A Drop of Light in the Night...

De HeroicRumi

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**DISCLAIMER. Does not follow traditional lore or theories that make the involved characters "off-putting" fo... Mais

Author's Notes
Chapter 1: A Smile Tells All
Chapter 3: Help from Above
Chapter 4: A Dog of a Day
Chapter 5: Not Enough Rest
Chapter 6: Thought Process
Chapter 7: Gloomy Peace

Chapter 2: Friendly Advice

533 13 35
De HeroicRumi

Even when you're awake, you might still forget that this is real.

I don't know how I managed to make it home last night, walking quite zombie-like and still baffled by the events prior, but I had made it back to my home-sweet-home one way or another. A tall, purple tower to call my own. Climbing the stairs that night did not exhaust me one bit as they normally would. As quickly, or perhaps unexpectedly and without a second thought as I got there, I found myself in bed, staring at the ceiling. My mind was running a marathon, playing back the entirety of our time by the waterfall. In the back of my mind, I pre-emptively figured that I might not be able to sleep at all that night, but thankfully I shut my eyes for one moment and find myself drifting off to a faraway sleep. My breathing steadied as I was no longer awake. Sleeping... and sleeping...

By the crack of dawn, the light from outside beamed through the tower window. Though, that alone is not enough to wake me, so I remained asleep for a while. ...And then an hour... and then two hours... I would be wrong in saying you could make a bad bet in me being capable of sleeping an entire day away. Luckily, I could feel my consciousness returning to me while there was still daylight out. My eyes open halfway, feeling the grogginess still coursing through my body. I sit up in bed, feeling a big yawn flowing out of my mouth and causing me to stretch out, my claws poking out of my paws for a moment as well to complete the stretch cycle.

I lazily blink and look towards the window. Staggering my way over there with low motivation to be fully awake, I look out of the window. A view of a majority of the area not fully covered by trees is a sight to behold. I could see one building in particular just fine. The home of the Smiling Critters. Though it is a residence to us all, we all have our own respective homes as well, should we choose to want peace and alone time. Still, the collective home was for us to enjoy our time together, live amongst ourselves, enjoy each other's company, and hang out all for the sake of fun and friendship. It's no wonder I haven't gone. I look upwards from there. The sun was halfway through the sky, so it was more of a telling sign that it was already lunch time. Good, I thought, an hour earlier from my usual schedule. The only reason I can consider being up and about at this time was because of last night's promise. What was it that Dogday said? Check the door to my tower once I'm awake?

I make my way downstairs and slowly open the door, flinching as the light attacks my eyes for a second. I step out a little and peer at the front of my door. There was something attached to it. A note. I grab the paper and read it to myself.

"Dear Catnap, hope you had a great sleep! Today's the day! We're gonna start your training to help you do all those things you mentioned before. Something about the way you talk and yadah yadah. Sorry, kinda forgot a few of the details, pal! Anyway, just come on by the Smiling Critters home! We also don't have to just work on those things, you know. We can just hang out! Either way, I'll be there whenever you're ready to start. See you soon!"

-Signed, Dogday

My eyes widen. He wants me to go... there? This may not be as pleasant or easy as I had hoped.

Feeling a bit worried by the thought of being anywhere near the others so soon, my ears flatten. I don't really know what I expected. Would we have done all of this whole "training" thing in the woods? By the waterfall? It's more realistic to believe he'd teach me over by the Smiling Critters home, I suppose. It's probably a lot more familiar and comforting for him. I shouldn't be selfish and ask him to do this anywhere else. I sigh.

Reluctantly, I drag my feet and slowly but surely head towards the building in question. Passing by numerous trees and walking on a stone path, a sight begins to show itself over the horizon. The orange and yellow house comes into view. It's very similar to Dogday's color scheme. Which should make a moderate amount of sense, seeing as it was his idea as the leader to have a place for everyone. If there's anything I've noticed about Dogday's relationship to the other Smiling Critters, it's that his ideas are rarely ever challenged. Everyone seems to agree with him without putting up so much as a struggle. Trust me when I say that it's harder to say no to the kind fellow. After all, how many excuses have I pulled from over the time that I've known him? You'll have a much easier time getting him to backdown than you will disagreeing with him.

Regardless, I walk up to the front door of the home. Hesitant and a little scared, I begin to feel a small lump in my throat. He's going to help you. It will be alright. I tell myself, trying to muster up what little courage remains. I reach out a hand to the door and knock three times, each thud resounding similarly to my heartbeat.

A few seconds pass, feeling more like minutes truthfully, but eventually the door cracks open, revealing a figure.

"Catnap!" The pup barks. "Good morning!"

"Well, it is noon, but also a morning indeed, my friend." I say, with my larger than average smile.

"I didn't think you'd be here so soon!"

"Neither did I. But, I have to make an effort, do I not?"

Dogday finally notices, looking at me with confusion for a second. "What're you still using that big ol' grin for? I thought we talked about this already."

"Ah, well, my mistake," I reply, relaxing my jaw to a neutral state. "It may as well be a force of habit at this point."

"Soon, it won't have to be!" The dog smiles proudly. "Anyway, come on in! It's your first time here, isn't it?"

"That is correct, friend," I step inside after Dogday opens the door a little more for me to fit in. "I have never ventured so close to this place before." Instantly, I'm greeted by a warm and soft light, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the change in visibility. I take a better look around and see what seems to be a well-lit, tidy living room. To one wall is a long, brown sofa pressed and positioned up against the middle of it. A large, hanging picture is plastered above it. It's a painted picture of all the Smiling Critters that reside here. To the opposite of that wall is one with a decently sized television in the center with a large window on both sides, giving off a very cozy and inviting aura.

"Then, allow me to extend to you the official first greeting! Welcome, Catnap! As the leader of the Smiling Critters, we're honored to have you in our home! Hooray!" Dogday exclaims, clapping enthusiastically and attempting to hype me up. "There hasn't been an official first-time guest in a long time, so I almost forgot to say it," he sheepishly grins.

I blink a few times. "Well... the honor is all mine, dear friend." I say, feeling a little embarrassed all of a sudden, but a normal smile finds its way to my face.

"Gosh, you don't have to be so formal, buddy!" The dog begins to pat my back. "This is the living room! Most mornings, you might be able to find all of us watching TV or playing a game with our old home consoles." He then points over to a corner of the room. "Crafty sometimes paints what she sees from that corner over there. Did you also notice?" He continues, pointing to the large painting above the sofa. "Guess who made that! And see? It's all the rest of the Smiling Critters! Heh. Crafty's really great at art, huh?"

"Yes. I've observed some of her ability before and it is quite impressive," I answer. "While we're on the subject," I start to wonder, looking around the various entrances and exits to the room. "Where are the others?"

"Hm?" Dogday sounds out, looking around much quicker. "Oh! Right. You see, I kinda convinced the others to go on a camping trip for a few days, that way you can ease into this and not have to talk to everyone right away!"

"Oh," I echo in a small and slightly surprised curiosity. "I hadn't realized." He went through that much effort just to make sure I would be comfortable? "How did you get everyone to leave without taking you along?"

"I just told them the truth! 'I'm going to be busy with something super duper important, so it's okay if you guys have fun without me!' They're super understanding," he wags his tail. "We should have the place all to ourselves for at least three days."

"Ah," I resound. "Well, that sounds wonderful, friend. I don't want to be too much of a burden to them all too soon."

"Burden?" The dog says sadly. "Okay, first lesson, silly cat. Don't be so hard on yourself! You're always doing your best when it comes to trying to get along with everyone, right?" He motions to me, having a puffy little pouty face. "That's all anyone can ever ask for! They might not understand it just yet, but they will, so don't lose hope!"

"Of course. Apologies, dear friend." I look at his face and stifle a laugh. Why does he look like that?

"Good, as long as you understand!" He says, feeling content. "Anyway, we'll get to the real training later! I still have to show you around. C'mon!" He grabs a hold of my hand and begins to skip further into the home, taking me along.

He takes me past a staircase to show off the kitchen. There was a splash of color with every piece of furniture and appliance. He tries to keep it brief and notes a few things.

"We've got a little dining table for the mornings. Some stuff in the fridge and cupboards if you get hungry for a snack! Oh oh! Look!" He points to two jars on a counter. "The most important part! We have two cookie jars. On the left is the one for oatmeal raisin cookies and on the right are the chocolate chip ones! Feel free to grab whatever you like. We fill 'em back up at the end of every week."

"Ah, I see. But what makes it the most important part?" I ask.

"Just a bit of routine. Some of us have a couple cookies every day, but some of the others don't really wanna eat a cookie. I, myself, eat one chocolate chip cookie every morning! It's like a tasty little treat to look forward to," he sticks his tongue out and rubs his tummy. "Mmm... Oh! But I only eat one because the others deserve as many as they want! Same goes to you, if you ever feel like it."

"Understandable," I nod. "I will keep that in mind."

The dog laughs to himself and continues on with the house tour. We go back and head up the flight of stairs to a small hallway.

"There's the sleeping place, to our left, but over here is a closet and to our right's a little attic-like space. We've got extra blankets, pillows, all the cozy stuff! Use whatever you need."

He sounds so happy just explaining every little thing in the home that I'm not sure what to make of all of it.

Soon enough, he catches me off guard and yanks me over to the Smiling Critters' bedroom. He then gestures to all of it like it's some amazing thing, saying "Behold!"

As I look at the room, I see several beds. A numerous amount, in fact. I silently count them all and see that there's one for every Smiling Critter. They all seem to be personalized as well, with name-plated beds and bedside stands plastered with an ounce of flare that tells you for sure which critter that spot in the room belongs to.

"Bet you couldn't possibly tell which one's mine," he embarrassedly laughs.

"I might be able to wager a guess." I reply, looking at the very orange and sun themed bed with accompanying nightstand.

"Catnap!" He acts shocked. "We don't gamble in this household!"

"Oh dear. My mistake," I softly laugh. "I didn't mean to insinuate anything of the sort."

"It's okay," the dog smiles warmly. "Either way, we do get up to all kinds of shenanigans so I wouldn't blame ya if something like that did happen one day."

I look at Dogday with a pleased expression. Is it just me or is there a lot of an endearing charm to him?

"Hey Catnap," the canine starts with an eager expression. "Guess what?"

"What is it, dear friend?" I indulge.

He then walks me over to a tidy and less decorated bed beside his with purple covers.

"Do you know what this is?" He asks.

"A bed."

"It's your bed, silly cat!" He grins widely, tail wagging. "I've been saving your spot for ages! Now you can finally claim it and make it yours!"

"My... spot?" I inquire. "You intend for me to sleep here?"

"Intend?" Dogday thinks for a bit. "Well, it's more like I'm making sure you know that you have a place here with us too! You know, if you ever feel like it. It's been here all along, just waiting for you!" His eyes light up like stars. "Please, sleep on me, Catnap," he covers his mouth and uses a different voice, pretending the bed is talking. "I've waited a million years for you to rest your sleepy head!" He chuckles.

"If that really is the case," I grin, trying to play along. "Allow me to oblige your request, dear mattress set." I take it upon myself to try out the bed and lay on it. It's... surprisingly soft.

"How does it feel?" The dog eagerly awaits my response.

"It is quite good, friend. Softer than I imagined. How has it stayed so well kept all this time?"

"Oh, that would be me," he admits, sitting beside me on the bed. "I look after the room once everyone who was sleeping here is awake, but you've never used yours before, so I just keep it clean and prepared."

"Truly?" I ponder. I begin to imagine Dogday, happily keeping everything in order and tidying up after everyone. "You take quite a lot upon yourself, do you not?"

"Yeah, I guess," he rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "But that's sort of what being a leader is to me. A whole team is as good as its leader, right? So I better keep everything organized and in tip-top shape! Can't leave any stone unturned!"

"I wouldn't truly know, but I've certainly read about the concept," I tell him. "Speaking of reading materials, I believe I recognize a few by your sleeping area." I point to a few books beneath his night stand.

All of a sudden, Dogday gets a bit warm-faced and a tinge of red applies to his cheeks. "O- Oh. Those old books?"

"Yes," I remark. "A few studies on psychology and an understanding of connections to others. I did not know you were so well read, particularly with this advanced type of literature."

"E- Eheh... I've just heard they're great books! But it's a little hard to read through them all, so it's been taking me a while."

"From whom did you hear?" I ask.

"T- The others!" He answers nervously.

"Really?" I begin to wonder aloud. "Funny, but I do not recall ever observing them read anything of the sorts. Though, I suppose I do not know very much about them at all outside of personal analysis."

"Yeah, surprising bunch, am I right?" He says, getting off the bed and covering up the sight of them with his body. "Anyway! Did I ever tell you a little fun fact about Kickin? He has this thing called a 'friend tax!' Crazy, right?" He sweats a little.

"A 'friend tax'? What manner of friendliness does it imply?"

"Just a silly little thing where he... 'borrows' whatever he sees the others aren't using. It's kinda funny sometimes. We all know he means well."

"Is that so?" I say. "You would know better than I."

"By the way," he starts, sitting on his own bed across from me. "Can I ask you something, Catnap?"

"Yes? What ails you, my dear friend?"

"Do you think... I'm a good leader?"

I blink at him, then tilt my head at him. "What troubles you to think of such a question?"

"Ah, nothing, really!" He looks away for a moment. "Just kinda wondered how you thought I've been doing."

"Would it surprise you to know that I think you have been doing a good job, friend?"

"Hm. No... I guess not," he shakes his head a little. "But I don't really know what else I expected. Maybe I'm just a little unsure."

"Unsure? You are uncertain of your capabilities as a leader?"

"...Sorta. Just a little, I think." He hangs his head low and sighs. "It's not because of any of you guys, honest! But if I really was doing such a great job, I would've tried to help you get along with everyone else a lot sooner."

"But, friend, up to this point, it has simply been my choice to remain so distant."

Then Dogday shakes his head a little more vigorously. "Even if you chose to, I think I... could have been doing more. Right? Like maybe talk to them about it. I haven't even tried telling them to give you a chance. I've been sitting back just HOPING they would."

I look at him, beginning to wonder to myself about the logic of it all. "That may be true, but you still have taken several actions to aid the situation in various ways."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"For example, you join my side on many days and during most nights. By the waterfall or while I may be busy examining how the others play. The most recent times haven't been the first times."

"Sure, but..."

"It may not seem like any progress has taken place, yet I'm still here now, am I not?" I say, trying to get Dogday to look at me. "I'm still quite frightened to talk to everyone as I still am, but I believe that, with your help, things may actually turn around for me."

"You... believe? In me?"

I slowly realize what I'm saying and feel my heart pound just a little more frequently as I look away from his form. "Yes, well, I believe that you're a very capable leader. You've managed to group many critters into one collective team, therefore, what's one more to add to the pile in the end?"

"Catnap..." The pup says starting to get a little teary-eyed.

"Hmm..." I hum gently, shifting myself over from my bed to sitting beside him on his. "Perhaps this is just me, but you seem to show a little more of your true self when you talk with me."

"True self?" He repeats.

"I don't think I've ever yet observed you be less confident and also a little more expressive with your emotions than you have been when interacting with the others." I rest a hand on my leg and tap a finger against my knee. "When I notice how you are around them, it's usually just smiles and sunshine with you."

Dogday grins, nudging me a little with his elbow. "Yeah, because they all make me happy! Especially when I see them happy! Same goes for you, ya know! I really like seeing you too, Catnap."

My heart thumps a little louder in my chest. What is this strange occurrence? It doesn't happen too often elsewhere, unless I'm talking with Dogday... Am I perhaps feeling a bit ill?

"Also, I could sorta say the same about you too!"

"How so?"

"I've seen you be really prim and proper with everyone before. And you are with me too, but I dunno... you're also kind of a tease! You must really like teasing me, at least a little!" He laughs.

"Only a little," I repeat.

Then the dog takes a look at a nearby clock in the room. "Oh wow! Time sure flies by when you're with your best buddy! We better start your friendship lessons soon."

He gets up from his seat on the bed. "Let's eat something first and then we'll get started. How does that sound?"

"That would be wonderful, dearest friend." I say, getting off my bed and walking ahead of him toward the staircase. "And, Dogday, if I may," I begin.

"Hm?" He tilts his head at me.

"I would be happy to forget that you were trying to stop me from looking at the books by your bedside, if that would please you."

"..." He suddenly seems flabbergasted. "Caaaaatnaaaaap!" He whines as we descend down the stairs.

We eat a brief little lunch as we continue to talk about small, trivial things like what we're hungry for and thinking about what the others might be doing.

Later on, we return to the bedroom, sitting on our respective beds, facing one another.

"Alright. So, first things first, Catnap!" Dogday starts. "What do you think is stopping you from being friends with the others?"

"Well, one variable may be that the way that I communicate might impede the others from fully understanding my intent."

"So... you mean the stuff you say, like that?"

"Yes, like that." I repeat.

"Right. So uh... you've listened to us talk before, am I right or wrong?" He asks.

"Several times, in fact."

"So you do know how we talk, huh?"

"More or less. But simplistic speech does not seem to be in my nature."

"Okay, then, how would you answer this question?" He waits for me to respond.

I silently wait, expecting a real question, but he doesn't say anything more. "To what question are you referring to, dear friend?"

"That one, just now." He chuckles. "If it were me, I would've just said 'what question?' And be done with it."

"Ah," I realize. Oh, he's good.

"The first step is using... less words! The shorter the better!"

"It feels a tad wrong to forgo vernacular in favor of time efficiency and risk a chance of misunderstanding," I reply.

"Ah ah ah, too many big words! Try again!" He wags his finger.

I put a finger to my chin, thinking critically. "It feels... bad... to... um... not say... what I really mean...?" I tilt my head.

"Yes! Correct!" Dogday claps happily. "We're getting somewhere!"

"Perhaps, dear friend." I shrug.

"That's another thing," Dogday starts, tilting his head to the left and right as his ears flop around. "Like ninety percent of the time, you say something like 'dear friend' or 'friend,' and it's not like that's long or anything... but try saying my name more instead. You've said it a few times, but why not make it... almost all the time? After all, I already know you're my friend!" He smiles.

"I- Is that so?" I clear my throat. "Alright then... Dogday." I attempt.

Then Dogday raises an eyebrow at me.

"I mean... Okay, Dogday." I sheepishly grin.

"Better!" He laughs.

Our lesson continues on for a while before we take a break, realizing that it already became evening. I still struggle to speak more concisely after the fact but it hasn't been a complete flop just yet. And maybe I should ask him to repeat that part about the gifts you should be allowed to give friends. I don't yet grasp why they never liked that encyclopedia I tried to give them that one time.

"Say, Catnap." Dogday wonders aloud. "Do you always sleep at night? You kinda strike me as the night cat, not a day cat."

"Well, I try to maintain the regular sleeping schedule you all use so that I can observe you all play," I answer. "If I didn't do such a thing, I would much prefer to be awake at night than in the day time."

"Oh," Dogday frowns. "You don't have to mess up your sleep schedule just for us!"

"I would not have it any other way," I shake my head. "After all, inconveniencing all of you sounds exactly like what I try to avoid."

Dogday looks to the ceiling before having a sudden aha moment. He swiftly leaves the room without telling me what is going on. Less than a minute later, he comes back into the room holding two canned beverages. "Guess it's time to give these babies a try!"

"What do you have there, Dogday?" I ask.

"A sugary orange soda for me, and a just as sweet grape one for you!" He says, handing me the purple soda.

"I don't understand," I frown at him.

"Well I just heard my friend say he'd rather be awake at night than during the day, so it sounds like it's time to stay up late!" He cracks open the tab of the soda.

I start to feel a little concerned. "Please, there is no need. Do not trouble yourself for my sake."

Dogday shakes his head vigorously. "No trouble at all! I don't exactly drink a lot of soda, but if it means staying up to help a friend, then bottoms up!" He says before immediately taking only a sip. I reflexively motion to try and stop him, but it was already too late. His body shakes for a second and then he grins proudly. "Phew, that is REALLY sweet!"

I start to feel a little bad that I might be keeping him up at his expense. But then he looks at me and puts on a sad yet cute little smile. "Please? Can you try it? For me?"

His sweet, almost hypnotizing puppy dog eyes beg and urge me to go along with it. Even though I'm reluctant to make him stay up longer with me... How could I say no to that face?

Without a word, I pop open the tab of my soda can and hold it in the air for a second before putting it to my lips and gulping some of its contents down. The overwhelming sensation of the sugary substance makes me shiver for a little, but in a way, it's also kind of refreshing.

The dog's tail wags intensely and he lets out a little happy bark. "Thanks, Catnap!" He says. "Now, let's practice for a little longer. I won't make you stay up too late, but just late enough, ya hear? Cheers!" He then holds up his soda can in my direction.

I feel my face warm up after seeing his reaction but the longer I look into his eyes, the more fuzzy the feeling I start to feel in my chest. So, I look off to the side before answering back. "...Cheers." I say. We clink our two soda cans together before we drink up the rest of the sickly, fizzy nectar.

The lessons continue on for almost two hours, just covering the basics of offering to help friends when they need it and retaining boundaries when they want you to give them space. I'm a little confused on why people would say something they don't mean, but Dogday told me that we'll get back to that another time.

The dog looks like he's about to nod off to sleep, barely keeping his eyes open anymore.

"Tired are we?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think I could use a visit to dream land." He rubs his eyes.

"As would I," I reply.

"Catnap, it's okay if you forget what we went over or wanna keep talking the way you normally do outside of practice," he yawns, emitting a small yet high pitched sound as he does so. "Little steps at a time, okay?"

"Okay, Dogday," I smile at him.

"Good, good... maybe tomorrow... we could go to that hill..." He lazily blinks, beginning to lay down on his bed, half awake and half asleep already.

"What hill is that?" I ponder.

"The stars look really pretty up there... so close, you just wanna reach out and grab one..." He motions his hand to reach out and pretend to grab one.

I want to ask him a little more about it, but I can see he's already struggling against the wave of unconsciousness trying to get a hold of him. So I merely hum appreciatively and tell him, "Yes, that sounds wonderful, dear friend."

"......o.... k...." He barely sounds out, with his eyes already closed. "...Zzz." He begins to softly snore, his arm dangling off the bed side. He sleeps on his stomach side, already gone away to a far off place.

I stare at him for a little bit before gently moving his arm back up onto the bed. On the ground is the blanket for his bed he neglected to put atop himself, so I pick it up for him and place it over his body. I look at him again, feeling satisfied now that he wouldn't get an awful rest with his disheveled nature. I think about my tower for a moment but immediately shoot the idea down. This canine could use the extra company, I tell myself.

I get back into the bed assigned to me and situate myself rather quickly. I curl up under the sheets and quietly whisper to the sleeping pup.

"Good night."

- - - - -

Chapter Author's Notes

Y'all do not understand how I came up with and wrote down a million notes of details and ideas for the entire general story between publishing chapter 1 and writing all of chapter 2. I even came up with some bonus end of story stuff that should come after. The ideas for it reached like over 5,000 words in reminder details. But that's all irrelevant until I MAKE it that far in the first place. Fingers crossed, but I also make no promises.

Even from when I last wrote this note right here, I got a couple of other extra ideas. What am I gonna do with myself?

Oh well. I will say I enjoyed writing this chapter more than the first. That's good enough progress for me.

Don't forget to check on some of my "inline comments" to certain pieces of text if you want an enhanced story experience. I leave what music I was listening to when writing the story!

Thanks for reading up to this point if you have!

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

- - - - -

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