god of duel monsters

By koleking28

153 15 8

chased by a cyclops, saved by a dragon. watch as the youngest american champion in duel monsters history does... More

the dragon and the challenge
first duel on the island
surprise duel
A God Card

The Was Scepter

6 1 0
By koleking28

 Percy awoke with a start. Feeling a pulse of energy, he glanced down. At his side was a golden scepter. The top was a hawk's head. The body of the scepter was black, and the pommel was in the shape of a hawk's talons. On the blade, several symbols were etched and infused. Resembling many different key aspects of Egyptian lore and mythology. This scepter, was known as the Was scepter. The Was scepter was given to the Pharaoh, by the gods themselves. His rule was authenticated, and accepted, by wielding this divine weapon.

The symbols on the powerful artifact, were of the following. Ouroborus, which represented the beginning and ending of time. A serpent biting it's own tail. The Djed, representing strength, stability, as well as eternal life, and resurrection. The Shen, similar to the Greek Omega, in appearance, almost, represented the aspects of infinity, eternity, completeness, and even divine protection. A picture of a cobra, the Uraeus. This symbolized royalty, sovereignty, and divine authority. Another symbol, the Ka, was represented by a man with two arms raised above his head. The Ka, was an aspect of spirit and soul. The eye of Ra, or the Udjat Eye, was a symbol of protection, love, good health, royal authority, and power. The Heka and Nekhakha, or crook and flail, were symbols of kingship, power, royalty, fertility, the divine authority of pharaohs, and wisdom. A large, beautiful tree, on the scepter, was known as the tree of life. This symbol, was eternal life, regeneration, and knowledge of the divine plan. A feather, known as the Feather of Ma'at was also a symbol. This symbol, represented the virtues, justice, order, law, truth, and balance. Finally, the last symbol. Seba. This symbol, was the concept of stars, time, and traveling. The Was scepter, itself, was also a symbol. A symbol of power, and dominion of the king and the god in Egyptian culture.

This scepter, has been in Percy's possession since he was but a small child. As Percy glanced down at the scepter, he remembered how he found it.

Flashback, ten years ago, 1998.

A child with shaggy, wind blown raven hair, dark as night, and sea green eyes swirling like the currents themselves, was shaking. Not with fear, despite the terrible situation he was in, but rather with anger. His mother, was laying knocked out cold, on the couch, in the living room, with a stranger standing in in front of him. The stranger was wearing white robes, and a white turban on their head. This stranger, possessed blue eyes, and around their neck, on a chain, was an Ankh. Not that the boy knew that's what it was. Nor would he have cared at the moment. He was more focused on who this man was, what he wanted, and what he did to his mom.

"Who are you? Why did you attack my mom?!" The child glared angrily at the man. He didn't care if he was just a child and this strange being was an adult. He would defend and save his mother. As a result of his strong desire to protect his mother, to protect him, and his strong heritage. Something happened. Something unexpected. Two shimmerings near him, took place. One burst of bright white light, and the familiar visage of the majestic Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared, however, across from her, and on his other side, the light was the opposite. Black as night, with sparks of red energy, another dragon appeared. This dragon, was the opposite of his friend, Blue Eyes, who he had named, Kisara. This new dragon, however, was a dark, black. Shadows paled in comparison to the brimstone and charcoal colored scales. The most prominent feature, however, where the glowing, scarlet red eyes. Yet, oddly enough, they didn't radiate anger, or wrath. Instead, there was a calmness, a peace, a serene feeling. Offering warmth, and protection. Percy smiled widely, as he glanced at the two beautiful reptiles.

The white wearing being in front of him, however, upon seeing the two monsters, felt his eyes go wide. Shadi, upon seeing both powerful monsters, here in the material world, and feeling their own power along with Percy's, couldn't help but wonder, 'Who is this child? How is he able to do this? I must investigate further. But, still. What brought me here?Was it perhaps one of the few Millennium Items I possess? He's surely too young?' Maybe in the future he could-' He was cut off from his musings, when he felt one of the Millennium Items begin to shake and pulse. Glowing a harsh, gold. Shadows around the room seemed to thicken, condensing and warping into various duel monsters. Some of which were menacing, others seemed friendly. A few of the more feminine monsters, however, glanced at the boy and smiled, or giggled. One of them, a woman in a blue and pink robe, wearing a pointy hat, wielding a long magical staff, with long blonde hair, two pink spots on her cheeks, and having a large chest, kissed the boy on his cheek. Making him blush at receiving a kiss from such a pretty girl.

Glancing down at the Millennium Item that had appeared, the Was scepter, Shadi paled. 'Of course he's a future bearer. But he's too young, weak, and immature to wield this! Surely I can't place this in his care right now?!'

The Was scepter, floated over to the boy, then ascended into his outstretched hand. The boy's eyes glowed with power, the scepter glowing as well. Thrusting out, and forward, he spoke out loud, "BEGONE!" With a burst of power, most of the monsters were obliterated. The boy stood there, panting with exhaustion, not used to commanding such power. The leftover monsters, peculiarly enough, all females, just stood around the boy, giving him shocked, yet happy glances. Happy they didn't have to witness the death of mental destruction of a child.

"Boy, I know not who you are, nor why I was brought to this place, but I do know this. Apparently you have been chosen for a higher power, a deeper calling. The scepter would not have chosen otherwise. I look forward to seeing your destiny unfold. The path forward will be filled with challenges, and trials." The man said ominously, before a white fog covered his figure, and upon disappearing, the man was gone.

End of Flashback.

Percy glanced over at Ishizu's sleeping figure, before looking back down at the glowing scepter cloaked by mist, attached to his jeans. 'Why did it pulse? What's going on? It's never done this before. Wait, she had a millennium item as well, didn't she?! Could that be why? Does it sense and feel others around?' He mused to himself.

Ishizu opened her eyes, before sitting up, the blanket falling off beautiful body. The cool breeze brushing past her, making her nipples harden, as her wonderful, bountiful dark skinned breasts welcomed the open air. She always did sleep in the nude, she liked it.

Glancing around, her eyes locked on the demigod across from her. She noticed his eyes were drawn down towards her breasts, before quickly snapping back up to her lovely face. She smirked, a mischievous look dancing in her eyes, she cupped her breasts, before pushing them together, "I saw you glancing at them, Perseus. Do you like them? Are they big enough? Round enough? Would you like to touch them? Go ahead. I won't mind." She purred out.

Percy, practicing and using all of his self restraint and control, managed to say back to her, "Oh they certainly look lovely. I'm sure they'd feel even better. While I wouldn't mind, now is not exactly a great time to horse around, is it?" A smirk on his face, making her blush.

"Indeed it is not. What are you planning to do next, Perseus?" Ishizu asked him.

He turned towards her, and spoke, "I have four of the eight chips needed to gain entry to the castle. Once inside I can duel Pegasus. After I win, I'm taking my mother, and my brother back, and we're leaving this island." Percy told her flatly.

"Listen to me Perseus, you cannot defeat Pegasus, not because you're a bad duelist, but because it is not your destiny. He must be defeated by the bearer of the Millennium Puzzle. You have the power and strength to fight destiny, you are too unpredictable. If you defeat Pegasus, bad things can and will happen. I have foreseen this." She told him seriously. Wanting him to understand the implications.

Percy looked at her, and thought back to their duel, and what she said to him. He told her, "You just said I was unpredictable, right? That I could fight destiny itself, then how can you read my destiny? How can you even say your visions are right, when you weren't able to see them clearly during the duel, otherwise you would have been able to beat me. How can you say these visions are accurate? Besides, I'm sorry for whatever could happen, but I am not leaving my mother and brother in that sick bastard's hands any longer." Determination and anger were swirling through his eyes, despite his attempt to remain calm and collected.

Ishizu, seeing she wasn't going to win this argument, and agreeing with him, to an extent, merely closed her eyes and sighed, "Very well, I just hope you are prepared for the consequences of your actions, Perseus. I sincerely hope they don't come back to haunt us all. Farewell for now, we shall meet again, someday." Mustering up, she stood on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek, before turning and walking away.

Percy just stood there, and shook his head, "I'll never understand women." muttering to himself, before heading off back into the woods, to find a duelist or two to take some star chips from.

Walking forward, he came across a dueling arena, along with a young man. A medium height, decent amount of muscle, and shoulder length blonde hair, the man wasn't really anything special. At least he seemed that way at first glance, though after a duel, Percy would be able to tell if he were different.

"You look strong. What do you say we have ourselves a little duel? If you win, I'll give you my star chips here, and my rarest card. I win, you give me your star chips and rarest card. What say you?" The man called out.

"Fine, I accept." Percy said, after hearing Kisara speaking to him. "Accept the duel, Perseus. I know you don't think of us as expendable or worthless. So accept this fool's challenge and then end his career."

As both men made their way up on and into their respective duel platforms, they set their decks down on the top. Staring at one another intently, the man called out to Percy. "I hope you're ready to lose, and hand over your Blue Eyes White Dragon."

"Don't let your mouth write checks that your ass can't cash." Percy called back, phase less by the man's attempt of mockery.

"I'm going first. I draw." He exclaimed, before pulling five cards off the top of his deck. Glancing down in his hand, he had the following. Giant Soldier Of Stone, 7 Colored Fish, Alexandrite Dragon, Pot of Greed, and Trap Hole.

"I active my spell card, Pot Of Greed, which allows me to draw two cards. I then place two cards face down, and set a monster in defense mode, and end my turn. Let's see what the 'esteemed' champion can do." He mockingly said, setting his soldier of stone, while placing down a trap hole and malevolent nuzzler, one of the two cards he had drawn.

'Hm. What to do?' Percy mused to himself, as he gazed at his own hand he had drawn. In his hand, he possessed the following. Monster Reborn, Dragon Treasure, Hunter Dragon, Luster Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon, and Mirror Force.

"I place down three face downs myself, while summoning Luster Dragon (1900/1600) in attack mode. I end my turn." Percy said calmly.

'I could have attacked, but I'm in a decent position, and I don't want or need to risk that trap just yet.' Percy thought to himself.

'Tch. I was hoping he would summon something more threatening, in which I could use Trap Hole to get rid of it. Oh well. I can still get rid of his dragon on the field quickly enough.' The man thought.

"My turn, I draw. I play the spell card, Graceful Charity. I can now draw three cards, but must discard two of them. Now that I have two rock monsters in my graveyard, I banish them from play to special summon Gaia Plate the Earth Giant, in attack mode. I then use it to attack and destroy your Luster Dragon. Gaia has an effect as well. I halve the attack and defense of any monster that battles this card. So your Dragon now goes from 1900 attack, to 950. Say goodbye to a chunk of your life points." The man laughed, before Percy activated his face down Mirror Force trap card.

"Not so fast, I'm afraid. Thanks to my face down trap card, Mirror Force. Say goodbye to your own life points." His life points went from 4000 to 1200.

"What? No my life points, you asshole!" The man snarled.

"That's not all, I'm happy to tell you. Your attacking monster is also destroyed. Which it would've been anyways, due to it's own effect. So goodbye." Percy smirked. He loved fucking with people's heads and their attitudes, well, if they were dicks, that was.

"Now, are you done delaying the inevitable, or do you need some more time to get your shit together? Because quite frankly, I have more important stuff to do then sit here and entertain your ideas of delusions." Percy told him.

The man across from him snarled. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew he lost. Looking down, he glanced at the other card he had drawn earlier, with Pot of Greed. Card Destruction. He smirked, before calling out, "Well, since I'm going into my second phase, I activate my spell card. Card Destruction. I hope you didn't lose anything to precious." he said false sympathetically. Percy just stared stoically at him.

"I end my turn. Don't worry though, my next turn shall be your last." The man sneered at Percy. Percy looked at his deck, and drew a card. His eyes narrowed at the card he had drawn.

'Card of Demise, huh? Well this could certainly be helpful. Better play it now.' He thought, beginning to grin, especially since he knew how much this was going to mentally fuck with his opponent.

"I play my spell card. Card of Demise. What this card does is allow me to draw five cards, and I must use those cards in five turns, or else they all get sent to the graveyard. (anime effect.) So now I draw." He then, after activating his spell card, drew the five cards, and cackled. The five cards he drew, were the following. Graceful Charity, Paladin of White Dragon, Red Eyes Black Chick, Chaos Emperor Dragon, and White Dragon Ritual.

"I activate my spell card, Graceful Charity. I now discard two cards after drawing three. I then, by removing from play a light and a dark monster from my Graveyard, I then special summon my Chaos Emperor Dragon – Envoy of the End. By paying 1000 of my own life points (4000 – 1000 = 3000) I can now send all cards in both our hands and on both our fields to the Graveyard, and for each card sent, you take three hundred points. By my calculations, that's three thousand points of damage to you. Which would give you negative eighteen hundred. Which means I win." Percy said, before hopping off the platform and stalking over towards the man.

The man, beyond angered, lashed out with a punch, causing Percy to roll his eyes, before grabbing the fist he dodged and flipping the man over, and stomping on his face, breaking his nose, erupting in a puddle of blood on the ground.

'Dam. Maybe I should've held back a bit? Nah. If he can't take a fraction of my strength, I don't know what to tell the weakling. Just for my own sake, not gonna mention that to Chiron. Even if it was self defense.' Percy thought, before grabbing the set down star chips. Of which there was more than what he needed, so he took them all.

'Some of these might come in handy later, you never know. Now, what card should I take from him? What's his rarest?' Percy thought, flipping through the man's deck. Finally he just decided on a random monster. Gandora, the Dragon of Destruction.

"Thanks for the card, chump. Next time, don't be a cocky asshole, and show your opponent some respect, kindness, and possible dignity. Who knows? Maybe they'll give you a more merciful defeat." Percy said, before heading towards the castle, since he had the chips he needed.

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