My Alien Soulmate

Sarah__Leann द्वारा

106K 3.8K 916

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... अधिक



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Sarah__Leann द्वारा

I was running through a field. My shoes were missing, the ground beneath my feet was cold and damp, and the uneven terrain was awful to navigate through.

I could barely see where I was going under the pitch black skies and the only sound that I could hear was the heavy breaths that ripped through my chest.

Looking over my shoulder, two yellow eyes glowed in the distance, getting closer and closer with every second that passed.

They had found me. The gladarians were alive and were here to take revenge.

Kai had been captured, and with my hand supporting my baby bump, I fought hard to stay on my feet and get away.


"Kai?" I breathed, stopping in my tracks. "Kai, where are you?"

Two hands grabbed my shoulders and as I turned around to see who it was, I let out a gut-wrenching scream.

"Get off me! Let me go!"

"Daisy?" Kai's voice became louder, and as I wriggled out of the grip of the gladarian monster, night turned to day and my eyes shot open.

Kai was hovering over me, his hands gently shaking me awake as I gasped for air.

"Hey, hey, it was just a dream, I'm here, I'm here." He soothed, scooping me up in his protective arms.

My heart was racing, my body trembling and I took a deep breath, slowly calming myself as I inhaled the sweet scent of my soulmate.

"I thought the nightmares would stop." I whispered, feeling the warmth of Kai's chest on my cheek.

He ran his hand up and down my back, kissing my forehead as he let out a sigh.

"You were sound asleep when I woke up. I went to use the bathroom, I was only gone a minute and when I came back, I could feel your fear."

"Maybe you should hold it until I wake up next time?" I chortled, making light of the situation.

"Were they that bad when you were on Earth?"

I nodded my head. "Almost every night."


I could feel the fear radiating off of her. Knowing that she endured those nightmares, every single night, all alone without anyone to soothe her made me feel nauseous.

My stomach churned and a sense of helplessness washed over me.

"I'm so sorry, Daisy. This is my fault, all of it."

Her body tensed in my arms, looking up at me with a frown.

"What, because you went to the toilet while I was asleep?"

"No. It was me that sent you away and now because of that, you've sustained months of suffering and even now, you can't escape the nightmares."

"Kai." Daisy spoke softly, sitting up and placing her tiny hand on my cheek. "This is because of the gladarians, not you. The nightmares are always about them because of what they did. Please don't blame yourself for any of this."

I sighed, closing my eyes as I rested my head against hers.

"I love you so much. I think we should speak to Haldon.. See if he can help with the nightmares?" I suggested.

A soft laugh escaped her lips. "I'll be fine. You are my remedy. I'm sure the nightmares will stop once my subconscious remembers I'm back home."

As much as I wanted Daisy to see Haldon, I didn't want to argue about it, reluctantly agreeing with her optimism.

My wrist band interrupted us; an incoming call from Kiara.

I looked down at Daisy, waiting for her to give me the go ahead to answer the call, and with a slight nod of the head, accompanied by a smile, I swiped my wrist band to my ever so cheerful sister.

"Morning, Kai. Is Daisy with you? I'm still getting nothing when I call her, where is that girls wrist band?"

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Daisy, on the other hand, chuckled softly whilst grabbing my arm.

"Morning, Kiara, how can I be of assistance?" She cocked her head to one side.

"I'm coming over in a few hours. Atlas and I have our appointment soon and as soon as I've finished, I'll pop back home and get your things for tonight."

Daisy's party had slipped my mind, and although she seemed fine about it, the mere mention of the party made her feel anxious.

"Perfect. Good luck with your appointment, I hope everything goes well." She smiled, but I knew that her smile was more about Kiara's appointment rather than her party.

"Thank you, sweetie, I'll see you later." Kiara chimed before ending the call.

Blowing out a breath, Daisy looked up at me. Her deep blue eyes twinkled in the morning light that shone through the window, and I couldn't help but feel warmth when I looked into them.

"Party day." She groaned, scrunching up her face.

"Don't worry, my love, I'll be by your side throughout the whole thing." I reassured her, softly squeezing her whilst peppering her face with kisses.

A soft sound of laughter excaped her throat, causing me to smile as it filled my ears.

I'd never felt so protective of anyone before, not even Kiara, and now that I had Daisy back in my arms, I knew that I'd never let her go again, even if it killed me.

"Would you like to shower, my love?" I asked, loosening my hold on her.

"It depends.." She grinned.

"On what?" I asked, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"On whether or not I'll be showering alone."

Pretending to think about her offer, she wriggled out of my arms and climbed out of bed.

Walking towards the bathroom, she looked over her shoulder. "The offer is gone in three.. two.."

Before she could get to one, I scrambled out of bed, darting towards her.

"One." I mumbled, lifting her into my arms before carrying her into the bathroom.


Kai and I had just eaten breakfast, the nightmare from this morning now a thing of the past.

I finally had my wristband back, turning it on as I sat on the porch whilst soaking up the warm rays of sunshine.

After a moment, my wristband buzzed. Looking down, it buzzed again, then again and again and again.

It must've lasted at least five minutes before it settled, and in that time, Kai had joined me outside, informing me that the messages coming through were likely all from him.

"Why would you send me so many messages?"

"It was when you were on Earth. There were times that I felt feelings of despair and although I knew you wouldn't receive them, it helped me cope in your absence."

I looked down at my wrist and then back up to Kai, unsure of what to say or if I should read them.

"Please don't read them." He breathed, looking down at his hands. "I forgot that I even sent them. I stopped after the first few months and it never crossed my mind that you'd eventually receive them."

"Why don't you want me to read them?" I spoke quietly.

"Because I was in a bad place when I sent them. It doesn't matter now anyway.. You're back, we're happy, the past is in the past where it belongs."

I sensed a vulnerability about him.

Yes he's powerful, strong and mighty, but it was nice to see him open up and let me see that he isn't just those things.

"Here." I smiled, stretching out my arm. "Delete them."

Kai looked at me, hesitating for a moment before wrapping his hand around my wrist.

Tugging me towards him, he placed his hands on my hips before leaning in and kissing me softly.

"I love you, Daisy. If ever you want to read them, they're there for you to read. If not, feel free to delete them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure.. Just.. Keep them to yourself, please."

"Absolutely." I nodded, pulling him in and capturing his lips.

Whilst rexing on the porch, conversation soon turned to starting a family.

"When would you like to visit Haldon?" Kai asked. "Actually, I'll have to check that he hasn't taken his leave yet. Medic Stanza will be available though if he has."

"Haldon deserves a break. Maybe wait until he returns and in the meantime, we can look into human/zaviour compatibility, if that's alright with you?"

"Whatever you want, my love."

Kai seemed a little disheartened, presumably because I wanted to wait for Haldon to return from his leave.

After everything that I'd been through since my initial abduction, Haldon had been there every step of the way.

I wasn't sure that I wanted to confide in another medic, especially one that I didn't know, but the look on Kai's face as he tried not to show his disappointment was hard to stomach.

"There's nothing stopping us trying for a baby. You never know.. We might get pregnant without the need to visit a medic."

Kai smiled, followed by a soft chuckle.

"I hadn't even thought of that. I've put doubt in my mind without thinking it through. Surely you can conceive naturally.. You are my soulmate and soulmates have children." He stated, rolling his eyes.

Resting my head on his arm, I tapped his chest. "Don't overthink things. We'll get what we want eventually, I can feel it in my bones."

"I have a bone you can feel." Kai looked down at me with a grin.

"As much as I'd love nothing more than to take you up on that offer, I'm pretty sure Kiara wouldn't approve." I chuckled. "Isn't that her shuttle making it's way towards us?"

Turning his head to the direction I was pointing in, Kai sighed as he stood to his feet. "It is indeed."

I walked down the steps to the end of the garden, watching as Kiara's shuttle came to a stop.

Her smile was wide, almost taking up half of her face, and I knew straight away that her appointment went well.

Atlas stepped out of the shuttle behind her, matching her smile, chuckling when they looked at one another.

"Morning." I mused, folding my arms around myself.

I was dying for information, wondering what on Earth had them both so cheerful, but I held back, not wanting to ask incase it was something that they didn't want to share just yet.

Kai, on the other hand, had a different thought on the matter.

Opening the garden gate, he stepped to the side as Kiara and Atlas walked into the garden.

"Spit it out, you can hardly control yourselves." He chortled. "How did your appointment go?"

Kiara turned around, Atlas beside her with his arms loaded with clothes.

"Boy or girl, guess what we're having?" She stifled a grin.

She was bursting at the seems with excitement, barely holding herself together as a wide smile formed on my face.

"Girl." Kai stated.

"Boy." I disagreed.

Kiara and Atlas laughed lightly, the suspense killing me as I patiently waited for one of them to speak.

"You guessed it, we're having both!" She shrieked excitedly.

My mouth almost fell open, surprised that Kiara was having not one, but two, babies.

"Twins? Oh my god, congratulations!" I screeched, throwing my arms around her.

"You don't do things the easy way, do you?" Kai joked. "Good luck, Atlas, and congratulations."

Kai patted him on the shoulder before Kiara and I went inside the house.

Going straight to my bedroom, Kai followed behind us, arms full of everything that Atlas just had.

He dropped it all on the bed before hastily making his escape. "Have fun." He called as he closed the bedroom door behind him.

"I can't believe you're having twins. How do you feel about having two growing in there? Will they even fit?" I wondered, looking at Kiara's tiny frame.

"Apparently so. My stomach is capable of stretching considerably to accommodate multiple babies. That's what they told me anyway." She chuckled. "I'm excited, twice as excited as I was yesterday."

"Two babies makes for twice the excitement. How are you going to cope?"

"I haven't really had time to process it yet but I know that everything will be fine. Atlas can't wait, he's just as excited as I am."

I watched as her hand dropped to her stomach, her smile widening as she looked towards me.

"If I can help in any way, I'll be here for anything you need." I smiled.

"I knew you'd say that. Anyway, enough about me, would you like to see what I chose for you to wear tonight?"

"Absolutely." I nodded, walking over to the pile of clothes that Kai dumped on the bed.

There were five outfits to choose from, and depending on the outfit I chose, my hair and make-up would match accordingly.

Kiara insisted that I try everything on but when one dress in particular caught my eye, I wasn't interested in trying anything else on.

"If I try this on and it looks alright, can we skip the rest?" I pleaded, not in the mood to spend too long deciding what to wear.

"Ahh, good choice. That was my favourite out of everything." Kiara chimed. "Try it on and we'll see about the rest."

Walking into the walk-in wardrobe, I slipped off my shorts and pulled my top over my head.

The outfit that I'd chosen was an ever so slightly loose fitting, shimmery, just above the knee grey dress.

It had tight sleeves that stopped just below the elbow and it was extra soft and light weight.

It was cute, something I'd pick for myself and if the sun was extra warm, I wouldn't bake in it.

Slipping the dress over my head, I looked at myself in the mirror.

It fit my body perfectly, and I actually felt pretty in it.

Walking into the bedroom, Kiara dropped the clothes that were in her hands, clapping in approval.

"That's it. That's your outfit for tonight." She beamed. "It looks amazing on you, and once we do your hair and make-up and add a few accessories you'll look absolutely incredible."

I smiled shyly, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Is it not a bit.. Much? It's not very casual, is it?"

Snorting a laugh, Kiara shrugged. "Casual isn't exactly casual. It's more glam but not glam, glam, you know?"

I furrowed my brows, trying to make sense of what she just said, unsure of what glam, glam was opposed to casual or just glam.

I confused myself even more and just agreed with Kiara that my outfit would be appropriate for the party.

"Well, this didn't take long did it? I half expected to be here for at least an hour but were done in five minutes." She laughed quietly.

"Did you find out when your babies are due?" I asked, slightly off topic.

"Yes, I did actually. We have three months until they arrive."

"Three months? Kiara, your tiny. Do zaviours not have big baby bumps? Humans would be the size of a baby hippo with three months left to go, especially with twins."

"Oh, don't you worry. In around two weeks time I'll be waddling around with a moon attached to my mid-section."

"Are you sure?" I wondered, surprised that her babies would grow so significantly in such a short amount of time.

"Oh, I'm sure. I'm not looking forward to that part but I know it will be worth it in the end." She stated, a slight smile playing on her lips.

"Like I said.. If you need me for anything, I'm always here. And that includes before, aswell as after those little ones make their entrance."

"Aww, thank you, Daisy. It means alot to know I can rely on you no matter what. I'm super happy that you're finally back." She smiled a genuine smile.

"Me too."

After getting changed back into my shorts and t-shirt, I hung my dress up on a rail and grabbed the rest of the outfits, hanging them up too.

"I'll be back later so we can get ready together." Kiara chimed.

"What time? I'm planning on having a nap before we get ready so that I don't get tired too early."

"Umm, the party starts at twenty hours so.. Let's say.. Eighteen hours?"

"That's perfect." I nodded before we headed down the stairs.

Kai and Atlas were in the kitchen, turning to face us as we joined them.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. Is everything alright?" Kai frowned.

"What can I say, I know her too well. She's going to look incredible." Kiara smirked, sending me a wink.

"I'm sure she will." Kai agreed.

"What will you be wearing tonight?" I asked Kiara, realising that she hadn't mentioned her outfit once.

"Casual-glam." She chimed, making her way over to Atlas.

I shook my head, snorting a laugh. "Glam, glam?"

"Casual, glam, glam."

The guys looked clueless as we laughed, falling into fits of giggles at their confused faces.

"Kai, make sure you wear a suit, dark grey would be preferable." Kiara stated.

"Sure, whatever you say." He mumbled, taking a sip of fresh coffee.

"Alright then. We have to get going but I'll be back later. Make sure you have lots of rest, Daisy. I can't have you flaking by twenty-two hours."

"Plenty of rest, yes ma'am." I saluted with a nod.

Once Kiara and Atlas left, I made myself a coffee before sitting outside on the porch.

Being in Kai's presence was extremely soothing, a welcomed feeling that I hadn't experienced for months.

My body felt like it was recovering from all of the pent up stress and tention that it had endured, and as boring as it would have once been, sitting and doing nothing, accompanied by Kai felt magical.

The afternoon flew by and before I knew it, it was time for my nap.

"I won't leave your side until you wake up." Kai insisted, snuggling into bed with me, despite my protest.

"I'm a big girl, you don't have to stay with me."

"If me staying with you deters the nightmares then I'll be content knowing that you'll sleep soundly." He huffed.

I turned around to face him, ready to send him packing, but when his lips connected with mine, I changed my mind in a heartbeat.

"I suppose you could stay for a little while."

"I thought so." Kai breathed, unclasping my bra.


Some of you guessed it, Kiara's having twins!

Any ideas for Daisy's party? Will there be drama? Would it even be a zaviour party if there wasn't something going on?

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

I'll get a couple more up in the next few days to make up for my recent absence.

And as always, thank you so much for all of the comments/votes, it really does mean the world ❤

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