
By mangolemon_

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"Y/n Wayne"
"Family Dinner"
"Tim's Coffee"
"Sisterly Apologies"
"Karen Afoot"
"Hopeful Bonding"
"Puzzeling nights"
"Notes in Math"
"Hangup Hangout"
"Family First"
"Creeping Thoughts"

"Teamly Drama"

321 23 10
By mangolemon_

September 25th, 4pm
"Gotham High School"

School had officially ended, but you still had work to do. You sat in the school's gymnasium, in front of you stood the entire cheer team.

The coach had made an exception to let you try out(all thanks to Bruce). So here you stood in a white fitting shirt, and a pair of black gym shorts.

You were ready to give this tryout your all, and you were not about to fail.
The coach stood from her table in the center of the gym, reading off of a clip board. "Listen up, Miss Wayne is going to be.." You immediately cut her off, "It's Y/n." The coach looks at you with a raised brow. Her facial expression forms into a scowl as she restarts her speech. "𝘠/𝘯 is going to be going to be trying out today. She will have three routines a basketball cheer, a football cheer, and a chant. Then she will be judged on her tumbling and her jumps." "Does everyone understand!" All the girls say their 'yes's' in unison.

"You have 45 minutes to learn all three and get your tumbles and jumps in check." She turns to you, her attitude slightly peaking through. "And may I remind you, you are not here because we want you here, you are here because your daddy helps fund the school." Some of the girls snicker in the back ground. Your blood starts to boil, as you take notice of who was laughing. You were going to crush this tryout and they were all going to kiss your ass soon enough.

"She is aloud to ask for help from each of you but only once per person. Am I making myself clear." Again they all agree in unison but all you do is nod your head. You were ready to put these privileged hoes in their places.

The coach blows a whistle and starts a timer. And you were off learning the cheers that one of the girls had airdropped to you.

You remove your self from the middle of the gym, and go to a corner where no one could see you.


You were half way through your time, and you had already had all three routines down. They were fairly easy, so now all you had to do was pick out your tumbles and jumps.

For your tumbles you decided to go with a back handspring, and a punch front. The jumps however you had no idea, but as you were deciding the coach blows her whistle.

"Times up newbie, let's see what you got." You curse yourself for not being fast enough.

'Guess I'll just have to wing it.'
You come out of your corner, back to the middle of the gym. You put your phone away and get ready to show them your stellar performance.

You started with the chant, for it being the easiest. The coach counts you off, and to say that she was surprised on how you got the chant down that quickly, the look on her face was priceless.

Your confidence leaked as you were preforming, and you felt so good to be back doing what you love to do.

You end your routine, your stance straight and aligned. Next up was the football cheer, so you made sure to sound as cheerful as possible. You smiled until your jaws were sore.

As the coach counted you off, you skillfully pulled out the moves as you yelled the words. Your movements were fluid and streamlined. You stood straight as it came to an end, feeling excited to see some of the girls looking dumbfounded.

Last of all the cheers was the basketball cheer, it was harder than the other two, but you made it seem like it was nothing.

You were loud and fierce with your words. Though you sounded aggressive each person could understand you clearly. The sharpness in your actions made the cheer ten times better.

And with that you were done with faze one. You stood firm and attentive, a little out of breath but you were ready for the next step.

You were allowed a quick water break, and a quick moment to hype your self up for the next challenge.

You had made it through your tumbles with ease, but to say you were nervous for your jumps was an understatement.

The coach could tell you were anxious about your performance. And all she could do was send a sly smile your way as you hype yourself up.

'All you got to do is nail these jumps and you're in.'
"Let's go newbie we don't have all day."
The coach rushing you wasn't making you feel any better.

'Just do a simple toe touch y/n.' These jumps had to be perfect so you put the last of your energy into them. You did a solid toe touch and an even better herkey.

You couldn't tell if the coach looked impressed or if she was annoyed you did so well. "Ok Y/n have a seat so that I evaluate your position."

So you do as she says, you take a seat on the bleachers, making sure to sit far from the girls. So that wouldn't be bothered.

But your moment of solitude wasn't long. Two of the girls that have laughed at you. "It's Y/n right?" The taller girl asked. You raise a brow at them. "Yes? Why?"

They eye each other as they were talking amongst themselves. "We just wanted to come introduce ourselves, I'm Jody and this is Christa." Looking at Jody you scan her up and down. Her bleach blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail.

Her uniform complimented her taller frame. She was pretty but you knew her smile hid her bitchy attitude.

On the other hand Christa was like her complete opposite. Though still pretty, she was shorter than Jody. And her body was much fuller compared to her friends. Her brown hair was in a half up half down, with a bow in the back.

"Well nice to meet you?" You were having a hard time with figuring out what their motive was. "We also wanted to give you an upmost welcome, you're going to make a great addition to the team." Christa talks with a small smile.

'They talk like I've already made the team.'
"We've really been needing some more people with your type of background?" Your brows furrowed at Jody's statement.

"My type of background?" At this point you were getting a bit agitated.
"Yeah you know, more urban. More ethnic." You hand to stop your jaw from dropping.

'The fuck is this girl getting at.' You've seen the cheer team and there was only 2 other black girls, but this is ridiculous.

"I know I'm new here and you don't really know me like that, and i know yall are just trying to be nice." "But I'm going to save yalls time by saying this. Get the fuck out my face."

They seemed a bit shocked at your harsh words, though before they could respond the coach blows her whistle.

"Jody, Christa stop bothering the newbie. Newbie front and center."

You quickly stand and separate yourself from the two cheerleaders. Standing in front of the coach and all the girls was kind of nerve racking.

Coach walks up and stands next to you. "Team welcome your new teammate and your center." She didn't sound to enthusiastic, neither did some of the girls.

"Practice is every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday right after school. And your uniform will be in next week." She pats you on the back and walks off.

September 25th, 5:30pm
"Gotham High School"

You couldn't hide your excitement and joy for it was written all over your face. You were currently waiting out side of the school, waiting to get picked up.

You had messaged April and Juniper about you making the team. And they were very happy for you, April especially.

A grey BMW then pulls up beside you; the driver rolls down the window. "I'm your Uber driver get in"
Looking up from your phone, you see Dick with a large smile on his face.

You shake your head and laugh at his weirdness. You plop yourself in the passenger seat, ready to finally go home.

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