My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

133K 5K 969

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



786 44 2
By Sarah__Leann

Stirring from my sleep, Kai's voice entered my mind, causing me to smile as I slowly opened my eyes.

Even when you sleep you're the most beautiful woman in the universe

"Have you been watching me all this time?" I chuckled softly, voice grogy as I stretched out my limbs.

"Would it be weird if I did?"

"Maybe a little bit weird."

"Then, no.. I haven't been watching you all this time." Kai laughed lightly.

Rolling on my side, I ran my fingers over his chest, watching as it shimmered with each breath that he took.

"How long until Kiara gets here?"

"About an hour. My mother was going to pop round while you were sleeping, she's very excited to see you."

"Why didn't you wake me? I hope she wasn't disappointed." I mumbled.

"She understands that you need your rest, besides, it's not like she won't  see you tonight, is it?"

"I know but.. She's the head of Zandara. Shouldn't she get what she wants regardless?"

"Oh, Daisy." Kai chuckled, running his fingers through my hair. "She might be the head of Zandara, but it doesn't mean she gets to boss people around and have her every demand met with the snap of her fingers."

"I thought that's exactly what she'd get." I mused.

"Do you want to freshen up while I make us something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry. Feel free to eat without me though." I smiled sweetly.

"I'm not taking no for an answer. You need to start eating more, don't think I haven't noticed that you play with most of the food on your plate. You need to increase your appetite, and the only way you'll do that is by eating more."


"But, no. Little and often until you can handle a full meal." Kai cut me off before I could protest.

"So bossy." I grunted. "Maybe you should be the one to rule Zandara."

Kai sighed, rolling his eyes. "I'm only bossy because I care about you."

I lay still for a moment, taking in his words.

He did care about me, more than anyone ever could, devoted to me like a moth to a flame.

Sitting up, I took his hands in mine. "Thank you."

"For what?" He looked confused.

"For everything." I smiled, before climbing out of bed.

I left him a little confused as I entered the bathroom, smiling to myself as I closed the door behind me.

After tying my hair into a ponytail, I then turned on the shower and lowered the head.

I couldn't be bothered washing my hair again, stepping under the water to wash my body.

I felt like I was constantly needing to shower. Maybe it was time to set some boundaries with Kai.. Schedule our intimacy so that it coincided with when I needed to shower, I thought, before dismissing the idea completely.

That'll never happen, I smiled, wishing that I'd invited him into the bathroom with me.

It was nearing the end of my second day back, and no matter how many times Kai satisfied my needs, I just couldn't get enough of him, constantly wanting more.

After my quick shower, I brushed my teeth and dried myself off.

Walking into the bedroom, Kai was nowhere to be seen, so I quickly got dressed before seeking him out in the living room.

"It's not like you to eat in here." I stated, joining him on the sofa.

Looking over at the coffee table, I eyed a plate, stacked with food.

"Umm.. Who's is that?" I pointed at the plate, side-eying Kai.

"Well it isn't mine, obviously."

Casting my mind back to our conversation in the bedroom, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Little and often? I'm not sure if you've noticed but that's not little. And if you expect me to eat all of that often, then I can't guarantee that it'll stay down."

"I don't expect you to eat all of it. I gave you the option of a few snacks, whatever you don't want, I'll eat."

"That sounds reasonable." I muttered, leaning forwards to see what was on offer.

I spied a cake, similar to a chocolate brownie, but instead of it being thick and chewy, it was light and airy and didn't leave you feeling sickly afterwards.

I can manage that, I thought, picking it up before sinking back into the sofa.

Feeling Kai's eyes on me, I quickly glanced up to see him smirking.

"Yes?" I mumbled.








I opened my mouth to speak, but decided to stay quiet. Kai was in a strange mood, playful more than anything, but now I felt confused.

Taking a bite of my cake, I heard a slight laugh.

"Weirdo." I grinned, looking up at him.

"You need to stay away from Klaus. His vocabulary is clearly rubbing off on you."

Snorting a laugh, I shook my head. "You're the one that's acting strange, maybe he's rubbing off on you, did you ever think of that?"

Kai hummed, relaxing into the sofa.

What I said must have rang true because he didn't speak again until after he had finished eating.

"Are you planning on drinking tonight?" He wondered.

"I've not really thought about it. Why, are you?"

"Maybe one or two. I took the liberty of concocting a less potant drink for you. It's the same stuff that you're used to, only, you won't be completely filli after two sips."

"I kind of make a fool of myself when I drink, don't I?" I blushed.

"No, not at all. You just seem to go from zero to one hundred with no inbetween, it isn't your fault that your body can't handle it."

"Thank you for being so thoughtful. Maybe now I can have a drink without worrying too much."

The door-bell rang, signalling Kiara's arrival.

Kai got up to let her in, Atlas on her heels and she wasted no time giving out her orders, taking control of the room.

"Okay then.. Kai, show me your suit for tonight. I need to make sure it doesn't clash with Daisy. Daisy, go and prep your face for make-up. Atlas, bring my things up the stairs and then prepare drinks for everyone, I'll have non-alcoholic, is everyone clear on what to do?"

Staying silent for a mement, we all kind of blinked, looking at one another.

"Come on, people, get it together." Kiara clapped her hands.

I instantly jumped up off the sofa, hearing Kai tell Kiara that he hasn't actually sorted out a suit yet.

I grinned as I made my way up the stairs, hearing her tell him off.

Once all of the commotion died down and everyone was almost ready, I slipped on a pair of black ankle-boots before Kiara allowed me to look in the mirror.

I'd had two drinks so far, strangely feeling quite relaxed, my anxieties almost nonexistent.

Having my drinks watered down was amazing. I didn't have to take teeny tiny sips and a single mouthful didn't send me spinning.

Walking over to the mirror, I took a peek at my appearance.

My eyes were wide as I looked over at Kiara; that woman could work wonders.

"Go on, say it.. I've turned you into a sultry, hot goddess.. Am I right?" She chuckled.

She may have been a bit over the top with her words, but I wasn't half bad.

Aside from my outfit, my make-up was flawless. Lots of mascara, dark eye-shadow that was blended to perfection, smooth, clear skin and a dash of cherry lip-gloss that made my lips twinkle.

My hair was big. Not overly huge but the volume was there.

With the top half pinned back, the rest flowed in soft curls down my shoulders, not a hair out of place as I gawped at myself in the mirror.

"I look.. Pretty." I blushed, feeling an ego forming at complimenting myself.

"Pretty?" Kiara frowned. "You're fucking beautiful, Daisy. Hold your head up high and own it."

I chuckled softly before turning the tables on her.

"Have you seen yourself? Don't come at me with all that nonsense when you look like that. I've never seen beauty quite like it. You look sensational, Kiara, absolutely stunning."

And I meant every word. Kiara was probably the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

I wasn't sure if she was aware of how gorgeous she really was, but it didn't stop her checking herself out in the mirror with a satisfied hum.

"I suppose you're right, I look hot." She grinned. "Atlas won't be able to keep his hands off me." Her grin deepened before we burst out in to fits of laughter.

A knock on the bedroom door signalled it was time to leave.

Kai gave us twenty minutes to finish getting ready the last time he brought us drinks, saying he'll come and get us when it's time to leave.

"Are you decent?" He called, opening the door with his hand covering his eyes.

Kiara rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"I'll see you downstairs." She winked, before side stepping Kai.

I stood in the middle of the room, holding my breath as he looked me up and down.

"Sensational." He whispered, his throat bobbing as he swallowed down hard.

I suddenly felt nervous as he walked towards me. Our eyes were locked on to one another, and when Kai finally reached me, his hands grazed my arms causing them to erupt with goosebumps.

"You look incredible." He breathed, feeling his fresh breath on my face.

"So do you." I stated, straightening my back.

He held out his hand, waiting for me to take it, and the moment our skin touched, tingles radiated throughout my body.

It usually happened in the place of contact, Kai's eyes widening as he felt it too.

"What.. What was that?" I started to panic.

"It's our soulmate bond, showing it's approval now that we're back together." He spoke softly.


"Are you ready to go, my love?" He asked, lifting my hand to his lips.

I cleared my throat, desperately trying to keep my cool.. At least on the outside anyway.

My insides were screaming for Kai to rip my clothes off, refuse to go to the party and spend the evening in bed.

"Mhmm." I nodded, walking out of the bedroom.

With Kai now behind me, I sucked in a breath, slowly exhaling as I tried to clear my mind.

Once we were down the stairs, Kiara and Atlas took off through the front door.

"We'll see you there." Kiara yelled, slamming the door behind her.

"Impressive." Kai stated, following me into the kitchen.

"What is?" I wondered, getting myself a drink.

"In the bedroom, you were so fucking turned on, to the point that I almost ripped that dress off of you to satisfy your needs. But now, somehow, you've blocked it all out, to the point that I feel like I need to up my game. I'm very impressed with your self control."

My heartbeat quickened, almost leaping out of my chest.

"You want to up your game?" I quirked a brow, taking a large gulp of my drink.

Kai stepped towards me, arms either side of me, trapping my body between him and the counter.

He dipped his head until his lips grazed my ear. "If it wasn't for this party you'd be naked right now, bent over this counter, with me balls deep inside you."

His lips kissed my neck as my breath caught in my throat.

He was feeling playful and I kind of liked it, but an ache between my legs began to form, and I wasn't about to ruin my hair and make-up for a five minute fumble.

If Kai wanted to play games then game on. Maybe it would bring a little fun to the night.

Closing my eyes, I sucked in a breath, thinking about clowns and Earth, and even Felix.

"We better get going if you want to make it on time." I mumbled.

Taking a step backwards, Kai looked down at me with a devilish grin.

Gulping down another mouthful of my drink, I placed my cup on the side before stepping towards him.

I reached up and looped my finger around his collar, preparing to kiss him as he lowered his head.

Just as our lips were about to touch, I leant into his ear with a grin.

"Game on." I whispered, spinning around, pressing myself into his crotch before walking away.

I heard him groan when I reached the living room, muttering the word 'tease' as he followed behind.

Focusing on clowns, I thought of nothing else, successfully clearing my mind and ridding the ache between my legs.

Kai, on the other hand, seemed to be struggling.

Sitting in the shuttle, I purposely sat opposite him, glancing out of the window with my legs slightly spread.

I could see a slight reflection of him rearranging his member, clearly uncomfortable as it couldn't break free.

"Is everything alright over there?" I smiled innocently.

"Splendid." He muttered, before clearing his throat.

We didn't speak much for most of the journey but when the shuttle slowed down to park up, my heart skipped a beat when I saw how many other shuttles were there.

Kai quickly sat beside me, resting his hand over mine in an attempt to calm my nerves.

It helped a little, turning towards him, inhaling deeply to catch his scent.

It was like an essential oil, calming me quickly, just enough to smile as we stepped out of the shuttle.

I didn't know why I felt so nervous. I most likely knew everyone in there and I had Kai right beside me to fall back on when I needed him.

"I don't think that I've seen this building before." I cocked my head to one side, taking in the view.

"It's my parent's personal events building. Instead of having parties in the house, my mother decided it was better to host them next door. She's quite particular about the way her house is kept, so hosting her events elsewhere stopped her worrying so much."

"I can understand that. I'd hate for people to be messing up our house all the time, I'd constantly be cleaning."

The building was lavish, something that was pretty standard here on Zandara.

It had marble effect walls, cream and white, with steps leading up to the wide doors.

Large bay windows were on either side of the building and a gravel footpath led upto it.

The flowers are what I liked the most though, a multitude of colours surrounding everything that wasn't the footpath or shuttle bay.

A slight breeze fanned my face, a floral scent brought with it.

I closed my eyes, briefly, enjoying the calm silence.

"Shall we get this over with then?" Kai breathed, placing his hand on my lower back.

His touch made me swoon, butterflies erupting and as I nodded, the wrong word flew out of my mouth.


I meant to say 'yes' whilst thinking of clowns, but as my nerves resurfaced, I said what I should have been thinking whilst thinking about what I was going to say.

"Is that some sort of kinky code word?" Kai grinned, wiggling his eyebrows with a twinkle in his eye.

"Umm.. Sure, why not." I shook my head, chuckling at the thought of kinky clowns.

"Alright then. Shall we?" He smiled, holding out his arm.

I nodded this time, looping my arm around his, smiling softly as we made our way to the building.

The doors were wide open, manned by two guys that were dressed in identical black suits.

"Commander Kai." They respectfully nodded at Kai before turning to greeting me. "Miss Daisy, welcome back."

I looked up at them both, a slight warmth on my cheeks as I thanked them for my welcome.

I was in unknown territory, unsure of where to go, letting Kai take the lead as he stirred us towards a set of stairs.

It was awfully quiet for a party, and for a second, I wondered if Klaus was wrong about Reela inviting half the planet.

"You ready?" Kai looked down at me as we reached the top of the stairs,

There was a door to the left, and another to the right, and the wide, open space in between had a cute little seating area with pictures of Kai and his family on the walls.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I smiled up at him, my nerves non existant as he walked over to the door on the right.

He pressed a button on the wall, and after a few seconds, it flashed yellow and made a clanking sound.

Pushing open the door, Kai flicked on a light, his hand on my lower back firmly guiding me in first.

If it wasn't for his hand, I would have amost ran away.

"Welcome home, Daisy!" A wave of voices boomed through the air.

Klaus was right.. Reela had invited everyone she fucking knew, and I stood there like a tomato, blushing like an idiot, absolutely speechless with my eyes as wide as saucers.

Fearing that I was making a fool of myself, I realised that I had to say something, or do something.

I peered up at Kai, his face a mirror image of mine, stood there gawping, astonished that it wasn't a small gathering.

Reaching out to his mind, I was in a panic, needing him to say something.. Anything.


He looked down at me, his lips curling up into a grin before taking my hand in his and stepping forward towards the crowd.


Hi guys 👋

Hope you enjoyed this one!

It was fun to write it and I enjoyed seeing Kai's playfull side.

Please feel free to comment/vote and keep an eye out for the next update 😁

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