Can you mend the broken?

By magicalgal94

463 27 3

in this the harry Potter universe is slightly changed to fit the idea which is Lucius and Draco find an uncon... More

Can you mend the broken? the plot and main characters
chapter 2 a visit to the drak lord?

chapter 1 lost and found

148 8 1
By magicalgal94

It was raining heavily a 25-year-old young man was walking down the street with his son holding his hand, while they were under the umbrella not many were about because of the rain if they were they were running to and from shops to get out of the rain. "Draco" the man called to his son who looked "stay near me and we will get home soon, I have one stop to make then we will go home, if you behave I'll get you a treat from the sweet shop" now this interested the boy, the thought of a treat was what sealed the deal, as they walked a small sound was heard. When Draco heard this, he stopped, his father looked and said "Draco?" "I heard something"

His father looked and said "Well it is probably an animal" but Draco heard the sound again and ran over "Draco!" his father called after him going after him. 'I will have to punish him for this, a time out when we get home' he thought he soon caught up with Draco and saw him by a hooded figure, he went over and put Draco behind him and said "Stay behind me, and we will talk when we get home" Draco just nodded. his father knelt with the umbrella and said "Are you alright?" no answer, so he touched the shoulder and the person fell to the side, the hood came down. a flash of lighting showed the face his eyes widened at this, he knew this person not well but knew them in passing, to be honest not a person in magical Britain would not know this person "father?"

He looked at Draco "Are they OK? I'm sorry I ran off but I heard them say something" Lucius put his hand on Draco's hair under the raincoat and said "While this was the right thing to do, when we get home you will be in a time out my errand can wait but you will get a reward for this, now when we get back a healer will be coming over to see to this person, so while they do can you behave and play?" he nodded Lucius smiled. he picked the person up while having the umbrella float, Draco held onto his father's coat. it didn't take long to get back to Malfoy manor "pip!" as soon as the word was called a house elf appeared. "Yes?" they asked "can you keep an eye on Draco, I'm expecting a healer to come to check on our new guests, and let the other elf's know we have a guest" pip nodded and took Draco's coat, after which he went to play, he wondered if the person was OK.

While Draco played, the guest was put in the guest room he removed the cloak and when he saw his eyes widened at the state. "What in the name of the founders of Hogwarts and Merlin happened to this boy!?" he had removed his coat, and it was taken by an elf. he had called a healer to the shock of seeing this boy in front of him was "what on earth happened to him?" he mumbled to himself a knock came. "Lord Malfoy" he looked "ah healer Aqua, thank you for coming so fast" Aqua said "not at all, I was told it was urgent" he nodded and stepped aside to see what was on the bed. Aquas eyes widened "What in the hell! Please tell me everything you know lord Malfoy" he nodded. "All I can say is my son found them in an alleyway while we were out today that is it, but Harry Potter to be like this it makes me question Albus Dumbledore even more, to let his precious so-called golden boy get to this state"

Aqua nodded "Yes, it makes me wonder to I will be his personal healer as you know, I never ever reveal anything I do to others and if word gets out about him, that headmaster might come calling, let him worry I can't stand the man to let this happen to a child" they did a spell to get an idea of what injuries harry had. it appeared on the parchment floating as each injury was found it appeared on the parchment healed or not, and it appeared covered with spells and potions shown. "that is some spell" Aqua looked "Thank you, lord Malfoy, it has taken time my family is known to specialise in the healing fields, be it potions, spells or a healer this is one we have just developed it, it shows any and all injuries that have happened to a person since the day they were conceived, and even if a spell or potion has had it been covered or healed it shows, it allows me a full picture of what to do to help them as it might not be physical wounds but mental" he nodded.

The two watched the list grow "Is this normal?" Aqua looked "No it's not lord Malfoy, this list it's all injuries he has received from the moment his mother carried him until you found him, I'll look at the most recent ones and treat them but just glancing at them I know I will have to magic away bones, and have them grow again and a mind healer is a must but it's when the young man is ready, but should he want to take this to court I am happy to help if that is if he was attacked or anything but we will see to that when we come to it" he nodded worried for the 15 almost 16 year old on the bed.

"and it's done" he looked at Aqua, "That took close to an hour let's see" Aqua used their wand to find the most recent injuries "OK, he was badly beaten so I know what potions and spells to use if it is alight lord Malfoy may I request to stay while I treat him, the injuries so far do not require the hospital but should they" he nodded "I'll have a house elf prepare what you need, I will also contact Severus Snape to get potions you need and thank you" "oh no need lord Malfoy, I want to help people and I know this boy does need my help now" he nodded and left. "Flower!" a new house elf appeared. "Can you prepare the guest room next to this room? healer Aqua will be staying in there" Flower nodded leaving.

Draco wondered if the person was OK "Draco" he looked seeing his father he went over. "are they OK Father?" he knelt and said "They will be dragon, the healer is in there now treating them and also staying, the person was very badly hurt and needs a healer, but Severus will be coming over with potions the healer needs, so I want you to not go in unless you are told as the healer needs to concentrate, but when they are done you can visit the person" Draco nodded "did someone bad hurt them?" his little silver eyes looked at his father who sighed. "Yes, it seems so Draco, which is not right as for what we know at the moment that person did nothing wrong" Draco nodded at this.

Severus Snape was in his private potions lab checking on his private stock of potions brewing some for his own use, some for friends others for those who have commissioned him. "Severus" he looked to see who had called him it was his friend Lucius. "Lucius what a surprise, why are you here?" "Well, I have a request for you, if you take it, I will owe you one" Severus raised an eyebrow. Lucius Malfoy was never to owe someone a favour, no it was you owed him a favour "Now what is this favour? It's rare a Malfoy, especially Lucius Malfoy will owe a favour" he put a stasis spell on the potions he was working on. "Well, I found an injured boy, a Hogwarts student while I was with Draco, and they are at my manor I have a healer with them now, but the list of potions needed are beyond what they have on them, as you are the best potions master and youngest" Severus chuckled. "You think flattery gets you everywhere Lucius, but thank you for the compliment I need a list of what you want, can I know your mystery guests identity?" Lucius handed the parchment over. "Not just yet, I want them treated and know the facts first"

Severus nodded reading over the list "Just what happened to this student? you know from my past I would see abuse" Lucius nodded "Yes but they are not in Slytherin, so you don't see them outside of class, so it is a lot harder to know" Severus sighed and nodded. he summoned some potions and put them in a basket. "These are ones already made, I will send an elf or bring the reset" Lucius thanked him and went back. now this had Severus curious, who was this student? and which house they belonged to? he went back to work, this new order would keep him busy for a good while. he hoped they'd be OK and what he'd seen he needed to make, he had a faint idea of the injuries they got and hoped they'd be OK. "Whatever happened to them I would not wish even on that blasted potter and Black"

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