Make Me. (Sonic x OC)

By am3000000

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Skylar is Amy's twin sister but with a twist. She has royal blue fur and long royal blue hair quills/hair bu... More

Meeting Team Sonic
Can an Evil Genius Crash on Your Couch for a Few Days?
Translate This
My Fair Sticksy
Double Dooms Day.
Guilt Tripping
Circus of Plunders

The Meteor

81 3 0
By am3000000

Team Sonic sits on the beach, watching a meteor shower while relaxing near a campfire. Colorful meteors rain down from the night sky.

Amy: Meteor showers are always so beautiful.

Knuckles: That one's flying beautifully toward us!

A meteor flies over Team Sonic and it crashes nearby.

Tails: This could be a major find! We need to approach it cautiously and with great care so that-

Sonic: Race ya! 

Sonic runs off with the rest of the team running after him, leaving Tails and Skylar behind. 

Tails: [Sighs] Wait for us!

Skylar: Grab on to me. I can get us there faster. 

Tails: How?

Skylar: Kid those dumbasses are slow as hell, even a bicycle could pass em with ease. And since your no better I think its better I'd carry you. 

Tails: Thanks?

Skylar: No problem. Can't leave my new punching bag hanging.

Tails: You mean friend right?......Right?.....

Skylar: Same thing. 

Skylar lifts Tails on her back and runs off.

later at the crater site.

Sonic reaches the edge of the crater and looks into it. A glowing purple meteor is shown to have landed within the center.

Sonic: [As his friends catch up] Hah! First!

Eggman: Think again, Sonic!

Sonic: Eggman?!

Team Sonic notice Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot in the Eggmobile, which had been hovering over the crater.

Eggman: That's right! And as the intrepid explorer that first discovered this regal rock, I hereby call "dibs"!

Sonic: What? You can't call "dibs".

Eggman: Oh, so now you don't respect "dibs"? What's next? Are you gonna allow "cutsies"? Flout the five second rule? Step on a crack without any regard for your mother's spinal column?

Knuckles: Not cool, Sonic!

Sonic: Of course I respect "dibs", but you can only call "dibs" if you are touching the thing you desire to "dib".

Skylar: What kinda dibs bullshit are you yapping about?! Just nab the rock you dumbass! 

Sonic: Alright fine geez, but I'm still calling dibs.

Eggman and Sonic both race to the meteor and touch it at the exact same time.

Sonic and Eggman: Dibs!

A light suddenly covers the entire area.

The next morning in Eggmans lair.

Sonic: [Wakes up.] Ugh...

Sonic looks around and sees he's in eggmans lair.

Sonic: What am I doing in Eggman's lair? 

Sonic looks at a mirror and sees Eggman.

Sonic: Gah! Eggman! 

Jumps at the mirror and is knocked backwards.

Sonic: What the...?

Sonic looks at himself.

Sonic (in Eggman's body): [In Eggman's voice.] What am I doing in Eggman's body?!

Cubot and Orbot enter the room and approach Sonic.

Orbot: Dr. Eggman, you're awake!

Cubot: We had to drag you back home; it was Spring Break all over again!

A series of illustrated photos are shown: Eggman playing beach volleyball with his robots; Eggman singing to an audience that consists of his robots; Eggman posing with a sand castle; Cubot, snickering while placing suntan lotion on the forehead of a napping Eggman; Orbot and Cubot dragging a still-unconscious Eggman back to the lair, his body sunburned, save for a Sonic-shaped mark on the forehead.

"Eggman": I'm not Eggman, I'm Sonic!

Orbot: [To Cubot] He's pretending to be Sonic again...

Cubot: Well, I'm not gonna be Skylar this time! 

"Eggman": What do you mean by that?

Cubot: Don't you remember? You think Sonic and Skylar are secretly dating so you make up scenarios with them being all lovey-dovey?

"Eggman": WHAT?!

In Sonics Shack.

Skylar sits beside "Sonic" as he rests in his hammock.

Skylar: I swear you should be so damn grateful I didn't leave you down there. I almost broke my back carrying you. I thought you'd be lighter than that considering you look like a twig. 

"Sonic": Alright alright I get it now quit your yapping geez. And I thought Amy was annoying.

Skylar: You better watch your mouth hedgehog. Just cause you're my "friend" doesn't mean I won't kick your ass for stepping out of line and insulting my sister.

"Sonic": Whatever you say love.

Skylar snapped her head to give him a weird look.

Skylar: The fuck you call me?

"Sonic": What's the matter Darling? 

Skylar: Did you hit your damn head or something?! Why are you calling me those stupid names like we're dating or something? 

"Sonic": Oh come on they're harmless nicknames. 

Skylar: Well quit it. Its makes it look like we're dating and I personally don't like that idea one bit. 

"Sonic": Alright fine Geez.

Skylar: I think I'm gonna go get Amy or something cause you're acting a little weird. 

Skylar leaves the room.

"Sonic": Alright, don't freak out, play it cool. You're Sonic now.  This. Is. Delicious. With my genius mind and Sonic's speed, I'll finally be able to destroy those pesky rodents once and for all! But it's still really disappointing to hear they aren't together yet...Time for a test drive. 

Eggman starts running in place and then speeds away, but ends up crashing into a wall.

"Sonic": Ow... Uh, this might take some getting used to.

Skylar stands outside behind the wall, listening in on Eggmans little dialogue. 

Skylar:[whispers] I fucking knew it.

Meanwhile with Tails.

Tails is inside, using a device to inspect the meteor that was left alone after Sonic and Eggman touched it.

Tails: [Reading the device] These numbers are off the chart! [Tosses the chart away.] Fortunately, I have a bigger chart. 

Tails takes out a large chart, writes in it, then looks back at the meteor.

Tails: Now, let's find out your purple-y secrets!

back with Eggman.

"Eggman": I'm telling you, I'm Sonic! Eggman switched brains with me... I mean, I switched bodies with Eggman!

Cubot: Uh, hang on. Did you switch brains, or did you switch bodies?

"Eggman": Both!

Orbot: Well then; nothing's changed.

"Eggman": Listen, Gear-brain-

Cubot: [To Orbot] Definitely Eggman. 

Orbot nods in agreement.

"Eggman": Look. I'm not Eggman. I'll prove it! 

Sonic attempts to use his speed, but cannot access it in Eggman's body. He quickly exhausts himself.

"Eggman": Hoh, boy... can't... breathe... What is this awful feeling... in my lungs?

Orbot: [Sarcastically applauses] Good show, sir.

Cubot: [Sarcastically] Real impressive stuff, boss.

"Eggman": [Still out of breath] Need to... find Tails... He'll know what to do!

later at Sonic shack.

Eggman now shows mastery over Sonic's body and abilities.]

"Sonic": Now that I've finally gotten the hang of this athletically superior - but far less handsome - body, I can destroy those do-gooders for good! [Diabolically laughs.]

Amy: [From outside] Sonic, come on out! I made milkshakes for everyone!

"Sonic": Ooh, milkshakes! Okay, milkshakes first, then destroy arch-enemies.

He heads out of the shack.

later outside of Sonics shack.

Sonic is riding to his shack using Eggman's Egg Mobile because he can't use his speed while in Eggman's body.

Sonic: I really appreciate you guys lending me the Eggmobile. I have no idea how Eggman gets around in this floatation device he calls a body.

Orbot realizes what Sonic just said.

Orbot: Did he just say he appreciates us?

Cubot: I'm thinking this might not be Eggman after all. Could someone else be in his body? And if so, who?


Eggman and Knuckles are playing a video game. As we have noticed earlier, while Eggman is in Sonic's body while having Sonic's voice, Sonic, while having Eggman's voice, is in Eggman's body, which seems to answer Cubot's question. Eggman wins the game due to concentration.

"Sonic": Oh yeah! Score one for Dr. Egg... [Realizes that he nearly blew his cover.] I mean Sonic.

Knuckles: Hey, no need to rub it in, dude.

"Sonic": Of course. Sonic's a good sport. I don't know what came over me, Nuggets.

He walks off and gets out Sonic's notebook and Sonic's pencil and begins to go through Sonic's schedule.

"Sonic": Let's see. Badminton with Sticks at 4:30. Then a hike with the gang. Can't miss that. Another video game session with Nibbles at 7:00. Then I'll destroy everyone at 7:15. Wait, no. Amy and I are going to see that chick flick at 9:00. Guess I'll have to destroy them tomorrow.

A crash is heard outside.

"Sonic": What was that?

Sonic has crashed the Eggmobile by accident.

"Eggman": Sorry about the rough landing. Heh.

Eggman and Knuckles rush outside and Eggman is shocked to see what has happened.

"Sonic": My baby!

Sonic brushes off some dust he got on him. Sticks and the others get ready to fight him thinking that he is Eggman.

"Eggman": Guys, it's me! Sonic!

Knuckles: Ha! Nice try, Eggman! Wait, no. That was a terrible try.

"Eggman": But I'm not Eggman! I'm Sonic!

"Sonic": Don't listen to him! I'm Sonic! Look at how blue I am! Must be one of his ingenious plans we all admire him for. Ha ha, friends?

Amy and Sticks look at each other, then burst into laughter.

Amy: "Ingenious plans"! Good one, Sonic!

"Sonic": [taken aback, then plays along] Yeeeah... we're making fun of Eggman because we're secretly jealous of him, right? I mean, the brains, the panache, the mustache... He's the total package, eh?

Everyone except Eggman and Sonic bursts into laughter.

Sticks: Hilarious!

"Eggman": Listen! Eggman and I switched bodies somehow. He's me, and I'm him.

Knuckles starts laughing again, thinking that it's a joke. Eggman takes out a cream pie and hits himself with it.

"Sonic": Ow! Eggman threw a pie at me!

"Eggman": Huh? No, I didn't!

"Sonic": Let's send this miscreant packing!

Sticks, Amy, and Knuckles charge at Sonic. Before any of there attacks can hit him they're blocked by Skylar's hammer.

Skylar: Hold your horses. He's telling the truth. 

Amy: What do you mean?! Its Eggman!

Skylar: I swear you guys are dumb. You've known blue balls way long than I have and yet I noticed something was up. You guys are definitely good friends.

Amy: And how do we know he's not lying?

Skylar: Well Sonics been acting weird all day and he's been doing shit I know this man wouldn't do unless he was held at gun point. And even then he still wouldn't do it. 

"Sonic": How are we so sure eggman didn't brainwash her?

Skylar gives him a look.

Skylar: You think I'm as simple minded as you all to be brainwashed so easily? Let alone be captured in the first place to even be brainwashed? 

The team looked at each other and agreed she wouldn't.

Skylar: Exactly. 

Amy: But that still doesn't answer the question on who's who.

Skylar: Fine you want proof? Blueballs. Favourite color of mine.

"Sonic": Black? Like your soul? 

Skylar: I otta kick your ass for that but no. Egghead. Same question.

"Eggman": That's easy. Its purple. Specifically Lilac cause it feels relaxing to you. Its why your room is covered in the colour. It helps relax you after a long day and helps you sleep better for some reason. 

Skylar: Little bit too much info but still. See? Sonic is the only other person that knew that other than Amy. Now put down your weapons.

Tails arrives in his Tailsmobile, the horn honking "La Cucaracha," bringing the meteor with him. Sonic and Eggman see him coming.

Tails: Sonic is Eggman, Eggman is Sonic!

Skylar: Already knew that bud. 

Tails: Oh. Whatever. When Eggman and Sonic touched this meteor, they switched brains!

Skylar: And Im gonna take a wild guess is the only way for them to turn back is if they touch the meteor again?

Tails: Correct!

"Eggman": Come on, Eggman. Just touch this and give me my body back.

"Sonic": You can't make me! I'm the fastest evil genius on the planet-

Before Eggman could run off he was swiftly caught by Skylar who tackled him to the floor.

Skylar: Don't even think about it. Grab the rock and switch back already!

"Eggman": Right!

Sonic grabbed the meteor and switched back with Eggman.

Later at Sonics shack.

Sonic and Skylar sat watching a movie. 

Sonic: Sky I've been thinking about today.

Skylar: What about it?

Sonic: How'd you even figure out that Egghead wasn't me?

Skylar: Wasn't too hard. He acted weird. I'm surprised your "friends" didn't catch on. 

Sonic: I'm surprised too. Hey wanna know something weird? Eggman apparently thinks we're dating.

Skylar: I mean I can tell. Hey kept calling me a bunch of nicknames like we were dating. It was awful. But I think I can see why he thought that.

Sonic: Spill.

Skylar: No normal person can deal with me and my attitude as long as you can. And since I don't exactly glare at you as much as I do everyone else I guess he thought we were together. 

Sonic: I've dealt with way worse than your attitude plus I've gotten use to it.

Skylar: Its still shocks me that you can  deal with me after all the rude things I say to you on a daily basis. 

Sonic: Well you aren't that bad compared to others i've met. Despite your little attitude I think you're cool. But I gotta know. Why DO you have one?

Skylar: I don't know. Maybe its that I don't exactly like or trust people enough so I use my attitude to hide myself and shove others away. 

Sonic: Is it because of your parents?

Skylar: Mostly but its due to my upbringing. I had no friends growing up and was constantly bullied and called a loner. I guess that made me manifest my attitude. I was tired of being bullied so I made it to shield and protect myself. I didn't bother trying to make friends cause I guess I was afraid of getting hurt.

Sonic: Well if it means anything I would of been your friend if we knew each other back then.

Skylar: I mean I did see you around when I was a kid. Amy ran out of the house to go see you cause apparently you promised to take her out on one of your adventures. I remember how much of a midget you were.

Sonic: Hey! I wasn't a midget! 

Skylar: I remember looking out the window and saw you and Amy side by side. You guys were the same height. I was atleast a good couple inches taller than Amy back then so compared to me you were a little gremlin. 

Sonic: Well now the tables have turned cause now I'm atleast a head taller than you. So now your the gremlin and considering that little attitude of yours you definitely go with it the title. 

Skylar: Oi I may be shorter but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!

Sonic: I bet you could but you won't. 

Skylar: You seem awfully confident I won't.

Sonic: Yep. I know you won't cause you've got a soft spot for little ol me. 

Skylar: Says who?!

Sonic: Says me. You treat me way better than you do the others. Even after you made friends with Tails. 

Skylar: Just cause you're my friend doesn't mean I have a soft spot for you.

Sonic:[smugly] You literally protected me from the group after I switched with eggman today. If you didn't have a soft spot for me you would of probably let them kick my ass yet you didn't. Face it. You care about me.

Skylar groaned in frustration.

Sonic: Oh come on there's no shame in caring about someone. 

Skylar: But there's shame in caring about an obnoxious idiot like you.

Sonic:[smugly] I'm bearable enough for you to hang out with me out of everyone else in the group.

Skylar: You are so lucky I'm not in the mood to kick your ass.

Sonic: Whatever you say shortstack.

Skylar glares at him.

Skylar: I'm not short. I'm average height.

Sonic: And Knuckles is smarter than Tails. 

Skylar: I'm not that short. You're just abnormally tall!

Sonic: And you're just abnormally short. 

Sonic laughs as Skylar continues to get upset.

Sonic: Oh relax I'm only pulling your leg. Atleast we can both agree on one thing.

Skylar: And that is?

Sonic: We're taller than Amy. 

Skylar: Isn't everyone over ten taller than her?

Sonic snickered at her.

Sonic: Fair enough....You know I'd never thought you and me could of been friends after we first met. You were so much different from me and acted like a huge bitch. And now look at us. 

Skylar: Yeah. It was like just yesterday when I was a loner and refused to make friends. And now I'm on an entire team with people I sort of get along with. 

Sonic: Well the next thing you know you'll be getting along with all of us. You've already made two friend so far so now you just need to become friends with Knuckles and Sticks. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't wanna be friends with the rest of the village cause geez they're annoying. 

Skylar: I know right? Just the other day this walrus lady kept yapping about how her baby kept getting in trouble. She's literally so irresponsible. She can't keep her baby out of trouble for a second! 

Sonic: And then she expects us to save her baby every time. I swear I thought I was the only one that found her annoying! 

Skylar: Right!? I swear its an awesome feeling when someone can agree with me on how annoying she is.

Sonic: I know.

Skylar: I guess talking to you about people isn't as terrible as I thought.

Sonic: Why's that?

Skylar: I thought you'd scold me about being kind to all people and whatever with how highly Amy spoke of you.

Sonic: Well I won't. If anything I'm the most likely to agree with you out of everyone in the group-wait hold on Amy speaks about me to you?

Skylar: I mean yeah. When we weren't friends yet Amy spoke really highly of you to me, saying you'd be the perfect friend for me. 

Sonic: I guess she was desperate for you and me to be friends.  

Skylar: Yeah. I mean who wouldn't if there sister was a complete loner with zero friends and there's apparently someone who seems perfect to be their friend?

Sonic:[smugly] Are you admitting I would be the perfect person to be your friend?

Skylar: I said apparently so don't think of inflating your ego. Its already massive enough.

Sonic: Worth a shot. Anyways I've been thinking. I wanna get to know you a bit better. I already know a good amount but I wanna know more.

Skylar: And why?

Sonic: You're just interesting is all. 

Skylar: Alright I guess. What do you want to know?

Sonic: Favourite place on the island?

Skylar: Its the Volcano. I have no clue why but I've always had an obsession with Volcanoes and stuff relating to space. 

Sonic: Oh really? Like what? 

Skylar: Like planets, moons, the Kuiper belt, the asteroid belt and so on. Hey did you know that Saturn's biggest moon Titan has ice volcanoes? Or that there's this theory going around that Saturn's rings were made of moons that came a little too close to it or-

Skylar stopped speaking when she noticed Sonic looking at her intently, causing her to blush of embarrassment when it clicked that she was rambling to him.

Skylar: Sorry about the rambling. I got carried away. I know you're most likely not interested in my geek stuff-

Sonic: Oh no its fine. I don't mind you rambling about something you like. If anything its kinda cute to see you talk about things you like. So go, continue. I'm all ears 

Skylar: Well even though Titan has that name its not the biggest moon in the solar system. Its actually Ganymede, Jupiter's moon. By the way Titan and Ganymede are bigger than mercury. Also Titan not only has ice volcanoes but it also has clouds rivers, rain, lakes and seas of liquid hydrocarbons like methane and ethane.....Are you sure you're okay with me just talking about this stuff? 

Sonic: Like I said its fine. Why do you keep asking?

Skylar: Whenever I geek out people think I'm annoying. 

Sonic: Well I don't. You're adorable when you act like a total geek.  

Skylar: Well you're the first to ever think that.

Sonic: I can tell. Anyways what else do you like?

Skylar: I like martial arts. Specifically street fighting and karate.  

Sonic: Oh really? Then maybe you can show me some moves later?

Skylar: Sure. Well I gotta get home now. Amy's probably wondering why I'm out so late.

Skylar gets up.

Sonic: Alright. I'll see you tomorrow?

Skylar: Maybe. If I can sneak away from Amy before she drags me to one of her pottery classes then sure. Thanks for hanging with me. Bye.

Sonic: Alright. Bye.

Skylar nods before leaving Sonic alone. 

Sonic: What a day. I guess its time to get to bed.

Sonic gets up and jumps in his hammock to sleep. 

Sonic: Now to catch some zee's. 

Sonic gets comfortable before closing his eyes to sleep.

Meanwhile in the distance Someone stared at Sonic from a window.

???: You will be mine one day. And when that day comes I'll never let you go my love.~ 

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