By stuckinatale

405K 20.2K 1.6K

"So, Mrs. Kashi Abhay Pratap Singh..chalte hai. Goodbye..". Saying this, he left her broken in this world of... More

1. Kashi : Banaras' Beauty
2. Abhay Comes To Banaras
3. Some Strange Feelings
4. The Revenge
5. The Forced Marriage
6. Storm in Kashi's Life
7. The Revelation
8. Two Years Later
9. The Face Off
10. Mrs. Kashi Abhay Pratap Singh
11. A Change of Heart?
12. Resentment
13. The Gift
14. Tantrums
15. Danger
16. Fighting Feelings
17. The Wish
18. The Distance
19. Leaving Him
20. She is My Wife
21. Aftermath
22. Peace
23. Little Friend
24. Threat
25. The Game of Patience
26. Hukum Ranisa
27. Hukum Sa
28. Save Her
29. The Confession
30. The Surprise
31. Promise Me
32. Drunk
33. Hard to Resist
34. Menace's Arrival
35. Who is She?
36. Kashi is Dead.?
38. The Plans

37. The Secret

4K 327 25
By stuckinatale

(Avoid the mistakes guys)



Shalini and Chandramukhi sat together, their fingers deftly weaving garlands of vibrant flowers. As they worked, their laughter echoed through the room, filling the air with a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

"Oh, the garlands are coming along beautifully," Malini remarked as she entered the palace, her presence commanding attention.

"Who knows, someone might need them very soon," Shalini quipped with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Yes, you're right," Malini replied with a smile, settling into a nearby chair.

Just as Malini rose to leave, Chandramukhi's foot accidentally tripped her, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground with a thud.

"Look at you, Malini ji" Chandramukhi teased, prompting Shalini to burst into laughter.

"You, I won't let you off so easily," Malini threatened dangerously as she rose to her feet and advanced towards Chandramukhi.

"Stop right there, or I might forget my manners," Shalini interjected with a smirk, causing Malini to shoot her a glare before storming off to the exit.

"Hello," Malini called out to her trusted aide as he picked up the phone.

"Yes, madam," her aide responded.

"I encountered a girl today. I've sent you her picture. Have it ready by this evening. I'll give you further instructions then," Malini ordered, her tone tinged with frustration.

"Yes, madam," her aide confirmed before Malini abruptly hung up the phone, her anger palpable in the air.

"You dared to threaten me? Now you won't survive another day in this palace, let alone this world," Malini muttered to herself as she settled into her car with a steely resolve, her mind already racing with plans for vengeance.



As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the temple grounds, Shalini and Chandramukhi emerged from the sacred sanctuary, their spirits uplifted by the prayers they had offered to the divine.

Chandu ushered Shalini towards their waiting car, as she needed to retrieve something before they departed.

Shalini walked towards their car, her movements slow and fluid in the fading light. But before she could reach the vehicle, a sudden commotion erupted as a car screeched to a halt beside them, and Shalini was forcefully pulled inside by unseen hands.

"Let me go! Who are you?" Shalini cried out, her voice tinged with fear as she struggled against her captors.

"Your end," came the chilling reply from one of the men, their faces obscured by shadows.

Fueled by a surge of adrenaline and anger, Shalini fought back with all her strength, determined to break free from the clutches of her assailants. "Release me, or you'll face the consequences!" she warned, her voice laced with fury.

Meanwhile, Chandramukhi, returning to the scene with the car, was horrified to find Shalini missing. Panic gripped her heart as she frantically searched the area, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of her.

"Brother, did you see a lady standing here?" Chandramukhi inquired urgently, her voice trembling with fear.

"Yes, some people took her away," the man replied gravely, sending a chill down Chandramukhi's spine.

"What?!" Chandramukhi exclaimed in shock, her mind reeling with disbelief as the man hurried away.

Without wasting a moment, Chandramukhi dialed her phone, tears streaming down her cheeks as she relayed the news.
"Someone has taken away Shalini ji," she sobbed, the weight of the situation crashing down upon her.

As the call disconnected, Chandramukhi sank to the steps of the temple, her heart heavy with worry and uncertainty. In the darkness of the night, she was left alone with her fears, praying fervently for Shalini's safe return.

On the other hand, the mens whisked Shalini away to the same ominous location where they had once taken Kashi, a sense of grim irony hung heavy in the air.

"What a cruel twist of fate," one of the men remarked with a cruel chuckle, "That girl will meet her end in the very place where we orchestrated the demise of her dear friend."

Their laughter echoed eerily against the barren landscape, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked within their hearts.

But Shalini, undeterred by the looming threat of her captors, remained defiant till the end.
"Don't even think about laying a finger on me," she retorted, her voice dripping with determination.

"Because look, your reckoning stands before you." As the men turned their gaze forward, their expressions twisted with surprise and apprehension. Two vehicles stood ominously in their path, their presence casting a shadow over the impending confrontation.

Suddenly, the tension was palpable as the driver slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt. "Who is this?" the other man stammered, confusion clouding his features.

With a calm demeanor that belied the gravity of the situation, Shalini removed her hands from their grip.

"Duniya se jane ka time aa gya se choro," she declared boldly, her words carrying the weight of centuries of resilience and sarcasm.
(It's time to leave the world, boys)

"Your death is here." she added cryptically, her eyes flashing with a steely resolve. In that moment, Shalini stood as a beacon of unwavering courage, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

"In the area," the first man declared as he emerged from one of the vehicles, with Shalini being escorted out alongside him.

As the doors of the vehicles swung open, Rana stepped out of one, while Vijay emerged from the other, his demeanor radiating authority and resolve.

"Now, do we let her go peacefully or else?" Vijay asserted, his voice firm as he removed his glasses, his steely gaze fixed on her captors.

"Or else what?" a man challenged, stepping forward defiantly.

"Or else take a look around you, and you'll find out yourself," Vijay retorted, his presence commanding attention as he took a step closer.

"Release her, or face the consequences. She will come for you soon," Rana warned, brandishing his gun menacingly.

Surveying the scene, Shalini felt a surge of fear grip her heart, her instincts urging her to comply. She tentatively released the man's grasp, her eyes darting nervously around the perimeter where Vijay's and Rana ji's men stood, armed and ready.

With a burst of courage, Shalini broke free from her captor's grip and rushed into Vijay's arms, seeking solace and protection in his embrace.

"Are you alright?" Vijay whispered, enfolding her in a reassuring hug.

"Yes, I'm fine," Shalini replied, her voice trembling with relief as she held onto him tightly.

But her moment of respite was short-lived, as Shalini tearfully revealed the truth about Kashi's death. Anger flashed in Vijay and Rana's eyes as they heard her words, their resolve solidifying with righteous fury.

"Rana, don't let anyone escape," Vijay commanded sternly, his gaze hardening as he prepared to mete out justice.

In an instant, Rana sprang into action, his gun blazing as he and his men swiftly eliminated the threat. With the danger quelled, Vijay guided Shalini to safety, ensuring her protection as they departed from the scene, leaving behind the echoes of their triumph.



Chandu sat patiently on the steps, her heart aflutter with anticipation. In the distance, the sound of approaching vehicles caught her attention, and a smile graced her lips as she recognized the familiar figures inside.

Two cars came to a halt, and Chandramukhi's smile widened as she caught sight of Vijay in one of them. Her eyes sparkled with relief as Shalini emerged from the car, unharmed and safe in Vijay's care.

"I knew it. Nothing can happen to you Shalini ji." Chandramukhi exclaimed, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Thank you Chandu, for calling them." Shalini replied, her eyes brimming with gratitude.

"What are you even talking? Anyone would do that." Chandramukhi chided gently, her gaze softening with affection.

"It's true, Chandu. If you hadn't called on time, who knows what might have happened today," Vijay interjected, his tone serious as he looked at Chandramukhi.

"Maybe, but everything thing is fine now. So, leave all this." Chandramukhi conceded with a smile, a sense of relief washing over her.

"And say something good. We still have a long battle ahead of us. And I insist on dancing with Rana ji at your wedding, Shalini ji," Chandramukhi added playfully, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"You've got that right," Shalini laughed, sharing a knowing glance with Vijay.

Rana, however, looked on with a hint of irritation, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.

"Both of you, join Rana ji. I'm leaving now," Vijay instructed, taking charge of the situation.

With a nod of agreement, everyone made their way to their respective cars. With the engine humming and the headlights cutting through the darkness, they drove off into the night. They were confident that as a team, they could tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

As everyone arrived back at the palace, Anamika sat in the hall, her expression a mixture of surprise and discomfort as she took in the scene before her.

"What's the matter? You seem rather taken aback," Shalini remarked casually as she settled onto the sofa.

"How come you're here?" Anamika responded nervously, her eyes darting around the room.

"You see what is it, imposter ji. It's not easy to defeat us. Surely you understand that," Chandramukhi interjected, her voice laced with conviction as she stood by Shalini's side.

As Anamika turned to leave in a huff, Shalini couldn't resist delivering one final jab. "Oh, before you go, do let us know where your hired lackey is. Sadly, I must inform you that he's no longer among the living," she stated with a steely gaze.

With that, Anamika's footsteps echoed through the marble corridors of the palace, her agitation evident in the rapid rhythm of her gait. With each step, her heart pounded louder, matching the turmoil within her.

Meanwhile, Abhay made his way through the grand entrance of the palace, his footsteps muffled by the thick Persian rugs lining the floor. The opulence of the surroundings seemed to fade into the background as he caught sight of Shalini, seated in the hall, deeply immersed in the pages of a weathered tome.

"What's going on, Shalini?" he inquired, stepping inside.

"Nothing much, Abhay ji," Shalini replied, setting the book aside.

"Where's Kashi? I haven't seen her around," Abhay questioned, as he settled onto the sofa with a sigh.

"Here I am," Anamika announced her presence in the hall, her tone laced with a hint of tension.

"The devil incarnate," Shalini muttered under her breath, her disdain for the imposter barely concealed.

"Kashi, I'll be busy in the study. I have some work to attend," Abhay said, rising from his seat to head upstairs. Hearing him, Anamika couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he might have discovered her true identity, especially considering his recent avoidance of her ever since she had infiltrated the household as the impostor.

As Abhay made his way upstairs, her mind raced with uncertainty, pondering the implications of his behavior and whether he was indeed privy to her secret.

Anamika's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the ringing of her phone. Hastily reaching for the device, she answered, her mind still reeling from the unsettling encounter with her doubts.

"The work is done. The papers are ready. Get them signed by him," Malini declared from the other end of the line, her voice carrying an air of satisfaction and authority.

"You'll have the papers in hand within four days. Make sure to expedite the process," She added.

"Okay." Anamika replied, before ending the call.

"Just a few more days, and I'll be free from this mess," Anamika exclaimed gleefully, a sense of calmness evident in her voice as she made her way to the kitchen.

From a distance, Shalini watched Anamika's every move, her gaze tinged with suspicion and concern as she pondered the implications of her new plan.



As the night enveloped Kashi's Palace in its velvety embrace, Shalini emerged from the grandeur of the palace, her form cloaked in a shawl to ward off the chill of the late hour.

Rana and Chandramukhi stood waiting for her, their silhouettes illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight.

"Come, Rana ji," Shalini beckoned softly, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the night.

"Yes, let's go," Rana replied, his expression grave as they made their way out of the palace gates, the darkness of the night shrouding their movements.

In the distance, Vijay stood beside his car, a silent sentinel amidst the quietude of the desert night. With a sense of purpose, Shalini and her companions settled into the vehicle.

As Vijay maneuvered the car forward, Shalini gazed out at the vast expanse of Rajasthan, the moon casting its ethereal light upon the sand dunes below.

Memories of the day's events flooded her mind, and she found herself lost in reverie, reliving the tumultuous events that had unfolded with Kashi.


As Kashi lay wounded in the midst of the swirling sandstorm, her vision blurred and her strength waning, a sense of impending doom washed over her. The relentless onslaught of the sandstorm seemed to herald her inevitable demise, a cruel twist of fate that she could scarcely comprehend.

Through half-open eyes, Kashi watched as the sandstorm engulfed her, a suffocating shroud threatening to claim her as its victim. In that moment of despair, a distant voice pierced through the cacophony of the storm, calling out to her with urgency.

"Kashi! Kashi!" Desperate faints voices were heard with the storm.

Summoning whatever remnants of courage remained within her, Kashi raised a trembling hand in response to the call.

And then, like a beacon of hope emerging from the chaos, Shalini, Rana, and Chandramukhi appeared before her, their figures obscured by the swirling sands.

With swift determination, Shalini, Rana, and Chandramukhi sprang into action, pulling Kashi from the clutches of the sandstorm and guiding her to safety.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Rana struggled to find a path amidst the swirling sands, his desperation palpable in the face of nature's fury.
But Chandramukhi, undeterred by the tempestuous conditions, took charge with calm resolve.

"Rana ji, Shalini ji, please follow me. I've navigated through storms like these before. Don't be afraid, just trust me and keep moving forward," she reassured them, her voice steady amidst the chaos.

With Chandramukhi leading the way, Shalini and Rana pressed on, battling against the relentless fury of the storm until, at long last, they emerged on the other side, battered but triumphant.

As they reached the safety of the car, Rana carefully helped Kashi settle into the backseat, while Shalini tenderly supported her head in her lap. Up ahead, Chandramukhi took the lead alongside Rana, their expressions a mix of relief at finding their Ranisa and concern for Kashi's condition, which weighed heavily on their hearts.

"Let's hurry to the hospital," Shalini urged, her voice filled with concern as she stroked Kashi's forehead soothingly.

"No, Shalini madam, taking her to the hospital now would only expose her to further danger," Chandramukhi interjected, her tone grave with warning.

"Chandramukhi is right, Shalini ji. But where else can we take her? She needs medical attention urgently," Rana fretted, his nerves fraying with worry.

"There's a place where she'll be safe from prying eyes," Chandu suggested cryptically, prompting both Rana and Shalini to inquire further.

"It's my home, Rana ji. My mother is well-versed in herbal remedies, and she'll be able to provide the care Kashi needs. You can trust me," Chandramukhi assured them, her gaze meeting Shalini with unwavering resolve.

Shalini silently nodded in agreement, placing her trust in Chandramukhi's judgment. With a determined nod from Rana, he started the car, steering them away from the chaos of the storm and towards the routes of Chandu's home.

As they fled the tumult of the storm, Rana's eyes locked onto a sinister silhouette in the shadows-a sleek black car, its familiarity sending a shiver down his spine.

Despite the veil of secrecy cloaking the figure within, a sense of recognition clawed at Rana's consciousness.

Before he could unravel the enigma, a hand materialized in his peripheral vision, urgently urging him to pick up the pace. With a swift nod of understanding, Rana floored the accelerator, his instincts on high alert as he plunged ahead, his mind ablaze with questions and the unknown lurking just beyond the horizon.

Following Chandramukhi's guidance, they traversed through the settlement of nomads, passing by rows of small houses until they reached Chandu's home.

"Hey Lakhan, Heera, come quickly!" Chandramukhi called out as she stepped out of the vehicle.

In response to her call, the inhabitants of the settlement emerged from their homes, including two young boys who hurried towards her.

"It's done, Chando didi," one of the boys reported eagerly.

"Help Rana ji and bring them to Amma," Chandramukhi instructed, leading the way towards a nearby hut.

"Amma, aari o amma," Chandramukhi called out as they approached the humble dwelling.

"Why are you calling out like that?" an elderly woman emerged from the hut, her curious gaze fixed on Chandramukhi.

"Amma, please examine her. It's a matter of saving her life," Chandramukhi implored gesturing towards the injured Kashi.

The old woman's eyes softened as she took in the sight before her. "Bring her inside, and the rest of you wait here," she commanded, her voice carrying authority.

Chandramukhi nodded, motioning for the others to remain outside as she followed the old woman into the hut, a glimmer of hope lighting their path amidst the darkness of uncertainty.

Shalini and Rana remained outside, seated as instructed by one of the boys who had been called by Chandramukhi.

"Everyone, please sit here. Amma and I will take care of her," the boy assured, gently gesturing them to take a seat.

As Shalini sat beside Rana, tears streamed down her cheeks, her heart heavy with emotion. Time seemed to stretch on, each passing moment filled with apprehension and uncertainty.

After what felt like an eternity, Chandramukhi emerged from the hut alongside the old lady.
"Hukum Ranisa's fine, her life has been spared. I've tended to her wounds, but for now, it's best that she remains here," Chandu relayed the news, her voice tinged with relief.

"We'd like to see her," Shalini requested, her eyes brimming with tears.

"She's still unconscious, but you may see her. Please refrain from speaking to her for now," the old woman cautioned, settling down to smoke her pipe as the evening sky turned crimson with the setting sun.

As Shalini and Rana entered the hut, they beheld Kashi lying unconscious, her form frail and vulnerable. Overwhelmed by emotion, Shalini could not hold back her tears.

"Shalini ji, take charge. Reign yourself in, immediately. The perpetrators behind our Ranisa's suffering must face their death, once and for all." Chandramukhi reminded her, her own eyes glistening with nothing, but fury.

With a heavy heart, Shalini nodded in agreement. "Let's return to the palace before anyone grows suspicious," she said, her voice laden with resolve.

"Let's go," Rana urged, prompting Shalini to exit the hut alongside Chandramukhi.

"Amma, please take care of her. We'll return tomorrow," Chandramukhi instructed the elderly woman.

"We'll be here," the woman assured, her eyes conveying a sense of warmth and reassurance.

With a nod of gratitude, Chandramukhi led the way forward, her resolve unwavering as she guided the group. Pausing momentarily, Chandramukhi called out,
"Lakhan." The young boy approached, attentive to her call.

"Yes, Chandu didi?" he responded eagerly.

"Stay here with Amma, along with Tham and Heera. Your leadership is needed tonight," Chandramukhi instructed, her tone firm yet compassionate.

"All of you, please lend your support. Her life is in danger, and we must stand together to protect our Ranisa," Chandramukhi implored, her words resonating with sincerity and conviction.

Moved by her plea, the villagers rallied around Chandramukhi, united in their determination to assist their newfound companions.

With the support of the entire village behind them, Chandramukhi led the group away, their footsteps echoing with purpose as they left the place.


As the car came to a halt, Shalini emerged from her reverie, finding herself at Chandramukhi's village. Stepping out alongside Vijay, she was joined by Chandu and Rana as they made their way forward.

Approaching Chandramukhi's humble abode, they were greeted by the soft call of "Amma, oh Amma," from Chandramukhi.

The door opened, and they entered, finding solace within the comforting confines of the hut. Shalini's gaze fell upon Kashi lying on the cot before her. Placing a gentle hand on his forehead, she caressed him tenderly. Kashi's eyes fluttered open, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"So, how's my princess?" Vijay inquired with a warm smile as Kashi responded with a soft smile of his own.

Turning to address the group, Shalini questioned, "Who did this to you, Kashi? Does anyone know?"

"Malini did," Kashi replied weakly, sending shockwaves through the room.

"Malini did all this?" the group echoed in disbelief.

"In the name of what evil?" Chandramukhi interjected, her expression twisted with disdain.

"She's not just evil, she's a first-class witch. I always had my suspicions," Shalini seethed with anger.

"We won't let her get away with this," Vijay declared, his voice filled with resolve.

"But we need to understand her motives. And it's time to show her, her place," Rana added, his tone equally furious.

"She's after all the property," Kashi revealed, shedding light on Malini's sinister intentions.

"What?!" The group exclaimed in unison, as Kashi began on revealing her true identity.


How's the chapter guy?!

Please, please don't kill me..

Trust me, I was occupied with a lot of things. I understand, I have a responsibility towards you all as well.
I'm so sorry for this.

Also, this is it, this time. Just bear with me for few more days. Please!

I'll assure you, the next chapters would be worth reading!

Also, 5 more chapters to go~~


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