Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark


5 1 0
By Otar3000

Story cover -
Okay wow, that proven to be longer chapter. There’s a lot to unpack for you dear readers. Just so you know, this chapter is darker. Also maybe some historical inaccuracies are here, idk but hope you’ll enjoy it.
It may seem rushed but after stalling for months, I’m not sure I wanna delay too much... patience as always in any case.

In Berlin

“Is something bothering you my Kaiser?”

King Wilhelm did not look pleased and for a good reason.

As Kaiser of German Empire, he had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. From economic to political stability, to diplomatic and territorial preservation.

And it’s been difficult... especially right now.

Problems at home were already enough and now this...

“Why did she had to make this even more difficult?...”

No need to guess who he refers to.

“I understand that what frau Rapunzel is not acceptable, but my Kaiser we already took measures and even banned access of trade ships to Corona. Surely it’s only a matter of time-“

Wilhelm didn’t enjoy hearing that...

He did not wish to starve any of his citizens in his kingdom... he hoped Rapunzel would come to her senses by now.

Wilhelm – Not only do I regret it had come to this, but also now my grandmother... Queen Victoria, sent me a letter. Asking me not to harm her...

“My Kaiser,  with all due respect to her highness... this is your kingdom, you must do everything to protect it now”

Kaiser knew that, he hopes he was wrong but everyone not just him can see the military build-up in Europe... readying for unwanted confrontation.

He could see Conrad von Hötzendorf setting his sight on old French territory in Germany...

Not to mention tensions in Austria growing increasingly...

And he knew who will be next to take the throne of England, his cousin George...

That is why he seeks to create a powerful military and a strong navy.

He wanted to strengthen Germany not destroy Europe... he was nothing like Prince Hans who is on verge of ruining Scandinavia.

But queens Rapunzel and Cassandra were just not helping, neither were some in his own circles.

“My Kaiser, what is your decision?”

Wilhelm – I already made my decision weeks ago...

Rapunzel was one of few who didn’t judge him... such a shame.

Wilhelm - ...We do nothing to her.

That earned him a shocked reaction but he corrected his advisor.

Wilhelm – I’m sure you heard a saying ‘Never interrupt your opponents when they are making a mistake’... Right now Rapunzel is making a mistake. Leave her to it.

“So you wish to outlast her?... I see.”

Wilhelm – We... cannot waste any time. There are criminals to be caught and order to restore.

He became a king in one hell of an era...

In Corona , Sunshine Kingdom

“He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
A mature woman was currently praying...
She did it often given the dark times up ahead.
Whether personally her own family’s wellbeing...or her Homeland...
This time however it was about her daughter...
She had gone outside again to try and sell matches. She was very persistent and desired to help, despite her mother’s disapproval.
Her heart was breaking at their current state. There is less food left with each week...
In a way she was glad her mother didn’t live to witness them like this. May the god the father rest her soul...
Her neighbours were sometimes murmured to each other how she can hold it together amid all this ... stagnation...
The truth is, she can barely hold on...
Her husband is same, he tries to drunk his sorrows away usually... which only worsened his condition.
Their daughter was the only persistent light that they had left in her life amidst all the madness happening in the Fatherland.
Sometimes she goes out to play with other children, recently made new friends with Arendellians Astrid and Magnus....
And sometimes she handed flowers around to adults , trying lighten up their mood...
She strongly told her to not talk with strangers of course but so far nothing happened... until now.
Her daughter didn’t come back this time.
She was panicking and praying for her safety.
“Our Father in heaven.... hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done... on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread... and forgive us our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil... and tragedy”
She really believed one day she will depart from her daughter when her time will come... just not today.
She really hoped not today.
Unfortunately that was not meant to be...
The next thing she knew one of her close friends stormed through her door.
She was seemingly tearing up...
“...Hilde, we found her but...”
Her own eyes wide, her brain already knew what she was saying... but her heart was burning.
“Someone broken out of the castle and caused mayhem on streets outside... *sniffing* we found her there... in bruises”
And what happened after that?... will be remembered in history as last straw, as the beginning of the end.

In Old Corona

Residents of Old Corona are in shock and awe at what they are seeing...

Quirin – My eyes do not deceive me...

Through all the snowflakes, they could see pillars of fire emanating from the direction of Sunshine Kingdom... like it was up in flames.
Donella – Something happened again,  it’s been hours already.
Quirin – Everyone keep calm until we find out for sure! Wait where is Varian?
He didn’t see him anywhere, neither did he see Hugo and Rudigger....which could only mean one thing.
Donella – Ich schwöre, he disobeyed me again... *sighs* they better be careful.
Quirin held her hand in his, trying to comfort her.
Quirin – We’ve survived worse... right?
Donella looked into his eyes which were still optimistic.
Donella – I know, but that doesn’t help...
Miles away in the woods, on his dad’s old donkey Prometheus... Varian, Hugo and Rudigger were on their way to Corona.
Hugo – Well you sure don’t care about cold, Sunshine!
He held Rudigger tight to the latter’s dismay.
Varian – Not the first time i made it! Last time i did it without donkey!
Snow wasn’t bad enough yet so they were luck for now.
Varian couldn’t help but think back to his old friends Yang and Nara... their kingdoms were also in a tough spot. Fire Kingdom once again was “every men for himself”... and Water Kingdom infiltrated and torn apart.
His nightmares were becoming real. In one of his dreams, a nattmara like entity with pitch black hair, pale skin and  silver-yellow eyes came to warn him of tragedies to come.
They hear the menacing laugh coming from behind them...
Hugo – W-what was that just now?!
Rudigger winced from that.
Varian – Don’t stop Prometheus! Whoever that is who can lose him!
They kept marching, kept moving forward.
Only to find that maniac closer than he thought, approaching them on his dark shadowy horse...
Except then Hugo noticed something...
He held something flammable in arm!
And he had NO HEAD above his chest!
Hugo - A Headless rider? Each new day, each new discovery!
Varian – Wait? Headless rider?
Varian looked back at the chaser who is after them with his dark purple Cape and his singular machete.
It cant be?! Why here and now!? How?!
Varian – I heard once a story about him from Xavier! The headless horseman!
The story behind the Headless Horseman dates
back to 1776 Revolutionary War. According to the legend, the headless Horseman was a Hessian soldier(Hessians were German auxiliaries that served in the British army,native from Hesse-Kassel and Hess Hanau)(though it wouldn't explain how he received his horse if he weren't a cavalryman or commander)who was decapitated by an American cannonball during the Battle of White plains during the American Revolutionary War.His head was shattered into pieces upon impact and strewn about the battlefield; his comrades carried his headless body away. The story continues that His comrades later buried his body in the cemetery near the 0ld dutch church of sleepy hollow from which he rises as a demonic ghost angrily searching for his head, wielding a Jack o Lantern replacement/weapon searching for his head. The story later was told that he rises during Halloween because the battle took place on October 28th.
“With a hip hip and a clippity clop, he’s out looking for a head to swap. So don’t try to figure out a plan, You can’t reason with a headless man...No idea why he’s afthe'us but he’ll have to get lost”

At forest near lost lagoon

Something very disturbing was happening, far away from anyone’s sight...
“What is your name?”
Strikes a whip at floor, scaring her.
“I said what’s your name!?”
“Abigail waah waaa”
She was crying
“please let me go... papa will come for me”
“no one is gonna come for you! This is your new home now. Get used to it!”
A big nosed man in a red coat picked her up amd thrown her into a box.
“Those who end up in my hands, never come back girlie!”
Then man laughed as dark creatures kept loading the ship, readying to depart soon.
*Musical flute is played*
Coachman – Your flute won’t work on me. Still I did not forget you, Piper. Here ya go.
He threw him a big bag, with golden coins in there. Piper looked pleased.
Abigail helpless pleaded.
“Please let me go!.. I wanna go to my papa and aunt! Please mister!”
Coachman struck a whip
The shadowy figure looking like a gorilla with yellow eyes menacingly hit her box from the top, scaring her.
Coachman – Don’t test them there, hahahah!
Abigail was shaking in fear.
Holding her knees to her head, she was shedding tears...
“Looks like they got someone again!”
“Abigail!? Is that you?!”
That made the little girl jump up hitting her head...
“W-who are you!?”
Abigail could see through a hole in the box.
There was a cage... with a familiar ape in there.
“Terk!! It’s you!!”
Terk couldn’t believe it herself, meeting Abigail here of all places.
Gobu – You know each other?!
“I’m so glad to see you! How did you end up here?!”
Abigail rubbed off some of her tears.
“Me...*sniff* Papa a-and Willow were going to visit a magic castle in Corona... but bad men came... they took me away...”
Terk was also depressed
Terk – I hear ya. Me, my family and our friends were also hiding in a castle... kind of, but then those stinky dirty poachers came...
She don’t know where are the others anymore. If they were even alive... she did saw that many managed to escape, hopefully moved to a far off area...
She evrn misses Tantor now, but he’s safe at least...
Her and Gobu unfortunately weren’t as lucky...
She hated to cry so much, she felt down and weak.
And now, so was her little buddy Abigail.
What now?...what do they do??...
Gobu – Tarzan would’ve been of good help right about now... we have to get out!
Gobu didn’t know what those shadowy gorillas were... he could smell nothing but from them...
That aside, there are others who were captured, some human... some not.
He could see something in another cage, it looked human from the front side but when you look on the opposite side... it had a long cow-like tail AND a hole in the back...
Piper played a flute on a poor donkey  who were intensively dancing... and he was getting tired... cold weather wasn’t helpful.
“I cannot dance anymore!...
...Please sir! I don’t wanna-“
Coachman laughed
“Keep moving Alexander ya sure make it all more entertaining hahahah...”
Piper himself doesn’t always like his partner Coachman, his demonic face sometimes is very creepy...
Coachman - Now as for the talking monkeys, we can’t have that. But we’ll have something to remedy that...”
Piper certainly was attracting more goods for sale.
He’ll get much in Sinobra when he returns... that reminds him of that one boy who escaped him all those years ago. The law back then managed to destroy his “management network” but now... Pinocchio,  how is he called now?  Frollo, that same wooden boy is there with him, showing little interest of helping even his old pal Alexander...
The irony of fate...
Never the matter , his business doesn’t wait.
Poisoning those blokes in that Snuggly Duckling drunkyard was no difficult task.
And all of them saw a sign that each of their cages had : SOLD, sold to the salt mines, sold to circus, sold to diamond digging...
Many wish to get their hands on them...
“You blokes know this! You will either be sold to others or to me. Look at these...”
He pointed towards the dark gorillas helping him.
“They were ones just like ya but chose to be the ones to lock up folks instead! So unless you wish to save yourselves like that, buckle up ya all have a ship to catch!”
He yelled for all of them to hear, to make them understand there’s no escape.
He did not expect a response in return.
He looked back, wondering if he misheard something.
Only to get a fist punched into his face, sending him flying into the boxes he held Abigail in.
The one who punched him was a lady who has long messy brown hair tied in pigtails with different colored hairbands.
She has one pigtail behind her left shoulder and the other in front of her right. She has dark green seething with rage... with numerous bracelets on both her arms. She now broken some when he sent him flying.
“People and especially my Abigail IS NOT UP FOR SALE!!”
One shadowy gorilla charged at her only to get shot in shoulder by Markham.
Markham – Try touch her! Open fire!
He ordered his men to take down the dark demons.
“Yes sir! Don’t hesitate for those things themselves won’t spare us if we are caught”
They did manage to get a few shots, and Willow managed to push two into the cliff nearby.
She was very agile certainly.
Willow can hear Abigail’s cry for help.
And she found her... held by Coachman...
Willow – LET. HER. GO. Or the next punch will go for the legs!
He held her by the neck, he wasn’t planning anything good...
“She said hands off!”
He got yet another bashing from the side against a cage.
This time from another lady...
A tall, slender woman with fair skin, violet eyes, brown hair at a waist's length, a beauty mark under her right eye. She's worn a black blazer jacket with dark purple ruffles on the sleeves over a rose red corset, a black skirt with dark purple trim, and black boots with the left one having a sheathed knife tied around her calf... she took it out for this occasion .
Willow – Stalyan...
Stalyan – Willow, long time no see.
After watching it all unfold, Piper now decided to intervene and play his flute...
This was getting out of hand...
He joins the Coachman in getting a punchline.
A sarcastic pirate like robber maiden, Sophie broke the flute in half and threw it’s parts far away...
With a little donkey now stopping it’s dance... immensely thankful for that before falling to the ground, tired.
Robber Maiden puts a warm clothing on him and placing him away, promising to get back after it’s over...
When she tried going after Coachman, another dark demon lunged at her before she dodges and throws a firework at it.
Willow – Your new friend?
Stalyan – Yep and looks like those firecrackers from Bayangor can do the trick! Okay!
Stalyan then sliced at it’s shoulders, making them roar.
Markham got too close to one of them before a shadow bites down on his shoulder, making him grunt in pain.
Robber maiden shot firework at shadow attracting their attention.
Willow hugged Abigail tightly.
“I was so scared! *tear up* Please don’t let go anymore!
Willow – I won’t I promise...
Abigail - *sniffs* Please can you also help Terk? Please we have to get out!
She looks at the cages with animals in there.
Stalyan – Good idea! The more the better!
Stalyan knew they were outnumbered here. Those things were more in numbers.
Willow & Stalyan try breaking the seals.
Coachman – My Goods! Don’t let them!
At his orders, the shadows became even more aggressive.
They were attacking more fiercely... not letting them rest even one bit.
Bullets were shot at them but they were less effective this time.
Lightning was cracking up above.
The intruders are slowly getting overwhelmed...
An explosion is heard nearby before a yell is heard.
“Ouuuuu Aouuuuuu aouuuuuh!”
Terk could recognise that yell anywhere on earth.
Terk – Tarzan! He is here!
Trees were seen demolished before a man emerged marching through them... except he looked like a deer.
Marching towards the Coachman by his smell, uttering words “You are no mere poacher! You are not human!”
His antlers striking into him before throwing him down hard... blood coming out.
He then immediately attacked the shadowy minions, taking them down with brute strength and uncanny agility.
Willow surely found her superior in that category.
Everyone looked on in awe at what was happening, as the beasts violently fought back.
But the figure wasn’t the only one fighting... the surrounding trees  were grabbing the monsters holding them down.
Robber Maiden – Was soll das alles überhaupt?!
Markham – Tarzan? Is that you?!
He had no idea why he was here but he certainly is glad that he is.
He held onto his bleeding shoulder.
Gobu – Trees are alive?!
Tarzan saw Gobu and Terk, as well as other animals there locked up...
He again remembered that day when Clayton betrayed them... he wishes those cages dissapeared.
And at that moment, the plants grew out of the ground and easily removed the cages releasing them...
All who were caught rejoiced as they began to flee, one even jumped into water before swimming down to the depths... one could notice a fish tail for a second it dissipated.
And after that Gobu noticed one of them, that one with a torn back ... going to Tarzan and hugging him briefly...before escaping into the woods.
He can only guess why she did it... but perhaps out of gratitude.
He could understand, right now... They all should be glad really...
He was more concerned why Tarzan looks like that...
Terk held Tarzan tight too.
Terk – I’m so angry at ya!... but I’m glad you came!
Tarzan rubbed her head trying to comfort her.
Tarzan – Gobu... are the others?...
Gobu could hear pain in his voice.
Gobu – I’m sorry... some got away to safety... but some didn’t.
Sorrow could be seen in Tarzan’s eyes while his rage redirected towards the shadows which all got restrained and taken care of by  his flora.
All of which made Coachman enraged.
“You want to ruin my life business!? I will send ya all to the bottom of the seas!”
Speaks the arrogance given how he never got caught or punished. He doesn’t intend to let that happen this time around either.
Markham – It’s over you slaver scum. You are either going to gulag or guillotine if nation desires it!
Coachman looks over each of them from angry glaring Tarzan to knife wielding Stalyan.
His hands began emanating dark unstable orbs...
The grounds around him were turning grim... his head getting horns...
The surrounding flora immediately sought to stop him but he wasn’t so easy. His wounds from before were healing.
Abigail – Big Red is scary!!
And new demons came out through wormholes, ones bit smaller but with same vicious golden eyes....
The lightning cracked again up above and this time one struck at the Coachman...
He looks up in disbelief as he notices a certain key blade wielder suddenly appearing and charging towards him.
With a talking duck and a humanoid dog landing down,  standing between them and heartless demons...
Goofy immediately throwing his enchanted shield striking many of them down...
Terk – Hey I know you!
Donald – Well that’s a comfort... Zetta Flare!
The magician unleashing mass energy attack from his staff.
Markham – God save the queen what is going on here?!
Tarzan – I know that boy! Don’t worry he won’t harm us.
Stalyan – Well, I’m not staying to make sure of that! We did what we came here for!
Sophie – Right! Animals are safe now! Thank you Mr Tarzan Deer man!
Sophie immediately picked up Alexander the Donkey and Willow bid farewell to Stalyan as they retreated into the woods.
Tarzan – Terk you all stand back and hide!
Terk – What? And what will you do?!
Tarzan kneeled to touch the ground as it moved upwards.
He then jumped at certain height and clasped his hands together, causing a shockwave against the beast that Coachman is transforming into.
Sora – Tarzan? Tarzan!
Sora flew at him before embracing him for s moment.
Sora – Good to see you buddy!
Tarzan could say the same. Though he also noticed that Sora looked like he didn’t sleep for a while... oh well guess they both didn’t.
Tarzan – Good to see you too but-
Sora – Yeah I know bad timing!... listen everyone I’m sorry but you have to go to Corona!
They heard his words as they landed...
Willow – Corona? Did something happen!? How-
Sora – You’ll find that out when you get there! Rapunzel needs your help!
She understands what that meant and so did Tarzan.
Sora – I’ll deal with the hat guy! You take care of that!
He looks back at Tarzan...
Sora – I hope we’ll meet again in better circumstances.
Tarzan nodded before heartless demons tried jumping him and then Sora took it out.
Willow – We have to go now!
And so it was their time to leave.
They had to get to Corona ASAP
Identitätskrise > Bürgerkrieg
So a lot of notes :
1.What happened with Death Wolf? I’ll explain in next chapter.
2.Donella & Quirin are together here -
3.  Why is famous horseman after Hugarian on European soil? We’ll see that in next chapters somewhere – 
4.Also Willow & Markham once met during their travels, got into a bit of trouble... but now thry are together. That also makes Abigail a princess –
5.Sora’s appearance was short sorry but I don’t think there’s time to talk when emergency is happening.
6.Coachman is a demonic villain who got away for too long, and now got what he deserves.
7.As for Coachman ‘s shadowy minions, look here  -
8.You should know The Huldrefolk,  A lost link to the Finfolk, if you looked into Scandinavian myths –
Coachman and Epstraffickers like him sure make a profit worldwide to capture anyone they can including mermaids. With Huldrefolk? Sheer luck given how good they are at hiding.
9.Astrid & Magnus are magpies who can turn human[kinda like in F:Forces of Nature] . And they made friends with match girl days before her... untimely end. She is in God’s kingdoms now with her grandmother. 
10.Sinobra/Shadowlands, yet another world emerged where the boss is Chernabog the Fantasia entity. For more info look here -
11.As for Alexander the Donkey, here unfortunately he served as Coachman’s pet... and you bet that’s not a good lifestyle. Oh no. Had to live a hundreds years like that... now? Hopefully he’ll find help somewhere like Lampwick did long ago. I do have a future fic to include him one day in my expanded universe so let’s see -
12. And yep, Pinocchio became a bad boy sadly after his father Gepetto/Dopey had passed away –
And his fate we seen in Hunchback of Notre Dame:
13.Nattmara is manifestation of fears. Whether or not that was really that or  Pitch Black in Varian’s dreams is up for debate.
14.Robber Maiden is actually coming from original Snow Queen tale where she befriends Gerda version of Anna -


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