Dangerous Illusion [18+]

By MissR12

9.5K 639 152

[18+] Ares Rafaelli had severed ties with her, vowing to keep the dangerous world he ruled separate from the... More

1: Rafaelli
2: Luna
3: Torment
4: Pleasure
5: Tryst
6: Tease
7: Intruder
8: Ambush
9: Epiphany
10: Amore mio
11: Manipulation
12: Tiramisu
13: Interrogation
14: De trop
16: Revelation
17: Confrontation
18: Kill
19: Distraction
20: Shadow
21: Twisted
22: Family
23: Escapades
24: Attention
25: Diamonds and Limousines

15: Boss

303 26 4
By MissR12

I was still lost in the lingering taste of Luna's lips hours after the sun had set when my desk phone rang. "Mrs. Rafaelli is on the line. She wants to speak with you." Valentina, my secretary, spoke after greeting me. My mother had been calling me all weekend, but I had deliberately avoided the conversations with her. I preferred to keep our interactions minimal and not force myself to build a relationship with her that she desperately tried to forge. I didn't hold a grudge against her, but I found no reason to pretend like we were a big happy family when in fact there was nothing common between us aside from the colour of our eyes.

Still, all was well in life now that Luna was with me, so I decided to talk to her. "Put her through."

I could tell my mother was delighted to hear from me and it made me uneasy to hear her affectionate greeting. "Mother," I replied curtly to her greeting, "how can I help you?"

"Ares, I've been calling you all weekend. You never answer my calls." I leaned back in my chair aware that if I spoke the reason for my avoidance, she'd get upset. It didn't bother me, but I was not inclined to ruin my good day.

I knew it upset Luna to learn more about my relationship with my family or rather the lack of it because it was vastly different from the one she shared with her folks. They were a tight-knit bundle, and I always envied the easy-going relationship she shared with them.

"I've been busy." I replied.

"Manuel told me. About her." The mention of Luna put me on alert. I didn't fault Manuel; my mother was a persistent woman, something I had come to realise I admired because I had inherited that from her as well.

"It's none of your concern." It was no surprise to anyone that I was in love with Luna. The way I used to be was obvious to whoever was in my life. My parents, my friends and even my men had all been a witness to my obsessive love towards Luna. So much that it had worried everyone around me. Heck, it even bothered me how much I needed her to survive. There was nothing I'd wouldn't do for her. Then or now.

"Well, of course it is. My son is in love, and I want to meet her." There was joy in her tone which made me uneasy. I realised I was shifting in my seat too much. Talk about being uncomfortable.


"Ares don't be like that. Bring her over to our garden party next week."

I paused and stared at the picture of Luna on my desk. It was a clever shot taken during my stalking days. But she looked beautiful and radiant in her little yellow sundress. It warmed my heart when I'd look at her. I found myself agreeing to my mom's suggestion. "She was excited when I mentioned meeting the family. I'll ask her if she's available and let you know."

I was keeping a lot of things from Luna including my family. Letting her meet them was few of the things I could give her without hampering her safety and so I agreed. Besides it would score me points. After all, wasn't it one of her complaints that I wasn't letting her on in my life? Maybe she'd be pleased with me after meeting my godawful family and have some pity for me. Enough to consider moving in. The thought made me look forward to my parents' party.

I hung up and switched to the secondary line flashing on my phone. Valentina reminded me of my next appointment. "Send them in."


I was done by five, an unusually early end of the day for me considering it was still Monday but I tracked Luna through her phone and found her in the penthouse. She was waiting for me. I was pleased to know she was at the right place. Her apartment was outside my turf and made it difficult for me to protect her, not that anything could stop me from getting to her. I'd go into the pits of hell if she called for me.

I found Luna sprawled on my couch, wine in one hand and her tablet in another. She was watching a movie and smiling at the screen. She had ditched her formal attire for one of the silk bottoms I had stocked up for her over the weekend and my sweatshirt which looked adorable on her tiny frame. She looked mine. I had memories of similar evenings years ago in the apartment we shared back in San Fransisco. This was life, I thought as I made my way over to her.

Her smile broadened when he saw me approaching. "Hey, you're early." She greeted offering me her lips. I obliged not missing the opportunity to ravish her with kisses and inhale her fresh soapy scent. She had showered. "You smell like me." That's how I liked her. Always marked by my scent.

"I used your body wash." She attempted to let go from my arms, but I held her for a bit more before releasing her.

"Would you like some wine?"

"That'd be lovely." She went ahead to pour me a glass while I took the time to take off my jacket and loosen my tie.

"Did Jason tell you I was here?" She returned with a glass of wine and snuggled close to me. That's when I noticed her soft tits were uncaged by the lack of bra and squishing against my arm. Dear God! My dick twitched at the sight.

"Yes." I lied because she was better off not knowing I was tracking her movements. After Christopher's sudden visit to her apartment, I couldn't be sure he wouldn't do it again. I needed to know her movements at every minute of the day, and I needed to keep an eye on her. I had asked Valentina to install the tracking chip in her phone when had left her pursue at her desk while I attempted to confront her about Christopher's visit. Someday I'd tell her about it. Someday I wouldn't need to track her. I just prayed she'd forgive me for it.

"I couldn't stay away when I knew you were here." She smiled and God did it make my heart skip a beat.

The oven timer beeped, and she jumped out of my arms and ran to the kitchen. Startled I followed her.

"I made dinner for you." This was what I wanted, coming home to her, having all my meals with her, and just watching her roam around like she owned the place. Our home. If only she'd consider moving in.

"You don't know how to cook, mia cara." I kept my tone as gentle as possible afraid she'd feel insulted. As much as I loved her and found no flaws in her cooking wasn't one of her many talents. Or at least that's what I remembered. I didn't mind at all. I loved cooking for her and watching her savour every bite with enthusiasm.

"Hey, I have learnt a thing or two from my smoking hot boyfriend who cooks delicious food." I saw her serve us roasted potato and meat with a side of salad and white wine. The food was tasty and better than I expected. I could tell Luna had poured her love and heart into it.

Before I knew it, I had cleaned my plate. "I want this every day." I heard myself saying.

Her lips curved. "Won't you get bored of eating the same thing every day?" She teased.

"This Luna," I sat my hand on hers and her smile faded, "you, me, living together. Just like old times. Seeing you work in my kitchen, I want this."

"Would you also like me barefoot and pregnant?" She was being sarcastic, but my heart leapt in my throat. I tried not to think of my uncertain future. I had resolved that I would have none a long time ago. This fuckery ended with me and I would bring no innocent life into this world to suffer the same fate I did. But I had never expected to meet Luna again let alone be with her. At twenty-three I was certain I would make Luna my wife and discussed having three kids with her in moments of quiet and peace after making love with her. We were young and I was barely out of college. Luna hadn't even graduated yet, but we were certain of the life we had planned. At twenty-eight, not so much.

"I didn't think so." She remarked with a hint of annoyance in her voice and pulled her hand away from mine. My silence must've answered her sarcastic question.

"Do you want to be my wife, Luna?" She stopped eating and stared at me with eyes glimmering in hope. It killed me to see that's exactly what she wanted. Damn it, she wanted me, and I was incapable of giving her that. She looked down hiding her face, but I read her like an open book. I saw right through her just like she did through me.

"I wanted to be," she gulped her wine and I waited for her to gather her words, "I saw the ring that day."

My world spun and blood rushed to my brain. "What?"

"It was the day before you...left me. I saw the box in your drawer. I didn't see what was inside because I wanted to help you keep the surprise, but I knew it was an engagement ring." My heart thudded and the food I just ate began to turn my stomach. Years ago, I had planned a proposal, gotten a ring and prepared a speech to woo her and ask her to marry me. Learning she knew about it rattled me to the core. Somehow it was easier to forget a college boyfriend than a fiancé. At least that's what I thought Luna would feel after my departure.

"I was going to say yes, Ares." A lone tear escaped her eye. It shattered me. The broken sounds of her voice wounded my heart and made it difficult for me to breath.

I had never gotten to the actual proposal. Knowing she was going to say yes soothed me in a way I didn't know I needed and yet it amplified my guilt of leaving her.

"Is that why you won't move in with me? Do you still resent me?" It made sense. She loved me but the ever-lingering resentment made her hesitant to share space with me. She was punishing me. I deserved far worse.

"No," She shook her head, "I am hurt Ares. It'll take time for me to get over it. But there's so many secrets between us. We're not ready for that level of commitment yet." I couldn't argue with her. My reasons for her moving in the penthouse was her safety but I had to show her that our love was strong enough for her to take that decision. I would ask her again, soon and she wouldn't be able to refuse then. I had to be worthy of her.

Wednesday morning, I was deep in discussion with the Russian team of operation. I was replacing Dominik and Ivor with someone who was loyal and someone I knew. With Sokolov hovering over I knew I had to come up with a solution. I asked Valentina to set up a meeting with Sokolov and his men. He wanted to come to New York then I'd be ready for him.

Marc and Leo walked in at four in the evening. They were my cousins, but we couldn't have been more apart in terms of physical appearance or behaviour. We had only really known each other for five years despite being related. Marc took a seat across the chair from me while Leo walked towards the mini bar. "Do you mind if I?"

"Help yourself."

Leo poured himself a drink and joined us.

"A new consignment is supposed to arrive at midnight. I'll make sure this time no one finds out." Our last consignment were two Russians who laid dead in a ditch somewhere Manuel found fit. There was a mole among my men and soon I was going to find out who. I sat back pleased with the reports Leo filled me on. The twins looked after my foreign operations that were off the record as far as government regulations were concerned. They were smart and young enough to find the thrill in doing illegal activities for me.

"Any news on Christopher?" Manuel walked in at the same time I voiced my question. His hands were stuffed in his pocket giving a clear impression of how casual these discussions were for him. But as well as I knew him, I knew it was eating him alive to not know who the mole was. All of us were deeply bothered by the fact that our foresight failure had endangered Toni's life. We were lucky that it wasn't fatal, and he had been sent home to rest now. I made sure to call him everyday and check up on him as well as his wife and daughter.

"I have news." He spoke. My brows shot up.

"I went back to the warehouse. I kept thinking we missed something. The men who attacked us weren't some random thugs. They knew exactly who we were. They shot at us the moment those Russians began to talk."

"Makes you think someone hired them to keep his name from getting out of the Russian's mouth." I had reached the conclusion on my own and it seemed so had Manuel.

"I looked deeper and found a surveillance footage at a gas station half a mile away. But these were the only people who drove that path that day. I ran a check and found the driver stopped for a cigarette outside the gas station." Manuel handed me a still from the footage. It was a close-up photograph showing a man in his side profile dressed in all black.

But I recognized him anyway. "Angus Barclay." He was one of Christopher's most trusted men. A right-hand man.

I stood up and so did Marc and Leo. "Let's pay a visit then."

Christopher Napi kept his affairs on his side of the island. The drive to Brooklyn reminded me of the times I had snuck my way over to Luna's apartment during the first week I had reunited with her. I had been drowning in guilt and found myself drawn to her despite the danger of being in enemy territory. But I had a taste of her and couldn't help but fall on my knees for her again and again.

The though of Christopher planning to hurt her in any way filled me with rage. I secured my jacket and made sure my gun was loaded and concealed. Scanning the surrounding I stepped out of my car when Jason gave me a nod that it was safe to proceed.

Christopher's office was a rundown warehouse not very far from Luna's apartment. The area was a shitshow with his hired thugs lined outside. They saw me and at once recognition hit them. I saw the fear in their eyes. They rounded me but no one attempted to stop me as I strode in.

"Stay here." I instructed my men. I wanted to show Christopher that I wasn't afraid to walk into his territory as a lone man and take it up with him. I got the desired effect of my arrival. His face morphed into shock and my lips curved.

"Ares, what are you doing here?" When I didn't slow down my stride, Angus stepped forward like the loyal dog that he was. I took a seat directly across Christopher's desk. My suit was out of place in a place like this, but it didn't matter. Suit or not, I was going to get my point across one way or another.

"You and I are due for a chat. I figured since you were too pussy to talk to my face, I'd do you a favour and come say hello."

He fell back on his chair. The gold chain around his neck glimmered in the artificial lights of his office. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Luna," I spoke the word and saw his face break out into a vicious grin. So, I had been right. "You've been showing up where my business is, Christopher. Explain what you were doing in her apartment?" It had taken me time to figure out that he had shown up to her apartment the same day we were attacked. It was certainly not a coincidence. Whether he was waiting for me to be away so that he could talk to her or had some other motive, I knew it was a careful move on his part.

"You're fucking her, I knew that much. But I didn't know you loved her." He remarked. "I merely went to her to confirm my doubts." He wasn't denying his visit which told me he was planning something big.

"And what did she tell you?" I challenged. Luna had told me Christopher had shoveled some shit her way about how I was using her and that I had once been involved with his girlfriend, a move I deeply regretted. But I suspected there was more to it that she hadn't told me for some reason.

He laughed. "You should ask her that, frate."

"You will stay away from her Christopher. Far, far away." I warned. I leaned closer on his desk, my elbow resting on the flat furniture. "Don't think I don't know you were the one behind the ambush at my warehouse." I saw his eyes widen slightly, clearly not expecting me to figure it out. I directed my gaze at Angus and let him see the fury on my face. "You hurt my people, you hurt me." Toni was one of my closest men and he had been injured from one of Christopher's bullets. Luna could be next. I wasn't about to let it go that far.

"You know what happens to those who hurt my people. You've seen what remains of them." His eyes sparked with remembrance. Blood and revenge. If Christopher was any smarter, he'd back off and never cross paths with me. "I was too late last time but this time I won't be afraid to get my hands dirty."

"You're threatening me in my territory. I could have Angus here blow the top of your head right this moment." His voice grew louder, and his face morphed into mad anger.

I kept my voice down but couldn't keep the dangerous tone out of it, "Do that and see what happens. Because unlike you I don't shoot blanks." The warning contained a sexual reference that Christopher was quick to catch on. I was deliberately provoking him, and he took the bait. Angus cocked his gun at my head, but I saw the lingering fear in his eyes.

I sneered, teasing him, taunting him. With a quick movement of my hands, I had knocked out his gun from his hands and had his hands locked behind his back. He groaned while Christopher stood up shouting my name. I didn't pay heed to him, instead I leaned closer to Angus, "Toni says hi." I slammed his head on the desk in front of me splattering its contents across the floor. Blood splattered across his face and ran down his broken nose. He jerked back when my fist hit the side of his face causing him to stumble on his feet and fall back on the floor.

Few other of his men rushed in rounding me with baseball bats and guns pointed at me. There was at least a dozen of them.

"I could have you killed for attacking my man." Christopher screamed stepping away from the pool of blood in front of him.

"But you won't." I was too important for him. I owned his fucking soul, and he knew that. But there was a desperate need for revenge in him that made him seek out the people close to me.

"Stay away from my people." I warned again as I straightened my jacket and walked out of the hellhole. The men parted to let me go. No one dared to stop me.

The lingering throbbing in my heart told me I needed to expect another attack very soon.

But this time I'd be ready. I had to be. For the people I loved. I had failed to protect them once but this time I was going to face them head on. Ares had lost his loved ones, but I wasn't that man anymore.

I was the mafia boss, Ares Rafaelli and he never failed.

. . .

One word to describe Ares?

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