Silly story's

By Sunpa67

87 7 9

I was bored More

Dave's plant
Eating your greens
Looking at stars
Taking pictures
Finding a hobo
Outside yet inside
How to greet people

Saying goodnight to your friend

10 1 1
By Sunpa67

After a long day at work Dave decided to have a nice cold drink of water. After he was almost done with the drink (there was a drop left) he spilled it! But he didn't mind.

Besides it was only a drop like this ⤵

The water drop was alive!


Dave didn't knew what to do with it so he just let the thing roam around. While Dave didn't know what to do,but little did Dave know he has been doing absolutely nothing way too long! Dave noticed this when he looked at his watch :0

He zoomed to bed trying to go to sleep in the next second

but there was something looking at him....

No, it was a Someone

Dave thought it can be anyone in the house his like his cat, fifor(weird plant), and the weird water drop. Well he was wrong he felt like he was a retarded man after he realized what it really was....

The monster under his bed :)
The monster was friendly Only if you give him a water... wait this was a huge mistake! Dave just gulped his last drink and didn't want to pay higher bills!

Unless he gave him that weird water drop
Maybe it would work...

WAIT! He remembers there's extra water! So that means the water drop is safe from the monster! He told his "friend" he would be right back :D

He returned to give him the most finest water and the monster drinks the wonderful water

It was so GOOD that the monster passed out! Dave saw this and said "goodnight".

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