Breaking The Norms 💜💜🔞


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The story of the society chained with poisonous malpractices feeling they are right; just because they have b... Mer

Somethings About The Story
1. The Wedding
2. At In-law's
3. Abused...
5. The Yellow Rose
6. Hitler Or A Friend ?
7. Heavy Heart
8. Feelings...
9. Why Is It Like This...
10. Just A Few More Months...
11. The First Remarriage...
12. The Marriage Consummation Night
New Book
13. The Young Widow
14. The Unknown Future
15. Demons From The Past
16. The Evil
17. Helpless
18. Coming Over The Insecurities 🔞
19. Insecurity
20. The Ropeway Service
21. What He Deserves !
22. Scar Your Beautiful
23. The Widow's Remarriage
24. Struggling For A Kiss
25. The Game Of Cat And Mouse
26. Claimed Forever 🔞
27. The First Argument
28. Man Enough
29. Love You The Most 🔞
30. Breaking The Norms
Bonus Chapter 🔞
New Story

4. Freedom

509 36 79


Guess who's back 😎

I was too tired to upload the chapter today but I was missing you guys so much and so, here I am !

Let's get back to the story...


Hyung-sik strode to Jin-hyuk and grabbing his collar, he punched him hard in the face making him bleed and everyone gasped in shock.

" What the hell ? Is this the way you treat your son-in-law here ? "

Jin-hyuk said furiously grabbing his aching jaw where Hyung-sik had punched him hard.

" And is that the way you treat your wife there ? By abusing and beating them ? "

Hyung-sik said furiously.

Jungkook got scared and started crying, terrified of the sudden violence he witnessed for the first time ever.

" For the love of god, take that cry baby away from here, Min-ji ! "

Eun-hye said glaring at Jungkook.

She wasn't liking the way he kept crying for each little thing like a child ! And the situation was way too serious here for paying attention to his crying.

Min-ji and Eun-ji took him back to his room and return back.

Jin-hyuk took his hanky and placed on his lips where they were bleeding and burning him.

" Hyung-sik, shut up ! It's their personal matter and you have no right to talk against what happens between a husband and a wife ! "

Hae-mi said glaring at Hyung-sik.

" No Grandma, I have every fucking right to talk when the matter is related to my brother; and moreover if, he is being treated wrongly ! "

Hyung-sik said getting mad his grandma.

" And you bastard, how dare you raise your filthy hand at my brother ? We didn't raised him as a flower just for you to ruin him like this ! "

Hyung-sik said punching Jin-hyuk once again.

" You are crossing your limits Hyung-sik ! I am not saying anything that doesn't mean I can't do anything ! "

Jin-hyuk said raising his voice.

" Huh, what else are you gonna do mamma's boy ? You'll divorce him, won't you ? Guess what ?

I am not gonna send my baby with a monster like you; even if, you beg me on your knees or rub your nose on his feet, pleading to take him back with you ! "

Hyung-sik said clenching his jaw.

" Hyung-sik, keep your mouth shut ! You are ruining Jimin's chance of going back with his husband.

Are you gonna keep your young brother at home his entire life ? And if not; who's gonna marry a divorced wife, huh ? "

Eun-hye said raising her voice.

" I'll find a good man for my brother, Eomma !

And what kind of a mother are you ? Your son told you through what hell he was going and you asked him to behave and keep his mouth shut instead of confronting this monster ?

And just how dare you keep the letters I received for me to not let reach to me ?

I just can't believe you call yourself his mother ! I see no difference between this monster here and you, Eomma ! "

Hyung-sik said shaking his head in disbelief.

" I am his mother and care about him and that's why I asked him to keep his mouth shut ! I know that brat, he must have done something wrong and that's why Jin-hyuk had to show him his place !

And don't overreact, it isn't like he is the only one receiving such treatment. We too have faced the same at some point; but did we complained and brought shame to our parents like he did ? "

Eun-hye said scoffing.

" Just because something is happening since ages doesn't mean it is right Eomma ! "

Hyung-sik said in disbelief at his mother's words.

" We don't care, just shut your mouth and apologize to Jin-hyuk for your wrong behavior. And just beg him to take your brother back with him and not leave him here for us to listen taunts of the neighbors for Jimin's divorce ! "

Hae-mi said raising his voice.

" Shut up ! "

Hyung-sik yelled on top of his lungs, glaring at his mother and grandmother. He had enough of the meaningless drama.

" Bloody nobody would say a single word now ! I have had enough of the bullshit in this house for years now !

You two always wanted a man to dominate you and take the decisions for the family, right ?

So, as the man of the house, I am taking the decision and I don't want any woman to interfere between me and my decision !

I never in my wildest dreams had thought a day might come where, I'll say such words; but you guys left me with no other choice !

I thought of letting you both take the decisions as you are elder and understand things better than me; but I was so wrong !

You have ruined my brother's life; but not anymore !

Fucking nobody will go against my decision in this house from now on ! Only my word would be the final ! "

Hyung-sik said glaring at his mother and grandmother.

" Don't forget Hyung-sik, your Appa isn't dead yet; he is just paralyzed ! He is still the man of the house and we'll listen to him only ! "

Eun-hye said in a small voice.

She was scared of her sweet and always silent son's this side, even Hae-mi was scared of her grandson now.

" Oh really ? Then ask him about it. See if he can talk ? "

Hyung-sik said furiously.

He was too mad to pay attention to whatever he was saying.

" You guys have done enough but not anymore ! If, anybody dared go against me; I swear nobody would be worse than me ! "

Hyung-sik said raising his voice.

" And what are you still waiting for here ? There's no extra food in our home for us to waste on a monster like you !

I am thankful you brought my brother back with you. If you want, I can pay for your fair back home ! "

Hyung-sik said turning to Jin-hyuk.

" Huh, so much of an attitude I see ! Who's gonna marry your brother knowing he's divorced ! "

Jin-hyuk said smirking, mocking Hyung-sik.

" I will marry him at this instant ! You don't have to show your fake concern about him, you bastard ! "

Yoongi said glaring at Jin-hyuk.

He came to confront to Hyung-sik but he heard what Hyung-sik said and so, he didn't felt like confronting him anymore.

" I had asked for Jimin's hand in marriage long ago, aunty ! Hadn't you been so eager to push him off the cliff, he wouldn't be this hurt and traumatized now ! "

Yoongi said to Eun-hye.

" Hyung, I promise to keep him happy and safe forever. I won't give him any chance to complain.

I love him, hyung. I am asking his hand in marriage once again. Please let me marry your brother, hyung ! "

Yoongi said turning to Hyung-sik, he smiled and nodded at him.

" I had asked you to not marry Jimin off when he was young and wait till he hits his puberty and we'll get him married to Yoongi and he will keep him the happiest !

But ' what will people say ' was more important to you guys than my brother's happiness ! But I'll not let you both ruin any other life in this home anymore !

I am gonna take all the decisions from now on and fucking everyone will obey me !

If not, I won't care who the person is; I won't spare them ! Am I clear ? "

Hyung-sik said glaring at the elder women. And scared of his this side they nodded in agreement.

" Oh, so is he the reason my wife denied being touched by me, huh ? Is he the one to whom he wrote those countless letters to ?

And here the innocent me thought, I wasn't handsome enough for him to feel things for me !

I won't blame my wife though, after being touched and satisfied by him; why would he want to be touched by m ahhh... "

Jin-hyuk couldn't finish his words as he groaned at Yoongi's hard kick in his gut.

" Don't you fucking dare taint the innocent soul's name like this you bastard !

Your monstrous behavior towards him is one and only reason for him to feel disgusted and hated towards you ! "

Yoongi said gritting his teeth, fuming with anger.

" Get the hell out of here before I kill you. And don't you dare show your face to us ever again !

I am only letting you step outside alive because, I owe you one !

If not for you; thanx to my Eomma, I would never had known how animalisticly you were treating my baby !

And once again thankyou for bringing my brother here on your own ! Now, fuck off ! "

Hyung-sik said to Jin-hyuk and he left gritting his teeth.

" Yoongi, I am very glad you still want to marry Jimin.

But he must be traumatized and broken right now for, we don't even know what hell he have been through !

Give him some time to collect himself and when he'll be ready, I'll talk to him. And if, he agrees for the marriage; only then, I'll get you two married ! "

Hyung-sik said smiling at Yoongi and he agreed.

" I'll come everyday for dressing his wounds. They are deep and brutal hyung ! I just can't imagine the pain he'd been through there.

I swear, I will treat him like a petal, hyung. "

Yoongi said tears rolling down his eyes.

Hyung-sik hugged Yoongi. He knew Yoongi was sincere with his words and he'd be very happy if, Jimin would be happy with Yoongi.




Jimin was laying on his bed as he asked Min-young to let him be alone for some time when, a cute little boy entered his room. His anklet's chiming, announcing his arrival even before he stepped inside.

" Oh, who are you cutie ? "

Jimin asked smiling at the little boy, who was struggling to walk without falling on his face by accidentally stepping on his own heavy as hell gown.

" I am Jeon Jungkook. Who are you ? "

Jungkook asked him smiling.

" Oh, hi Jungkook ! I am Lee... um... I am Park Jimin. "

Jimin said smiling and patted beside him on the bed for Jungkook to sit.

Jungkook walked to him slowly and was struggling to sit on the high bed with his gown and huffed when he couldn't climb.

Jimin chuckled at the little boy and picked him up and help him sit on the bed.

" You can't climb a simple bed, Jungkook ? "

Jimin said chuckling teasing him.

" No hyung ! I can climb even a huge Tamarind tree ! But because of this heavy gown I couldn't climb.

Um... do you want to eat these sweet sour Tamarinds I picked myself ? "

Jungkook asked innocently to Jimin showing him the riped Tamarinds.

Jungkook wasn't someone sharing his favourite things with anyone. But he thought Jimin was cute and he wanted Jimin to be his friend and so, the sharing !

" Oh, they look so fresh ! When did you picked them, Jungkook ? "

Jimin asked amused and took one.

" Oh, I picked them yesterday before the wedding rituals.

And that's why Eomma and grandma scolded me for ruining my wedding gown and hair ! "

Jungkook said pouting.

" Oh, so you are Bogum hyung's wife ! You are so cute Jungkook. I am sorry I couldn't attend your wedding yesterday. And oh, I got a gift for you. Here ! "

Jimin said smiling and handed him a box which had a gold waist chain in it.

" Jungkook, don't loose it, ok ? It's very expensive. I know it's not your size yet so, keep it safe for now and wear it when, you are all grown up and can responsibly wear it, hm ?

Or maybe you could wear it on your marriage consummation night ! Hyung will love it ! "

Jimin said kissing his cheek and Jungkook giggled kissing his cheek back.

" Chim ! "

Bogum said entering the room.

He ran to Jimin and hugged his beloved baby brother close to his heart, with teary eyes. Jimin broke once again hugging back his brother.

" I am so sorry, Chim ! I had no idea about what hell we were pushing you into.

And I had never expected that, Eomma and grandma will do such a shameful thing.

I am so sorry, I failed as your hyung ! "

Bogum said trying to stop his tears and caressing his dearest baby brother.

After they were calmed down, Jungkook gave Jimin a glass of water and got busy trying to figure how he can run once again without falling on his face because of his huge ass gown ?

" Your wife is so cute, hyung ! "

Jimin said leaning on his brother's shoulder.

And Bogum smiled with adoration at the little boy looking around like a lost puppy.

" Yes he is ! I can't wait for him to grow up and see what beauty he turns into ! "

Bogum said chuckling and kissed Jimin's temple.

" Hyung, he'll take a very long time to grow up... meanwhile please don't find someone else to keep yourself warm in chilly nights !

And please treat him with the respect he deserves as your wife !

If, the thought of cheating on him, just because of your momentary desire crosses your mind; keep in your mind you have a divorcee brother at your home !

And if, you feel rage against your brother-in-law for behaving like this with your brother; then you have no right to treat someone else's brother the same ! "

Jimin said looking at Jungkook worried about what the future held for the innocent kid.

" Absolutely not, Jiminie ! I won't ever treat him like shit. I have seen how our Hyung-sik hyung treats Min-young Noona, like she is some goddess !

And I am gonna worship my goddess as well ! "

Bogum said determined.

" Yes, I know you grew up watching Hyung-sik hyung... but you have been with Chan-yeol hyung as well !

And everyone in the entire village knows how he looks at every other woman who isn't his mother !

He have even ruined the life of Eun-ji Noona by marrying Min-ji Noona; her own sister ! Only God knows how the sisters are happy with a husband like him !

Sometimes I feel ashamed that he is my brother, hyung ! "

Jimin said disgusted with his own brother.

" Oh, I heard someone praising me, in here ! "

Chan-yeol said smirking while, entering in the room.

Little Jungkook looked at his brother-in-law entering inside the room and remembering his mother-in-law's words, he covered his face with his veil.

He was told strictly that, only Bogum was allowed to see his face and other than him, only the women in the home and nobody else !

" I am so sorry Jiminie, for what happened ! Hyung-sik hyung just now kicked that bastard out of our home. "

Chan-yeol said walking to Jimin.

Kissing Jimin's forehead he hugged him and Jimin hugged him back.

Though he was know as the Casanova of the village; he loved his baby brother so much; even if, neither of his brothers were happy with his behavior !


Let me know your thoughts about this chapter...


Thankyou so much friends for crazy your support  💖 💗

Please ignore my mistakes 🤗

That's all for this chapter, see you soon with the next one 💜💜

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