Want Me (BoyxBoy)

By Heather_gO

527K 13.3K 8.6K

When two lovers' best friends meet for the first time... lots of feelings can rise. Attraction, confusion, lu... More

Not exactly an update...


7.9K 209 136
By Heather_gO


The next morning was still awkward as fuck with Alyx being around, but he didn't stay long. He said he had to get back home before his mom found out he snuck out while she was away. It's going to suck with him going back to being grounded. But at least I don't have to hide anything from him anymore.

Ryland was still overly caring the rest of spring break. Constantly checking on me and making sure I'm alright. I can tell he still feels bad about the whole thing, but he really does need to get over it. I'm fine. In fact, I'm kind of happy it got out. I still had to keep the marks on my neck hidden from Mom, which wasn't too hard, considering I wasn't home much during the break. They've faded by now, so they're barely noticeable.

When Monday comes, Ryland is even more concerned. Understandable, though. He texts me a bunch, making sure no one has bothered me as the day progresses. The word of me being gay did meet some people's ears, but no one seemed to care. Nobody has said anything to me at least. So far. I mean, it's not like it's a big deal. I'm not even the only gay person in school. It did reach a certain someone, though. As expected.

"I fucking knew it. Your lying ass was so obvious," Emma says when I get into class. Our project is over, so why she's still sitting near me is beyond me.

"Just going to believe any rumor you hear?" I ask, taking a seat at my desk.

"Is it just a rumor?" she asks, lifting a brow.

I hesitate but come out with it. "No."

"Ha! Again, I knew it!"

"Congratulations," I mutter under my breath.

"It's definitely with Ryland, right?" I give her a curt nod. "Yes!"

"Why are you so excited? You're acting like you're the president of a fan club for us."

"I am. Since day one."

I roll my eyes. "You're weird."

"Only a little bit. It's not like I want to watch you two make out. Unless..." I give her a look of disbelief. "Kidding! I'm kidding." For some reason, I doubt she fully is. "So you're the bottom, right?"

I let a groan out. "Will you stop now?"

"I just want to know if I was right about that, too."

"I'm not telling you."

"That gives it away."


"Tops aren't shy to admit they're tops. So once again, I was right."

I let a huff out. "Congratulations," I repeat.

"I'm a genius, I swear."

"Whatever makes you sleep better at night."


I shake my head and crack a smile. The bell rings before she can say anything else. Maybe Ryland's right. It wouldn't hurt too bad being friends with her. Maybe. I do feel like I'm going to get a lot of headaches because of her.


I've been 'out' for two weeks. Well, to everyone but my family. At least I think so. I doubt Ryland has told his friends, considering he hasn't asked me if he could and I know he would before doing it. I don't care if he does. It's not like they don't already know anyway. I guess we really are obvious.

I thought being out would feel different, but it doesn't. I mean, it does in a way. It's nice not having to hide a part of myself. The urge to tell my parents has become stronger and stronger, but Dad still isn't back from his work trip. But I've decided. The day he comes back is the day I'll do it. I mean, I already know they're most likely going to be accepting. I mean, I was so afraid to tell Alyx, and he didn't care at all. Surely, my parents will have the same reaction. Surely. Hopefully.

The weekend rolls around, and it's finally my birthday. And I woke up feeling sick as fuck. I don't know why. Mom came in to wake me up, and I just felt like absolute shit. She took my temperature after I told her I didn't feel good, and I found out I have a small fever. Thankfully, it's nothing drastic, but it still pisses me off.

Maybe I caught something last night when Mom took me out to eat. I don't know. She gave me some medicine, but it hasn't done anything yet. It would be nice if I could start feeling better soon. Like in the next hour or two. This isn't exactly how I wanted to celebrate my eighteenth birthday. I wanted to spend it with Ryland. I let a huff out and bury my face in my pillow.

He had something planned for me. He told me about it yesterday, but I don't even know what it is. I haven't spoken to him yet, considering I haven't been up that long, but I know it's going to upset him. I wouldn't mind if he came over, but Mom's not going to let him, not wanting to risk getting him sick too. I mean, I don't want that either, but I'm selfish. I want to see my boyfriend. Sick or not.

Mom knocks on the door before poking her head in. "Honey, Ryland came by. I told him you were sick, though."

I quickly sit up despite the dizziness it causes. "Is he still here?"

"No, I sent him home. He brought a gift for you, though," she says, stepping in with a gift bag. She walks it over to me, and I take it, a little hesitant to open it in front of her. But surely, if he was fine with leaving it with her, it wouldn't be anything too bad.

I dig inside and pull out a new PlayStation controller. It's not just the basic one, though. It's the limited, special edition one that's expensive as hell. There's no way. I look in the bag to also see the newest Call of Duty game that just came out. I didn't even mention wanting this, but it's like he somehow just knew. I have to fight the smile that's trying to form and act nonchalant.

"Uh, this is really cool. I'm going to call and thank him."

"Alright. I'll be back to check on you in a little bit."

I give her a nod and grab my phone, noticing a few texts from him already.

'Happy birthday! I can't wait to see you later. I'm going to make this the best one you've ever had. It's my life's mission.'

'Are you still sleeping? Wake upppp.'

'Wes? You can't sleep your birthday away. How am I supposed to make it the best if you're sleeping?'

'That's it. I'm coming over and waking your ass up.'

'Your mom said you're sick? You can't be :( What's wrong with my baby?'

I instantly notice the pet name and feel my cheeks get warm. Instead of responding with a text, I call him and bring the phone up to my ear.

"Hey," he says, his voice filling my ear. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Hey. I don't really know. I feel shitty. My head really hurts, and I have a small fever."

"Your mom said that. I still wanted to see you, but she said it wasn't a good idea, that I might could catch it. She doesn't know how much I don't care about that. I just want to see you."

"Me too. Sorry for ruining today."

"Wes, you got sick. There's nothing you could've done. Don't apologize."

"But you had plans made for us."

"And we'll do them when you're feeling better, so don't worry about that."

"What did you even have planned?" I question, the curiosity getting to me.

"It's still a surprise."

"Telling me might make me feel better."

He lets a laugh out at that. "Yeah? You think so?"


"Alright then. I was going to take you to eat at this amazing restaurant I know, whether you wanted to eat inside or get it to go. Then I wanted to take you to see a movie of your choice. There's a few out that I thought you might like. And then I thought we could come back to my place and do whatever you want to end the night."

"Whatever I want?" I ask, figuring that implies something dirty. Which I would've been down for. I've never had birthday sex. Guess that's going to stay on my bucket list for now.

"Yeah. Whether that's playing a game or watching something else. Anything."

I lower my voice just in case Mom can hear. "I feel like 'anything' could be a little suggestive."

"It can be." I can hear the smirk in his tone. "If that's what you wanted to do, I would've done whatever for the birthday boy."

I let a snort out. "I'm so special."

"You really are."

I bite down my lip at his words. He's so sweet. I glance down at the gift bag still in my lap. Really sweet. "Uh, thank you for the gifts. I really appreciate them."

"You like them?"

"I do. A lot."

"Good. I wish I could've given them to you in person, but your mom offered to take them to you. I thought it would've seemed weird to decline. So, yeah."

"I really do love them. I was wanting this game a lot. And the controller is amazing, Ryland, but you didn't have to. I know how much it costs."

"You're worth anything, baby." There's that pet name again.

"What was that?"



"What? You liked it that night at the lake house."

I did? Oh my god. I do remember him calling me that and how it made me feel at the moment. I narrow my eyes a little.

"I thought you didn't like pet names, either."

"I like calling you them. Your reaction is cute."

"What if I called you babe or baby?" I ask in a low tone.

"I'd probably like it, knowing it's you calling me that."

"You're so obsessed with me," I say, letting a laugh out, but the action makes a pain shoot through my head.

"Now you're getting it." He pauses for a moment before saying, "I have you another gift, but I want to give it to you in person. It's something I've been wanting you to have for a while now. I'm not really sure how you'll feel about it, but I want to give it you. It's also a little cliché."

"Don't make me curious," I groan.

"I'll give it to you when you're better, okay? Or maybe this weekend after I take you out."

"Fine." I wonder what it is. His gifts were so good, and I have no idea what to get him for his. It's coming up soon, too. "Hey. What do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't need anything."

"Don't give me that bullshit. What do you want?"

"I just want to spend it with you."

"Ughh," I groan again, plopping on my back. "That's lame."

"Is it?"

"It's not materialistic."

"Doesn't have to be. It's what I want."

"Fine. I'll come up with something myself."

"You're a big boy. I think you can do it."

"Ha ha," I mutter. My mind trails off, wondering about what else he could've possibly gotten me. "I bet the other gift is something dirty."

"Yeah? You think so?"


"It might be."

"What is it?" I ask again, dying to know.

"You got to wait."

"Fine. So what are you doing?"

"Driving back home. Sadly."

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"No, don't be. I'm not mad at you. Just sad I didn't get to see you."

Before I can stop myself, I say, "Come back later."


"I'll get my mom to go to town for a little bit. Come see me then." I can hear how desperate it sounds, but it's my birthday.

"Are you sure?"

My sick brain starts to think a little more rationally at his question. "No. Never mind. I don't want to get you sick."

"Like I give a fuck about that."

"If you really don't care, then please come see me."

"Just let me know when, baby. I'll be there as fast as I can."

Ignoring the name again, I tell him, "Bring that gift with you, too."

I hear a small sigh come from. "I guess I can since it is your birthday."

I bite down on my lip and tell him bye before coming up with an excuse to get Mom out of the house.


"You sure that's what you want? It takes over an hour to get there."

"I mean, you don't have to. It was just the only thing that sounded appetizing right now." I'm currently trying to convince Mom to get me some of this soup from a restaurant we used to go to whenever we went on trips. I don't even want it. It was just somewhere far enough away that I won't have to worry about her getting back too soon. I know how fucked up it is, trust me. I already feel guilty, but for some reason... I just really need to see Ryland. It's all I want.

"Alright. I guess I can do that. It is your birthday. Will you be okay while I'm gone?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"If you're doing any worse by the time I get back, we're going to see a doctor."

"Okay." It's not that serious, though. My head still hurts, and my sinuses ache, but the medicine I took earlier is already making me feel a little better.

"I guess I'm going then. I love you. We'll open the gifts I got you when I get back, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, too. Be safe, Mom," I tell her, watching her grab her purse and slide her shoes on before walking out of the door.

I dig my phone out and text Ryland to come on. He lets me know he's on his way, and I remind him to bring that gift. Whatever it is, I'm excited. Hell, even if it's something dirty, I'm ready to see what it is.

While I wait for him, I lie on the couch. Standing hurts too much. I cover up with a blanket, feeling a little chilly. I'm kind of sleepy, too. I hope he doesn't take too long because I'm getting a little too comfortable. It would suck if I fell asleep.

He's here within ten minutes, thankfully, knocking on the door. Feeling too lazy to get up, I yell for him to come in. He seems a little hesitant opening the door, but he does, stepping inside. His eyes light up when he sees me, but his lips quickly turn into a pout.

"Aw, my poor baby. You look awful."

I give him a small smile. "I think that's the first time you've said that to me," I mumble, sitting up. At least the latter part of that. He's getting more frequent with the 'baby'.

"I don't even mean that in a bad way. Just that you look sick," he says, taking a seat on the couch by my legs.

"I am." It's my turn to pout.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Head hurts. And my nose. And my body."

"Is there anything I could do for you?"

"No. Well..." I really don't want to get him sick, but cuddling with him right now would feel incredible.

"What is it?"

"I want to go to my room first." Getting caught cuddled up on the couch would definitely be hard to explain.

"Okay." He stands back up and steps closer to me, not leaving me any room to get up. Before I realize what's going on, he's slipping his arms under me and lifting me up. I let a gasp out and grip his shirt with my hand.

"What are you doing? I could've walked."

"You said your body hurts, so let me carry you." He starts walking to my room, keeping a tight grip on me. What the hell? This feels so odd. I mean, I like it, but it makes me feel... I don't know, feminine? I guess that isn't a bad thing but still. At least I don't have to walk.

He pushes my cracked door open with his foot and brings me over to the bed before setting me down on it. He instantly starts to cover me up, making me feel warm, and it's not because of the blanket. I don't think I've ever told him this, but I love to be coddled when I'm sick. I think most people do, so it's not something weird to want.

"Okay," he says, sitting down beside me. "What was it you were wanting?"

I chew on my lip deciding if I want to tell him what it is. Suddenly, I remember him coming in empty-handed. "Where's my gift?"

A small smirk forms on his lips. "You want it right now?" I give him a nod. "What if I forgot it?"

"I'll be sad."

"And what if I have it on me, but I'm nervous to give it to you?"

I furrow my brows. Well, that makes me nervous now. And even more curious. "You'll give it to me anyway?" I ask.

He lets a short laugh out before taking a deep breath. His hand reaches into the pocket of his pants before pulling out something that's small enough to be clasped in his hand. I sit up and hold my own hand out to take it. He hesitates and takes mine with his other hand, bringing it up to his lips. He plants a kiss on the back of it, taking me by surprise.

"You don't have to accept it if you don't want to. I just wanted you to have it."

"Give it to me," I urge him. I don't care what it is. I want it. Now.

He flips my hand back over and places something cold to the touch in it. When he pulls his hand away, I notice a silver key resting on my palm. A key?

I stare down at it and furrow my brows again. "What's this for?" I ask, looking up at him. I can see how nervous he is, the emotion written all over his face.

"My apartment. I want you to be able to come and go as you please. Whether I'm there or not." I drop my eyes back down to it. Holy shit. He's giving me a key to his home? He trusts me that much? "I told you it was cliché but still. I want you to have it. If you'll accept it."

I meet his eyes again, and I can't stop myself from flinging myself toward him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss. Not the smartest idea, but I couldn't help it. Plus, this sickness sucks, but it's not the worst thing in the world. Who knows? He might not even catch it.

He immediately responds, bringing his arms around my waist and moving his lips with mine. I don't even feel that sick anymore. Only happiness is swarming my entire body.

After a few more short pecks, he pulls away with a smile. "I assume this means you'll keep it."

"Of course I'm fucking keeping it," I tell him. "Good luck getting it back."

"Good. I'm glad you like it. Use it whenever. I mean it."

"Okay. I will. Thank you... babe" I add, almost wanting to cringe at myself, but based on his smile growing wider, I don't think he minded it.

"You're welcome. And yeah, I like that."

"Of course you do," I laugh and reach over to place the key in my nightstand drawer. "So... do you think we could cuddle some before you have to leave?"

"How long do we have?"

"A little under two hours."

"Then yeah, I think I could do that for you."

He kicks his shoes off and lies back beside me. His arm sneaks under my neck, and I snuggle against his chest. Though I can hardly smell anything, I still get a whiff of his cologne. Smells so good.

"Happy birthday," I hear him mumble.

"Thank you," I reply.

He brings his hand to rest it on the back of my head, and the soft strokes he does against it feel amazing. I close my eyes and feel my body relax. I knew this was just what I needed.

A/N- This chapter was overly fluffy, oops. Hope you liked it!!

What did you think of Ry's gifts?? Do you think Wes will use that last one in the near future? I guess we'll see.

Don't forget to vote and leave comments!!

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