House of Darkness and Ice

By RileytheAuthor11

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Theadosia Calderwood, a determined Knight-in-training yearns to fulfill her duty to the kingdom of Thavaria i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 6

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By RileytheAuthor11

The journey to the ballroom was one of nervous excitement. Midwinter balls are the largest, most formal events thrown annually in Gila. Each year it changes settings. Last year it took place in Cenia. Now, it's in Thavaria. And to make the night even more thrilling, this would be both Eve's and my first Midwinter. The rules said that you had to be 15 or older to attend. And yes, we are 17, but we aren't permitted to leave our kingdom yet.

Once we were in front of the grand doors, Eve stopped and I matched her. "Thea, do you understand what we are about to do? About to witness?"

"Not really. But I'm sure by the time we leave, we'll be well-educated."

We giggled and faced the doors. Then we walked in. As soon as we entered, my senses were immediately flooded with chaos. But the good kind. There was an orchestra playing dancing music, people laughing and talking, mouth-watering smells of appetizers being paraded around, and the room was so filled with decor, it's hard to believe that everything was put up within 24 hours. The banisters were wrapped in pastel colored garland, faux snowflakes hanging everywhere. There was even some mistletoe dangling, trying to remain elusive until you were right underneath it.

After we had gotten past the enormous entryway, there was a just as large staircase with smaller ones connected to it. I linked arms with my best friend, and we made our grand entrance to a night we would never forget.

"Ladies and gentleman," a voice boomed. I turned from a dull conversation about politics to see an old man at the top of the staircase. He had a monocle, white tied back hair, and a navy suit. This page was older than the ones I've seen before.

"May I present to you...Prince Evander of Gila." We all sank into polite bows and curtseys. I glanced at Everly to see her blushing. Everyone rose and continued conversing. "Excuse me," I whispered to the couple I was talking to earlier and walked to an empty table and sat. I smoothed out my gown so that it wouldn't wrinkle.

The orchestra was playing lively music that just begged people to come out and dance. I recognize some of the dancers. They were mainly girls my age trying to woo men of high ranks. I even saw Everly, but she was dancing with her father. At the sight of them, I wished Papa was here too. It would've been nice to see him out with others, socializing. He was a very quiet man who followed orders and never asked any questions.

"Good evening, Theadosia," says someone. I turn to see Captain Valeska in her uniform, newly-polished medals shining in the light. She had a woman that looked to be the same age as her on her arm. I stood and curtseyed to show respect for my commanding officer. She bowed her head in return and her courtier mirrored my actions.

"How is your arm feeling?" Valeska asked.

"Much better. Thank you for dismissing me," I said, unsure of what I should say. "The boy was dealt with. He claims that he didn't mean to inflict any harm, that he was provoked by something he saw. Didn't tell me what."

"Oh, alright. He apologized to me numerous times, but thank you for talking with him." I already had a sense of what she told me, but her words confirm that the man was most likely why he was aggressive.

The captain nodded and gestured to the dance floor. "If you'll excuse Eloshay and I, we are going to dance. And I'll see you tomorrow at the Grounds, Theodosia." I bowed and said, "Yes, you will. And it was wonderful to make your acquaintance, Eloshay." They smiled and walked off.

Well, since I'm standing now, I might as well take a stroll around the room. It was very crowded, almost as if all of Thavaria was there. I took a calming breath and pushed on. I nodded respectfully whenever eye contact was made and said hello to certain people I recognized. How long was this event? Even though it had just started, I wish it would end. The music suddenly died down and I decided to watch the next dance.

As I made my way to the edge of the floor, I saw the prince. I followed his path with my eyes to see him going straight to my best friend. I suppressed a squeal and tried to get her attention. She noticed me, but it was too late. He tapped her shoulder and she spun around. I shuffled over to where I could get a better look at her face. It was worth it. The color had drained from her body and it almost looked as though she couldn't breath. I laughed under my breath then began walking to them.

"Would you like to dance with me?" I overheard just as I arrived next to them. Eve turned to face me. Her eyes were yelling with joy and we had an unspoken conversation. In it, I was telling her to calm down and reply with as much dignity as she could muster. I grinned encouragingly and she met his eyes. "I would love to, my Prince," and she curtseyed so low, I could've sworn I saw her nose touching the floor. Then, he looked at me and I bowed as well. The music started back up. He nodded to me and offered his arm to Eve and she elegantly took it. I observed how they talked and laughed. It was almost as though they had known each other in a past life and were finally being reunited. My heart soared at the looks of happiness on their faces.

Suddenly, I noticed everyone else watching them. Tonight, when the prince dances with someone, everyone will look on to see who the lucky lady is. I smirked when I saw some of the girls who were eyeing him earlier. They were throwing fits and it seemed as though they would have meltdowns.

But nothing could affect the love that Eve was feeling right now. I could almost sense her blissfulness from here as Evander spun her and lifted her off the ground. There was cheering, swooning, and lots of smiling.

It started getting too loud, so I stepped away from the crowd. I wanted to continue watching Eve and Evander, but she'd fill me in on everything, even if I didn't miss certain parts.

When I stepped out of the grand, oak doors, the winter air nipped at my face. The coolness of the wind refreshed me. As I studied my surroundings, I realized a walk wouldn't hurt. It's not like I'd be missing anything. I quickly found a path that wrapped around the ballroom. There were multiple different flowers planted next to the trail. I could smell the leathery-ness of the roses, the sweet lavender, and carnations that reminded me of the cloves that Papa hangs in the kitchen.

"Personally, I'd rather read a book on how to act at a ball than attend one." I jumped and whirled around to see a boy around the age of seventeen. He was sitting on a small bench, a thick book in hand. "I'm sorry if I intruded," I muttered and bowed like I should whenever I meet someone. The boy didn't return the favor. "No need for etiquette out here, miss...?"

"Theadosia Calderwood. And you?"

"Lysander. Lysander Dunbar."

I studied Lysander. His brown hair matched his eyes and my gaze went down to see that his muscles were showing through his thin, white dress shirt.

"You must be one of the prince's bachelorettes?"

The assumption caught me off guard and I stuttered, "No. Y-yes? I am but-"

"You don't want to be?"

"Yes," I sighed, flustered. "Well, Theadosia, if I were you, I wouldn't want to be studied by some egotistical, snobby prince who gets everything he wants with a wave of his hand, either. He sends innocent men and women to go and die in a war he doesn't even care about. I'd make sure he doesn't notice you and see to it that he finds another woman who will put up with him until death do them part!" I reeled back in surprise. I looked at Lysander a bit harder and this time, I noticed the signs he had consumed some wine.

"Well, for your information, Lord Dunbar," I sneered, "I don't put up with anyone."

"What do you do then?"

I bit my tongue. This drunk boy could be dangerous. I don't want to agitate him to the point he becomes aggressive. I instead gesture to the spot besides him. I ask in a soft voice, "May I sit?" Lysander's hooded, bronze eyes locked onto mine. He groaned and grasped his head with his hands, as though he was suffering a headache. He probably was.

"Forgive me, my lady. I saw the drinks and couldn't help myself. I just have so much on my mind, I needed something to help." I sighed as I sat down. There was hardly any space between us. I looked down at my hands. "I can understand that, Lysander." He smiled at me then closed his book. "Do you read?" he asks and I shrug. On occasion. I'm very busy. I must ask, why are you sitting out here and not inside?"

"Many reasons. For one, if my parents saw me reading in a room full of nobles, I would most likely be severely punished. Two, the cool air clears my mind. And lastly, too many dumbstruck girls. Oh, no offense."

"None taken. Continue," I encourage, allowing him room to talk about whatever, if it keeps him calm.

"There were just so many women trying to get the prince to notice them. If someone was attracted to you, I don't think you'd have to put that much effort into gaining their attention. And when they finally realized that, they would come over to me. Me, Theadosia! I'm no bachelor!"

"I-I'm sorry, Lysander. Do you need anything? Anything besides drinks."

"Are you saying I'm in need of help? I voice my opinions and you say I need help?"

Men are difficult. I have never trained or been taught what to do with a drunk boy. Oh Eve, if you aren't busy falling in love, I'd love some assistance.

"How about some water," I offered and waited for another outburst. "I would love that." I stood and held out my hand. Lysander peered at my hands, then up at my eyes. In the moonlight, he looked perfect, gorgeous. Stop this, I scolded myself, You can't think like this with someone you just met!

My cheeks flushed and I hoped that Lysander wouldn't be able to see through the darkness. But, my hopes were squashed when I saw him smirk. When he intertwined our hands, butterflies erupted in my stomach. He stood and tossed his book on the bench and we started walking.

"Are you just going to leave that there?"

"Don't want to get in trouble, my lady." I nodded and we continued our stroll in silence. The stars seemed so close, almost as though if you reached far enough, you could touch them. The sliver of a moon smiled down at us like a jester.

"I have a brother," Lysander said, breaking the stillness. He is fifteen and his name is Thomson. Mother says that he will be married first."

"But I thought that the eldest always marries before-"

"Not in House Dunbar."

"Y-you're in a House?"

"Are you not, Lady Calderwood?" Oh no. I messed up, and badly. Houses were made hundreds of years ago to keep all of the noble families in line. It helped control too much mixing and kept all of the politics to a certain degree of calmness. But, Houses were for the higher families. And tonight, I was here under false pretenses. I didn't plan for anyone to distract me enough to let my guard down. Not that many people actually cared when they were at the balls. They just wanted to have fun.

"I am. Sorry, it's just a small one." In the night, it's hard to see Lysander's face. I can't tell if he has bought my lie or not.

"Thea? Is that you?" Thank Taleallod. It was Everly. "Yes, it is."

"Who is this," she questioned, surveying the boy holding my hand. I quickly let go of him and answered, "This is Lysander Dunbar of House Dunbar. And he needs some water. Would you be so kind as to point us in the direction of the bar?"

"Yes, follow me," Eve said and she gave me a small, but noticeable, wink.

As soon as we stepped through the massive oak doors, music and laughter filled the air. The diamond chandeliers glittered and reflected the light. I refrained from asking Eve if she knew what time the ball ended. "This place never fails to impress," she muttered and smiled at me. I nodded and followed her down the stairs. Lysander was right next to me and I could see him studying the room. It seemed as though he was looking for someone in particular. Maybe his family?

"The drinks are over there," Eve said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Thank you."

"Of course. And, Thea, can we talk in private whenever you have the opportunity? I'll be at the table by those curtains."

"Sure. Let me just help Lord Dunbar and I'll be right with you."

"Alright," she stated and headed to the table she pointed to. "Come with me, my lord." Since we were inside, formalities were required. I asked the attendant at the bar for water and I thrusted it into Lysander's hands. "Drink," I demanded. He chuckled as he gulped down the liquid. I rolled my eyes and patted my dress down. It had started wrinkling from the brief rest. I usually wear common dresses, so I'm not as used to ballgowns like this. Most days, I settle on boots, pants, and a tunic.

"Would you like to dance, Lady Calderwood?" Lysander's voice startled me. "Are you sure that you want to dance with me? I'm not the best at it."

"Neither am I. Should be a good show, then."

"One I'd rather watch."

"Come on, Thea. Live a little." I was a little bit surprised with the use of my nickname, but I liked the way it sounded when he said it. "Fine," I uttered and he smiled widely. You know what, maybe this isn't such a bad idea. This boy seemed kind-when he wasn't drunk- and was very handsome. Papa may even like him. I might have fun. And if Damian Blacklock sees us, he might back off.

"May I?" Lysander asks as he puts his arm out. I grinned and hooked my arm through his. A new song had started, its melody enchanting like a siren call. I studied how everyone else was dancing and followed my partner onto the floor. Once we were in position, I curtseyed and Lysander bowed. I look at his face and try to hide my warm cheeks when I see that he was already staring at me. When our hands join, I feel an electric shock go through my whole body. And then we began. After maybe five steps, we had perfectly synchronized with the rest of the dancers. I couldn't pull away from Lysander's magnetic eyes.

"My lady, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"If you were to marry the prince and become the queen, what is one thing you'd change?" I pondered the question. No one had ever asked me something like this before. "I don't know. Maybe the way everyone views the Commons." Commons, like my father and I, were the working class. We are made of merchants, fishermen, farmers, blacksmiths, cooks, and carpenters. "Most of the time, they are looked at as filth. But how can they be anything else when they are constantly starving, have no clean water, and they barely scrape up enough money to keep themselves and their families alive," I confessed passionately.

"You may want to keep your voice down, Lady Calderwood. The music may be loud, but they can still hear you." Lysander gestured to the people surrounding the dance floor. "Oh, of course."

"But, I whole-heartedly agree with you, Theadosia," Lysander whispered in my ear and I beamed at him. We continued staying in rhythm with everyone else and I gasped when I was picked up off the ground. Granted it was brief, but I was still shocked that he was able to pick me up so swiftly. I laughed and his eyes twinkled too. I never wanted this dance to end.

But it did. Once the song drifted off into silence, I stopped but didn't remove my hand from Lysander's shoulder and my other was still holding his. We were both panting from the long waltz but our eye contact was never broken. Even as the other couples bowed to each other and walked off the floor. Time stood still as I took in every part of his face. Oh, Taleallod, help me.

Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and I was dragged back into reality. "Is there any way I could reserve you for the next dance?" No. No. No. My plan had failed miserably. "I'm sorry, Sir Blacklock, but I am actually on my way to have a chat with a dear friend of mine," I hissed and turned to face Damian. I winced as the two boys sized each other up. "Thead-"

"You heard her," Lysander said. I don't need you to fight my battles, is what I want to say, but instead I mutter, "Thank you for the dance. I enjoyed it." He smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. I curtsy to both of them and try to find the table Eve is sitting at. When I spot her, I see her talking to the prince. I stop in my tracks and watch them. I grin when I see the same happiness they had on their faces earlier. Evander slowly stands and bows to her. He then takes her hand and kisses it softly. A piece of his curly, brown hair had slipped in front of his eyes and she gently pushed it back. I was practically swooning from the sight. Prince Evander strolled off and I hurried over to the seat he was previously in.


"I know!" We squealed quietly so that no one would hear our excitement. "Tell me everything."

"Can we talk when this is over? I don't want anyone to hear and spread rumors."

"Of course." We sat quietly, watching everyone around us. The dance was a fast paced one with complementing music. "What about you, Thea? I saw you dancing with that boy, Lysander Dunbar. He is very handsome. The way you two looked at each was nothing short of beautiful."

I smiled to myself, and I could feel my cheeks warming again at the memory of my hand in his. "It was thrilling. But, it would have been better if a certain Damian Blacklock hadn't interrupted."

"I'm going to murder that-"

"Everly! Someone will hear you," I whispered but chickled. Eve looked dead serious and I decided not to tempt her. I glanced back at where I had left the two boys and saw that they were both gone. "Well, I am going to get a drink. Would you like to come with me?"

"No thank you. The prince said he would be back soon."

"He wouldn't dare to not return," I declared and headed to the bar.

"What would you like, madam?"

"Just some water, please." The man handed me a goblet and I sipped it, thankful for the coolness of it.

Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on the small of my back. I shoved the hand off and spun around only to be met with the most infuriating pair of blue eyes in Gila. "I just can't escape you tonight, can I," I sneered.

"Like you'd want to."

"Listen, you have your entire life to be a jerk. Why not take tonight off?" I asked with feigned sympathy. He rolled his eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes like that and maybe you'll find a brain back there, Blacklock," I said, hoping that no one could hear me. Even if they did, he deserved it. Damian smirked. "Oh, Theodosia. You're head over heels for me. You don't have to try so hard to keep it a secret."

"Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither," I set down the cup, half filled with water, and walked away from him. Damian spun me back around. He asked in a steady voice, "Can you dance with me? Please? I promise I'll leave you alone for the rest of the night. I need someone to see us together. It'll be quick, just one dance."

I grinned triumphantly. Seeing Damian Blacklock, one of the youngest and best Knights, like this was a win in itself. Him leaving me alone after was another plus.

"You're begging. The only thing that would make this scene better is if you were on your hands and knees," I hissed wickedly. "But fine. One dance."

I wrapped my arm around Damian's and mentally gagged. This is not how I wanted to spend my night. "Smile, Theadosia," he commanded under his breath. I didn't.

Once we were on the dance floor, the music began. I curtseyed stiffly and put my arms on his shoulders, and he put his hands on my waist. Then, the music began.

At first the song was peaceful and slow, and so were the moves. When the rhythm changed, so did our pace. The mood of the melody went from calm to unease. I did my best to keep my eyes away from Damian's. I instead focused on the movements of the dance.

"I thought you said you weren't a good dancer," he muttered. The dance had to be over soon. I prayed it would end quickly.

The song kept getting more and more intense. I've never heard it before. The orchestra was able to make my emotions stir, none in the favor of the man I was dancing with. There was grace, worry, and nerves all at the same time. This tune was like a ballad. But, I was grateful for it since it helped me to forget who my partner was.

"Who were you dancing with earlier?"

"Why do you care?"


"Hopefully, it will kill you like it did the cat."


"He was just a lord from a House."

"If that's truly who he is, I doubt you would have even accepted his offer to dance."

"If you're going to continue torturing me, can we at least talk about something important?"

"Fine. You know, Theodosia. I've heard some of the higher Knights talking about a new mission." A mission?

"Do tell."

"Well, if I heard them right, they are considering having two of the best trainees accompany one of the recent graduates. Almost like a test." My eyes widened and I finally made eye contact with him. I didn't bother to hide my excitement. "What's the mission?"

"I don't know. But I'm sure we'll be finding out soon. There's a meeting for all of the Knights tomorrow. And they will have to fill your lot in." My heartbeat quickened. This could be my chance! I'd finally be able to prove myself worthy of being a true Knight. There are hardly any female warriors in Thavaria's army.

It took me a second to realize the song had ended, and probably a bit ago since everyone besides us had left the floor. "Thank you for the dance. But I will guarantee you it will never happen again," I stated. And then, the scoundrel winked at me. Winked. I bowed and rushed off, holding back a witty response. I heard Damian say something, but I didn't bother replying. He didn't matter anymore. The only thing that deserved a spot in my mind was getting picked for that mission.

Oh my goodness that was a long chapter! Hope you guys have a great day!!(4010 words)-RileytheAuthor11

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