Stilettos and Skates

By BanCo86

633 38 0

Warnings: Mature Themes | Smut | Sex Public Relations director, Aly Fletcher finds herself suddenly being in... More

Coming Soon


76 3 0
By BanCo86

Sid had avoided Aly like the fucking plague. He didn't make it to the club because he had gotten himself so drunk that the only thing he managed to do was put himself in a cab and get himself to bed, he was in no shape to continue drinking or even try and get a girl to have a good time. When he'd woken up on his couch the next day, he had a memory flash into his brain from the night before. He had been talking to Aly and he had tried to pick her up, he had actually had the balls to go up to her and ask her to go home with him and he was mortified. Thankfully she had thought it was a joke, considering that was how he played it off - at least he thought that's what happened. He was too scared to speak to her about it and he had the entire team talking about it, they were all fully aware he'd broken up with Kathy and they definitely saw him try and fail with Aly, he had told them all it had just been a joke and that she was smart enough to know that.

He almost tripped as he boarded their plane, seeing Aly sat in one of the seats and she was on her laptop looking like she was in the middle of something super important. He swallowed so hard that he almost gulped because he hadn't seen her since that night and he didn't think a 'sorry I tried to take you home' text was going to work. She didn't even look up at him so he walked past her and took his seat, he was sweating and hoping she wouldn't come over to him on the flight and tell him he was an asshole. He didn't think he had done anything bad and he certainly didn't think she was easy, but the second he thought that, he started wondering if she thought that he thought she was easy and he was a fucking spiralling mess.


They had an off day and they all decided to make a beach day out of it, the plan was to take a breather, maybe a few games of soccer or something and enjoy the sunshine before the game and he'd managed to get himself to calm down a little, mostly because it was an out of sight, out of mind scenario. That was until she joined in with the friendly game of volley ball, taking a spot on the opposing team and he ended up stood facing her. He was lucky he was wearing shades because he couldn't get over how good she looked, she definitely worked out, he had worked out with her numerous times before. He had never seen her with so little clothing on before, not that he could remember in anyways, but he was really enjoying the view.

He found himself scanning his eyes over her body, the top of her bikini bottoms were peaking out over her denim shorts and he was actually feeling a little annoyed she had shorts on. He could absolutely tell the bottoms were thonged, he wondered if she would end up taking them off at some point, especially because Hailey had taken hers off and she was happily walking about in a bikini that was thonged, yet she wasn't given him any confusing feelings. He almost got smacked in the face with the ball because he was so busy ogling at Aly's breasts that he didn't even realise she'd spiked the ball over the net. So now he figured she was definitely pissed at him because that ball was definitely aimed at his face, at least that's what his brain was telling him.

There was an element of frustration because he honestly thought she was pissed off at him because of what had happened and he felt like he should apologise to her, it was all about finding the right time to do it, he wanted to do it soon because he didn't want her to think he was just trying his luck. He had told the guys he was just chatting to her because they'd seen everything, he just wasn't sure if he'd really said anything to offend her but he was going to find out and put it right if he had.

After the volleyball game, he grabbed himself a beer and tried to relax. The vibe was pretty laid back and everyone was chatting and having a nice time, except himself of course. He saw Aly sat with Hailey and they were having a cocktail and laughing about something, she wasn't too far from him and a few of the guys had been going over to chat to them every so often. They were all very close and it wouldn't be seen as weird if he took the opportunity to have a quick chat with her, so he psyched himself up and went for it.

The second he approached her, he felt like he was going to crap himself with how nervous he was to apologise to her, but she'd already looked up at him and he had to go through with it or look like an even bigger ass than he was already feeling. It didn't help that he was only wearing a pair of board shorts, which really showed off his own ass that he was constantly getting shit from the guys about. He knew he had a huge ass and his shorts were definitely not helping to hide it.

"Hey Sid." She smiled. "Everything alright?"

"Can I talk to you?" He rubbed the back of his neck and she nodded, an evident frown on her face behind her shades.

"Uh, sure." She put her drink down and moved her legs as if she was inviting him to sit down. He seemed to hesitate when she nodded to the empty space on her sun lounger but he stayed standing.

"Like in private?" He glanced to Hailey for a second who was prepping for tomorrow's game, it didn't even seem like she had acknowledged he was even there until he saw she had AirPods in.

"Oh." She tilted her head. "Um, yeah. Gimme a sec." He stepped back to allow her to stand up and followed her as she pointed towards the water for them to walk. "Everything ok?"

"I hope so." He folded his arms as they walked and he could tell she was being a little stand off-ish with him which is exactly how he didn't want her to act with him.

"Well that doesn't sound good." She adjusted her shades and put her hands on her hips, immediately stopping in her tracks whilst he kept walking for a moment. He spun a 180 to face her before dropping his arms, mirroring her stance by putting his hands on his own hips.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were ok and that I hadn't offended you when I saw you out that night." His mouth twisted to the side for a second, he was dreading her telling him to fuck off and calling him a creep.

"Offend me?" Aly looked super confused for a moment until it registered what he was referring to and she smirked. "Oh. That."

"Yeah." He winced as he brought a hand to the back of his neck to rub it again. "That. I'm so sorry, I was really drunk and I wasn't in the best head space."

"It's cool. No harm done." She laughed. "I figured it was dare from the guys since they kept looking over at us and you were trying too hard to keep the conversation going." She shook her head whilst he gave her a blank stare, which she didn't pick up on due to his shades. "Quite a ballsy move on your part, Sid. I didn't think you'd stoop to their level."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No." She shook her head. "I was mad at the situation. You were probably too drunk to notice, but I was so pissed off that you guys turned up to begin with. I was expecting a girls night and ended up looking after all you idiots instead. I put six of you in cabs. Yourself included."

"Did you really?" That had shocked him because he had no memory of that at all. "Wow. I'm sorry." Both hands were back on his hips. "I wanted to apologise, regardless. I shouldn't have done that, it was unprofessional at best and I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." She smiled and held her hand out for him to shake, which he found very amusing but he shook it nonetheless, a cheeky grin creeping over his face.

"Can I still have a hug before tomorrows game?"

"You and this fucking hug obsession!" She laughed as she let go of his hand. "I mean, if it will make you feel better, sure. I'll throw myself at you for a hug before you get into your gear." He knew she'd spawned an eye roll, it made him chuckle

"You will?"

"Sure. We'll see if my hug can get you a point." She nudged his hip with her own before she took off back to her sun lounger, he was so fucking relieved she didn't hate him and wasn't pissed off with him. However in the back of his mind, he was now annoyed with her for the way she just dropped the conversation and walked off because if there was any hint of attraction, he figured she would have at least loitered or allowed him to walk her back. Clearly she didn't have any feelings towards him but he wasn't too sure that was going to put him off but then again he wasn't sure if he was becoming interested or if he was just thinking about his drunk ass trying to take her home.

He hadn't spoken to her the rest of the day, quick glances here and there but that was normal. Everything was normal. There was nothing making him freak out anymore, he had cleared the air with her and there wasn't anything playing on his mind. He figured he was just feeling a little weird because he had been in a relationship for so long and never looked at another woman, he never had a wandering eye whilst with Kathy but now he was single and this was all new to him, he was looking at girls he had seen multiple times in a different way and although none of them raised his eyebrow, Aly was looking great but he figured it was just because he was getting used to being single.

There was a really pretty sunset that evening, which made Sid feel super lucky since his room was facing it and he appreciated the view. He stepped out onto his balcony and he debated having a beer and his dinner out on it, but given he'd not yet ordered room service, there was every bit of chance that the sun would be fully set by the time he got dinner, so a beer would have to do. He needed to shower, he smelled a mixture of sun kissed skin and coconut from his sun lotion which wasn't a bad smell but he definitely needed to freshen up after the sports filled day he'd had.

He stepped over to the corner of his balcony, eyeing up the colourful sky and the setting sun when he caught sight of a brunette wearing a small thong bikini two rooms over, doing the exact same thing. His dick stirred in his shorts because the ass on this girl was perfect and he would be lying if a sudden thought of utterly destroying her from behind whilst he admired it hadn't just flashed into his mind. He would have stayed out there and stared at it all night but something in his head told him to take a closer look and as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, he realised it was Aly.

The shock of it being her had him stumbling backwards as if he had just done something that he shouldn't have, a loud grunt left his throat as his back hit the door frame on the sliding door and of course that caught Aly's attention, making her turn around to face him. He had absolutely nothing in his head, just a blank stare for her as he tried to not drop his beer bottle on the floor.

"Hey!" She gave him a small wave, making him nod a hello because he couldn't think of what to say to her, he was terrified he would just scream nice ass at her and run into his room. "I didn't see you there. How pretty is that sunset?"

"Great." He smiled as she turned back around to look at it and his eyes darted back to her ass for a split second before she turned back around to face him again. "Well, bye."

"Night." She sort of laughed at him as he scrambled inside, closing the door before he slammed his beer bottle down on the small table and he furious grabbed his phone to FaceTime the only person who he knew would calm him down and who he could be completely honest with.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Taylor, I'm having a fucking crisis." He let out a harsh sigh as he sat down the bed, holding his phone up. The frown on his sister's face was becoming more evidence. "You know Aly, eh?"

"Aly?" She gave him a puzzled look. "Are you ok?"

"Fletcher. PR."

"Oh!" Taylor's face softened. "Yeah. She's nice. She always gives us our passes when we come to visit. What about her?"

"Well--Oh I don't fucking know. Forget it." He shook his head before he glanced over to the door, just to make sure it was definitely shut because if she, or anyone else heard him talking about her, he'd be in trouble.

"Wait, what's happened?"

"Nothing." He sighed. "Doesn't matter."

"Doesn't sound like nothing." Taylor seemed a little worried, he could tell. It made him immediately want to let her know it wasn't anything bad.

"It's probably nothing but I acted like an ass not too long ago and tried to take her home with me and--"

"What?" Taylor burst out laughing because it wasn't like her brother to do something like that, especially someone he knew in a professional manner and having just came out of a relationship, she knew he was acting out of character.

"She said no and I was super drunk and having a bad time because of Kathy." He rolled his eyes. "It was super awkward but she's cool, I apologised and she thought the guys had dared me to do it."


"But she's smokin' hot and I can't stop looking at her in that way. Am I a bad guy if i tried to ask her out?"


"Shut up."

"Then why are you asking me?" She shook her head. "You've clearly made up your mind but if you ask me, you shouldn't mix business with pleasure."

"I know, I really shouldn't." He slowly shook his head. "But she's beautiful and I've always thought that but never like this, eh? She's my good luck charm."

"Your what now? Are you drunk right now?"

"No." He laughed. "Look, she gave me a hug one time and I had a great game. Then I asked for a hug to test a theory and I had another amazing game. Since then, she's not hugged me and I haven't gotten one single point. I asked her to hug me before tomorrow's game to see if I get any points."

"You and these fucking superstitions have got to stop." She shook her head and swirled her index finger by her temple. "You're so weird. She can't make you get points, its just you stopping yourself from doing it. I swear you're brain damaged. You're also freaking out about a girl you might like, I don't even know what to tell you at this point." She let out an amused chuckle. "I really don't."

"Should I leave it and brush it off or do I try and see what can happen? That's literally all I want you to answer."

"Leave it. Maybe you can be just good friends. You'll probably end up back with Kathy for the billionth time in anyways." She stopped smirking when she saw Sid's face harden, like he was clenching his jaw.

"Not this time."

"That's what you said last time, Sid."

"Well this time it's different. She moved out, I have her key and I've already slept with someone el--"

"Ew!" She held her hand up to the camera for a second. "I don't wanna know. Just don't fuck any of my friends when you come home for the summer if you and Kathy are still on a break. It's not cool. You wouldn't like it if I slept with your friends and--"

He didn't like that. "Shut up! Stop being gross. "

"Look, if you like her and want to embarrass yourself when she shoots you down and tells you it will never happen, go for it. I'm not saying that as an evil sister, I'm saying that because she probably wouldn't want a one night stand which is probably all you'll give her before you get back with Kathy."


"What?" She laughed. "You guys break up and get back together all the time."

"It's done. I'm serious."

"Does mom know?"

"I mentioned it, but she thinks we'll get back together, too. I get that you both really loved her but I'm not gonna keep her around to please the two of you. You get that, right?" He gave her a stern look. "It's over."

"Ok." Taylor nodded and went quiet for a moment. "I miss you."

"I've missed you, too. I feel like it's been forever since I saw you and normally I'd joke and say that's a good thing but a genuinely miss you."

"I miss you too. You have to tell mom that you and Kathy are completely done though, you know she'll end up inviting her to stay the summer and you'll get back together, so if you don't want that to happen, then you need to get in there because she likes to plan ahead."

"Ok. I'll call her when I get back to Pittsburgh, if you talk to her before Monday you can tell her we had a chat about me saying it was over. Don't mention Aly, for fucks sake she'd have a fucking field day with that." He almost got embarrassed at the thought of his mom gunning for Aly to get to know her. "Please."

"I wont mention Aly, but I have to say that I'm surprised because I've just went onto the website to have a look at her photo and I'm surprised you didn't have a thing for her sooner. She's way pretty." Taylor nodded as her eyes scanned the website. "I mean I remember her being pretty but seeing her picture, she really is."

"I have no idea why I'm suddenly interested but I don't think it's something I can act on, eh?"

"I guess we'll see." She thought about it before she snorted a laugh. "You're pretty determined when you want to be, I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"Well, I'm gonna get myself some room service before I shower and get some sleep. Busy few days."

"Sure. Well, I guess we'll talk soon?" Taylor looked hopeful, it had really been forever since she'd last seen him in person.

"We will." He nodded. "Talk to ya."

"Talk to ya."

He smiled as he hung up, he adored Taylor. He felt like an idiot admitting that he had a crush on someone and he had no idea why he suddenly felt like he did. Part of him felt like it was just because she'd looked great when he saw her in the bar and he was just taken back by her surprise hot body. He'd saw her in gym clothes before but never in a bikini, the lack of sex in his life right now was seriously getting to him and he wished he had Tinder to get something going tonight but he really didn't want the hassle. He was going to settle for his hand and some lotion in the shower, a cold shower at that.


So. Much. Going. On. In.

But I found some time to proofread this. I know I'm being super slow with these updates but I have a shit load going on in my life right now and this past month has been rather insane.

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