Baby Bennett

By AfroWitchyWriter

64.9K 2.2K 273

Bonnie's mother left when she was young. But Bonnie couldn't focus on that. She had to step up and raise her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

6.3K 213 17
By AfroWitchyWriter

A couple days after the seance, Bonnie took Elijah to the place her Grams told her about. It was a seemingly abandoned mausoleum. "Miss Bennett I thought you regretted ruining my last suit?" he asked her as they walked through the cemetery.

"The coat rack through your chest did that. I just made it worse. Anyway, I got this location from a spirit. Apparently whatever is inside here belongs to you. But the spirit wouldn't tell me what." she explained.

"Yes, well over the years I've learned that witches old and young, dead or alive, enjoy being cryptic."

"I should try that," she said cheerfully as he opened the heavy door.

"I actually rather enjoy your candor, Miss Bennett." Bonnie walked into the room to see a man desiccated on a marble table.

"Who's the stiff?" she asked. Elijah rushed in and examined the body.

"I cannot believe this. Is he dead?"

"I can still feel that he is crazy old and crazy powerful so no, I don't think so. Do you know him?"

"Yes I do. Miss Bennett I never thought our alliance would be so lucrative. Shame on me for underestimating Bennett witches."

"At least you know." she said with all the sass she could.

"Soon the entire supernatural world will too. I promise you that." Bonnie hoped she was right. Infamy would carry a small protection level of its own.

A week later, Elijah dropped by Gram's house where Bonnie and Amour were currently living. He overheard Amour on her violin as he walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. The music stopped. The door opened to a girl slightly taller than her sister, the same skin tone with larger brown eyes and fuller lips. He also noticed she was quite young. He understood why Bonnie wanted protection. "You must be the other Miss Bennett. Was that Tchaikovsky I just heard?" The girl seemed to relax and nod.

"Yes, you're Elijah. Would you like to come in?" she stood to the side and gestured.

"Do you normally invite grown adult men into your home?" he asked as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and walked inside.

"Bonnie said you're going to protect us."
"I will. Will you continue playing? It's been a while since I've heard a youth of your talent. Or any age for that matter." The words seemed to cause Amour to preen. She only really received positive comments from Bonnie and Grams.

"Sure. I need the practice anyway." She walked back over to where her music stood on the stand.

"You should be playing for an orchestra somewhere."

"I got into one in Atlanta. But you have to live there and my dad said we couldn't move. It's fine though. I get to spend more time with Bonnie." She began to play again and he sat down on the couch. Bonnie arrived three pieces later.

"Persephone Amour Bennett, I know I taught you better than to let a stranger, let alone a vampire, into our home." she scolded Amour.

"That is your name?" Elijah asked, not even realizing he hadn't asked before.

"Yes, but I prefer Amour. Bon, I could sense who he was. Don't be mad. Hey, what if I play Vivaldi Spring 2 just for you?" Bonnie chewed her bottom lip.

"Ugh fine, guess it would be nice for me to hear you play it without you being upset with me." She sat down across the room from Elijah and Amour played the piece perfectly. Bonnie cried and they both clapped when she was done.

"You are astonishing," Elijah commented.

"Thank you, Elijah. Maybe you'd like to come to my next concert."

"I'd love to."

"So Mr. Mikaelson, what brings you to our home?" Bonnie asked. She wished she said it before Elijah promised to go to Amour's show. No one but her and Grams had ever been.

"I thought it was time to share my plan. Some witch associates of mine have arrived. They will be protecting Miss Gilbert until my brother arrives. We will use her as bait to kill him." Bonnie and Amour both seemed to be uncomfortable with his words.

"Your brother?" Amour asked in a soft broken voice.

"I know it may seem cruel but first I must explain our past. What has led me to the only decision I can make," Elijah said. He went on to tell the story of a large Viking family in the New World. He spoke of his mother's infidelity, losing his eldest sister, then finally his youngest brother which ended in a new beginning. The creation of vampires and the curse to keep his mother's secrets.

"This is a lot." Bonnie finally was able to get out after they spent a couple minutes in silence. She looked at the clock on the mantle. "I lost track of time. Elijah, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"No, that's alright. I will be on my way. I must ask, does my story change your opinion of myself or this alliance?"

"No. I still believe you are the best option to protect us. That's all that matters." He nodded then stood and refastened his suit jacket. Bonnie went into the kitchen and Amour followed Elijah out onto the porch.

"I still don't get it. Why would you want to kill your little brother?" she asked. She'd cried more than once during his story.

"It is an adult matter," he told her.

"I'm about to graduate high school. I'm quite intelligent. And regardless of age, please, I just want to understand."

"He killed our entire family."

"But I thought you couldn't die?"

"It is a death of sorts. Of pure suffering. And only we can suffer it. Never Niklaus."

"And you can't save them? Why can't we help you with that?" she asked excitedly. Like she'd seen a solution he hadn't. He chuckled softly at her.

"I'm afraid it's a bit harder than that, Persephone."

"Amour," she corrected him.

"You should be proud of your name. It is quite different from your ancestors. Emily, Sheila, Abigail, even Bonnie. But I know your ancestor Ayana would've loved it." he told her, she believed to change the subject and she mentioned that to him. "We must discuss your ancestors another time. I must be going. Stay safe, Miss Bennett."

That night, Amour had a dream of a shanty home clearly built at least hundreds of years ago. A young boy in decently made clothes stood over a table of herbs with an older woman, she was dark skinned. He mixed the potion and there was a burst of smoke. "Whoa, why am I here?" Amour asked aloud but no one seemed to hear her.

"Ayana, it worked!" the boy said proudly.

"It did!" she smiled encouragingly at him. "I told you the craft will take practice and patience."

"Father doesn't let me practice. He thinks witchcraft is a woman's work." The brown haired boy seemed quite disappointed at the thought.

"I am quite aware of your father's words. Do not listen to him. He is godless. Just a brute." Ayana seemed to look at the boy with such maternal affection. They moved to sit down on the bed in the home.

"Will you tell me another myth?"

"Which one would you like to hear? Or perhaps I will tell you a new one?" she offered.

"Orpheus and Eurydice."

"But that's so sad."


"Alright, but you mustn't fall asleep. Your mother was in a rage the last time."

"I wish you were my mother." She wrapped her arms around him .

"I would have loved that. But the fates decided differently. And I am still here with you. Now it's time to listen to the story..." Amour woke up as Ayana finished and the young boy fell asleep. She woke up in tears over the myth. Little did she know, she wasn't the only watcher in the memory.

Amour tried to talk to Elijah again. "I've been giving it more thought. I believe you can save your family." she told him.

"You do not yet have all the facts."

"What do I not know?"

"My brother can take us all down with mystical daggers dipped in the ash of a white oak tree. As long as the dagger remains, we are helpless and sleep. He then proceeds to stuff us in boxes, coffins he had specially made for us. Sine that was no longer enough of a punishment, he decided to dump my brothers and sister into the ocean. They will drown there for eternity."

"You're sure that's what he did."

"He admitted to it."

"And he wouldn't lie just to hurt you?"

"I struggle to see why you care so much Miss Bennett."

"Family is all we have."

"My siblings and I used to share similar sentiments."

"You miss him."

"I'm...I suppose I do," he quietly admitted.

Amour and Bonnie met Luca and his father some days later. "We're not using a child," Luca's father Jonas yelled at Elijah. Bonnie scoffed. Like she would;'ve allowed it.

"Of course not. But Persephone is safer here. I'd rather my brother not get his hands on another promising young witch," Elijah explained in annoyance. Then they all left to go to dinner at the Salvatores. The group returned some hours later, sans Elijah.

"Where is he? What happened?"

"Elena daggered him. But we have a plan to get him back," Bonnie reassured her sister.

"Klaus is in town already. He has to be," Luca said. This made Amour very observant. So much so, Alaric was raising red flags. She walked up to him after class.

"You're him, aren't you?" she asked with her heart in her throat.

"Don't you have somewhere to be, Miss Bennett?" he asked in a way that wasn't a no.

Bonnie went in person to take the dagger out of Elijah. She snuck in by playing Caroline. She even took the dagger with her. Elijah didn't even call or pop up to say that he was okay. Amour was the first person to see him two days later. "He is hopeless and unforgiving," Elijah admitted to her.

"Yes, he does seem quite stubborn."

'Amour snuck out that night to Alaric's place. A shorter man with full red lips answered the door. "You know your brother really loves you," she told him as she walked into the apartment. "And he misses you."

"You are Bonnie's little sister. The reason I have no worries for her protecting the doppelganger."

"Persephone Amour. But I prefer Amour. Please forgive Elijah. He's forgiven you. He loves you, Niklaus."

"Little witch you speak of things which you don't understand."

"I am very smart. You're both upset. But you can forgive each other, break your curse together and be a family!" she said.

"It's impossible. I am unforgivable. I dropped my family to the bottom of the sea."

"You know, I just don't believe that," she said, annoyingly cheerfully. His face vamped out but she wasn't afraid.

"You talk too much." She giggled and walked back towards the door.

"You do too." He scowled at her as she left.

Amour had another dream that night. "Mother, let me show you what I've learned." the same young boy asked a tall blond woman. He made the dishes float and a tall angry man walked in as he was doing so. The man seemed enraged by the act.

"What have I told you, boy?" he pulled him roughly then back handed him. The boy's lip bled. The man did it once more.

"Mikael stop!" the woman cried out but made no move towards him or to stop him.

"Finn has magic too!" the boy called out only to receive another hit. They were soon joined by two men.

"Father, what are you doing?" Niklaus asked as Elijah went to check on the boy. Amour gasped. This was their family. So the young boy was either Henrik or his other younger brother Kol. She woke up quickly again and never told anyoine about the two dreams.

The day of the sacrifice, Amour was forced to stay with Katherine and Luca. They waited for Jonas to return with Greta. Little did they know, they were too late. Since the Salvatore Brothers didn't have Bonnie to help protect Elena, Stefan tried to offer himself to replace the vampire, Elena's Aunt Jenna. It was merely a distraction as Damon killed Greta. Jonas attacked Damon immediately, giving away their presence. Bonnie and Elijah walked into the quarry to join them. "Brother, tell me the location of our family and I will convince Miss Bennett here to complete your spell."

"Curse breaking first," he offered.

"And you'll protect us just like Elijah," Bonnie added.

"You're not serious are you?" Stefan asked. Damon was still being psychically tortured by Jonas.

"Why are you doing this, Bonnie? We used to be best friends." Elena cried.

"You lost me the day you hurt her. How does it feel to be disposable?"

"She chose to help!" she defended and Bonnie's eyes seemed to almost glow green from the light of the fire. She laughed coldly.

"You still don't get it."

"Ladies, can we move this along?" Klaus asked.

"Let's go for it." Bonnie said. She completed the spell, not knowing Elena would be saved by an Elixir from Elijah. Afterwards, Elijah ran off after the wolf form of Klaus.

Neither Bonnie nor Amour saw Elijah after that day. Luca and Jonas left town. So did Katherine. Summer started and the town seemed to clean out of supernaturals. Amour texted Elijah to remind him of her concert but still only Bonnie was in the crowd. She also had more dreams of his family. They grew more frequent as time passed. She had seen most of the story of Kol, that was his name. She figured it out quickly. He grew up to be quite attractive, she thought. He was also intelligent, charming, and mischievous. She spent her summer playing violin and thinking about him, even when she was awake.

Meanwhile, Bonnie seemed to have a perfect summer. It had a lot to do with Matt. They had been officially a couple for a while. The couple became serious quite quickly. He had already spent most of his nights in her bed. Amour and Bonnie also moved more semi permanently into Gram's house. "So how am I gonna afford this magical place?" Matt asked Bonnie of university as they cuddled in bed that morning.

"Did I all of a sudden become rich?" she asked him. Her dad paid the bills in his home and Gram's life insurance would keep Amour and Bonnie's bills paid at her house for at least a few years if they were frugal. But it wasn't enough for school. "How are we going to afford it?"

"We might have to start in community college or online classes. And I'll have to keep working."

"Yeah, I guess. We know Amour would be able to get a scholarship to pretty much anywhere. I am so afraid she'll leave."

"Hey, she wont. She loves you," Matt said and pulled her in close.

"You know we could save some money if you moved in here."

"What about your Dad?"

"He's never in town. So what does it matter?" she asked him.

After seeing them all turned into vampires, Amour's next dream was in modern day mystic falls. It was a seemingly happy memory with a baby Bonnie and a seemingly happy Abigail and Rudy. There weren't many people at the park so when she turned and saw a familiar face, she knew he wasn't really there either.

"Who are you?" she asked, though she knew the answer.

"I could ask you the same." He smirked at her and she blushed.

"Amour. Well technically Persephone Amour. My dad called me Persephone. But he never liked it. Abigail used to call me Percy. She was my mother. But she left. She's gone now so I just prefer Amour."

"Do I make you nervous, little love?" he asked and her face was so hot she felt the need to reach up and touch it. How did that happen in a dream?

"Cute boys in general. Not just you." she said quickly.

"Oh, you think I'm cute?" he asked, it was playfully but lacked intimate passion. Like he understood his little love was still too young for his future affections.

"Well I said so, didn't I, Kol? Now hush and let me learn why I'm here." The mood of the memory changed. The happiness turned sour. To shouting. Amour knew she missed something.

"I didn't tell you my name."

"No but I'm betting since you're here now, you've been here every time while I watched your story."

"You're quite sharp."

"I know. Now shhh..." She shushed him but the moment was over and she woke up knowing her time had been wasted. 

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