and imaged more scenarios on how it should be used.

The most important job for the base role image was to enhance the compatibility between the X-Factor and the actual mech. It didn't need to be too strong or remarkable, but it couldn't be inaccurate.

Ves in fact possessed average creativity, but it should be sufficient to paint a detailed enough picture. It helped that his assassin mech possessed a one-dimensional playstyle. It revolved solely around the mech's ability to set up for a charge and escape when the deed was done. As long as it achieved perfection on this part, his design didn't need any added frills.

Next, he moved on to the totem animal for his assassin mech. He wanted to pick out a predator that perfectly encapsulated his design's ability to pounce at a target and get away quickly. Ves tried to come up with a standard Terran animal that fit its nature well.

"Let's go for a cheetah."

These large cats were favored predators that had often been genetically modified for various purposes. Their extremely fast sprinting velocity endeared them to various customers that liked to take advantage of this trait to hunt for difficult prey.

After browsing the galactic net, Ves found that the standard wild cheetahs exhibited different behavior in different situations. However, whenever it had to hunt alone, it employed a hunting strategy much like his assassin mech. Instead of stealth, it used various kinds of cover and concealment such as hills or tall grass to obscure its approach.

Ves liked the imagery the animal evoked, so he centered his totem animal around a solitary cheetah. With plenty of footage on the galactic net, Ves had no trouble constructing a vivid image of the cheetah at hunt.

Once he moved on to the final portion of the Triple Division technique, Ves had to be more thoughtful. The human myth portion of the technique required a lot of backstory in order to provide a lifelike human touch to the X-Factor.

He didn't pull off anything too fancy this time. He made up an assassin called the Last Spear, as he used to be a guard for a fallen royal household. The fall of the king as well as his relatives has forced the Last Spear into the life of a fugitive without status.

The man fell into a bad crowd, and eventually made it to an assassin's guild that taught him all the tricks of the trade. Ever since he completed his training, he began to wage a one-man reign of terror against his former enemies who took over his homeland.

The Last Spear stuck to the weapon of his choice. He wanted to let his targets recognize his spear as it plunged through their chests and their life faded away.

To him, it wasn't about the money. It was personal. He swore fealty to the fallen royals and dedicated his life to defend their honor even in death.

Others might think him crazy, but the Last Spear found his true calling in life once he started harvesting the lives of those who profited from the conquest. He made it his solemn mission to track down every bastard that contributed to the fall of the royals and stab his spear into hearts without fail.

"Well, this is intense." Ves shook his head.

His imagination got ahead of itself and conjured up a depressing image, one filled with both duty and pointless obsession. The Last Spear's futile crusade against his enemies served no point except to torment his old enemies for a cause that no longer existed.

Well, the specifics of the backstory didn't matter too much in comparison to his character's skills and mindset. As long as he could capture some of that quintessential expertise in his image, his X-Factor became substantially more helpful.

This was especially important in this case as Ves wished to emphasize the rational side over the primal side of the X-Factor. A large emphasis on the latter in his previous designs should be the main reason why his designs gained a reputation for being recreational.

"Besides, assassin mechs are extremely difficult to pilot. My customers will need all the help they can get."

Most mech pilots hadn't received any special training on how to pilot an assassin mech. Some accomodation in this area should be very helpful with easing his model's substantial learning curve.

With the three elements of his Triple Division technique set in place, Ves employed the full force of his mind and superimposed them into a single gestalt. With this hazy half-marged product in his mind, he got into a trance and started his redesign project.

First, he scrapped the base frame, stripping away everything except for its barest support structures. When he was left with nothing but an alloy skeleton, he tweaked some of its bones in order to enhance its mobility.

Then, he started adding in the organs. All of the essential components such as the engine and the power reactor filled up the internals. Different from standard mechs, the DarkSilver line employed a large suite of active ECM and stealth systems that all took up a lot of space. All of these gadgets demanded a lot of space.

Ves crammed in as much as he could while building up his mech's internal architecture at the same. His experience with the Mark II turned him into a veteran in this kind of work, so defty skirted past the knots that popped up every once in a while.

Every savings he made in space or weight, he allocated it towards enhancing his mech's mobility.

He paid relatively little attention to flexibility and agility and merely piled up on its ability to accelerate in a straight line. His assassin mech should be able to pounce upon its target with as little lead time as possible. Thus, acceleration mattered more than top speed.

"It still needs to be fairly fast in order to escape pursuit. It should at least run away far enough to re-engage its stealth."

While his design slowly came into fruition, the Triple Division technique started to fluctuate within his mind. Just like with the Tyrant he designed in his duel with Oleg, the three images started to chafe against each other once they started to show more signs of life.

Different from last time, his images didn't fundamentally conflict with each other. While Ves hadn't done so on purpose, all three elements possessed very few contradictions.

Instead, they jostled around for dominance. None of his images wanted to share responsibilities. All of them wished to dominate the gestalt and turn the others into its slaves.

The conflict became increasingly more heated as Ves did nothing to discourage the fighting. In fact, he'd been aiming something of the sort from the start. This time, he wished to see what happened when the fighting had stopped.

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